Jim Always Takes His Dog Out For A Walk In The Morning. Whenever Jim Puts The Leash On His Dog, The Dog (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1

The correct option is classical conditioning. The behaviour that Jim's dog showcases is classical conditioning.

A biologically powerful stimulus is combined with a previously neutral stimuli in a behavioural process known as classical conditioning. Additionally, it describes the process of learning that follows this pairing, which causes the neutral stimulus to eventually elicit a response that is typically similar to the one caused by the powerful stimulus. Operant conditioning, in which the intensity of a voluntary behaviour is modulated by reinforcement or punishment, is distinct from classical conditioning. Opportunistic responses may be reinforced by classically conditioned stimuli. Nevertheless, classical conditioning can have a variety of effects on operant conditioning.

Learn more about classical conditioning here:



Related Questions

which of following is true of hip hop? a. it is considered an element of popular culture because it has multiple hearths. b. it originated in a specific location, which means it is part of folk culture. c. though it has traits of folk culture, its widespread diffusion makes it part of popular culture. d. geographers cannot pinpoint its exact origin so it is part of folk culture. e. it has a traceable origin and belongs to popular culture.



e. It has a traceable origin and belongs to popular culture.


It is true that Hip Hop has a traceable origin and belongs to popular culture. Hip hop music, often known as rap music, is a popular music genre that started/originated in New York City in the 1970s.

2. Students of science have studied this story for more than 2,000 years. Which of these statements describes the most important impact of his discovery?​


The most significant impact of his discovery is described as "he gave scientists who came after him a means to quantify the volume of oddly-shaped things."

Science is a rigorous process for creating and organizing information in the form of multiverse theories and predictions that can be tested. Some of the oldest fossil evidence for science inquiry dates back tens of thousands of years, and science could be as old as humanity.Principles are concepts based on commonly acknowledged scientific laws and regulations. They are underlying truths that serve as the framework for additional research.Science is thus one of the most important sources of knowledge.In addition to a specific obligation, it serves numerous other objectives for the benefit of our community. Science must address society's needs as well as the world's issues.

Thus this is the meaning of science.

To learn more about science, refer; https://brainly.com/question/28416408


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Training and Development , Organizational Development


trained & well-educated

effective social workers identify ways to become politically involved and develop political access for their clients. in this context, they provide a framework that involves what?


In this context, social workers provide a framework that involves dialogue & solutions that focus on societal & structural inequalities which is called policy advocacy.

Adjustments to frameworks that affect groups of people are sought by social workers who participate in policy advocacy. They advocate for people from underprivileged, underrepresented, and marginalized communities, addressing policies that affect their lives and well-being.

Social workers enable relationships between various stakeholders by raising awareness. Coalitions of individual people, companies, and organizations with similar interests are formed by policy advocates. Such groups can generate enough momentum to sway legislation by resource sharing, contacts, and knowledge.

Learn more on Social workers-



tasha loves to travel, especially internationally. she enjoys trying new cuisines, seeing new things, and meeting people from different cultures. which personality dimension of the big five taxonomy does this best describe?


As Tasha loves to travel, enjoys trying new cuisines, seeing new things and meeting people from different cultures. The personality dimension of the big five taxonomy that this best describe is Openness to experience.

What Are The Big 5 Personality Traits?

In modern psychology to the 5 basic dimensions of personality, the evidence of this theory has grown over the years with the principle theory emerging in 1949. The 5 personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also known as extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

The 5 basic personality traits is a theory developed in 1949 by Fiske and later expanded upon by other researchers including Norman , Smith, Goldberg and McCrae & Costa. These broad categories of traits have been researched and developed over the years and there are an extensive study into each area, but the researchers do not always agree on the definition of each characteristic.

The openness trait is a characteristic that includes imagination and insight in which people have an eagerness to learn and experience new things, this is particularly high for this personality trait and leads to having a broad range of interests and being more adventurous when it comes to decision making.

Read more about personality traits



Who was the first to criticize the james-lange theory to say that emotion was experienced due to the brain rather than the body?.


The first to criticize the James-Lange theory was Walter Cannon and Philip Bard.

Psychologists like Walter Cannon and Philip Bard questioned the hypothesis in the 1920s and came up with the Cannon-Bard theory, an alternative explanation of emotion in which emotional changes are followed by physiological changes.Cannon and Bard (1927) were two of the James-Lange Theory's primary detractors (1934). They were coming up with a different explanation of emotion about the same time in history. One issue they raised was the fact that physical changes—remember, these are physiological changes—occur more slowly than the subjective emotional experience.The James-Lange theory is also criticized for not correlating every bodily response to an emotion. Heart palpitations, for instance, may indicate anxiety, excitement, or even rage. Although the emotions are different, the bodily reaction is the same.

Thus Walter Cannon and Philip Bard were the one to criticize the theory.

To learn more about Walter Cannon and Philip Bard, refer: https://brainly.com/question/14570869


falsifying data in order to make the findings consistent with predetermined points of view would demonstrate: lack of the use of data falsification detection software. lack of research integrity. lack of proper study supervision. lack of proper study design.


Falsifying data in order to make the findings consistent with predetermined points of view would demonstrate a lack of proper study supervision.

What does research falsification mean?

Falsification, in this context, is defined as "manipulating research materials, equipment, or methods, or changing or omitting data or outcomes such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record." Falsification, by this definition, can take place before, during, or after data gathering.

What risks do data analyses in research pose?

It might be extremely dangerous to work very hard to get the "ideal" findings from data analysis. Three categories of research misconduct are outlined by the federal Office of Research Integrity: fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (Office of Research Integrity, 2017).

Learn more about Falsification here:-



the term neuroleptic is applied to drugs that: a. have potency against depression. b. completely cure psychosis. c. completely cure schizophrenia. d. can mimic symptoms of neurological disorders.


The term neuroleptic is applied to drugs that c. completely cure schizophrenia.

What is Neuroleptics?

Neuroleptics, can as well be regarded as antipsychotic medications, it can be described as the term that is been used in medicine to the medications which is been used by the doctors that help to block dopamine receptors in the nervous system of the patients.

It should be noted that this medication is been mainly prescribed by the medical practitioner so that they can help in the management of the mental illnesses that can be found in their clients and some of this mental disorder is the schizophrenia as well as the bipolar disorder which is the disorder that affect the behavior of the people as a result of them having unusual assumption as well as illusion about the things around them which is affectig the way they act.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Read more about schizophrenia at:



the fact that tara hears about airplane crashes on the news more often than she hears about automobile crashes may lead her to believe that she is more likely to die in a plane than in a car. this scenario exemplifies:


If Tara saw more news stories about airline crashes than car catastrophes, she might conclude that she is more likely to die on a plane due to an availability heuristic.

Elaborate on availability heuristic.

The availability heuristic, often referred to as the availability bias, is a mental shortcut that depends on the first instances that come to a person's mind when evaluating a certain subject, idea, approach, or choice. This heuristic is naturally biased in favor of knowledge that has recently been learned since it assumes that if something can be remembered, it must be important or at least more important than alternatives that are less easily remembered.

The apparent magnitude of the repercussions of an action is strongly correlated with their mental accessibility. In other words, people tend to see repercussions as being more severe the easier it is to remember their effects. Most significantly, if the implications of their recall are not called into doubt by other evidence, people frequently rely on its substance.

To know more about, availability heuristic, visit :



dsm-5 includes gambling disorder as an addictive disorder, along with substance use disorders. this inclusion is: a. unique; gambling disorder is the only disorder in the category that doesn't involve a substance. b. common; there presently are seven other disorders in the category that don't involve a substance. c. unusual; gambling disorder and computer gaming disorder both were added as non-substance disorders in the category. d. unusual; gambling disorder joins computer gaming disorder as the second disorder in the category that doesn't involve a su


DSM-5 includes gambling disorder as an addictive disorder, along with substance use disorders. this inclusion is: a. unique; gambling disorder is the only disorder in the category that doesn't involve a substance.

DSM-5 stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fifth addition. According to this edition, DSM states that gambling disorder is an addictive disorder.

This inclusion is unique because so far in this category all of the disorders are related to one substance or the other. Gambling disorder is the only one that has been stated as an addictive disorder but it is not related to any substance abuse.

You can learn more about gambling disorder from



The idea that man was capable of discovering the secrets of the universe and gaining greater understanding of God's plan for them is known as the _______________________________.

1. Age of Enlightenment
2. The Log College
3. Methodist
4. Calvinism


Answer: 1. Age of Enlightenment

2. The Log College


One of those.

what is the central idea of the article? a. driverless cars and other autonomous robots are currently unavailable to the general public because they cannot be controlled. b. autonomous robots are no more ethical or unethical than humans in their decision- making process but need to be held accountable for their actions. c. autonomous robots are unethical since they do not have the same decision-making capabilities as humans, so they will not be available to the general public. d. driverless cars and other autonomous robots are a real possibility in our future, whether or not they can be taught to act ethically or be held accountable for their actions.


They contend that the ideal way to educate a robot ethics is to encode in certain principles (such as "prevent suffering" and "promote happiness") before letting the machine learn from specific scenarios how to apply the principles to brand-new situations.

What evidence do we have that robots can be moral beings?

A robot may not intentionally damage a person or, by remaining motionless, permit a person to suffer harm. A robot must follow any instructions provided to it by humans unless doing so would violate the First Law. According to Sandel, a professor of ethics, AI raises three key ethical issues for society: privacy and surveillance, bias and discrimination, and possibly the most profound and challenging philosophical issue of our time: the function of human judgment.

Learn more about robot ethics



researchers can isolate a single factor and examine the effect of that factor alone on a particular behavior through use of a(n) . group of answer choices


Researchers can isolate a single factor and examine the effect of that factor alone on a particular behavior through the use of choices in an experiment. An experiment means when a hypothesis is tested scientifically and checks when the cause is changed what would affect that factor alone.

Why is it crucial for researchers to randomize the order in which participants experience the experiment's various conditions?

An essential component of experimental research is random assignment to conditions in between-subjects experiments or the ordering of conditions in within-subjects studies. Its goal is to manage auxiliary variables to prevent them from becoming confusing.

To learn more about researchers, follow the link https://brainly.com/question/24174276


the most recent research has provided evidence that the primary causes of autism spectrum disorder include: a. brain abnormalities. b. environmental stress. c. personality characteristics of the parents. d. social status.


According to the most current studies, brain abnormalities are one of the main causes of autism spectrum condition.

What is autism spectrum disorder?

The autism spectrum disorder refers to a group of neurodevelopmental disorders marked by difficulty in social relationships and communication, repetitive activities, strong interests, and atypical reactions to sensory inputs. Autism is sometimes known as autism spectrum disorder in the context of a professional diagnosis.

The following are some instances of social communication and social interaction traits associated with ASD:

Eschews or breaks eye contactDoes not respond to name by the age of nine monthsDoes not display joyful, sad, angry, or astonished facial expressions by the age of nine months.Not engaging in simple interactive games like pat-a-cake by the age of 12 monthsBy the age of one year, makes little or no gestures At the age of 15 months, does not share interests with others By the age of 18 months, does not point to show you something intriguing.At the age of 24 months, can not recognize when others are harmed or unhappy.

To know more about autism spectrum disorder, visit



strategies used to attempt to reduce the risk of being attacked are group of answer choices offensive competitive strategies. generic strategies. defensive competitive strategies. none of the above flag question: question 6


Strategies used in a competitive defensive environment to reduce the likelihood of being attacked

What are the three different kinds of defensive tactics?

Defensive strategy consists of three strategies that are regarded as essential:




What are the four ways to compete?

Cost leadership strategy is one of four competitive strategies. Walmart used this strategy because it works well for big companies that can make a lot of products at a low cost.a strategy for differentiation in leadershipFocus on costs strategy.Focus on differentiation strategy.

Which tactic is known as a defensive tactic?

the strategies employed by companies in market leadership positions to protect their share of the market from challenges; Position defense, flanking defense, preemptive defense, counter-offensive defense, mobile defense, and contraction defense are the six most prevalent defense strategies.

Learn more about defensive tactic here:



cory studied french in high school but has not heard or spoken french in years. her friend introduces her to someone from france. he begins speaking french, and cory cannot understand a word. a week later after study, she understands and can respond correctly. cory was able to improve so rapidly due to:


After studying for a week, she now comprehends and knows how to answer. Cory was able to quickly advance thanks to relearning.

What does psychology mean by "relearning"?

It is possible to compare the number of subsequent trials a subject has to complete in order to reach a given proficiency level with the number of trials he eventually needs to complete in order to reach that level. By using a process known as relearning, this results in a measurement of retention.

Why is it crucial to re-learn?

Re-learn enables us to acquire knowledge and expertise that support our success. We shall keep advancing in the direction of accomplishing our objectives as long as we keep expanding. It gives us insightful advice on how to overcome difficulties and roadblocks. It keeps us witty and current.

Learn more about relearning: https://brainly.com/question/1078554


cindi prefers to take exams in the late afternoon rather than during the morning, because her energy level and ability to concentrate are better at that time. her experience most likely reflects the influence of her:


Cindi's experience most likely reflects the influence of her circadian rhythm.

Define circadian rhythm.

Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles in a person's physical, mental, and behavioral changes. Most living things, including animals, plants, and bacteria, are however impacted by these natural processes, which predominantly react to light and darkness.

The study of circadian rhythms is known as chronobiology. The 24-hour internal clock of your body, known as the circadian rhythm, controls a number of bodily functions, including your cycle of sleep and waking. Hence if a person's circadian cycle is not being followed, he or she may have problems with insomnia, daytime tiredness, and decreased productivity. Cindi's experience most likely reflects the influence of her circadian rhythm.

To learn more about circadian rhythm, visit:



the smaller states presented a plan at the constitutional convention advocating the strengthening of the articles of confederation. the plan was presented by:


The smaller states presented a plan at the constitutional convention advocating strengthening the articles of confederation, the plan was presented by The New Jersey Plan.

Who came up with the New Jersey Plan and what was it?

The New Jersey, or small state, model put forth by William Paterson guaranteed equal representation in Congress. Both the big and small states refused to compromise.

What are the New Jersey plan's three main pillars?

The New Jersey Plan's main elements are:

Each state has equal representation in the one house of Congress (a unicameral legislature), regardless of population.Three-branch national government: legislative, executive, and judicial.Interstate commerce can be taxed and regulated by Congress.

To learn more about The New Jersey Plan, follow the link https://brainly.com/question/28907645


If the top metal plate is negatively charged, what is the charge of the droplets that will be attracted to it?.


The upper metal plate, which is negatively charged, will draw the droplet's positive charge since negative charges attract other negative charges. The pace of the droplet's migration can be changed by varying the voltage, or potential difference, between the metal surfaces.

We can infer that positive charge attracts negative charge because we know that opposite charges attract one another, i.e., negative charge attracts positive charge and positive charge attracts negative charge, but comparable charges repel one another and different charges attract one another.

Indeed, the droplets were attracted to the electrode when it had a negative charge and were repelled by it and each other when the electrode had a positive charge. This proved that the droplets' formation of a net positive electrical charge when they leaped away from the surface was what was responsible for the effect.

To know more about metal, click here:-



robert was trapped in his car as he tried to flee a wildfire in northern california. there was ash and smoke everywhere. the heat was unbearable, and he was sure he was going to die. when rescue teams eventually found him, robert was dehydrated, having trouble breathing, and scared. more than a year later, he still had nightmares and woke up in a cold sweat. this best describes a(n):


This is the situation of post-traumatic stress disorder in medical terms in the case of Robert .

What is post-traumatic stress ?

A stressful incident, such as a sexual assault, battle, car accident, child abuse, domestic violence, or any threat to one's life, might expose a person to post-traumatic stress disorder, a mental and behavioral illness. A person's thoughts and feelings may change, there may be an increase in the fight-or-flight response, and they may experience distressing thoughts, feelings, or dreams that are connected to the events.

They may also experience mental or physical distress when exposed to trauma-related cues or try to avoid them. These signs persist for almost a month following the incident. Young children are less likely to display discomfort, but they could play with their memories instead. A person with PTSD is more likely to commit and purposefully damage themselves.

To learn more about post-traumatic stress checkout the link below :



what are the two different strategies that suffragists are directing their efforts towards getting the right to vote? what do you think are some pros and cons of each strategy?


two different stratgies are right to vote and congressional representation.

What are different strategies adopted by suffragist?

To begin with, they made an effort to persuade state legislatures to allow women the right to vote.

The 14th Amendment, which stated that states denying their male citizens the right to vote would lose congressional representation, was challenged by women in legal disputes.

Third, women lobbied for a change to the country's constitution that would give them the right to vote.

Know more about suffragist strategies from the given link



Which psychological perspective understands anxiety disorders by examining temperament, parenting, and life stress?.


The psychological perspective that understands anxiety disorders by examining temperament, parenting, and life stress is developmental psychopathology.

In the field of psychology, developmental psychopathology can be described as a branch of psychology under which the development of a psychological disorder is studied related to various life course events or perspectives.

Under developmental psychopathology, the psychologist tries to look for the developmental causes of a psychological disorder.

For example, the various developmental factors for anxiety disorder are parental problems, life stress etc. All these developmental factors will be looked upon and related to the disorder under developmental psychopathology.

To learn more about developmental psychopathology:



an ad for fila usa showed a praying mantis sprinting away from his murderous mate along a tree branch. which technique for manipulating and transforming ideas was most likely used in this example?


The technique used for for manipulating and transforming ideas was Parody.

A parody, also known as a spoof, satire, send-up, take-off, lampoon, play-on-words, or caricature, is an artistic creation intended to imitate, remark on, and/or mock its subject through satirical or sarcastic imitation.The genres of fiction, poetry, film, visual arts, and others are all suitable for parodies. For instance, the movies Scary Movie and its several sequels spoof the tropes of the horror film genre.A parody is an exaggerated, humorous imitation of a creative work, such as a piece of art, literature, or a motion picture. The purpose of parody is frequently to critique or comment on the original work, the artist who made it, or some other aspect of the work.

Thus this is the meaning of Parody.

To learn more about Parody, refer: https://brainly.com/question/1023752


your aunt typically plans and reminds family members about birthdays, graduation, trips, holidays and memorial services, what is the another name for this role? quitzlet


Answer:family organizer or planner


The role you are describing is commonly referred to as a "family event planner" or "family organizer."

Who is family organizer?

A family organizer is someone within a family who takes on the responsibility of managing and coordinating various events, activities, and tasks for the benefit of the family.

This role can include organizing family gatherings, such as holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions, managing schedules, tracking important dates, handling household chores and responsibilities, and generally keeping the family running smoothly.

Family organizers are often highly organized and detail-oriented, with strong communication and interpersonal skills to effectively coordinate and manage multiple family members and activities.

They may be a parent, grandparent, or other family member who has taken on this responsibility voluntarily or by consensus within the family.

Learn more about family organizer here:



although she has been criticized for doing so, alice goffman, author of on the run, shredded her notebooks and disposed of the hard drives that contained her field notes in order to avoid incriminating her participants. based on the asa code of ethics principles, which ethical guideline was goffman adhering to in this situation?


Goffman was adhering to Maintaining privacy and confidentiality in this situation.

Goffman is the author of the best-selling book On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City, which examines the over-policing, destitution, and incarceration faced by young black men and their families in Philadelphia. Prior to its extensive criticism, the book got a lot of positive attention.

The two concepts of secrecy and privacy are clearly related. Information that might invade someone's or an organization's privacy can be revealed as a result of a breach of confidentiality.

Data custodians (organizations that gather data) have a duty of confidentiality to protect the private information entrusted to them.

To know more about privacy and confidentiality:




What big ideas have survived from freud’s psychoanalytic theory? in what ways has freud’s theory been criticized?.


Freud's theory was criticized because It is impossible for the theory to ever fully describe anything as complicated as the human mind.

What is Freud's psychoanalytic theory ?

In order to help the patient experience catharsis, or healing, psychoanalysis is a sort of therapy that seeks to help the client release pent-up or repressed emotions and memories (McLeod, 2014). In other words, the purpose of psychoanalysis is to raise consciousness about what is unconscious or subconscious.

Talking to someone else about important issues and delving into the nuances that lurk underneath the seemingly straightforward surface can help you achieve your aim.

Freud thought that bringing about the unconscious may heal individuals. attaining "insight" via conscious thought and motives.

to learn more about Sigmund Freud click



proquest national newspapers core has current articles from the five most highly regarded newspapers published in the united states. what are their titles?


ProQuest national newspapers core has current articles from the five most highly regarded newspapers published in the united states. They are- New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor

What is ProQuest national newspapers?

The content of historical newspapers is fully searchable from cover to cover thanks to ProQuest Historical Newspapers. One of the most sought-after primary source materials for research is old newspaper content. There are more than 55 million digitized pages and more than 60 prestigious stand-alone historical books dating back to the 1700s.

One of the most sought-after primary sources for researchers is the content of historical newspapers. ProQuest Historical Newspapers, which offers more than 60 prestigious historical titles, is the leading newspaper digital archive, enabling academics to virtually travel through time and become eyewitnesses to history.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers reveals the day-to-day news coverage to researchers and historical explorers, offering invaluable insights and information to users from a wide range of subjects. These topics include important issues and events like the U.S. Civil War, immigration, westward expansion, industrial developments, race relations, and World Wars I and II.

Know more about newspapers



1. Why did Lincoln want a moderate Reconstruction plan?


Moderate Reconstruction plan is the objective of Abraham Lincoln's 10 Percent Plan is to offer a reasonable compromise to still-fighting Confederates in exchange for their surrender to the Union forces.

What were the objectives of the Lincoln Reconstruction plan?

In December, President Lincoln announced a plan for reconstruction that might have allow the Confederate states to establish new state governments as long as 10% of its male residents took loyalty vows and the states recognised the long-term freedom of people who had been in slavery.

What did Lincoln have to say regarding his Reconstruction-related plans?

I provided a reconstruction plan (as the saying goes) in the Annual Message of December 1863 and the accompanying Proclamation, and I pledged that if any State adopted it, the Executive administration of the country would recognise it and support it.

To know more about Moderate Reconstruction plan visit:



After the Corps returned from their exploration,


The correct answer is option (C) United Nations continued peaceful relationship with the native Americans.

After the Corps returned from their exploration, United Nations continued peaceful relationship with the native Americans.

What happened after Lewis and Clark returned?

For their efforts, Lewis and Clark were both lavishly compensated with huge land grants and double pay. Inexplicably, Lewis waited a year before travelling to St. Louis to begin his new responsibilities after President Jefferson designated him governor of the Territory of Upper Louisiana in March 1807.

The Corps of Discovery brought back a wealth of information on the people, the land, the rivers, the mountains, the plants, and the animals of the new United States territory west of the Mississippi. The trip significantly advanced the cartography of the continent of North America.

The expedition team consisted of 45 people, including Lewis, Clark, 27 single soldiers, a French-Indian interpreter, a hired boat crew, and York, a slave who was Clark's property.

To learn more about exploration visit:



loretta is concerned because her 12-month-old son, christian, does not seem to interact socially. she is concerned that he might have autism spectrum disorder. what other symptom might christian display


She worries that he may suffer from autism spectrum condition. Unusual play is another sign that Christians may exhibit.

What triggers the autism spectrum disorder?

Variations in the brain are the cause of the developmental disability known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Some people with ASD are diagnosed with a specific condition, such as a genetic illness. Unknown are more factors.

Which three conditions are prevalent on the autistic spectrum?

Up until recently, scientists discussed several forms of autism, such as Asperger's syndrome, autistic disorder, and pervasive developmental disability not otherwise defined (PDD-NOS). They are now all referred to as "autism spectrum disorders," though.

What's it like to be autistic?People with autism may behave differently from other people. find it challenging to comprehend the emotions or thoughts of others. find things like loud noises or bright lights to be uncomfortable, distressing, or overpowering. get agitated or anxious in new circ*mstances and social gatherings. take more time to comprehend information.

Learn more about autism spectrum disorder (ASD): https://brainly.com/question/7228450


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Jim Always Takes His Dog Out For A Walk In The Morning. Whenever Jim Puts The Leash On His Dog, The Dog (2024)
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