CHILD - TEENAGER - YOUTH STUDYING - ? - SUCCEEDINGA TeachingB WritingC ListeningD Learning (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

Answer:d learning


Answer 2

Answer: it’s learning


Happy to help!

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Make a summary of Wheels of Change and blah blah blah blah blah.... Donkey.







The theme of the story "Wheels of Change" is to not be afraid to take a stand for yourself and others. This is shown when women's racing started to take off. Cycling became more competitive and men grew an even stronger fear of women gaining their rights.


Need help!!! Which sentence describes the etymology of a word?!?! Ape-x!!



A is correct


etymology is basically where the root word first came from

can someone help explain argumentative essay further​



Argumentative Essays

The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. ... Expository essays involve less research and are shorter in length.

The definition of an argumentative essay is a research paper that takes a position on a controversial issue and tries to present evidence in favor of that position.

What is Celia’s primary role in this selection


It should be noted that the role of Celia in the story was that she offered to help by finding employment.

What is a role?

A role simply means the function that's played by a character in a literary work.

Based on the story in the book of unknown Americans, Celia Toro was the wife of Rafael Toro. When she was aware of the financial difficulties that the family had, she offered to help by finding a job.

Learn more about roles on:

Which statements should be included in an effective summary of "Old Ironsides"? Select the two correct answers.
The tone of the poem is one of loss and frustration about the fate of the USS Constitution
The poem celebrates the history of the USS Constitution
The ship was both victorious and suffered losses in several key American wars.
The battle imagery of the poem evokes a sense of pride and patriotism.

pls answer aspa​


The two statements that should be included in an effective summary of this poem are:

The ship was both victorious and suffered losses in several key American wars.The battle imagery of the poem evokes a sense of pride and patriotism.

What is an effective summary?

An effective summary should include key details of a text without adding personal ideas or opinions about the text.

What are the key details in the poem "Old Ironsides"?

The key ideas in this poem include:

The poem is about a historical ship that helped the U.S. to be victorious.The poem describes both the victories and the losses.The poem has a patriotic tone, which makes people proud of the U.S. and this ship.

Based on this, the statements that should be included are statement 3 because this describes the key content of the poem and option 4, which describes the tone of the poem.

Learn more about poems in:


- The battle imagery of the poem evokes a sense of pride and patriotism.

- The poem celebrates the history of the USS Constitution.


she is doing her exercise (change into present perfect tense



She has done her exercise


U 2 can help me by marking as brainliest......


She is excersizing


Which sentence is an example of personification?

A. The desk groaned as I tried to move it to the side.

B. Josie's whiskers tickled my cheeks, and I sneezed.

C. The kids were like dolphins, squealing in the water.

D. My mom says that my hair is my crowning glory.



C. The kids were like dolphins, squealing in the water.


Personification is when you give an object or animal human behaviours

(15) My last class in French! (16) And I barely knew how to write! So I should never learn! I must stop short where I was! How angry I was with myself because of the time I had wasted, the lessons i had missed, running about after nests, or sliding on the Saar! My books, which only a moment before I thought so tiresome, so heavy to carry-my grammar, my sacred history, seemed to me now like old friends, from whom I should be terribly.grieved to part. How does the use of personification in the underlined words affect the meaning of the passage? OA. It emphasizes that not being able to learn French will have a major impact on Frantz. paging OB. It suggests that Frantz always secretly loved reading but did not want his teacher to know. Ос. It demonstrates Frantz's realization that books are more important than anything else. OD. It shows that learning history and mastering grammar are important life skills for Frantz.​



Personification adds energy to a paragraph


Personification means to add human verbs to a thing or a being. hope it helps!


C. It demonstrates Frantz's realization that books are more important than anything else.


The whole sentence with the underlining: "My books, which only a moment before I thought so tiresome, so heavy to carry—my grammar, my sacred history—seemed to me now like old friends, from whom I should be terribly grieved to part." The most related answer to this was C which is that until now that he realized that books are more important than anything else. In the previous sentence, he also stated how angry he was with him self because of the time he had wasted, the lessons he had missed,... to show that to now he has realized the answer was C.

From the details in this speech, what do you conclude is Pasteur’s general attitude toward the field of science and those who engage in it? What goals does he think science should pursue? Using examples from the speech, analyze specific word choices that help to convey Pasteur’s positions. Explain how the connotations of the words help to build a tone and to emphasize Pasteur’s message.


Connotation is an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a reader in addition to its literal meaning which is known as denotation.

Tone typically refers to the mood implied by an author's choice of word and the way the text makes the reader feels.

What is a connotation?

A connotation is a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that any given word or phrase carriers. They are feelings or emotions associated with a word.

Please note that this question is incomplete and so i gave a general overview on how to help solve this.

Read more about connotations here:

ANSWER THIS RIDDLE: If a man is always wrong and a woman is always right, and the man says that the woman is right. Is the man Right or Wrong?



If the woman is always right, and a man is always wrong. Man is wrong as you don't tell someone who is always right that she is right! .


Hope this helps :)


the man would be wrong in telling the women that she is right


Help please i need this



1. The US Constitution established our current form of government.

2. Due to ill health the king abdicated the throne and was succeeded by his oldest child.

3. In republican government, elected officials are invested with the authority of office by voters.

4. Representatives of people who would be most affected by the new law testified about its provisions to the congressional committee


that was hard to read...your welcome

What results from the human farmers’ visit to Animal Farm? Select two options.

The farmers fear that their animals will rebel as well.

The farmers are impressed with how well the farm is run.

The farmers vow to implement the same kinds of systems.

The farmers decide that they want to be a part of the farm.

The farmers are upset that the animals distrust them.



B) "The farmers are impressed with how well the farm is run".

C) "The farmers vow to implement the same kinds of systems".


George Orwell's allegorical novella "Animal Farm" tells the story of how the animals in a farm rebelled against their human masters and have a form of government on their own. They managed their affairs by themselves and even do all the needful for the improvement of the farm in a systematic and organized form.

At the end of the story, the humans had visited the farm and were quite taken aback with the sight they saw. Mr. Pilkington addressed the people who had assembled, stating that "they had been nervous about the effects upon their own animals, or even upon their human employees". But with the inspection done, the humans actually found that the family was well run, they were impressed and even vow to implement the same kinds of systems like the animals had done.

Read more here:


B) The farmers are impressed with how well the farm is run.

C) The farmers vow to implement the same kinds of systems.

Help pls( Branch Rickey said, "I have a business proposition. What's your salary at the Courier?" "Fifty dollars a week." It wasn't a lot,
but it was enough for him. And it let him write about baseball. Rickey nodded. "I will pay you an additional fifty dollars a week
plus expenses if you will attend spring training with Jackie Robinson," he offered. "You will watch over him, help him to avoid
the harm that could come if he were to do or say anything out of turn. You will act as his chauffeur, you will secure
accommodations for him wherever the team may be, help him find restaurants, and so on.")
Branch Rickey wants to hire someone to _________
Jackie Robinson.
A : select
B : assist
C : alert
D : convince​



B: assist


I bet u a super admin rank that none of yall can make me very jealous



In 7th grade my reading score was better than every states.

Page 1Page 2

As suddenly Charlie's lights go off and the lights in another house go on. They stay on for a moment then from across the street other lights go on and then off again. . . .



(shouting) It isn't the kid . . . it's Bob Weaver's house.

Based on the passage, how do the characters respond to the lights going on and off in the neighborhood?

They become confused and out of control.
They become hopeful and relieved.
They become weak and feverish.
They become sad and sorry.



They became confused and out of control

Explanation : This is a cause effect question .

Because the power went out in the neighborhood of Maple street, the neighbors became confused and out of control. The neighbors started to gain suspicions of each other due to the power running out.


They become confused and out of control.


The other dude is correct

Which statement best explains Chisholm's use of


Chisholm uses anaphora to emphasize an idea or element.

What is anaphora?

Anaphora is a common literary figure that implies repeating:


What is the purpose of anaphora?

Most authors including authors such as Shirley Chisholm use anaphora to emphasize an idea and in it way make it relevant for the reader.

For example, in one of her speeches, she said

Two more years. Two more years of hunger for Americans, of death for our best young men

And repeats the words two more years. The purpose of this is to emphasize how much Americans have suffered.

Note: This question is incomplete because the text it refers to is not provided; due to this, I answered it based on general knowledge.

Learn more about anaphora in:

13.Nowadays, students often use ............. in mathematics lessons.
A. rubbers B. calculatorsC. pencilsD. dictionaries



Nowadays, students often use ............. in mathematics lessons.

Ans .B Calculators

If you were scanning this passage to get a sense of the organization, which of the following would you look at to help guide your understanding?

the words “favorable” and “apprehensive”
the capitalization in the first paragraph
the number of periods in the passage
the details about the natives


Answer: Please don't blame if I'm wrong but here's my best guess.

the words “favorable” and “apprehensive” or details about the natives

i would say favorable and apprehensive because details about the natives would not be about text organization .

Brief Summary of Quilt of a Country



'A Quilt of a Country' is a commentary written by Pulitzer-prize winning author Anna Quindlen for Newsweek following the devastation of the September 11, 2001, attacks on America. The premise behind this article is that despite the diversity that can create a lot of problems within cities across America, diversity serves as a tribute to what makes America special.

describe a place you would like to spend with your close friends please help...... ​



the beach


it's a nice place to relax,tan,and swim.

which statement best describes literary nonfiction '
A. There is no imagery
B. There is no dialogue
C. The setting is an imaginary people
D. The characters are real people


D. The characters are real people.

A literary nonfiction has to do with the narration of real events as they occur and how they affect the life of people.

With this in mind, we can see that from the list of choices, option D is the best description of literary nonfiction.

Furthermore, we can see that some examples of literary non fiction includes:

Personal journals


Memoirs, etc.

The correct answer is option D.

Question form of. She fell down from a stairway



I'm so sorry

I hope she's okay

(Is this supposed to be a question)


Edit: I still don't know who fell

a historian interpreting the decree would best understand the purpose of the ""new legislation"" referred to in the second paragraph as an attempt to


The historian would understand that the new legislation was intended to allow the Ottoman government to compete with the industrialization that was taking place in Europe.

What were the goals of the new legislation?The new legislation wanted to enhance the production of goods and services in the Ottoman Empire.This is because, as Europe invested in industrialization, trade-in less industrialized regions became deficient.The Ottoman empire lacked industrialization, but it needed to raise its productive means to compete with industrialized products and maintain stable trade.

In this case, the new legislation created new forms of production and tried to modernize this sector in the Ottoman region, allowing its products to compete with European products.

More information about the Ottoman Empire at the link:




I believe the answer is D


Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!​


Answer: might want to ask a teacher


Which answer does the best job of explaining (and not just stating) a theme?



It takes courage to face dangerous situations

Read the two texts to answer the question.

Text 1: Excerpt from "An American Leader: Martin Luther King, Jr."

The bus boycott lasted for 382 days. Most of Montgomery's African American community walked, rode bicycles, or carpooled to avoid taking the bus. They often faced harassment and violence from angry fellow citizens. King's home was fire-bombed during the boycott, but he did not give up. He launched a legal campaign against racial segregation laws. On June 4, 1956, the laws were overturned. African Americans would now be allowed to sit where they liked, like all other Americans. The Montgomery Bus Boycott propelled Martin Luther King to the forefront of the national civil rights movement.

In 1957, Martin Luther King, Jr. founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference so that he could continue to help organize and conduct more nonviolent protests for civil rights. He traveled around the country speaking about race relations and joined in many peaceful protests. He was arrested a number of times during these years. King was arrested once for joining students at a sit-in protest at a department store that refused to serve lunch to African Americans. In the spring of 1963, King was arrested again during a demonstration in Birmingham, Alabama. King had been peacefully protesting alongside many families.

Text 2: Excerpt from a speech delivered at Martin Luther King, Jr.'s funeral

This man was loved by some and hated by others. If any man knew the meaning of suffering, King knew. His house was bombed. He lived day by day for 13 years under constant threats of death. He was falsely accused of being insincere and seeking the limelight for his own glory. He was stabbed by a member of his own race. He was slugged in a hotel lobby and jailed 30 times. He was betrayed by his friends, yet this man had no bitterness in his heart and no revenge in his mind. He preached nonviolence and the redemptive power of love throughout the world. He believed with all of his heart, mind, and soul that the way to peace and brotherhood is through nonviolence, love, and suffering.

What did King risk by being a leader in the Civil Rights Movement? Use both texts to determine the answer.



A. His life and family


Personal abuse, arrest, and the bombing of his home made clear the risks he would be taking if he continued to work with the movement for civil rights














Explanation: this is pretty easy lol

"Go down moses " is filled with biblical allusions.based on your knowledge of how spirituals incorporated coded language and symbols in their lyrics interpret this allusion

Who are the speakers "people"

A. The people are leaders

B.the people are guides

C.the people are slaves

D.the people are owners



I things its A or B. but most likely B. hope I helped

The speaker's people are guides is filled with biblical allusions. based on your knowledge of how spirituals incorporated coded language and symbols in their lyrics interpret this allusion.

What is knowledge?

Knowledge includes cultural aspects like literature, myth, art, and music in addition to the bare facts. For instance, someone who is skilled at telling a traditional tale and is aware of its meaning.

Similar to a narrator in literature, the speaker of a poem is the poem's voice. The speaker of the poem need not necessarily be the poet. Sometimes a poet would write in a unique voice or from a new point of view, as in persona poetry.

Even when there are dozens or even hundreds of thousands of people watching, a good speaker can make you feel as though they are speaking to you personally. That, in my opinion, is what charisma is and how one becomes a self-assured communicator. Words, gestures, and voice all help confident communicators establish connections with others.

Therefore, Thus option (B) is correct.

Learn more about knowledge here:


This packaging material is used. for the lamination of frosen products
A.polyamide B.polyvinyl chlorideC.ethylene-vinyl acetate D.polyester


The packaging material used for the lamination of frozen products is Polyester.


polyester is a category of polymer that contains the functional group in every repeat unit of their main chain.

For frozen products, polyester is the best material for packaging and storing frozen products for better consumption to keep it safe.

The correct answer is option D


Read more about packaging material here:

CHILD - TEENAGER - YOUTH STUDYING - ? - SUCCEEDINGA TeachingB WritingC ListeningD Learning (2024)
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