___________ Causes Extreme Headache And Nausea, May Cause The Lips And Fingernail Beds To Turn Bright (2024)

Health High School


Answer 1

"Carbon monoxide causes extreme headache and nausea, may cause the lips and fingernail beds to turn bright red and, in high enough concentrations, can cause unconsciousness."

Brain damage can ensue from carbon monoxide. Because it is a colorless, odorless gas that we cannot see, smell, or taste, it is be harmful to humans. It replaces oxygen in the blood and deprives the heart, brain, and other critical organs of oxygen, it is hazardous when inhaled. Headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, upset stomach, vomiting, chest discomfort, and confusion are the most typical signs of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Worldwide, it is a highly frequent cause of fatality in circ*mstances involving accidents, self-slaughter or homicide. Survivors have been reported to have fingernail bed manifestation.

To learn more about carbon monoxide poisoning and carbon monoxide here,



Related Questions

The nurse has a prescription to obtain a 24-hour urine collection in a client with a renal infection. which actions should the nurse take when collecting this specimen?


If the nurse has a prescription to obtain a 24-hour urine collection in a client with a renal infection then the nurse should start collecting urine, after throwing away the first sample of the client.

The client would receive instructions from the nurse to dispose of the first sample of urine and start collecting urine after that.

The urine is then stored for 24 hours, sometimes requiring cooling with ice or refrigeration. The client would need to be asked to void after the 24-hour period is up, and the specimen collection would then be finished.

It's crucial to collect all pee over the course of the next 24 hours. Don't hold onto your initial urination's urine. Note the time while flushing this first specimen. This is when the 24-hour collection officially begins.

Learn more about 24-hour urine collection here https://brainly.com/question/14510645


Which action by a new rn indicates the need for more education regarding the care of clients with shock?


Decreasing the room temperature to 68° F for a patient with neurogenic shock indicates the need for more education regarding the care of clients with shock.

The term "neurogenic shock" describes the hemodynamic instability that results from rostral cord injuries due to the loss of sympathetic tone to the peripheral vasculature and heart. This instability causes bradycardia, hypotension, and hypothermia because there is no thermoregulation, all of which have negative effects on the body.

The doctor should be alerted to this cause of shock rather than hemorrhagic shock, which may coexist, especially in patients with multiple traumas, by the presence of hypotension and bradycardia. Poikilothermia could occur in patients who have neurogenic shock. To prevent hypothermia, the room should be maintained warm.

Learn more about neurogenic shock here;



explain meaning of quality life and present your role in earning quality life?


Quality of life is a highly subjective measures of happiness that is an essential component of many financial decisions .

What is the importance of quality of life ?

An educated , healthy and happy with its living conditions population generates well trained and competent human resources that will generate growth and economic development. When people have quality of life they will be happier and more productive towards work.

There are many factors of quality of life:

Wealth ,employment, education , social belonging , mental health , physical health all factors plays important role in Quality of life .

Earning can give quality of life but if you can earn high but not happy due to your mental health it can't in your quality of life.

to learn more about Life click



The hormone that increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy is:____.


"The hormone that increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy is relaxin."

The relaxin hormone, which is released early in pregnancy, increases the laxity (looseness) of the ligaments surrounding the pelvic, allowing the pelvis to expand during delivery.

It remodels the ligamentous capsule during pregnancy in humans, making the pelvic bones more malleable for birth. Collagenase is activated by it, changing the characteristics of cartilage and tendon. The corpus luteum and the decidua in the human female generate this polypeptide hormone.

Because it stops thebody from experiencing contractions that could induce premature birth, thelevels are normally at their peak throughout the first trimester of pregnancy.

To learn more about relaxin and pregnancy here,



The nurse is administering a cleansing enema to a client with a fecal impaction. before administering the enema, the nurse should place the client in which position?


As the nurse is administering a cleansing enema to a client with a fecal impaction. before administering the enema, then the nurse should place the client in left Sim's position.

When receiving an enema, the patient is positioned in the left Sims' position so that gravity can help the enema fluid move in the colon's natural direction. In the Sims' posture, the bed's head is not raised.

Enemas are fluid injections used to clear your bowels or to encourage it to empty. Constipation and other comparable conditions have been treated with this treatment for many years.

Laying the patient on their left side with their knees raised up toward their stomach is known as the left Sim's position. This facilitates fluid entry and flow into the rectum.

It is also likely to help with enema distribution and retention, as suggested by gravity and the sigmoid colon's anatomical structure.

Learn more about Rectal Enema here https://brainly.com/question/22969989


There is considerable evidence that the __________ system of the brain functions abnormally for many people with ptsd.


There is considerable evidence that the limbic system of the brain functions abnormally for many people with PTSD.

Give a brief description of PTSD.

After experiencing a startling, terrifying, or deadly event, some persons may acquire post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Fear is a normal emotion both during and after a terrible event. Fear causes the body to go through several split-second modifications that aid in defending against or avoiding danger. A protracted traumatic experience or a very stressful, frightful, or upsetting incident can both lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Serious accidents are one example of an occurrence that might trigger PTSD. Abuse, such as physical or sexual assault, domestic or child abuse, etc.

To learn more about PTSD, Visit:



What are the different types of gloves used in health care?


Disposable medical gloves are available in nitrile, latex and vinyl materials. Any gloves worn by health professionals should be free of powder, sterile, textured and coated for extra protection. Nitrile tends to be the most favored glove material for those working in the healthcare industry.

Hospitals use both latex and nitrile gloves. Latex allergies are on the rise, and frequent exposure to latex can cause severe dermatitis, so hospitals often have both nitrile and latex options available for their staff.

Where should the nurse refer an older adult client for a mammogram if she cannot afford one?


The local health department should the nurse refer an older adult client for a mammogram if she cannot afford one

The local health department referral is the most cost-effective choice. Mammograms are not done in the emergency room. Typically, regular mammograms are not performed in expensive urgent care centres. The hospital's outpatient division might be able to help, although in general, hospital costs are higher than those of clinics like the health department.

Mammography is the method of looking at the human breast with low-energy X-rays for diagnosis and screening. Mammography is intended to aid in the early identification of breast cancer, generally by seeing recognisable lumps or microcalcifications.

Learn more about mammogram here:



An older adult has been admitted to the hospital due to dehydration and is prescribed a continuous intravenous infusion. which is the priority assessment?


Monitor intake and output.

Due to the heart's diminished capacity to handle significant changes in fluid load demands in older adults, it is crucial to closely monitor fluid intake and rates. This action improves the standard of hospital care for senior citizens. Skin turgor will reveal dehydration, a known issue that doesn't reveal information about heart function. Although optimal function and the ability to care for oneself are crucial, the physiological cause for admission is given priority.

What transpires when your body becomes dehydrated?Your blood becomes more concentrated as you lose fluid, which makes your cardiovascular system work harder to effectively pump blood. You urinate less when your blood concentration is high because your kidneys are retaining more water.

To learn more about dehydration visit:



Pill-rolling tremor of thumb and forefinger, muscular rigidity, masklike facial expression, and shuffling gait are all signs of which condition?



Parkinson's disease and myotonic dystrophy.


Also known as masklike facies and pill-rolling tremor. Muscular rigidity is usually because of stress. Hope this helped! :D

The dangling process that aids in keeping food out of the nasopharynx is known as ?


Uvula is the term for the dangling motion that helps keep food out of the nasopharynx.

What is nasopharynx ?

The nasopharynx is the term for the upper part of the throat (pharynx), which is situated behind the nose. It is a box-shaped chamber with 112 inch wide borders. It is situated just above the soft palate, the soft part of the roof of the mouth, and behind the nasal passages.

Your nose sends air down your windpipe and into your nasopharynx, where it eventually enters your lungs.

The nasopharynx, the uppermost part of the pharynx, has the soft palate and the base of the skull as its superior and inferior borders, respectively. The nasopharynx, which contains the adenoids and Eustachian tube apertures,joins the nasal cavity to the oropharynx.

Learn more about Nasopharynx here:



In the space provided, describe some of the contradictory forces you are aware of in your life that make sexual development difficult.


Se.ual development encompasses all cultural, biological, physiological and social aspects associated with an individual's se.ual expression.

What is se.ual behavior?

se.ual behavior, which occurs at all stages of development, begins in childhood, through the child's natural curiosities and his need to satisfy his instincts.Throughout development, responses to the individual's needs are located in different areas of the body, such as the mouth and genitals.

With this information, we can conclude that Se.ual development begins in childhood and is defined throughout childhood and adolescence, and both biological and psychological issues are part of it. It is through it that the individual defines, internally and externally, issues associated with gender identity, se.ual orientation, se.ual expression, among other issues that influence their personality. Common to all these issues is the significant social, familial and cultural influence on both the personality and the se.ual development of the individual.

Learn more about health in brainly.com/question/13179079


A nurse is assessing a newborn for jaundice. the nurse would first notice jaundice at which area?


The area which the nurse would first notice jaundice while assessing a newborn for jaundice is the yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes

What is healthcare?

Healthcare can simply be defined as an organized medical care given to a person, organization or even a community either by a doctor, nurse or any other licensed healthcare professional

However, healthcare-associated Infections, are those infections patients can get during their treatment for another condition due to bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens.

And for a good reason, the fundamental purpose of healthcare is to enhance healthy living and quality of life by giving quality healthcare services.

So therefore, the area which the nurse would first notice jaundice while assessing a newborn for jaundice is the yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes

Learn more about healthcare:



An estimated ____ percent of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years are either overweight or obese.


An estimated 32% per cent of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years are either overweight or obese.

How is obesity related to the brain?

Cognitive function is described as a "mental or intellectual process through which an organism receives knowledge". Cognitive function is frequently viewed as a whole or in specific fields. Memory, learning, attention/executive function, information processing, psychom*otor function, and language are distinct cognitive domains. Obesity is linked to impaired cognitive performance, according to extensive epidemiological research. We note, however, that neither obesity nor cognitive function is a one-dimensional construct, which implies that the severity and development of obesity-related cognitive decline/impairment may vary depending on the type and duration of obesity, as well as its associated comorbidities.

Learn more about cognitive functions here, https://brainly.com/question/28145471

# SPJ4

The nurse is preparing to facilitate a referral for an older adult client with dysphagia. to which member of the multidisciplinary team will the nurse place the referral?


Nurse will place the referral Speech-language therapist.

What is Dysphagia?

Dysphagia is the medical term for dysphagia.

Some people with dysphagia have difficulty swallowing certain foods and liquids, and others cannot swallow at all. Other signs of dysphagia include: Coughing or choking when eating or drinking. Sometimes they bring food back through their noses.

Signs and symptoms associated with dysphagia can include:

Pain while swallowing. Inability to swallow. A sensation of food getting stuck in the throat or chest or behind the breastbone (sternum) Drooling. Hoarseness. Food coming back upHow to fix dysphagia?

Try eating smaller, more frequent meals. Cut your food into smaller pieces, chew food thoroughly and eat more slowly. If you have difficulty swallowing liquids, there are products you can buy to thicken liquids. Trying foods with different textures to see if some cause you more trouble.

To learn more about dysphagia from given link



All the following are examples of closed wounds except a(n):_____.
a. contusion
b. hematoma
c. bruise
d. abrasion


Closed wounds occur when the skin remains intact and the tissue beneath remains hidden. Abrasion is not a closed wound.

What does closed wound mean?When the skin is intact and the tissue beneath the skin is covered, the wound is said to be closed. They are typically brought on by a blunt trauma of some kind, such when someone falls. This type of issue, which can harm bones, internal organs, and muscles, is frequently brought on by auto accidents.Contusions, which are caused by blunt trauma and cause pressure injury to the skin and/or underlying tissues, are among the main categories of closed wounds. Blisters. A seroma is an area filled with fluid that forms beneath the skin or tissue.he majority of closed wounds, including bruises, can be treated at home: To reduce pain and swelling, apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the region for 20 minutes. 20 minutes must pass after ice removal before applying again. Elevate the wounded area.

To learn more about closed wounds, refer to:



When describing intellectual disability to a group of parents, a nurse would identify which intelligent quotient (or less) as the usual threshold?


When describing intellectual disability to a group of parents, a nurse would identify a 70 intelligent quotients (or less) as the usual threshold.

What is meant by intellectual disability?

A person is said to have an intellectual disability when their capacity to learn at a typical rate and function in daily life is restricted. The severity of intellectual disability in children varies widely. Children with intellectual disabilities may find it difficult to express their needs and wants to others and to take care of themselves. A child with an intellectual handicap could learn and grow more slowly than other kids his or her age. A child with an intellectual disability might need more time to learn to speak, walk, dress or eat by themselves. They might also struggle in school.

To learn more about Intellectual disability visit:



The impact of a massage treatment depends on the amount of pressure, direction of movement, and _____.


The impact of a massage treatment depends on the amount of pressure, direction of movement, andduration of manipulation.

What is massage treatment?Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. Hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, feet, or a device are widely used in massage treatments. Massage is often used to relieve stress or pain in the body. In Europe, a person who has been professionally trained to offer massages is known as a masseur (male) or masseuse (female). These people are commonly referred to as massage therapists in the United States since they must be certified and licensed as "licensed massage therapists."

To learn more about massage visit:



Which branch of the external carotid artery is most likely blocked if a patient exhibits inhibited blood flow to the tongue?


Lingual artery branch of the external carotid artery is most likely blocked if a patient exhibits inhibited blood flow to the tongue.

What is a Artery?

In humans and the majority of other animals, an artery (plural arteries) is a blood vessel that transports blood from the heart to one or more body parts (tissues, lungs, brain etc.).

The umbilical and pulmonary arteries, which transport deoxygenated blood to the organs that oxygenate it, are the two exceptions to the rule that most arteries deliver oxygenated blood (lungs and placenta, respectively). The extracellular fluid that fills the arterial system is the effective arterial blood volume.

The circulatory system, which includes the arteries, is in charge of transporting oxygen and nutrients to all cells, removing carbon dioxide and waste products, maintaining an ideal blood pH, and moving immune system proteins and cells.

Learn more about Artery with the help of the given link:



As a patient's prognosis worsens, interpersonal communications often deteriorate. The reasons for this breakdown are generally due to?


A. The belief that others do not want to talk about death

Interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of information, ideas and feelings between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods.

Interpersonal skills are important for communicating and working with groups and individuals in your personal and professional life. People with strong interpersonal skills tend to build good relationships and can work well with others. They understand family, friends, coworkers and clients well. Individuals in an interpersonal relationship must share common goals and objectives. They should have more or less similar interests and think on the same lines. It is always better if individuals come from similar backgrounds.

To learn more about Interpersonal skills , here



question-As a patient's prognosis worsens, interpersonal communications often deteriorate. The reasons for this breakdown are generally due to

A. the belief that others do not want to talk about death.

B. long-term communication problems in the family.

C. indifference among medical staff members.

D. All of these.

The humoral theory of illness was replaced by the science of ________ during the renaissance.


During the Renaissance, the science of cellular pathology took the role of the humoral theory of sickness.

What does the humoral theory of disease entail?

According to the humoral theory, the human body is made up of four humors that stand in for the four cardinal fluids. The four cardinal fluids are phlegm, black bile, yellow bile, and blood. A separate organ and season are connected to each humor.

Who first presented the humoral disease theory?

This concept's application to medicine is typically attributed to Hippocrates. Hippocrates, in contrast to Alcmaeon, proposed that the humors—blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile—are the essential physiological fluids.

How is the humoral theory supported?

A balance of four essential fluids—blood, choler (yellow bile), phlegm, and black bile—is necessary for good health, according to the humoral hypothesis, which derives from the work of the ancient Greek physician Galen.

learn more about illness here



Riva is unable to eat eggs, milk, and peanuts. she might have altered levels of _____ as a result.



Riva is unable to eat eggs, milk, and peanuts. She might have altered levels of _____ as a result. a. acetylcholine b. glutamate c. nitric oxide d. dopamine.


Which nursing intervention is the priority for a client with stroke who is transitioned?


Assessing the level of consciousness is the priority nursing action in the client with stroke and who is transitioned from ED to other settings.

In their interactions with patients and families, nurses frequently gain knowledge essential to effective transition planning. By creating and assessing the transition plan and detecting and communicating obstacles to the plan, they play a crucial role in facilitating effective transitions. Priority one is still respiratory and fluid status. For the first several days following the burn, check peripheral pulses periodically for signs of reduced blood flow. Keep a close eye on the patient's hourly fluid intake and output, blood pressure, and heart rate; any abnormalities should be immediately reported to the burn surgeon.

Learn more about Transition planning here-



A short-term illness that develops very quickly with perhaps a high fever or severe pain is called?


A short-term illness that develops very quickly with perhaps a high fever or severe pain is called Acute. That happens when you get hurt , such as experiencing a simple cut to your skin or a broken bone.

It goes away after your body heals from whatever caused the pain. Acute pain might and last just a moment , serve and last for a weeks or months. Acute pain does last longer than six months and disappears when the underlying cause of pain has been treated or has healed.

Acute pain is short term pain that comes on suddenly and has specific cause usually tissue injury . Elevated heart rate , blood pressure and respiratory rate , they may shake or shiver have goose bumps and pale skin.

To learn more about Acute pain here



A client with diabetes asks how exercise will affect insulin and dietary needs. which effects of exercise would the nurse share?


Exercise stimulates the absorption of glucose by active muscles without the use of insulin in a diabetes patient.

What is diabetes mellitus?

The body's use of blood sugar is altered by a group of ailments collectively known as diabetes mellitus. Glucose serves as a major source of energy for the cells that comprise the muscles and tissues. The brain uses it as its source of energy. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are chronic forms of illness. Diabetes diseases, such as prediabetes and gestational diabetes, may be reversible. Prediabetes emerges when blood sugar levels are elevated. Diabetes cannot, however, be diagnosed because the blood sugar levels are not high enough. Additionally, diabetes could develop from prediabetes if no preventive steps are taken. Gestational diabetes can emerge when a woman is pregnant. Once the infant is delivered, though it might vanish.

To know more about diabetes mellitus, visit:



A patient is receiving long-term clindamycin therapy for a life-threatening infection. The nurse will begin by monitoring this drug therapy by obtaining?


Clindamycin is being used for a patient who has a life-threatening infection.. The nurse will start by keeping an eye on this drug therapy by getting a baseline complete blood count to monitor this pharmacological therapy.

How can taking too much clindamycin affect you?

Clindamycin can occasionally cause severe diarrhea in some users. The Clostridium difficile bacterium can overgrow and change the bacterial makeup of the colon as a result of clindamycin. This bacterium produces toxins that may result in diarrhea linked to C. difficile (CDAD).

How does clindamycin treat infections?

Septicemia, intra-abdominal infections, lower respiratory infections, gynecological infections, bone and joint infections, and skin and skin structure infections are only a few of the infections that are treated with clindamycin.

Does clindamycin cause stomach discomfort?

Clindamycin use has been associated with the following side effects. Gastrointestinal: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pseudomembranous colitis, and esophagitis .

learn more about clindamycin here



Which are examples of holistic evidence-based practice assessment tools?


Physical , social , psychological and spiritual care is the examples of holistic evidence based practice assessment tools , which is looks at the physical, social , psychological and spiritual aspects of care is need for planning and onward referral to other services.

According to the focused mindfulness center , holistic health approach focuses on assessing a patients's physiological , psychological, and sociological developmental and spiritual or cultural conditions and experiences.

Holistic assessment with the patient enable to more fully engage in their care and facilities choice. That is enable the patients to control of what happens to them and supports them to self manage their conditions.

To learn more about Holistic assessment here



The ________ was issued by the office of the national coordinator (onc) for health information technology to be a resource to the nation as a vision and reference:


The Federal Health Information Technology Strategic Plan 2015-2020 was issued by the office of the national coordinator (ONC) for health information technology to be a resource to the nation as a vision and reference.

Health Information Technology Strategic Plan

The Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2020-2025 outlines how the federal government intends to use health IT to promote secure access to electronic health information to improve health. View the HHS press release and ONC buzz blog.

The Strategic Plan is intended to guide federal health information technology activities, and its goals are outcomes-driven, focused on leveraging health IT to empower patients, lower costs, deliver high-quality care, and improve health for individuals, families, and communities.

To learn more about the Health Information Technology Strategic Plan refer here:



Three minutes into a cardiac arrest resusitation attempt, one member of your team inserts and:_____.


Three minutes into a cardiac arrest resuscitation attempt, one member of your team inserts an endotracheal tube while another performs chest compressions.

What is an endotracheal tube?

A flexible plastic tube called an endotracheal tube (ET tube) is inserted into the trachea, or windpipe, through the nose or mouth to assist a patient in breathing. It is typically administered by the tongue in emergency settings. A ventilator, often known as a breathing apparatus, is subsequently attached to the endotracheal tube to provide oxygen to the lungs.

Endotracheal intubation is the term for the procedure of inserting the tube.

An endotracheal tube may be inserted for a variety of reasons, such as surgery or a serious sickness. What endotracheal intubation is will be discussed in this post. You'll discover how to insert an endotracheal tube, the rationale behind its usage, the steps involved in getting ready, the dangers and consequences associated with endotracheal intubation.

To learn more about endotracheal tube with the help of given link:



What resistance training system consists of a serires of exercises that an athlete perfrom one after another with little to no rest?



In isokinetic training (IKT), the muscle is contracted at a constant tempo. Speed determines the nature of this resistance training, not the resistance itself; however, the training is based on movement carried out during a condition of resistance. IKT can be performed with the body’s own weight

___________ Causes Extreme Headache And Nausea, May Cause The Lips And Fingernail Beds To Turn Bright (2024)
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