Richmond Weekly Telegram from Richmond, Indiana (2024)

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Richmond Weekly Telegrami

Richmond, Indiana

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IM THE TELEGBAM THE TELEGRAM RATES ADVERTISING rUBltSITED EVERY THURSDAY BY GIVEN ON APPLICATION 915 Ac 917 Hain Street ONE DOLLAR A YEAR RICHMOND INDIANA THURSDAY OCTOBER 13 1887 NO 41 VOL XXVI QUITE ACCOMMODATING OR THE RIGHT A SLIGHT IMPROVEMENT GARRETT AND GOULD hs io the Tekram The Very Cream THE IDELITY MR OLD JONES CO SCRATCHED 28 YEARS Westcott Block Richmond A THE PLATORM DIERING AND PANIC In 197 Wayne Ave (Telephone 34) Richmond A APT I albeit told in UJULUikh THE OLD OLD WAY have as Large an Assortment of STEAMBOAT COLLISION WHEN SHALL IT BE I NA THE The RICHMONO'S IRST VISITOR MATHER Hand Sewed Don't IOKGET Our Price ONE PRICE I ONE PRICE! YELLOW EVEK fl tie Rob THE ATTORNEYS Mol Down on By a United StnfleM Jndge Set ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS RICHMOND IND Bankrupt Sale! Modern Times 150 to 350 Cor Ninth and Main Streets Hittie Block The TELEGRAM is entered at the Richmond postofflce aa second class mail matter HANAN A SON'S Gent) ine Mioen $15 loses he was not at sale of the Telegraph Han wants but little here below But wants that little strong This is especially true of a purge The average man or woman does not precisely hanker for it as a rule but when taken wishes it to be prompt sure and effective Dr Pleas ant Purgative Pellets leave nothing to be desired in point of efficacy and yet their action is totally free from any un pleasant symptoms or disagreeable af ter effects Purely vegetable perfectly harmless A RIDGEVILLE ARMER TAKEN IN Good Value Polite Attention air Dealing! Noteworthy Events to the Moment of Going to Press AND ITS GUIDING SPIRIT HARPER THE TWO GUSTY TALK COM LICTINGLT One Boat Nuuk anti Another Disabled Cairo Ills Oct 10 A collision oc curred in the harbor here last night between the railroad transfer steimer Butler of the Mobile Ohio Railroad Company and the steamer running between here and St Louis which resulted in disabling the latter temporarily and causing the former to sink ten minutes later near the Kentucky shore in twelve feet water The engineer of the had a narrow escape He was thrown to the deck lloor and had barely time to extri cate himself from the debris when the water rushed in and flooded the deck The was carrying a train of sixteen freight cars loaded with flour meat and coal which were all partially submerged By Special Telegraph through the Week MEETING THE NEXT TIONAI REPUBLICAN CON VENTION A Court House Burned With Intent it is Snpposed Charlestoix Mich Oct Satur day night the court house in this county at Bayne City together with all title records was destroyed by fire It is supposed to be incendiary The Location of the county seat was the occasion of a hot fight between East Jordan and Boyne City and threats of violence were freely indulged in BY A REAL MEAN MAN WHO PLAYED HIM OR A NI CHES Boy Lecturer Coming I ONE NIGHT ONLY! At Centreville October Sd A DARK CHAPTER IN THE THIRD NATIONAL LAID BARE Bank Statement New York Oct 8 The weekly bank statement of the Associated Banks of New York shows the following changes Reserve decrease $904350 loans increase $3393300 specie de crease $170300 legal tenders increase $403000 deposits increase $4548200 circulation decrease $15700 The hanks now hold $8112650 in excess of the 25 per cent rule Catarrhal Dangers To be freed from the dangers of suffocation while lying down to breathe freely sleep soundly and undisturbed to rise refreshed head clear brain active and free from pain or ache to know that no poisonous putrid matter defiles the breath and rots away the delicate machinery of smell taste and hearing to feel that the system does not through its veins and arteries suck up the poison that is sure to undermine land destory Is indeed a blessing be yond all other human enjoyments To purchase immunity from such a fate should be the object of all afflicted But those who have tried many remedies and physicians despair of relief or cure Sanford's Radical Curb meets every phase of Catarrh from a simple head cold to the most loath some and destructive stages It is local and consti tutional Instant in relieving permanent in curing safe economical and never failing Radical Cure consists of one bottle of the Radical Cure one box Catarrhal Sol vent and one Improved Inhaler all wrapped in one package with treatise and directions ana sold by all druggists for Si 00 Potter Drug A Chemical Co Boston Having made Our Selections after a Personal Inspection Of the Largest Stocks in Philadel phia and New York We Secured the Very Cream of What the Market Affords In Carpets Lace Curtains Dry Goods and Notions The Choicest Patterns Latest Styles Greatest Variety and Lowest Prices are Our Inducements If you ask your neighbor who are the LEADING CLOTHIERS HATTERS AND URNISHERS IN RICHMOND and where to go for the best treatment where you can get value received for every dollar you in vest where goods are just as represented or money refunded for the LARGEST LINE CLOTHING URNISHING GOODS HATS AND CAPS they will tell you Sold every here Price Cuticura 50c Soap 25c Resolvent Si Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co Boston for "How to Cure Skin 64 pages 50 illustrations and 100 testimonials Hog Cholera Raging Illinois Chicago Oct A Genesee Ill special says: Within the past three weeks over 500 hogs have died of chol era in Western township The disease is slowly spreading and taking both old and young hogs Several other townships in the county are troubled with the same disease Scaly Itching Skin Disease with Endless Suffering Cured by Cuticura Remedies In the Corn Condition bat it laStlll the Worst Since 1S81 Washington Oct 10 The statistical report of the Department of Agricul ture makes an increase of only half of 1 per cent in the condition of corn The average of seven surplus States is 649 instead of 642 in September This is a lower than has ever been reported except in 1881 when the average was nearly seven points lower and the average yield 186 bushels The indications now are for a yield of a small fraction over twenty bushels per acre The test of threshing has not materi ally enlarged the average rate of the wheat yield which appears to be about 118 bushel or four tenth bushels less than last year An increase of acreage which is large in Dakota will make partial compensation and bring the product nearly or quite to 450000000 bushels The yield of oats is slightly below an average about twenty five bushels per acre The product is fully 600000000 bash els The barley yield is nearly twenty per cent less than an average yield or about twenty bushels per acre The yield of jrye is 115 bushels per acre and the product about 24000000 bushels There has been a drop in the condi tion of buckwheat from 89 to nearly 77 The condition of potatoes declines from 673 to 615 partly from the ap pearance of rot in the Atlantic States The condition of cotton has further declined and the general average has been reduced from 82 8 to 76 5 The condition of tobacco averages 75 5 against 708 if twenty eight yanrs ago it would hi $20000 (two hundred dollars) and Riuouni oi sunenni meneed on my New York Oct 10 Mrs Ella inson wife of Charles Robinson a wholesale hardware merchant of Louis ville jumped from the third story front window at 106 Madison avenue yester day afternoon and sustained injuries from which she died a few hours later She had come to New York for treat ment for nervousness and hysteria He Want to Have tbe Man Lost So He Came Here With Him (Daily Telegram of Monday He named himself Joseph Bieel with the accent on the I Hie home he said was at Ridgeville where he is the owner of a nice big farm He was down here just as a matter of accommodation And the man he had accommodated swindled him He said to Alex Gormon man on the train swindled ejacul*ted Mr Gormon goodness it the Pan A Telegram reporter was standing by when Mr Bisel made his complaint and the story he related showed him to be a very accommodating and very un sophisticated man He was driving along a road Satur day when he was overtaken by a poor and weary tramp or a tramp he thought him to be until he began to sing a song The song he sung was this: His name was Halter and his home in Richmond His mother and sister were both lying at the point of death and he wanted to see them ere they died He had walked all the way from Wayne and was foot sore as well as very weary and he did not see how he could possibly walk any further folks are said Mr Harter to Mr Bisel if you will pay my fare to Richmond I will give you ten dollars When we get there you can go along and get the A good many men would have jump ed a Mr offer but Mr Bisel He just paid the fare to Richmond and came along with him to see that he got here all right Just before train reached this city Mr Harter excused himself and jumped from the cars and probibly waited across the river for a west bound freight Mr inhumanity had made Mr Bisel mourn remarked Mr Gorman dryly come down here to get $10 for the $115 you spent not I came merely to accommodate the rascal and now I want to get trains leave here for Ridgeville until Sunday I shall have to get back my wife is very sick and know where I The perspiration stood out in beads on Mr face and he appeared an object of misery Mr Gorman explained to him that he had been taken in by a very ordi nary swindle and could thank his stars that he got off as light as he did It was a wonder he had not signed some kind of a paper that would turn out a promisory note After some figuring Mr Gorman mapped out a route for the accommo dating Mr Bissel to get home by He went to Bradford Junction and then took a train back arriving home about half past one Sunday morning His trip had cost him about seven dol lars in cash but it had taught him a lesson He did get the $10 either DIMPLES black chapped and oily skin I I In prevented by Cuticura Medicated Soap accomplish this purpose he the certificates of stock he purchased them trans Amesbury Mass Oct 10 The large carriage factory of Locke Jowell and several surrounding buildings burned this morning The loss is fully $125000 of which Locke fc Jowell lose $70000 insured for 000 Pettingill machinist $25000 insured for $12000 all satisfied with Baltimore and Company to The announce Chatfield Woods Zimmerman and others THE BUSINESS MEN THE STATE Every effort was made to secure stockholders letters of solicitation be ing sent in all directions It is evident that there was very great irregularity in the election of officers some of those persons known as officials of the bank never having been properly elected Mr Harper conducted things in a high handed manner Mr Baldwin speaks flatteringly of the immense crowds which gathered in the bank upon its opening day On that day almost $1500000 was deposited and the business increased with each day It was only a few months until Mr Bald win received a stroke of paralysis He was forced to retire from active work Mr Harper then took hold and from that day on until the failure of the bank really occupied the dual position of financial manager and cashier It was about this time that Miss Holmes was introduced into the bank as private clerk and a sort of ad viser to Mr Harper It was her duty to keep charge of his personal check book and also to fill out such checks as Harper directed She gave all large checks upon the banks for Mr Harper to sign Upon Mr return he found his labors very much lessened Mr Harper had taken charge of the cash and with Miss Holmes aid was making up the daily statements which he continued to do until the failure of the bank All orders for shipment of cash had to be submitted to Mr Harper who generally answered them himself In fact everything in the nature of cor respondence except the very plainest matters were attended to by Mr Har per He appears to have been an inde fatigable worker Every morning at 7 he was found at hisdesk where he remained until 6 in the evening his meals being generally brought to him and served in his pri vate room Everyday a statement was laid be fore him of the indebtedness of any amount exceeding one thousand dol lars Even up to the last day HE REMOVED ROM LETTERS Large numbers of New York drafts selling them and then reporting in re gard to them afterward It is evident that much of the currency of the bank was kept by him in the vaults of the Safe Deposit Company No person connected with the bank really knew anything of its condition save of course whatMr Harperdesircd them to know He was frequently spoken to in re gard to this matter but all efforts were only met by rebuffs and the person thus speaking to him was made to feel that he was an interloper There was one exception There was Miss Holmes who alone could gain his ear She took his orders wrote his personal letters regarding the affairs of the bank and in fact did almost every thing of a private nature in connection with Lis business No drafts could be drawn in the morning until she appeared at the bank In every way she assisted Mr Harper She appeared to have a wonderful influence over Mr Harper they would quarrel but their troubles only lasted a few moments According to Mr Baldwin she was close mouthed and not in the habit of talking about the affairs of the bank He gives her the credit of having been a thorough clerk All of the concerns in which Mr Harper was interested seemed to have an unlimited credit at the hank This was also the case so far as Mr Harper himself was concerned balances of $100000 and upward standing to his credit for weeks without any material change If a stockholder became dis satisfied and was desirous of selling his stock Harper would buy it in When these stocks accumulated and became too great he would put them together in large blocks and would then have new certificates issued for them in his own name or in the name of Gahr or in that of his brother in law Matthews He seemed to be perfectly loaded down with stock and always had A LARGE WAI LET illed with certificates lying upon his desk Never for a moment did he ap pear concerned in regard to the condi tion of the bank and always looked upon any deal in which he might enter as an assured success Mr Baldwin does not in any manner attempt to connect any person other than Mr Harper with the failure of the idelity Bank All he snys gave bin credit for being a very wealthy man and his evidence as to his wealth would certainly he suggests lead to such an impression He often heard Mr Hop kins say that Mr Harper was worth at least $5000000 DR MARY THOMAS MAKES A PLEA No Rheumatiz About Me IX ONE MINTUE TheCntlcnra Antl Pafn Plas ter relieves Rheumatic Sciatic Sud den Sharp and Nervous Pains Strains and Weaknesses The first and onlv killing plaster New original instantaneous infallible safe A mar vellous Antidote to Pain Inflammation aud Weak ness Utterly unlike and vastly superior to all other planters At all druggists 25 cents five for $100: or postage free of Potter Drug and Chemi cal Co Boatou Mass apr 1 88 Richmond We feel confident of Pleasing you in both Styles and Prices ayhJ 1 ZEYEN BRO Richmond Va Oct 8 In the Unit ed States Circuit Court today Judge Bond fined the Attorney General $500 for bringing suite under a law known as the coupon crusher in disobedience to his injunction order and committed him to the custody of the marshal until the fine is paid He also fined the attor neys of auquier and London coun ties for disobeying the same order and committed them until the fines are paid All suits brought are dismissed KxtiibiUiiir fl he Mandard Oil Monopo ly Minneapolis Oct 8 Atthe Knights of Labor convention Thomas Lowry of Bradford Pa read an appeal on the operationsof the Stanard Oil monopoly in which it was stated that at the rate they have been able to crush out all competitors in the past ten years they will unless some system of re striction can be adopted own or control in twenty years three fourths of all the railroads and manufacturing enterprises in the United States In fact they now control legislation in several states regarding the transportion of oil and have pocketed and are pock eting millions a year at the expense of the producer and consumer tbe Yellow ever District and Aid Much Needed Washington Oct 10 The Marine Hospital Bureau is in receipt of a tele gram from Deputy Collector Spencer at Tampa lorida stating that one death and eight new cases of fever have occurred in that place since the last advices and that funds and nurses are urgently needed the town treasury being empty and the people being demoralized Acting Surgeon General Stoner has telegraphed to the president of the Tampa Board of Health asking if the disease existing there is yellow fever and if so what steps are being taken for its suppression A telegram has been received from the postmaster at Tampa denying that yellow fever exists there but stating that Dengue fever is prevalent A Small Dividend or idelity De poNlflors Washington Oct 8 The Comptrol ler of the Currency to day received from Cincinnati a voluminous report from the receiver of the idelity Na tional Bank in regard to its condition The report will be made public this afternoon While the affairs of the bank are known to be in a complicated and highly unsatisfactory condition it is believad that the funds at command will justify the Comptroller in declar ing a small dividend in favor of the depositors at an early day Committee Will Probably Meet Early in December to ix a Date New York Oct 8 In the last Re publican National Convention a reso lution was passed directing the Na tional Committee to issue the call for the next convention at least six months in advance of the time for assembling This resolution will force upon the Republicans the neces sity of taking the initiative next year and will leave to the Democrats the choice of holding their convention be fore or after the Republican conven tion If the convention is held in June of next year the call must be issued in December Steps have been already taken to call the committee together Secretary Samuel essenden of Stam ford Ct has addressed a circular to each member of the committee asking an expression of opinion as to the best time and place of holding the meeting It is probable that the committee will be called together either in New York or Washington early in December It has been generally thought that Chica go would be the place of holding the Convention but there is some discus sion among the New York politicians whether they will not ask the commit tee to call the convention either in this city or at Saratoga The argument for this course would be that as New York is considered the pivotal and important State of next election the holding of the con vention in this State would give much assistance to the party here Eastern politicians understand however that the South and West would like the convention held at Chicago and may combine to take it there The influ ence of the friends of candidates may have much to do in effecting the final decision POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never varies A marvel of pu strength and wholesomeness More econ omical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with tbe multitude of low test short weight alum or phosphate powders Soli only in cans Royal Baking Power Co 106 Wall St New York 2 ly A POWERUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will bear A SPECIIC OR MALARIA RHEUMATISM NERVOUS PROSTRATION THE MOST SCIENTIIC AND SUCCESSUL BLOOD PURIIER Superior to quinine Mr John Scarborough Selma writes: I got malaria in the Southron army and for a dozen years suffered from its debilitating effects 1 was terribly run down when I heard of Ksskine the new quinine It helped me at once I gained 85 pounds Have not had such good health in SO years Other letters of a similar character from promi nent individuals which stamp Kaskine as a remedy of undoubted merit will be sent on application Kaskine can be taken without any special medical advice 1100 per bottle or six bottles for 5 Sold by A LU KEN CO Richmond or tent by I mail on receipt of price KASKINE CO Warren St Hew Turk da to th a sat lTfeb tT wk Marching Ender Black Banners London Oct 8 Two hundred of the poor homeless unemployed persons who sleep at night in Trafalgar Square to day paraded in a body through the principal streets in the West End They carried black banners Minneapolis Oct 10 The Knights of Labor here show an unmistakable feeling of satisfaction at the sentiments presented by Mr Powderly in his report on the attitude of their order and the Catholic Church The Knights of all religious denominations were loud in their praise of report Many People Drowned by a Collision on Iake Constance Vienna Oct 10 Tbe Austrian steamer Hapsburg yesterday collided with and sank a Bavarian steamer on Lake Constance Many passengers in the cabin were downed Two bodies have been recovered I had known of the Cuticura Remedies rats ago wouia nave saved me 1 an InimpriKA ering My disease (Psoriasis) com head in a snot not lanypr than a epnt It spread rapidly all over my body and got under my nails The scales would drop ofi of me all the time and my suffering was endless and without relief One thousand dollars would not tempt me to have this disease over again I am a poor man but feel rich to be relieved of what some of the doctors said was leprosy some ring worm pso riasis etc I took and Saraparillas over one year and a half but no cure I went to two or three doctors and no cure I cannot praise the Cuticura Remedies too much They have made mv skin as clear and free from scales as a All I used of them was three boxes of Cuticura and three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent and two cakes of Cuticura Soap If you had been here and said you would have cured me for $200 00 you would have had the money I looked like the picture in your book of Psoriasis (picture number two to Cure Skin but now 1 am as clear as any person ever was Though force of habit 1 rub my hands over my arms and legs to scratch once in a while but to no purpose I am all well I scratched twenty eight years and it got to be a kind of second nature to me I thank you a thousand times Anything more that vou want to know write me or any one who reads this may write to me and I will answer It DENNIS DOWNING Waterbury Vt Jan 20th 1887 Psoriasis Eczema Tetter Ringworm Lichen Pruritus Scali Head Ntilk Crust Dandruff Bar Grocers and Itch and every species of Itching Burning Scaly Iimplv Humors of the Skin and Scalp ana Blood with Loss of Hair are positively cured by Cuti cura the great Skin Cure and Cuticura Soap an exquisite Skin Beauttfier externally and Cuticura Resolvent the new Blood Purifier Internally when physiciansand all other remedies fail A atal Mutiny Among Cblnene dlera London Oct 8 Intelligence has been received here that mutiny has oc curred among the Chinese soldiers sta tioned in Dublaschan on the Russo Chinese frontier Several officers were murdered and a quantity of ammuni tion and some money belonging to the government were seized by the muti neers The commander in chief of the troops was panic stricken and fled Seven Bodlesof Mnrdered Men ound Chicago Oct 8 A Hurley Wis special says: A few days ago hunters heard one of their dogs giving vent to a prolonged series of howls and hastened in the direction of the noise Behind the ruins of an old dance house under some rotten logs and a slight covering of earth they sound the decomposed corpses of seven evidently murdered men No clew could be found to identify the corpses atal iploMon in a Coal Mine Evansville Ind Oct 8 At Madi sonville Ky as the day force in the coal mines was about to give place to the night force on Thursday a heavy blast was made The bituminous mine was filled with coal dust at the time and it is thought that that was the cause of the explosion The miners were not far away when it occurred and one man Vai Smith was killed and eleven were injured four seriously An Ex Consnl onnd Shot Dead Ottawa Ont Oct 8 Ray mond ex Consul in this city about twenty years ago was found dead yes terday morning in McGrady tannery at Brookville with a bullet hole in his side It is not believed that he committed suicide but how the shooting occurred is unknown The family of the deceased live at Ogdens burg Many Br Workr Slant Out New York Oct Between 3000 and 4000 brass workers in this city and Brooklyn will be out of em ployment to day The men want a full pay for a half work The employers say a work half a In the Interest of Victims In the Be nevolent Institutions Richmond Ind Oct 10 1887 To the Editor of the Telegram By the accompanying resolutions you will see that the Orthodox Yearly Meet ing of riends recently held here took very decided ground in reference to the management of the benevolent institutions of the State This in connection with the action of the recent meeting of those in the civil service movement it is hoped will add at least a mite in show ing the demand of public sentiment for more humane treatment of inmates of these institutions and especially the inmates of the insane hospital That these perfectly helpless irresponsible citizens should be the victims of politi cal treachery and be subject to brutal treatment at the hands of attendants appointed without regard to qualifica tions in any sense is a crjing evil of which both political parties when in power ought to be ashamed Think of these unfortunate men abused and the members often of the best families in the State placed under the charge of any girls picked up because they can be had cheap and are out of employment And cases of cruelty are often reported to others that the vic tims dare not report to the proper offi cers for fear of greater suffering at the hands of these ward attendants It is to be hoped for the sake of these suf fering fellow citizensand for the honor of the State that persons will be ap pointed as care takers who have at least enough of human kindness in their hearts as well as other qualifications for the place to treat the insane with the common humanity that their situ ation demands or the right Thomas THE RESOLUTION Indiana Yearly Meeting of riends as a branch of the Church of Christ protests against the cruel and inhuman treatment some times inflicted upon those placed in the State benevolent and reformatory institutions especially upon the helpless inmates of the in sane asylums We would raise our voice against it And we call on all other Christian de nominations to join in the protest against the enormity of cruelty and crime practiced in some of the charita ble institutions and in striving to bring to bear whatever influence the Church possesses to have the management of these institutions placed in the hands of Christian men and women without regard to party affiliations This was adopted almost by acclamation William Williams of Teiiuesae at the Cabin of Jeremiah Cox 1807 To the Editor of the Telegram Among the old books in the possession of Dr Hadley is one of his torical interest to the citizens of Rich mond published by and Hammond Cincinnati 1828 name ly Wm Journal On Janu ary 30th 1807 William Williams of Lost Creek T'pnessee a Quaker preacher was commissioned to visit the new settlements of what was then the Baltimore Yearly Meeting June 27th 1807 he together with his companion whose name is not given started on horseback for Indiana Twelve days later they arrived at Waynesville Ohio and enjoyed sweet at the hospitable cabin of Edward Kind ley After attending meeting there they rode to now West Elkton Ohio rom there they pro ceeded through the dark forest Whitewater to the house of Jeremiah His cabin stood just back of where the (Thos Ireton proprietor) now stands at 403 North Eighth Part of the old log house still stands there but it is weather boarded over and otherwise disguised He says was a new settlement where a few families of riends who live together have requested for a He held a meeting in the house of his hospitable host next day July 16 1807 They next travelled to West Milton Miami county and held meetings there and at Ludlow alls He rested at the house of Enoch Pear son who is well remembered by the older citizens of Richmond In moving towards Center Clinton county Ohio he was hospitably re ceived in the forest homes of Mordecai Mendenhall Joseph Dutton William Starfield Thomas Embree at Xenia Ohio Christopher Hassey and David Painter all of whom are remembered here At old historic he was much troubled with the "spirit of oppo sition and which he felt to txist rom there he made his tire some way through among the new set tlements of Highland county and from there to his home on the south side of rench Broad river Tennessee In 1810 and 1811 he in company with Charles Osborne (who later be came a settler at Economy in this county) undertook a great ieurney througn North Carolina Virginia Pennsylvania Ohm and Indiana Richmond had not yet received its present name On November 13 1811 he again arrived at four years later than his first visit rom here he visited Silver Creek settlement in Union county and Elk Creek neigh borhood Preble county Ohio and mentions the hospitality of Benjamin Hawkins near that place On this journey he says he traveled in fifty one weeks 5000 miles attend ing 244 meetings besides three meetings of ten sessions each Having yisited all these attractive regions he afterward paid Wayne county the highest com pliment he possibly could by making it his permanent home On March 17 1814 he started in a wagon with his wife eight sons and one daughter (two sons and one daughter having preceded them) to Indiana territory and in nine teen days they arrived at fork of Whitewater in Wayne county where we settled ourselves down in the He speaks often of visiting families in the new In 1814 he was prominent in a movement to divide Ohio Yearly Meetingsoas to have that of Indiana located at this place In 1816 he a lot and at Whitewater new (there is a foot note which says Rich But losing his health and be coming subject to hemorrhage of the lungs he moved back to his on Elkhorn where he died Aug 25 1824 Doan Becomes Epidemic at Tampn and People Are In a Panic Washington Oct 8 Surgeon Gen eral Hamilton this morning received telegrams from Tampa la saying that there have been four deaths from yel low fever and about twenty eases ew of these have passed the fever stage of severity two hours Many people have fled It may be necessary to establish a camp of refuge in the country The mails can be fumigated He Ims received dispatches also from Sanford la asking for a loan of tents for refugees from the epidemic at Tampa Dr Hamilton ordered the tents to be sent to Sanford The Sur geon General has sent a dispatch to Col Harris superintendent of tbe Line cf steamers and the Savan nah and lorida Railroad stating that in his judgment sleeping cars should not be allowed to go bevoud Palatka until the Tatnpa epidemic is over and the panic shall have ceased Good News from Hamilton County One of tbe Leading: armers Sayn: Aracdia Ind Aug 5 18S7 Orr: I want to say to you that medicine you advised to try Rheu matic is the greatest remedy in the world I have been afflicted with rhuematism for three years and have tried a great many remedies and could get no relief until I began using Hib Rheumatic Syrup The second bottle began to effect me I am now on my sixth bottle and can work every day and feel no pain It is a great medicine be afraid to recom mend it Geo Shaffer Rheumatic Syrup is put up in large packages and is the greatest Blood Purifier known Its peculiar combination makes it a great amily Remedy or a dyspeptic bilious or a constipated person it has no equal act ing upon the stomach liver and kid neys in a pleasantand healthy manner Read our pamphlet and learn of the great medicinal value of the remedies which enter into its composition Price $100 per bottle six bottles $500 or sale by all druggists A Nfbooner Ashore Milwaukee Wis Oct 10 A special to the Evening Wisconsin from the north part of Michigan says: The schooner Leonard Hanna of Cleve land laden with iron ore is ashore on North fox Island The Leviathan has gone to her relief Another Cashier Done to Canada Milwaukee Wis Oct 10 A special to the Evening Wisconsin from Green Bay says: The Merchants and Bank of Iron Mountain Michigan closed Saturday It is understood that the cashier has gone to Canada with $15000 Shot Hia Wile Accidentally Cincinnati Oct 10 A special from Akron Ohio says that Christian Sheck a farmer living three miles north of town yesterday shot and killed his wife while going out of the house with a gun to shoot a bird The hammer caught on the door frame and the gun was discharged accidentally Bleycle Honora Even Between rancenl America London Oct 10 Jules Dubois the rench champion defeated Woodside of Philadelphia in a twenty mile bi cycle race at Leicester Temple of Chicago easily defeated Medinger of Paris in a one mile bicycle race at Shields Stabbed In a Saloon XT A rr 1 A VIcIHOaIAII wVV aw aa iu ovuauivo burg Ohio special says: John Potts stabbed and killed Ora Neer in a saloon Saturday night upon slight provocation after a quarrel That we Suitings and Trouserings Ah was ever In Some More Interesting Information Regarding Cincinnati Ilan king Cincinnati Oct 10 or some days it has been reported that Ammi Bald win cashier of the defunct idelity Bank had made a statement regarding the management and career of the bank to be laid before the authorities at Washington that contained much im portant information The Enquirer has been seeking for at least tbe import of thisstatement and reports the result of its search as follows: rom what can be learned from all sources and putting this and that to gether Mr statement to his attorneys must have been most sensa tional rom the statement it appears that the claim of Mr Harper made at the Dayton jail in regard to a certain agreement drawn up and signed by Joe Wilshire George Wilshire Truman Handy the firm of Chatfield Woods and Harper himself in regard to the payment of $2000 to Baldwin by each one for his silence after his discovery of tbe raid which had been made upon the Third National Bank by the wheat speculators interested in the Handy Chicago wheat deal was only too true At that time Mr George Wilshire 1 was president of the bank Baldwin I was cashier and Mr Hopkins also figur ed in a high position William Woods and Mr Harper were directors This matter has been touched upon to some 1 extent heretofore but it is not general ly known how close a call the Third National Bank had at that time The bank figured very largely in the July I 1881 wheat deal at Chicago Instead of having on hand at the close of busi ness on the evening of July 26th about a $1000000 in cash in round 1 numbers there was ONLY ABOUT SIXTEEN HUNDRED DOL LARS This condition of affairs was the i means of sending on to Chicago two of the Directors of the bank They left 1 on the evening of July 26th By ten the next morning they tele 1 graphed the bank from Chicago that they had succeeded in raising a sufli 1 cient amount of money to bridge over the existing trouble Three hundred and seventy five thousand dollars had been collected and before eleven that immense sum was telegraphed the bank thus preventing a collapse and heading off one of the most decided failures ever imminent in banking circles in this city Other Directors than those men tioned know nothing about the real condition of the bank at that time and Mr statement will now ap pear to them in the nature of a great 1 surprise 1 It was in the succeeding deal where 1 the same clique sold short that Mr 1 brother then paying teller of the Third National Bank EMBEZZLED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND DOL LARS Of the funds of the Third This it was that Mr Baldwin became a servant to the caprices of Harper and that clique Desirous of covering up the short comings of a brother he mort gaged his own home and made himself liable to Harper for the balance neces sary to coverup the deficit rom that time on notwithstanding his objection he was rendered a slave to their desires This portion of the story is told by Mr Baldwin in a manner that could not but excite the utmost feeling His brother led by the pretensions of those about him and feeling the lack of wealth and its comfort had become an embezzler The deal would be success ful he thought and within a few days he would be able to return to the vaults the money he had abstracted But the deal failed His brother was an embezzler and heart broken he called upon Ammi and made the start ling disclosure Ammi sail! nothing at the time only promising to do all he possibly could to cover up THE SHORTCOMINGS HIS BROTHER He succeeded but in doing solaid himself open to Harper and friends by borrowing from them the amount necessary to make up the de ficit The result is only too well known It has frequently been hinted at but never until this time has it be come really known that Theophilus Baldwin the paying teller of the Third National Bank met his death by his own hand Realizing that he was an embezzler and fearing the conse quences of his crime he took his own life Mr Baldwin strongly protests his in nocence of any knowledge of the real condition of the idelity Bank and claims that no person is a greater loser through that failure than himself Just a few days before tbe failure for a lady relntivs he purchased about $3500 worth of idelity Bank stock Mr Baldwin himself was probably as much interested so it would seem in the success of the idelity Bank as was any other person He gives a full his tory of the idelity Bank from its con ception to its dismal failure He goes on to say thatseveral gentlemen think ing that they could buy up the capital stock of the idelity Ssfe Deposit ano Trust Company at eighty cents on the dollar got together and through A WELL KNOWN THIRD STREET BROKER Mr Harry Morehead purchased suffi cient stock to control it They held a meeting and a reduction of the capital stock from $500 (XXI to $100000 was made They resolved to return to the stock holders the 80 per cent red action in the stock of a National Bank which they proposed founding This Nation al Bank stock was stock in the idelity Many accepted the cash proposition while the majority were more than satisfied with the stock of the new bank This was really the origin of the ideli ty Bank which started with a capital stock of $2 000 (XX) all of which was paid in Through the connivance of Mr Harper the greater part of this stock was bought in by the great finan cier himself although most of it was held in the name of his friends Mr Harper at the time of the organization of the bank was TO ALL PURPOSES INSOLVENT He made a vow that idelity stock should not go down one point until it had reached 175 He gave standing orders to Morehead and to Dun lap Co to buy all the idelity stock ottered His only aim appeared to be to sustain the price of that stock To had Aft ferred to Matthews his brother in law and to A Gahr On these certificates large loans were made not only in this city but for large amounts in New York Boston St Louis Phila delphia and almost every large town in the country The bank was really run on wind Almost every dollar of the stock was either owned or controlled by Harper Of course this is meant in a figurative sense Mr Harper had the controlling interest but associated with him were such men as Briggs Swift William I REYNOLDS 718 MAIN STREET About tbs Sale of tbe Telecrapb to the Western ITnlon One Deny ing tbe Other Affirming New York Oct 8 The statement in the Times this morning to the effect that Robert Garrett referring to the absorption of the telegraph lines by the Western Union had said: no trade caused consider able talk to day but no excitement Mr George Gould treated the story laughingly He did not believe that Mr Garrett was strictly quoted and said the collateral has not been turned over an agreement has been signed and is in our possession There is no Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company now as their wires are a part of our Later Mr Garrett still refuses to say whether the great telegraph deal has been legally completed or not The statement is that Mr Robert Garrett said in a conversation with Edward Stokes and a small party of friends at the Hoffman House that the Ohio Mr Jav Gould ment most emphatically made was a genuine surprise to Mr Stokes and his friends They supposed the sale had been ratified and that all papers relat ing to it had been signed sealed and delivered They hinted as much ask ing Mr Garrett if he had read the papers Mr Garrett replied that he had but repeated that in spite of every thing said and done the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company had not yet been absorbed by its hungry rival Before Mr Garrett left the Hoffman House he had impressed his hearers with the idea that Gould might exper ience a good deal of trouble before he could legally claim the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company as his own Of one thing they were satisfied that Gould would not be allowed to keep his new purchase at the price he is said to have paid for Mr Garrett in addition to announcing that no trade had been made said that would under no circ*mstances get the Baltimore Ohio Telegraph Company for $5000 000 he would have to pay a good deal bigger figure for he was the last man in the country to whom Garrett would be willing to sell Robert Garrett did not say all this until he had a long talk with John Cowan and other counsel Baltimore Oct A dispatch was received by a banker here to day from Mr Robt Garrett in reply to an inqui ry if he would fight the sale of the Telegraph The reply was: have nothing to THE GILBERT STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES MUST BE SOLD AND IN ORDER TO DO SO WE HAVE REDUCED PRICES COM PARE PRICES NOW OERED TO ORMER ONES Laird Schober and Mitchell rench Kid Hand made Curtis and Wheeler rench Kid Top Curtis and Wheeler Curacoa Kid Botton Shoes rench Kid Bronze Slippers Grover Hand Turned Glove Kid Shoes Lace or Button Krippendoef Dittmann Co Curacoa Kid Shoes Strong and Carroll hand made Shoes Lace Button Lilly Brackett Co Calf Shoes hand made Waulkenphast Durrell Calf Shoes in Lace Button or Congress Waulkenphast Lace Button or Congress Calf Boots pegged Kin Boots at anv Drice from Our $200 Kid Shoes is equal to any $300 Shoe in this city This entire stock of Boots and Shoes has all been marked down all a chance to cet Boots and Shoes for less than manufacturers cost KASKINE (THE XEW QIJIWIXE) More Strongly Voucliedor Tlian Any Other Drag regardless of cost to give Now those who want good goods as this stock consists of some of the best makes in the United States should call at once at THE GILBERT BANKRUPT STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES No 712 Main Street (Vaughan Block) Richmond Indiana Search for a MIhhIiik Boat Shanghai Oct 10 It is believed that the British gun boat the Wasp from Singapore was lost with all her hands in a recent typhoon A steamer and three war ships are searching for th'e missing boat The best on earth can truly be said of Salve which isasure safe and speedy cure for cuts bruises scalds burns wounds and all other sores Will positively cure piles tetter and all skin eruptions Try this won der healer Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded 25 cents ly The lrsf Time Since the Revolution Paris Oct 10 To day for the first time since the revolution of 1793 the religious ceremonies connected with the estival of St Denis were suppress ed A character is like a fence it cannot be strengthened by whitewash but be can strengthen his voice by us ing Dr Cough Syrup A Costly Explosion Detroit Oct 10 A special to the Evening Journal from Calumet Mich says: An air compressor at the Calu met and Hecla mine burst Saturday causing a loss of $25000 Its thousands of cures are the best advertisem*nt for Dr Catarrh Remedy Doni Pedro Talking ol Abdicating Baden Badhn Oct 10 It is stated that the Emperor of Brazil has an nounced his intention of abdicating his throne owing to his health being im paired or a care dull tired feeling impoverished blood dull pains in back ana head tantalizing skin eruptions Sarsaparilla never fails to give relief Wealways guarantee it Price $1 per bottle Pike druggist southeast corner Main and Sixth 9apr ly Maarflce Strakonh Dead Paris Oct 10 Maurice Strakosh the trainer of Patti is dead Arnica Halve The Best Salve in the world for Cute Bruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum ever Sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin Erup tions and positively cures Piles or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded Price 25 cents per box or sale by A Luken Co i Wi Tirnrmh I1IBB fl Buy sccnnd rlafti Pay Tu Prir for ha youBuy AIli to fteo Our Mw tai I Mock Im I ZzrSw OO I Ernania 1 $450 former price $700 300 500 275 400 125 300 250 400 250 400 or Congress 500 750 325 500 300 500 200 200 400 200 300.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.