Discuss The Consequences Of Being Regarded As Outside The Boundaries Of (2024)


Assess how you as a young person could use social media to promote respect for the different rights in the bill of rights

Solution 1

As a young person, social media can be a used for:

  • Share information and resources
  • Engage in respectful dialogue
  • Advocate for change

What is the use of social media?

Social media allows teenagers to create connected to the internet identities, communicate accompanying others and build social networks. These networks can specify teens accompanying valuable support, especially allowance those who experience expulsion or have disabilities or incessant illnesses.

When you comment, post or share all on social television, keep in mind that not all has the same opinion as you do. Be sensitive to your post and respect the belief of other netizens.

Learn more about social media from




Which of the following best defines a class domain

Solution 1


A domain class is a user defined class that can be map to a column.



Mention FOUR negative long-term social effects of human rights violation happening in school premisses.​

Solution 1

Answer:1. Loss of trust: When human rights are violated in school premises, it can lead to a loss of trust between students, teachers, and school admins. Students may feel that they cannot rely on teachers or school administrators to protect their rights, and teachers may feel that they cannot trust students to behave correctly.

2. Social isolation: Human rights violations in school can lead to social isolation for students who are targeted. Students who are bullied or discriminated against may feel excluded from social activities, which can have long-term negative effects on their mental health and well-being.

3. Low academic achievement: Students who are subjected to human rights violations in school may experience stress and anxiety, which can interfere with their ability to learn and perform academically. This can lead to lower academic achievement and decreased opportunities for future success.

4. Increased likelihood of criminal behavior: Students who experience human rights violations in school may be more likely to engage in criminal behavior later in life. Studies have shown that students who are bullied or discriminated against are more likely to engage in substance abuse, criminal behavior, and other negative activities.



Как добиться лучших ответов на знания ком?

Solution 1


how to achieve better answers to the knowledge of com

Details : ?



Mandarin Chinese language+culture
5 questions!

Solution 1

The option that describes the picture is the fourth option.

What is the language about?

Mandarin Chinese, also known simply as Chinese or Putonghua, is the most widely spoken language in the world, with over 1.3 billion native speakers. It is the official language of China, Taiwan, and Singapore, and is also spoken by large numbers of people in other parts of the world, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and the United States.

Mandarin Chinese is part of the Sinitic language family, which also includes other Chinese dialects such as Cantonese and Wu. It is a tonal language, meaning that the meaning of a word can change depending on the tone in which it is pronounced. Mandarin has four main tones and a neutral tone.

The written form of Mandarin Chinese uses Chinese characters, which are logograms that represent words or ideas. Chinese characters are composed of strokes that are combined to form a specific shape. There are over 50,000 Chinese characters in existence, but only around 20,000 are commonly used.

Learn more about languages on




I need help in this Italian asigment

Solution 1



1. Scusa, per andare in centro?

2. Lei è straniera, vero?

3. Ciao/Salve, come si chiama?

4. Arrivederci, professore, a domani.

5. Signor Cassieri, dove abita?

6. Claudio, a che ora prendi l'autobus?


1. di

2. in

3. da

4. a

5. in

6. per


Give me the conceptual meaning of the words "hand and arm"

Solution 1

The words "hand and arm" concern parts of the human physique. The help is the terminal unspecified the above appendage, fastened to the radius, and secondly for greedy and property held objects.

What is the conceptual meaning?

The arm is the superior appendage of the human bulk, reaching from the push to the elbow joint, and therefore from the elbow to the wrist. Together, the help and arm agree to admit persons to act a real range of flows and endeavors.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, a discussion is outlined as “a distinct whole of style that method entity and maybe uttered or inscribed”. In linguistics, a whole of intention latent a group of inflected discussion forms is frequently refer to as a unit of language.

Learn more about conceptual meaning from




The main idea cause of the problem is lack of natural resource.
These natural ressources include coal and oil.
This lack of resources is severe.

Solution 1

The main cause of the problem is the depletion or scarcity of natural resources, particularly coal and oil. This shortage of resources is severe and has significant consequences.

What is the natural resource?

The statement suggests that the main reason for the problem being discussed is the insufficient availability of natural resources, specifically coal and oil. These resources are often critical for various industries, transportation, and energy production, among other uses. If there is a lack of these resources, it can lead to various issues and challenges.

For example, industries that rely heavily on coal or oil as raw materials may face supply shortages, leading to production disruptions, increased costs, and decreased competitiveness. Similarly, transportation systems that heavily rely on oil, such as those powered by fossil fuels, may face fuel shortages, resulting in reduced mobility, increased prices, and potential economic impacts.

Read more about natural resource here:



Details : The main idea cause of the problem is lack of natural resource.These


Use the texts Designed to Detain and In Their Own Words to answer the question.
Designed to Detain
In Their Own Words
Which conclusion can be reached from the two texts?
(1 point)
O Traveling by ship is quick and easy.
O People chose to go to Angel Island over Ellis Island.
O Life in America is easier than in other countries.
O Immigration was challenging for many.

Solution 1


New arrivals traveling in first or second class disembarked in Manhattan and were allowed to enter the U.S. without a physical examination. Third-class “steerage”...


list 3 political events in America that happend in the 1960s and when that started and then also when they ended?

Solution 1

Here are three major political events that took place in the United States during the 1960s, along with their approximate start and end dates:

The 3 political events in America

Civil Rights Act of 1964:

  • Started: Proposed by President John F. Kennedy on June 11, 1963.
  • Ended: Signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 2, 1964.

Cuban Missile Crisis:

  • Started: October 16, 1962, when President John F. Kennedy was informed about the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba.
  • Ended: October 28, 1962, when the United States and the Soviet Union reached an agreement, leading to the removal of the missiles from Cuba.

Vietnam War:

  • Started: The United States became increasingly involved in the Vietnam War during the 1960s, with the deployment of military advisors and increasing troop numbers.
  • Ended: The U.S. involvement officially ended with the Paris Peace Accords signed on January 27, 1973, although combat troops were gradually withdrawn starting in 1969.

Rdead more on politics



Solution 2

Final answer:

The 1960s saw significant political events in America. The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, ending racial discrimination. The Vietnam War, which deeply divided the nation, started ground combat in the 1960s and ended in 1973. The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.


There were a number of significant political events that occurred in America during the 1960s. To name three:

  1. The Civil Rights Act was pushed into law in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. This marked the end of segregation and discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  2. The Vietnam War, which escalated in the 1960s, significantly influenced American politics. The ground combat started in 1965 and officially ended in 1973, pulling America into a deeply divisive conflict.
  3. The Cuban Missile Crisis took place in October 1962, endangering the world with the threat of nuclear war. The crisis resolved when the Soviet Union removed its missiles from Cuba, and America committed not to invade Cuba.

Learn more about American Political Events in the 1960s here:



what Happened during your communication with that person? were you able to resolve the misunderstanding or not? explain​

Solution 1

During my communication with the person, I was able to explain my point of view and why I felt the way I did. I was also able to listen to their point of view and understand why they felt the way they did. We were able to come to a mutual understanding and resolve the misunderstanding. We both agreed to move forward with a better understanding of each other's perspectives.


Create an Arabic Discursive essay through the statement using 4 articles. Two Arabic journal articles must be against the statement and the other two Arabic journal articles must agree with the statement. The statement doesn't refer to the society in Australia it refers to the Arabic society.
Statement: العولمة بدلت عادات وتقاليد المجتمعات

Solution 1

لا شك أن العولمة تعد من أكثر المصطلحات المستخدمة في الوقت الحالي، حيث أصبحت العولمة منهج حياة واسع الانتشار في العديد من المجتمعات حول العالم. ومع ذلك، فإن العولمة لها آثار إيجابية وسلبية على المجتمعات، ومن بين الآثار السلبية التي ترتبت على المجتمعات العربية هي تغيير العادات والتقاليد السائدة في تلك المجتمعات.

يؤيد هذا البيان العديد من الدراسات التي أجريت في المجتمعات العربية، حيث تشير تلك الدراسات إلى أن العولمة قد أدت إلى تغيير كبير في العادات والتقاليد السائدة في المجتمعات العربية، مما أثر بشكل كبير على هوية تلك المجتمعات وتراثها الثقافي.

وعلى الرغم من ذلك، فإن هناك بعض المقالات التي ترى أن العولمة لا تزال في مراحلها الأولى في المجتمعات العربية، وأنه لا يمكن الحكم على تغيير العادات والتقاليد إلا بعد مرور وقت كافٍ.

علاوة على ذلك، يرى العديد من المؤيدين للعولمة في المجتمعات العربية أن العولمة قد أحدثت تغييرات إيجابية في تلك المجتمعات، مثل تعزيز التعليم والثقافة والتقنية، وتوفير فرص العمل والتجارة، وتطوير البنية التحتية والتكنولوجيا.

على الرغم من ذلك، فإن الحفاظ على العادات والتقاليد السائدة في المجتمعات العربية يعد أمرًا مهمًا للغاية للحفاظ على هوية تلك المجتمعات وتراثها الثقافي، وهو ما يتطلب بذل المزيد من الجهود لتعزيز الوعي الثقافي والتحفيز على الحفاظ

Details : Create an Arabic Discursive essay through the statement using 4 articles.


Which kind of audience would want to read a fantasy story

Solution 1

Answer: teenagers between 13-18 years old


1. Identify the type of phrase (in bold) in the following sentences:
They found him unfit to lead the company.
The kicker is running somewhat slowly back to the bench. He might be injured."
People who are tired from traveling often stop here to rest.
They felt relieved to return home."
The committee elected him the worker of the year.
She deemed him worthy of her love.
Mrs. Fields named her late husband the executor of her estate.
The coach made Timothy the team captain.
The school board appointed her superintendent.

Solution 1




Uruguay person to be a good day


Return to the BEA Tables for US International Trade in Goods and Services. Scroll down to "U.S. Trade in Goods and Services by Selected Countries and Areas, 1999 - Present" and download those spreadsheets. Using Table 1, to which three nations (not areas or regions) did the U.S. export the highest dollar value of goods and services in 2021

Solution 1

. Additionally, the information you provided about the BEA Tables for US International Trade in Goods and Services is not specific enough for me to locate the data you are referring to.

If you could provide me with more specific information or a direct link to the data you are referring to, I may be able to help you answer your question.


What, if anything do you think deaf people cannot do?

Solution 1

They can do anything except hear. Simply as that!!

Solution 2


Deaf people only can not hear


Deaf people can only not hear. Some deaf people speak very well and clearly other deaf people do not because their hearing loss prevented them from learning diffrent languages. so they learn sign language


Sign language is manual communication commonly used by people who are deaf. so when people learn it it helps them communicate with deaf people.


cerumen impaction (impacted ear wax)

trauma to the ear or head.

loud noise/loud sounds.

ototoxic medicines.

work related ototoxic chemicals.

nutritional deficiencies.

viral infections and other ear conditions.

delayed onset or progressive genetic hearing loss.

Details : What, if anything do you think deaf people cannot do?


English 112L Prompt

This paper gives you an opportunity to reflect on the breadth of ideas we have engaged inthe course. Pick 5 or 6 selections from the course that represent a variety of authors, historical contexts, and genres. Synthesize them into an essay on the theme of FREEDOM & CONFINEMENT. Note: please explore one specific aspect of this broad theme. How do your
selections conceptualize both terms? Note similarities and differences, while anchoring
your essay in a larger point about how you understand the theme of freedom andconfinement, as specifically as possible.
Comment on how those works appealed to you, challenged your thinking, and/or exposed
you to different ideas. In sum, how has this set of texts changed your thinking about the
depth and complexity of what the intersection of freedom and confinement means, and
why it matters?What did you learn? What did you unlearn? Why does it matter?

1. Natalie Diaz's "A Wildlife Zoo"
2. Joy Harjo's "How to write a poem in a Time of War."
3. T.S Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
4. Marita Bonner, "The purple Flower"
5. Contraband Love Zine

Includes the following as well:
Work cited
In-text citations

Solution 1


Freedom and Confinement: Exploring the Complexity of a Theme

The concept of freedom and confinement is a recurrent theme in literature, reflecting the human experience of navigating between liberation and restriction. In this essay, I will examine how five selections from the course - Natalie Diaz's "A Wildlife Zoo," Joy Harjo's "How to write a poem in a Time of War," T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," Marita Bonner's "The Purple Flower," and the Contraband Love Zine - conceptualize both terms and explore the similarities and differences among them, while anchoring my analysis in a larger point about my understanding of the theme of freedom and confinement.

Diaz's "A Wildlife Zoo" presents the confinement of indigenous people in a reservation, where they are cut off from their ancestral lands and culture. The poem reflects on the impact of colonization, highlighting the loss of freedom and autonomy experienced by Native Americans. Diaz's powerful imagery of animals in cages, "wildlife / zoo / carcass of our wild," portrays the dehumanizing effects of confinement and the longing for freedom. As a reader, this poem challenged my thinking about the lasting effects of colonization on indigenous communities and exposed me to the harsh realities of confinement imposed on them.

Harjo's "How to write a poem in a Time of War" explores the confinement of war, both externally and internally. The poem reflects on the violence and chaos of war and the emotional toll it takes on individuals. Harjo's use of vivid sensory details, such as "the light / of a dead star passing through," creates a sense of confinement and hopelessness. The poem also delves into the internal confinement of trauma and the struggle to find freedom in the midst of destruction. This poem appealed to me with its evocative language and powerful portrayal of the impact of war on individuals' freedom and confinement.

Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" depicts the inner thoughts and struggles of the narrator, Prufrock, who is confined by his own self-doubt and insecurities. Prufrock's constant self-analysis and fear of judgment from others represent the psychological confinement that one can experience. The poem also reflects on the societal expectations and constraints that limit Prufrock's freedom to express himself. Eliot's use of fragmented and disjointed language mirrors Prufrock's inner turmoil and his inability to break free from his own mental confinement. This poem challenged my thinking about the ways in which we confine ourselves through self-doubt and societal expectations, limiting our own freedom.

Bonner's "The Purple Flower" presents the confinement of African Americans in a racially segregated society. The story portrays the oppressive and dehumanizing effects of racism, where African Americans are confined to limited opportunities and faced with discrimination and violence. The protagonist's desire for freedom and equality is symbolized by the purple flower, representing hope and resilience amidst confinement. Bonner's powerful depiction of the racial injustices faced by African Americans in the early 20th century exposed me to the harsh realities of confinement and oppression based on race.

The Contraband Love Zine presents the confinement of LGBTQ+ individuals in a heteronormative society. The zine features personal stories, artwork, and poetry that explore the struggles and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in navigating their identities and relationships. The zine provides a platform for expression and community-building, challenging the societal norms and constraints that confine LGBTQ+ individuals. This zine appealed to me with its diverse and empowering narratives, exposing me to different perspectives and shedding light on the confinement faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in society.

In sum, these selections from the course have deepened my understanding of the theme of freedom and confinement,


Describe the element of spiritual connection associated with the qin

Solution 1

The qin, also known as the guqin, is a traditional Chinese musical instrument that has a long history and is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. In addition to its musical function, the qin is also associated with a spiritual connection and has been used as a tool for meditation and contemplation.

One of the main elements of spiritual connection associated with the qin is the concept of "quieting the mind" or "nurturing the heart-mind" (an ancient Chinese term that refers to the combination of emotions, intellect, and will). Playing the qin is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and to help the player achieve a state of inner peace and tranquility. This is achieved through the slow and deliberate movements of the fingers on the strings, which require a high level of concentration and mindfulness.

Another important element of spiritual connection associated with the qin is the concept of "yin-yang harmony." This refers to the balance between the different elements of the universe, such as light and dark, sound and silence, and movement and stillness. The qin is believed to embody this concept through its delicate and subtle sound, which can evoke a range of emotions and feelings.

Finally, the qin is also associated with the concept of "cultural heritage" and the preservation of traditional Chinese culture. The instrument has been passed down through generations and is considered a symbol of Chinese identity and tradition. Playing the qin is seen as a way to connect with the past and to honor the cultural legacy of the instrument and its music.


Writing Prompt Write an argumentative essay in which you share your opinion on whether you think more people should travel. Be sure to include evidence from two or more of the texts “Travel Positivity,” “Should I really travel?,” and “Don’t Change My City” to support your claim. Be sure to include evidence from the texts

Solution 1

Travel Positivity, Should I really travel?, and Don’t Change My City are three texts that offer different perspectives on the topic of travel. While some people believe that travel is an essential part of personal growth and development, others argue that it can have negative consequences for both the traveler and the places they visit. In my opinion, more people should travel, as it can broaden our horizons and help us to better understand the world around us.

Firstly, travel is an excellent way to learn about different cultures and ways of life. As the Travel Positivity article notes, travel can help us to step outside of our comfort zones and engage with people and places that are different from what we are used to. This can be an incredibly enriching experience, as it allows us to learn about new customs, foods, and traditions. Moreover, travel can help us to develop empathy and understanding for people who are different from ourselves, which is essential in today’s globalized world.

Secondly, travel can be a source of personal growth and development. As the Should I really travel? article explains, travel can help us to gain new perspectives on our lives and the world around us. It can also help us to develop new skills, such as communication and problem-solving, that can be useful in both our personal and professional lives. Additionally, travel can help us to build self-confidence and resilience, as we learn to navigate unfamiliar situations and overcome challenges.

While some people argue that travel can have negative consequences, such as over-tourism and cultural appropriation, I believe that these issues can be addressed through responsible and sustainable travel practices. As the Don’t Change My City article notes, it is important for travelers to respect the local culture and environment, and to avoid engaging in activities that could harm the places they visit. By being mindful of our impact as travelers, we can help to ensure that our travels have a positive impact on both ourselves and the places we visit.

In conclusion, I believe that more people should travel, as it can broaden our horizons, help us to better understand the world around us, and be a source of personal growth and development. While there are certainly challenges associated with travel, I believe that these can be addressed through responsible and sustainable travel practices. By embracing the benefits of travel and being mindful of our impact as travelers, we can help to create a more interconnected and compassionate world.

Solution 2

In today's world, travel has become more accessible than ever before. With the rise of budget airlines and the ease of booking accommodations online, it's easier than ever to pack a bag and explore a new destination. But is travel really worth it? Should more people be encouraged to hit the road and explore new places? In my opinion, the answer is a resounding yes.

Firstly, travel has been shown to have numerous benefits for physical and mental health. According to the article "Travel Positivity," travel can reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and even boost the immune system. In a world where many people are struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, travel can provide a much-needed escape and a chance to recharge.

Furthermore, travel can broaden our horizons and help us to better understand other cultures. As the article "Should I really travel?" points out, travel can challenge our assumptions and help us to see the world from a different perspective. This can lead to increased empathy and understanding, and can ultimately help to break down barriers between different groups of people.

Of course, there are some who argue that travel can have negative effects on local communities. In the article "Don't Change My City," the author raises concerns about over-tourism and the impact that large numbers of visitors can have on local infrastructure and resources. While it's true that tourism can have negative effects, I believe that responsible travel can minimize these impacts and even have positive effects on local communities.

In conclusion, I believe that more people should be encouraged to travel. The benefits of travel for physical and mental health, as well as for fostering empathy and understanding between different cultures, outweigh any potential negative impacts. With responsible travel practices and a commitment to respecting local communities, travel can be a force for good in the world.


Whenever a symbol is less than the exact physical replica of the thing it represents, the symbol is less

Solution 1

Whenever a symbol is less than the exact physical replica of the thing it represents, the symbol is less precise or accurate in terms of representing the same physical replica.

What is the symbol about?

Symbols are known to be tools that are often used to stand in gap or pass a given meaning.

Note that Symbolic representations are those that are said to be abstract or are said to be an simplified kinds of the physical object, concept, etc.

Hence, In the above case, the symbol is said to be less precise or not fully right if compared to the real physical replica.

Learn more about symbol from



Details : Whenever a symbol is less than the exact physical replica of the


Her father .............

Solution 1


what happened to her father



Which of these details can support the thesis that schools should have three-day weekends?

a Kids will have more time to study independently.

b Rest and relaxation are important parts of staying productive.

c Students can do community service on the extra day off.

d All of the above

Solution 1

B, this is because if students went school everyday including the weekends their brain will get tired and they will get frustrated therefore rest is needed

Solution 2

A and b since kids need time to relax and also focus like me I’m a nerd and I waste my time on reading and improving my mental and physical state of health


Com molho de francesinha à parte

Solution 1


please type in English alphabet so that I can answer your question


Antonela salió del jardín de infantes oración compuesta o simple​

Solution 1

The sentence "Antonela left kindergarten" is a simple sentence.

What is the sentence about?

A simple judgment is one that contains a single subject and a single predicate, and has no clauses or rulings within it. In the illustration given," Antonela" is the subject and" she left kindergarten" is the predicate.

The predicate indicates the action that the subject performs, in this case" She left kindergarten".

Therefore, the judgment about is one that contains a subject ("Antonela") and a predicate(" she left kindergarten") that indicates the action performed by the subject.

Learn more about simple sentence from



Details : Antonela sali del jardn de infantes oracin compuesta o simple


À partir de la pump curve, que sera la diamètre pour la pipe de sortie de la pompe ‘A’?

Solution 1

At a flow rate of 150 L/min, the outlet pipe diameter should measure approximately 62.5mm, as per pump 'A'.

How to solve

To determine the outlet pipe diameter for a flow rate of 150 L/min, refer to pump 'A's curve points:

Flow Rate: 100 L/min

Head: 20 m

Diameter: 50mm

Flow Rate: 200 L/min

Head: 15 m

Diameter: 75mm

Use interpolation to calculate the head at 150 L/min:

H = 20 - ((150 - 100) * (20 - 15) / (200 - 100)) = 17.5 m

Utilize interpolation once more to determine the required diameter for a head of 17.5m:

Diameter = 50 + ((17.5 - 20) * (75 - 50) / (15 - 20)) = 62.5 mm

Hence, at a flow rate of 150 L/min, the outlet pipe diameter should measure approximately 62.5mm, as per pump 'A'.

Read more about diameter here:



Given pump 'A' has a pump curve with the following performance points:

Flow rate (Q) = 100 L/min and Head (H) = 20 m at an outlet pipe diameter of 50 mm

Flow rate (Q) = 200 L/min and Head (H) = 15 m at an outlet pipe diameter of 75 mm

Flow rate (Q) = 300 L/min and Head (H) = 10 m at an outlet pipe diameter of 100 mm

What will be the diameter for the outlet pipe of pump 'A' if we require a flow rate of 150 L/min?


What were the relative contributions of the Enlightenment, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution to Latin American Independence.

Solution 1

In terms of the Enlightenment, this is seen as a form of intellectual as well as philosophical movement that was said to have come about in Europe in course of the 17th and 18th centuries, and it was based on reason, individual rights, as well as the issue of the pursuit of liberty and equality.

What is the Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment, as well as the American Revolution, and that of the French Revolution are those that holds a high significant influences on Latin American Independence movements such as:

The Enlightenment ideas in regards to natural rights, popular sovereignty, as well as limited government was one that was loved by the Latin American elites who wants to fight Spanish colonial rule.

Learn more about the Enlightenment from




Highlight the vague word or phrase in the thesis statement below. G
Most admissions committees should give preference to first-generation college students.

Solution 1

The vague word or phrase in the thesis statement is give preference,first-generation.

What is the vague word?

A thesis statement is known to be one that is seen as a statement which is said to be a clear and concise sentence and it is also seen as one that tend to summarizes the key point or argument of any form of essay, research paper, etc.

Therefore, A vague word or phrase are said to be those words that can be one that is not very straight foreword enough to pass a clear meaning or that is one that a person will be able to tell in different ways by a lot of readers. The Examples of vague words in the text is preference, first-generation.

Learn more about vague word from




Setting Information:
Casey is an 8-year-old second grader at East Valley Elementary. His teacher.
Mrs. Bromwell, is having a difficult time with his behavior. Casey has an
excessive activity level that makes that makes it difficult for him to attend to
one task for longer than 5 or 10 minutes. He seems to have so much energy
that he cannot stand still. A typical behavior that causes classroom problems
is jumping up and down. Casey sometimes will get up from his desk and
starting jumping up and down at what seems to be frenetic pace. He doesn't
stop until Mrs. Bromwell comes over and gently assists him in finding his
chair. He has literally worn a hole in the carpet next to his desk from this
jumping. Sometimes he will hop around the room, running into other
children's desks, knocking over bookcases, and accidentally pushing other
students around. He talks "a mile a minute." but he rarely says anything that
is of interest to the other children. Casey is perpetual motion, as if he is being
driven to the point of frenzy.
Needless to say, this kind of behavior gets on everyone's nerves. He is very
unpopular with the other children because he is always accidentally tripping
over someone or ruining someone's art project spilling paint or glue. He even
gets in trouble during recess, either because he's moving too fast to listen to
the instructions of the game, or because he won't let another student have a
turn when he's fixated on a particular activity. For example, he refuses to
relinquish the bat until he gets a base hit. Mrs. Bromwell has had many active
second graders in her 15 years of teaching, but she has never seen a child
like Casey.
Casey's behavior is Mrs. Bromwell's main concern because she feels that it
interferes with the work of the whole class. Casey can't stay focused on his
work, so he inadvertently bothers the students who are trying to stay on task.
Mrs. Bromwell is also concerned about Casey's academics. His handwriting is
completely illegible, and she believes his reading and math skills are well
below grade level: however, she's not certain she's getting an accurate
evaluation of his abilities because of his attentional difficulties. Mrs. Bromwell
thinks that attentional difficulties are preventing others from seeing Casey's
strengths, but she doesn't know what to do about it. She wanted to refer him
for special education evaluation but was told by her principal that Casey
would not qualify because his standardized test scores revealed he was
functioning within the average range for his grade placement. Even when
Mrs. Bromwell looked up the scores in his cumulative folder, she didn't
believe it. Casey's strengths are his creativity and enthusiasm.
Background Information:
Casey was referred for a special education evaluation in kindergarten. His
kindergarten teacher wrote on the referral that she had never seen a child as
distracted as Casey. She felt that his problems were so significant that having
him repeat kindergarten would do little for him. Casey was given a
neurological evaluation as part of the assessment. The neurologist

Solution 1

Some good behavior management plan for Casey are:

  • Set up a clear expectations and rules for behavior in the classroom.
  • Use positive reinforcement to boast appropriate behavior.
  • Give opportunities for movement breaks in course of the day.
  • Make use visual aids to help Casey stay on task

What is the assessment?

In terms of question 5, Children with attentional issues are regularly prescribed stimulant drugs, such as Ritalin or Adderall, since these solutions can offer assistance increment center and decrease hyperactivity. These medicines work by increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters within the brain, such as dopamine and norepinephrine.

Side effect are not common in the case of Casey and the drugs are very safe with minimal side impacts.

Therefore, for question 6, even if Casey's behavior or academic working may be a higher need may depend on the setting and objectives of the classroom and school. In any case, in common, it is right to address behavior issues that are concern with the learning and working of the classroom

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See text below

4. What kind of a behavior management plan might be effective for this student? Give an example of such a plan and identify specific strategies that would be included.

5. Why are children with attentional problems prescribed stimulant medication? How does this medication work? Are side effects such as Casey's common? Are these medications usually considered to be safe for children?

3. Do you agree that Casey's behavior is a higher priority than his academic functioning at this time? Explain your answer.

Details : Setting Information:Casey is an 8-year-old second grader at East


Name and describe the music and events of a traditional ritual from Latin America

Solution 1

The music and events of a traditional ritual from Latin America example is seen as the "Day of the Dead" or what we call "Dia de los Muertos," and it is one that is often celebrated in a lot of countries across the region, such as places like Mexico, Guatemala, etc.

What is the music about?

The Day of the Dead is known to be a form of a special as well as colorful celebration that tends to honors as well as remembers deceased loved ones.

It is one that is known to be held on November 1st as well as 2nd each year. Traditional Mexican music, for example the playing of mariachi, banda, as well as ranchera, is one that tend to be performed in course of the Day of the Dead festivities.

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30 Cash sales for the month 800000
April Paid Rent 50000
April Paid Salary 100000

Solution 1

The journal entries for the given transactions would be as follows:

1. Cash Sales for the Month - $800,000

  • Debit: Cash - $800,000
  • Credit: Sales Revenue - $800,000

2. April Rent Paid - $50,000

  • Debit: Rent Expense - $50,000
  • Credit: Cash - $50,000

3. April Salary Paid - $100,000

  • Debit: Salary Expense - $100,000
  • Credit: Cash - $100,000

What does the journal entries for these transaction reflect?

These journal entries reflect the recording of cash sales as revenue, and the payment of rent and salary expenses for the month of April.

The accounts debited represent the expenses incurred The accounts credited represent the cash outflow from the business.

Read more about journal entries



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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.