Jonathan Is A Certified Addictions Counselor Who Believes Substance Use Is More Likely To Appear In Families (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1

The full integration of family therapy into standard substance abuse treatment is still relatively rare.

What is Substance abuse treatment and family therapy?There is no single, immutable definition of family. Different cultures and belief systems influence definitions, and because cultures and beliefs change over time, definitions of what is meant by family are by no means static. While the definition of family may change according to different circ*mstances, several broad categories encompass most families, including traditional families, extended families, and elected families. The idea of family implies an enduring involvement on an emotional level.Consequently, a change in any part of the system may bring about changes in other parts of the system. These include models such as marriage and family therapy (MFT), strategic family therapy, structural family therapy, cognitive–behavioral family therapy, couples therapy, and solution-focused family therapy. Today four predominant family therapy models are used as the bases for treatment and specific interventions for substance abuse: the family disease model, the family systems model, the cognitive–behavioral approach, and multidimensional family therapy.

To learn more about substance refer to:


Related Questions

What types of violations do the FCC handle?


If you want to file a complaint as a consumer about the issue you are experiencing, go to and choose one of the six category options under "File a Complaint" (TV, phone, Internet, emergency communications, access for people with disabilities).

What options are available to the FCC?

Money forfeiture, equipment seizure, injunctive relief, criminal arrest and/or fine, and financial forfeiture are among the possible enforcement actions.

All kinds of communication, include wire, cable, radio, broadcast, satellite, and others, are governed by the Federal Communications Commission. While the FCC can assist consumers with a variety of concerns, some problems, such consumer fraud or cable billing, are best handled by local, state, or federal authorities who have jurisdiction over these problems.

To know more about jurisdiction :


when a student develops reading problems early on, it is usually appropriate to look for weaknesses in word recognition. t or f


When a student develops reading problems early on, it is usually appropriate to look for weaknesses in word recognition

The statement is True

One of the key components of text comprehension is the capacity to sound out and identify words. Students are better able to effectively and rapidly interpret written information into spoken words when they have strong phonics and word study skills.Students who read about a subject for which they already have a solid foundation in knowledge are more likely than less knowledgeable students to: pick up new knowledge from the book more quickly.The best way to help your pupils improve their reading fluency is to give them numerous chances to read the same piece aloud. To do this, you must first choose appropriate reading material for your kids. Second, you should be able to repeatedly have your kids read aloud.

To know more about Word recognition here


Why did the framers of the Constitution want federalism?


By dividing the powers of the government so that no one government or organisation can control all of them, federalism aims to protect individual freedom. When drafting the Constitution, the Framers used the idea that divided authority meant restricted power.

The Constitution's creators adopted this arrangement because they were devoted to strong state governments, which could better deal with issues of a local character, even while they acknowledged that a strong federal government was important for some objectives. In order to prevent one department of government from dominating the other, the Constitution's framers made sure that each was balanced. The Constitution establishes "checks and balances" between the three branches in order to accomplish this purpose.Federalism is a philosophy of how power should be divided between the federal government and state governments. There are significant political theory-related aspects to how federalism and the First Amendment relate to one another. At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, seen here, modern federalism was established.

To learn more about federalism click the link below:


What events led up to women's suffrage?


First Women's Rights Convention led up to women's suffrage movement.

The suffrage movement was a series of campaigns by women's rights activists to secure the right to vote in various countries during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The main goals of the suffrage movement were to achieve equality for women and to give women a voice in the political process.

The movement was led by passionate women who believed that all human beings should be treated equally, regardless of gender. These women were fighting for something greater than themselves, and their efforts helped pave the way for future generations of women.

To know more about suffrage, click here.


What is a statement symbol?



The answer is A


Banks indicate to.economic properties of the country Justify the statement​



The banking system plays an important role in the modern economic world. Banks collect the savings of the individuals and lend them out to business- people and manufacturers. Bank loans facilitate commerce.

Banks arrange for the sale of shares and debentures. Thus, business houses and manufacturers can get fixed capital with the aid of banks. There are banks known as industrial banks, which assist the formation of new com­panies and new industrial enterprises and give long-term loans to manu­facturers.

The banking system facilitates internal and international trade. A large part of trade is done on credit. Banks provide references and guarantees, on behalf of their customers, on the basis of which sellers can supply goods on credit. This is particularly important in international trade when the parties reside in different countries and are very often unknown to one another.

Manufacturers borrow from banks the money needed for the purchase of raw materials and to meet other requirements such as working capital. It is safe to keep money in banks. Interest is also earned thereby. Thus, the desire to save is stimu­lated and the volume of savings increases. The savings can be utilised to produce new capital assets.

Thus, the banks play an important role in the creation of new capital (or capital formation) in a country and thus help the growth process.

Trade is also assisted by the grant of loans by discounting bills of exchange and in other ways. Foreign exchange transactions (the exchange of one currency for another) are also done through banks.

Finally, banks act as advisers, counsellors and agents of business and indus­trial organisations. They help the development of trade and industry.


There are special types of banks which provide facilities to different kinds of economic activities. Now-a-days in every country there is a central bank which controls the activities of all other banks, endeavours to keep the price level steady, and controls the rates of foreign exchange.

Banks can have a big impact on how well a nation's economy is doing. This is due to the fact that banks frequently have a direct impact on the health of the economy as a whole since they engage in lending and borrowing activities that are susceptible to changes in the economy.

Banking institutions' lending policies are one approach to assessing a nation's economic health. A sign that banks are confident in the forecast for the economy and anticipate a high demand for loans is if they are eager to lend money to firms and individuals. However, if banks are reluctant to lend or tighten their lending standards, it may be a sign that they are worried about the economic climate and anticipate Loan demand is expected to be low.

Additionally, the financial health of banks can be determined by their performance. Profitable and well-capitalized banks may be a sign that the economy is doing well and that credit is in high demand. On the other hand, if banks are having financial difficulties, it can be a warning that the economy is having problems and that credit demand is low.

In general, banks can be a valuable source of information for policymakers and market participants because of their lending policies and financial performance, which can provide important details about the state of a nation's economy.

To learn more about banks and economic properties,

How have social technologies changed e-commerce? In what ways has your own organization leveraged social networking/media to generate revenue either directly or indirectly?


The role of social media in ecommerce has been increasing the visibility of products building brand awareness, social technologie have also enabled businesses to advertise and to target specific users based on their habits in order to satisfy individual customer needs. It has also helped small businesses globalize their businesses allowing them to sell their products to customers far away from their physical locations and a variety of products and also the ability to adjust to and cater for the constantly changing trends in the market. This has largely improved and extended customer support and engaged in conversation and community building.

Consider reading more on the same topic here-


Social technologies have helped in building brands. They keep reminding the target market about a particular brand. It is easier to reach a huge number of people through social media platforms. The use of ads and social influencers has proven to be successful to many business.

Online customer care services are much better and more efficient compared to a face-to-face help service. Companies have accounts where the direct messages are open to customers so that they can ask for any clarifications, make complaints and so much more. The easy interaction will improve the product immensely because there will be suggestions from the public encouraging improvement.

Considering more about social technologies and e-commerce, read here:


Many authorities say that adaptive behavior consists of

a) social intelligence and practical intelligence.
b) behaviors that defy definition.
c) IQ and behavior.
d) skills that result in the individual's achieving a high quality of life.


Many experts believe that adaptive behavior is made up of social intelligence & practical intelligence.

The ability to know oneself and others is referred to as social intelligence. Social intelligence is developed via interaction with others and learning from successes and mistakes in social situations. The ability to comprehend your own and others' actions is referred to as social intelligence. It is often referred to as "tact", "common sense", or "smartness". [Citation required] It is a crucial interpersonal relationship that will assist persons in all facets of their lives. Previously, social intelligence & interpersonal intelligence were thought to be closely related; however, the two areas have divided into two distinct fields of research. According to the social intelligence theory, social intelligence, that really is, sophisticated socialization including such politics and romance.

Learn more about socialization here


If and isotope has a half life of 4 billion years, then in 4 billions years -
A) all of the original amount will be present.
B) 1/4 of the original amount will be present.
C) 1/2 of the original amount will be present.
D) none of it will be present


If an isotope has a half life of 4 bil-lion years, then in 4 bil-lions years- C) 1/2 of the origin-al amount will be present. It would take bill-ions of years for an iso-tope to decay into a ratio of its half.

What do you mean by half life?

Half-life is the length of ti-me it tak-es for half of the radioactive atoms of a specific radionuclide to decay. A good rule of thu-mb is that, after seven half-lives, you will ha-ve less than one per-cent of the original amo-unt of radiation.

The half-life of a radio-active isotope is the amo-unt of time it takes for one-half of the radio-active iso-tope to decay.

To know more about half life click below:


When did the anti slavery movement started?


In 1830 the anti slavery movement started. As opposed to past campaigns, the abolitionist movement was more planned, radical, and time-sensitive in its approach to abolishing slavery.

Earlier movements to abolish slavery had not been as organized, militant, or quick as the abolitionist movement. It made its official debut about 1830. Forced work and a lack of freedom are two characteristics of slavery. Additionally, it was a system in which one class of people—the slave owners—could compel another—the slaves—to work and restrict their freedom. Some types of slavery have existed throughout history as a form of punishment for crimes or as a means of repaying debts.

Learn more on antislavery


Developmental growth patterns are directional and sequential even for physically and mentally disabled children.

a. True
b. False


Developmental growth patterns are directional and sequential even for physically and mentally disabled children.

The given statement is True.

Intellectually or physically impaired. implies a person who, because of a physical or mental impairment, is unable to obtain, through any service, employment, or profession, the resources necessary to enable him or her to support himself or herself.Disabilities come in a wide variety of forms, including those that are mental, physical, sensory, and intellectual.impairment of a person's physical or mental capabilities; examples include the loss of a limb, vision loss, or memory loss.Limitations on activity, such as trouble hearing, seeing, walking, or solving problems.

To know more about Disability here


What does a negative political advertisem*nt do?


Spreading maliciously unfavorable information about someone or something in an effort to harm the specified subject's reputation is known as negative campaigning.

What does political advertising serve to accomplish?Political advertising is described as displays, newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, articles, tabloids, flyers, letters, radio or TV appearances, or other mass communication mediums that are used to solicit votes, money, other support, or other forms of support, directly or indirectly.Spreading maliciously unfavorable information about someone or something in an effort to harm the specified subject's reputation is known as negative campaigning. Mudslinging is a more commonplace, but still rather disparaging, word for the behavior.Political advertising is described as displays, newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, articles, tabloids, flyers, letters, radio or TV appearances, or other mass communication mediums that are used to solicit votes, money, other support, or other forms of support, directly or indirectly.

To learn more about Negative campaigning refer to:


Belsky's original Theoretical Model of Determinants of Parenting include the three categories of:


Belsky's original Theoretical Model of Determinants of Parenting include the three categories of: Parent's characteristics, Contextual sources of support, Child's characteristics.

The three main categories of important parenting determinants—child features, parental personal resources, and environmental factors—converge in Belsky's (1984) prominent theoretical framework for explaining predictors of parenting behavior and its recent update (Taraban & Shaw, 2018). The traits of the parent, the child, and the family's social environment all play multiple roles in determining parenting, according to Belsky's model.

Learn more on behavior


Ms. Reagan, who is a teacher, agrees more with Howard Gardner’s theory of intelligence than Charles Spearman’s theory of intelligence. Which of the following scenarios would she most agree with?

a. Ms. Reagan's student Shuri is excellent at math, so she concludes that Shuri must also have high verbal ability.
b. Ms. Reagan thinks that her students exhibit more than one type of intelligence. For example, she notices her student Noel plays well with others as well as alone.
c. Ms. Reagan thinks that her students exhibit three specific types of intelligence.
d. Ms. Reagan observes that her student Lenny is practical, creative, and analytical, so she concludes that Lenny must be the most intelligent person in her class.
Because Jenny can memorize every book she reads, Ms. Reagan concludes that she must have a high IQ.


Ms. Reagan will agree with Charles Spearman's theory of intelligence if she believes that her students have more than one type of intelligence. She notices, for example, that her student Noel plays well with others as well as alone.

In 1904 Spearman published his two-factor theory of intelligence. He was the creator of the "g" factor, a concept of general intelligence. To develop this theory, he examined various mental aptitude and cognitive tests administered to participants.

Charles Spearman is widely regarded as the father of factor analysis as a statistical technique for data reduction and interpretation. He was the first psychologist to apply mathematical models to analyze and interpret the complexities of the human mind.

Hence, the correct answer is "B".

To know more about Charles Spearman, click here.


in order to be diagnosed with any type of adhd, at a minimum, must be present. select one: a. both patterns of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity b. problems with attention and concentration c. either 1) a pattern of inattention and/or 2) a pattern of hyperactivity and impulsivity d. hyperactive behavior that alternates with periods of distraction


In order to be diagnosed with any type of adhd, at a minimum, both patterns of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity must be present. Option A

What is meant by ADHD?

The illness known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has an impact on how people behave. People with ADHD may appear restless, struggle to focus, and act impulsively.

The following are the 3 categories of ADHD symptoms:

Inattention: Age-appropriately low attention span (difficulty sustaining attention) a problem in listening to others.Impulsivity: Frequently disrupts other people.Hyperactivity: Appears to be constantly moving; at times, runs or climbs without any apparent reason other than to move.

People with ADHD can achieve great success in life. But without adequate diagnosis and care, ADHD can lead to major problems like academic failure, stress in the home, relationship issues, depression, substance misuse, delinquency, accidents, and career failure.

Read more on ADHD here:


how the misinformation effect impact those testifying as eyewitnesses in crime? how might lawyers use the misinformation effect to their favor in a criminal case


Eyewitness evidence is likely to be given improper credibility by jurors, which can impact those testifying as eyewitnesses in crime.

There have been countless cases when people have been victims of false witness memory. The witness loses the true recollection and then provides misleading clues. It is not done on purpos

Memory, according to Elizabeth Loftus, is constantly formed and remade. When something similar arises, one may forget the true memories. In the instance of a witness, we discover that they are a victim of false memory, and so innocent people are condemned.

People forget the true incident and feel guilty as a result. Some psychologists argue that memory functions like a recording device, replaying actual occurrences. However, this is not the case. It always accumulates several comparable incidents, causing the true incident to overlap.

Loftus demonstrates that individuals recall things that did not actually happen by using several instances. It is true that when people are given incorrect information, their true memories do not function effectively. Memory manipulation is a factual truth, and individuals are regularly the victims of memory manipulation.

learn more about Eyewitness evidence at


Dr. Rudolph’s class has a big test coming up next week. Which of the following students is using a studying strategy that is most likely to lead to memory consolidation?
answer choices
Greta is anxious about the test, so she distracts herself by playing video games.
Marcus does not study until the night before the test, when he studies for eight hours straight.
Crystal studies for a half hour before she goes to bed each night the week before the exam.
Elizabeth does not study for the test, but she pays close attention, asks lots of questions, and takes good notes during class.
Mario studies by repeating his class notes to himself multiple times.


The following student who is using a studying strategy that is most likely to lead to memory consolidation is Crystal who studies for a half hour before she goes to bed each night the week before the exam.

Memory consolidation is the process of transforming a volatile, temporary memory into a more stable, long-lasting memory. In the case above, what Crystal does is transforming the short memory by studying each night to become a long lasting memory. Memory consolidation refers to the processes that stabilize a memory trace after it has been acquired. A memory trace is a neurological change caused by remembering something. Consolidation is divided into two distinct processes. The first, synaptic consolidation, which is thought to correspond to late-phase long-term potentiation, occurs on a small scale within the first few hours after learning in synaptic connections and neural circuits. The second process is systems consolidation, which occurs on a much larger scale in the brain and takes weeks to years to render hippocampus-dependent memories independent of the hippocampus.

Learn more about memory consolidation


What is a presidential power that requires approval from the Senate?


The presidential power that requires approval from the Senate is the treaty power.

According to the American Constitution, the president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur". This is specified in Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.

Treaties are defined as agreements between two or more nations that have a legally binding effect. They also get included under the umbrella of international law.

In effect, a treaty to which United States has ratified and become a party to will have the force of federal legislation. It becomes a part of what is known as ''the supreme Law of the Land.''

Recently, the trend is more towards, presidents entering the United States into international agreements without the Senate's consent or advice.

However these are not treaties but "executive agreements." It shall be noted that executive agreements also have a binding effect under international law

To know more about treaty power of president, click here


Which line suggests the theme "nature offers a place of rest for those who are weary"?.


The line from the poem that suggests the theme is “When breezes are soft and skies are fair, I steal an hour from study and care.”

The given question is from the “Green River”, a poem written by William Cullen Bryant.

Here, the author described the beauty of the river in a poetic way giving it more beautiful and soulful meaning.

Author describes every single thing about the river and how he finds peace near it, by looking at it.

Whenever he is in the crowd of men, surrounded by loud people, he desires to visit here, a place calm and serene, lonely yet provides solitude.

To know more about poem Green river, here:


Answer: “ I still an hour from study and care,“

What is an example of judicial review quizlet?


An example of an application for judicial review is a tenant appealing to review an order decided by a Dispute Resolution Officer of the Residential Tenancy Board, for example, advocating a notice that the landlord has stated to the tenant to leave the premises.

What is judicial review?

Judicial review is the capability of the courts of a country to check the actions of the legislative, executive, and administrative sections of the government and to determine whether the actions are compatible with the constitution.

The main function of judicial review is to review the acts of the executive branch and the laws of the Congress in behalf of the Constitution, with the possibility that it will rule them to be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court can examine the state and local governments with this ability as well.

Learn more about judicial review at:


cozy cup coffee moved into a new location in a residential area. many of the neighbors were not thrilled about the construction noise and increased traffic. cozy cup coffee decided to give out free cups of coffee to the neighbors every morning. this is an example of


According to the research, the correct answer is Option B. Cozy cup decided to give out free cups of coffee to the neighbors every morning. This is an example of how companies can target the community with public relations efforts.

What is Public relations?

It refers to the set of coordinated and sustained action strategies over time that is responsible for managing communication between a company to maintain its positive image and society.

In this sense, they are developed in a transcendental way and that appeals to effective communications, since it is addressed to a public (internal and external) attending to its needs.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, public relations efforts seek to connect with the audience, being one of the key strategies within marketing.

Learn more about public relations here:


The full question is:

Cozy cup coffee moved into a new location in a residential area. many of the neighbors were not thrilled about the construction noise and increased traffic. Cozy cup coffee decided to give out free cups of coffee to the neighbors every morning. This is an example of


A. how company shareholders are the most important audience of public relations.

B. how companies can target the community with public relations efforts.

C. why company vendors get in the way of community relations.

D. why residential areas are not appropriate targets for public relations activities.

How does empathy help other people?


Empathy is important because it helps us to understand how others feel and react appropriately to situations.

What is Empathy?

Emotions scientists often define empathy as having the ability to sense the emotions of other people while also having the imagination to imagine what other persons could be thinking or feeling. The ability to understand and care about another person's thoughts and feelings is known as empathy. It is different from conveying pity since sympathy requires empathy towards the other people.

Our ability to effectively interact with others, both individually and as a team, is enhanced by empathy. You'll be better able to motivate people, lead them, and cultivate more understanding connections.

To know more about Empathy, visit:


What does it mean to draw evidence from the text?


Drawing evidence from the text means to find proof of an assertion or claim, from a text given.

What is textual evidence ?

Textual evidence relates to written facts and the methods employed to determine the veracity of the information. When an author provides a perspective or thesis and employs evidence to support the claims, textual evidence is used.

When you are speaking or writing about what you have read, using examples from the book as support for your arguments is an excellent method to persuade others to agree with you. identifying the sources you used to obtain your knowledge can demonstrate to the reader that you did thorough investigation.

Find out more on textual evidence at

A story with a shifting point of view will have a more _____ perspective.



biased is the correct answer.


3. What difficulties did the U.S. face in preparing for war with Britain? Select all that apply.
France backed out after offering to help the U.S.
Britain had a much larger navy than the U.S.
Enslaved African Americans refused to help fight.
The U.S. had a small army compared to Britain.



Britain had a much larger navy than the U.S.

The U.S. had a small army compared to Britain.

Brian was having difficulty solving a riddle, but after sleeping, he suddenly understood the answer. brian’s newfound knowledge was probably the result of?


After sleeping, Brian suddenly realized the answer to a conundrum he had been struggling to solve. Brian's newly discovered information was most likely the outcome of memory-consolidation.

Recently learned events are said to be converted into long-term memory by a time-dependent process called memory consolidation, which is thought to occur as a result of structural and chemical changes in the nervous system (e.g., the strengthening of synaptic connections between neurons).

The processes used to solidify a memory trace after it has been collected are referred to as memory consolidation. An altered brain state brought on by recollection is known as a memory trace. There are two separate processes in the consolidation process. Brain systems that transmit information through the designated embodiment or trace succession are referred to as memory consolidation.

Learn more about Memory consolidation visit :


Why is India an agricultural country Class 8?


India is a significant agricultural nation. Its population is comprised primarily of farmers, at two thirds. The majority of the food we consume is produced through the primary industry of agriculture. It also produces raw materials for various industries in addition to food grains.

Why India is said to as an agricultural nation Why?

In India, the main source of employment is in the agricultural industry and its related industries. Its rural households still rely primarily on agriculture for survival in 70 percent of cases, with small and marginal farmers making up 82 percent of the farming population.

Why is Class 4 India an agricultural nation?

There is a lot of extremely fertile land in India. In addition, India is a populous nation and requires extensive production of food grains. Indian monsoon weather is quite favorable for farming. India's primary economic activity is hence agriculture.

To Know more about primary industry


1. Who do you think makes a better lawmaker: a "professional politician" or a "citizen legislator"?
2. Why did congress become dominated by career legislators after the civil war


A lot of people have criticised professional politicians. They've been charged as being crooked .

What was "professional politician" or a "citizen legislator"?

Beholden to special interest organisations, and more focused on winning re-election than serving the needs of the general public.

There are now calls for term limits, which would set a time restriction on how long legislators can in office, as a result of the public's mistrust of career politicians.

There are various types of term limits. A lawmaker might only be able to serve a particular number of terms for the rest of their lives, or they might be able to run again after stepping down from office.

It may be necessary for those in office right now to take into account the terms they have already completed, or the term counting may begin with the next election.

Nonetheless, opponents of these limitations claim that term limits restrict voters from choosing anybody they want, which goes against democracy's core principles.

The Council of 500 had a lifetime limit of two years in ancient Athens, the birthplace of democracy. The Athenians thought that this term limit encouraged extensive civic engagement and discouraged autocracy.

Learn more about citizen legislator here


One of the principles stated in the declaration of independence is that government should?


The Declaration of Independence states that "governments are instituted among men, driving their just power from the consent of the governed."

The Second Continental Congress, which met in Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776, adopted a proclamation and foundational text known as The United States Declaration of Independence, officially The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America.On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which the 13 American colonies used to dissolve their political ties to Great Britain. The Declaration enumerated the reasons why the colonies wanted independence.

To know more about Declaration of Independence here


What are the 4 criteria for a good research question?


A good research question should be feasible, intriguing, original, ethical, and relevant when considered in the context of the desired study design.

A research project investigating the effects of alcohol on the brain. an investigation to identify the elements of human DNA. a study looking at whether stress leads to increased aggression. a study investigating the link between gender stereotypes and depression. clear and concentrated In other words, the query need to make it crystal apparent what the writer must do. Not too thin and not too broad. Quite difficult to respond. Not too challenging of a question. Researchable. analytical instead of descriptive The issue on which you focus your research is known as a research question. It should be concise and detailed enough for the audience to grasp the message's meaning without further elaboration.

Learn more about good research question here


Jonathan Is A Certified Addictions Counselor Who Believes Substance Use Is More Likely To Appear In Families (2024)
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