Ruth Has Been Helping A Professor With Research Where They Have People Perform A Boring Task And Give (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1

In this research where the participants who were only paid $1 rating the task as more interesting than the participants who were paid much more, here, the experiment that Ruth is helping with testing is known as a Cognitive dissonance.

What is the meaning of Cognitive dissonance?

In psychology, a cognitive dissonance refers to the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not align with their values or beliefs. This kind of discomfort can also occur when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time.

In essence, the cognitive dissonance is not a disease or illness but t is a psychological phenomenon that can happen to anyone.

Read more about cognitive dissonance


Related Questions

why does meaning best produce recall in a depth of processing experiment, but specificity encoding experiments see rhyme judgments producing the best recall?


Due to the fact that depth of processing experiments only ask participants to judge meaning, and specificity encoding experiments only need people to concentrate on rhyming. ( Option B )

- According to the encoding specificity principle, memories are linked to the environment in which they were created. It claims that when you are in the same environment where you memorized or studied the material, it is simpler to recall it.

- It offers a framework for comprehending how environmental factors that are present during information encoding affect memory and recall of that information.

To know more about specificity encoding, kindly click on the link below :


- The complete question is :

Why does meaning best produce recall in a depth of processing experiment, but specificity encoding experiments see rhyme judgments producing the best recall?

a) Researchers do not understand how different outcomes come out of specificity encoding and depth of processing experiments; their methods are the exact same and should result in the same memory recall

b) Because specificity encoding experiments only require participants to focus on rhyming; depth of processing experiments only require participants to make judgement on meaning

c) Because specificity experiments provide no cues; depth of processing experiments provide cues based on rhyming

d) Because depth of processing experiments provide no cues; specificity encoding experiments provide cues based on rhyming

what was one thing corrie learned to fear above all else at scheveningen? how was this fear exhibited by corrie and her fellow prisoners? name at least four behaviors or activities that reflected this fear.


Corrie learned to fear prison boredom about all else at Sceveningen. Four behaviors or activities that reflected this fear are prisoners spend time wording about loved ones and pets, pacing back and forth all night, batting sicker from all the worry, try to distract herself playing card games.

Why was corrie scared ?

Corrie was sick, and also was very nervous about what would happen to her family. Betsie was healthy, and very loyal that God would command what happened. Corrie first felt grief, but then comfort, as her father was freed from the danger and was now with Christ. Corrie want a bible the most. We thought that the bible would create a double sentence because someone could convert a jew into being christian.

Learn more about the Corrie here:


canada is home to many religions and cultures, and the practices of each group are largely accepted by others. this represents the cultural diffusion process of .


Canada is home to many religions and cultures, and the practices of each group are largely accepted by others. this represents the cultural diffusion process of pluralism.

A distinguished example of pluralism is the USA, wherein a dominant subculture with strong elements of nationalism, a wearing subculture, and an artistic culture contained also smaller businesses with their very own ethnic, religious, and cultural norms.

The maximum top-notch example of pluralist democracy within the American political machine is the role that hobby groups play in political choices nowadays. Interest companies are groups of individuals who try to persuade policymakers to help their role in a particular common hobby or issue.

Learn more about pluralism here


what does the reporter mean when he says that texas child protective services has effectively an impossible job choose the best answer


When the reporter says that Texas Child Protective Services he means that the obligation to safeguard children and the rights of parents must be carefully balanced by CPS employees.

What is Texas Child Protective Services?

The duties of the Child Protective Services department include helping children and families in their own homes, putting kids in foster care, providing services to aid young people in foster care in making a smooth transition to adulthood and assisting in kid adoption.

When the DFPS Investigations section, which looks into claims of child abuse and neglect, refers children and families to Child Protective Services (CPS), CPS becomes involved.

CPS offers a range of services to families in order to support them and enable children to remain safe at home with their parents: Spanish Family Group Decision Making (FGDM), Parenting Classes and Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS)

To learn more about Texas Child Protective Services from the given link


what does the reporter mean when he says that texas child protective services has effectively an impossible job choose the best answer

While we often show respect all military members on veterans day what is the actual difference between memorial day and veterans day?.


The actual difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day is explained as follows:

Veterans Day is to honor all the living and deceased veterans.Memorial Day is strictly to honor military personnel who died in war or as a consequence of war-related injuries.Understanding the Difference

Both Veterans Day and Memorial Day are yearly national holidays in the USA to commemorate the lives of soldiers and those who have served in the military services. Memorial Day is to honor those men and women who died while serving the nation, whereas Veterans Day honors all the military members who have served (veterans) in the United States, not just those who have died.

Learn more about veterans day here:


Explain how a change in the atmosphere that results from el niño conditions represented in the model would affect australia.


El Nino reasons droughts inside the Western Pacific. these conditions purpose brush fires in Australia; The El Niño phase has considerable warming of the important and Japanese tropical Pacific Ocean, resulting in a main shift in climate styles across the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of Earth's 5 oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean within the south, and is bounded with the aid of the continents of Asia and Oceania in the west and the Americas inside the east.

After braving perilous seas and navigating thru what are now referred to as the Straits of Magellan, his small fleet entered an unfamiliar ocean in Nov. 1520. He known as this body of water pacific, due to the calmness of the water at the time ('pacific' method non violent).

Learn more about Pacific Ocean here:

which type of validity is a professional judgment about whether an instrument actually measures what it is supposed to measure?


Validity of a construct. Construct validity makes it simple to determine whether a given measurement tool accurately captures the phenomenon being measured.

How do you demonstrate professional judgement?

A professional has to be ready to defend their choices with a solid, scientific justification. Choosing whether to use a method like zero-based budgeting in any area of an organization is one example that comes to mind. A different one might be determining the justification of a performance comparator decision. Alternatively, one might weigh the risks of bringing AI to marketing against the risks of doing nothing.

What is a professional judgement issue and how it is judged?

A decision made in such a professional setting is referred to as a professional judgment. It might be theoretical or real-world. More specifically, the evidence or pertinent considerations are gathered through professional knowledge and abilities, and the uncertainty is a result of the professional environment.

You need to be knowledgeable about your subject in order of being professional. You must be capable of communicating solutions as well as have grasp of and insight into pertinent difficulties in your area. You can have a positive outlook and be an expert in your profession.

To know more about Professional Judgement visit:


I don't know how to do this can anybody show how to do this problem?



A. $300


Increase in consumption = MPC * increase in income

= 0.6 * 500

= $300

mpc = marginal propensity to consume


What does Nazism mean? Please explain by using your own words if u can



In one word I would say it is a political ideology that people in Germany followed 100 years ago


The word Nazi means a people who follows the ideologies of Nazism. Nazism also spelled as Naziism, was a movement led by the great dictator Adolf Hitler. Nazism has several similar aspects like Fasicm which is also a ideology followed by Mussolini in Italy. But compared to Fascism,it was more extreme in both practices and ideas. We can rather call it as a anti-intellectual and atheoretical movement which was emphasizing the will of a sole dictator who uses to impose ideologies of their own ethics and that was followed by a mass number of Nazist.

For more further detail search Nazism and Adolf Hitler in

What invention did the creation of ARPANET catalyze?
O space station
O laptop and computer mouse
O internet
O patent law


Answer:the answer is internet


How do Busta Rhymes and Ta-Nehisi Coates view the word "ghetto" differently?


According to the text "Segregated From Its History, How 'Ghetto' Lost Its Meaning by Camila Domonoske" Busta Rhymes views it as something to be admired, while Coates views it as a way to categorize people. (Option C)

According to the text, what is Ghetto?

The text defines the word "Ghetto" as a word whose origins is considered a mystery. It is unclear whether it is from the Hebrew root word that is translated "get" or from the Venetian root word translated foundry.

According to the text, the word was used to describe the space where in Italy Jews were restricted to.

Learn more about Ghetto:

Full Question:

How do Busta Rhymes and Ta-Nehisi Coates view the word "ghetto" differently?

А) Busta Rhymes views it as an insult, while Coates views it as a compliment.

B) Busta Rhymes views it as unrelated to its origins while Coates views it as historically significant.

C) Busta Rhymes views it at something to be admired, while Coates views it as a way to categorize people.

D) Busta Rhymes views it as a way to refer to people while Coates views it as a way to refer to places

Which of these inferences about the speaker is best supported by stanzas 3 and 4?

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sig
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and l-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
A. He wishes there were a third path to choose from.
B. He knows that there's no going back once certain choices are made.
C. He has no desire to get off the path he's on.
D. He feels he may be making a mistake about the path he is taking.


He wishes there were a third path to choose from. He knows that there's no going back once certain choices are made.

The road not taken is a story sonnet composed by Robert Ice.This poem is all about two paths that cross at a certain point.In the woods, the speaker is at the path fork.Everyone takes one route, but fewer people use the other.There are a lot of leaves scattered about on the less traveled road.The poet wishes he could travel down both paths simultaneously, but this is impossible.The speaker expresses regret for not choosing two paths simultaneously.
Like in life, a person must choose a single goal and work hard to achieve it, and the poet must make a big decision (choosing a path).He chose the less traveled route because he thought it would be adventurous, but that was all that mattered.He is sorry for his choice.The statement "And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could" clearly supports the theme that people want to predict the outcome of an important decision in the poem above.

Learn about the road not taken here:


After 60 days in custody the person owing the debt can be sold into slavery or be put to death if the debt is not settled.

What's the main idea here?

plsss help meee


The main idea of After 60 days in custody the person owing the debt can be sold into slavery or be put to death if the debt is not settled is that failure to pay your debt will lead to full time slavery/death on your part.

What is the writ of debt?

The first regularly issued writ of a contractual nature was the writ of debt. During Henry II's reign, the battle between Church and State was linked to the early development of a royal action of debt.

Therefore, A writ that is filed when a party seeks to recover a debt, or a liquidated or specific amount of money that is said to be owed to him. This is debt in its principal and solely utilized form, the debet. Another type of debt is described in the books as "debt in the detinet," and it relates to the specific recovery of items under a delivery contract.

Learn more about slavery from

See full question below

The importance of information is not new, but the need to ______ it is a new development.


The importance of information is not new, but the need to manage and share it is a new development.

What is an information?

This refers to the set of data that has been organized for direct utilization of mankind, as its (information) helps human beings in their decision making process. An information management involves the acquisition of information from one or more sources, taking custodianship and the distribution of that information to those who need it while an information sharing involves the exchange of data between various organizations, people and technologies.

Read more about information


one of the topics of key interest to social psychologists is: question 6 options: 1) childhood experiences, particularly how unconscious processes affect the developing person. 2) behaviorism, which is concerned with basic principles of learning, such as rewards and punishment. 3) social cognition, which is concerned with how people think about other people and how people think about the social world in general. 4) the exploration of morality, particularly how and why people make moral or less moral decisions.


The correct option (3)social cognition, which is concerned with how people think about other people and how people think about the social world in general.

Social cognition is a subfield of psychology concerned with how humans process, store, and apply knowledge about other people and social circ*mstances. It is concerned with the role of cognitive processes in social interactions.

People's personalities are influenced by seeing the conduct of others, according to social cognitive theory. For example, a teenager attends a party and notes that individuals who have consumed alcohol slur their speech and are more Social cognition is a subfield of psychology concerned with how humans process, store, and apply knowledge about other people and social circ*mstances. It is concerned with the role of cognitive processes in social interactions.

People's personalities are influenced by seeing the conduct of others, according to social cognitive theory. For example, a teenager attends a party and notes that individuals who have consumed alcohol slur their speech and are more aggressive and noisy than those who have not had alcohol. and noisy than those who have not had alcohol.

Learn more about Social cognition to visit this link


Which of the following is the best example of a key difference between capitalist and socialist economies.
In capitalistic economies, competition between businesses is kept to a minimum; in socialist economies there is a great deal of competition among businesses

Capitalist economies push for perfect equality between all people; socialist economies encourage a great deal of inequality among people

In capitalist economies, the government doesn't interfere too much with business ownership; in socialist economies the government owns or runs most businesses.

In capitalist economies, religion plays a strong role in all business ownership; in socialist economies religion plays no role in business ownership




Capitalism is an economic system whereby monetary goods are owned by individuals or companies, and where workers earn only wages.Socialism is the social and economic doctrine that espouses public over private ownership and control of property and natural resources.

stopping at the very first option that meets your minimally-acceptable criteria, even though other options yet to be considered may be better, is known as


Stopping at the first alternative that fulfills your minimally acceptable criterion, even if further possibilities are available, is known as "satisficing."

Satisficing is a decision-making method in which an individual makes a satisfactory rather than an ideal choice. It would take a lot of effort - and may not even be possible - to acquire all of the required information to make the best option, therefore satisficing represents the kinds of decisions humans are actually capable of making.

Satisficing is the practice of making 'good enough' decisions rather than flawless ones. Examples: broadcast tv that meets your criterion, whether or whether it is the absolute greatest alternative. Satisficing refers to this type of consumer decision.

To learn more about Satisficing, use the link below.


chris, travis, and pav move in together. the rules of their apartment prohibit more than three unrelated people from living together in the same apartment. after they move in, they invite patrick to move in with them. none of them are related to each other. after patrick moves in, they are served with eviction papers. this is an example of the enforcement of a:


Based on the given situation where apartment rules prohibit more than three unrelated people from living together and there are four unrelated people living in the apartment, the serving of eviction papers is an example of the enforcement of a private law.

Private law refers to the component of a civil law legal system which is part of the jus commune involving relationships between individuals including the law of contracts and torts, and the law of obligations. It is applicable to any circ*mstances concerning relationships between individuals in a legal system. Hence, as the scenario describes the relationship between the landlord and tenant, the eviction is the enforcement of a private law.

Learn more about Civil law:


What did the student need to get a complete understanding of how the teacher felt?
All the information from the teacher
advice from other friends
more assumptions
Nothing. The teacher hates him, it's obvious, so he's never going to catch a break.



(1): You need to provide more information for people to be able to answer your question.

(2): If I had to choose, I would say a, All the information from the teacher.


(2) explanation: we know that it is not d, Nothing. The teacher hates him, it's obvious, so he's never going to catch a break, because teacher do not hate students without a reason. It cannot be C, more assumptions, because more assumptions are not going to help the student because they may not be true. B is a close answer, but you are more likely to understand how the teacher felt from All the information about the teacher, then from the student's friends.

Pls mark Brainliest with the crown

Who was the leader in the Cherokee Uprising? please help


Answer: John Ross

Explanation: John Ross became principal chief of the Cherokee Nation in 1827, following the establishment of a government modeled on that of the United States.

Just in case you need it he was born October 3, 1790.


going to a peaceful arboretum, listening to the birds and getting your mind to calm and relax is an example of


Going to a peaceful arboretum, listening to the birds and getting your mind to calm and relax is an example of Meditation.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice in which someone utilizes a method to train their attention and awareness, reach a cognitively clear and emotionally tranquil and stable state, such as mindfulness or focusing their minds on a certain object, thought, or activity.

Many different religious systems practice meditation. The Upanishads include the oldest descriptions of meditation, and meditation is an important component of Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism's contemplative practices. Asian meditative practices have been adopted by various civilizations since the 19th century, where they are now used in fields other than spirituality, such business and health.

Meditation can improve serenity, perception, self-concept, and wellbeing while also considerably reducing stress, anxiety, sadness, and pain.

To know more about Meditation refer:


How does nelson’s lack of control over his circ*mstances turn out to be important?.


Following 27 years in jail, Nelson Mandela was liberated in 1990 and haggled with State President F. W. de Klerk the finish of politically sanctioned racial segregation in South Africa, carrying harmony to a racially isolated nation and driving the battle for common liberties all over the planet. All people are conceived free and approach in respect and privileges.

For what reason did Nelson Mandela battle for opportunity?

In spite of the fact that he was captured and detained for quite a long time for battling for opportunity, Mandela wouldn't surrender the battle or yield to loathe. Mandela was battling against politically sanctioned racial segregation, however he was likewise battling for something: a superior world, where the opportunity, equity and nobility of all were regarded.

Who is Nelson Mandela and for what reason would he say he is significant?

Mandela is viewed as the dad of Current South Africa. He was instrumental in destroying the harsh government and introducing a vote based system. Mandela got the Nobel Harmony Prize in 1993 for calmly obliterating the Politically sanctioned racial segregation system and establishing the groundwork for a majority rule government.

How long did Nelson Mandela battle against politically sanctioned racial segregation?

Mandela, the previous leader of the Republic of South Africa and Nobel Harmony laureate, spent over 40 years — 27 of them in jail as a focal figure in the battle against South Africa's fierce and prohibitive racial system called politically-sanctioned racial segregation.

Learn more about nelson’s here:


complete and substantial performance are indistinguishable concepts. complete and substantial performance are indistinguishable concepts. true false


Complete and substantial performances are not indistinguishable concepts.

Thus, the correct answer is false.

What are the differences between complete and substantial performances?

There аre three levels of performаnce: Complete Performаnce, Substаntiаl Performаnce, аnd Breаch.

Complete performаnce by а pаrty meаns thаt the contrаcting pаrty hаs fulfilled every duty required by the contrаct. А completely performing pаrty is entitled to а complete performаnce by the other pаrty. Substаntiаl performаnce of а contrаct meаns less thаn complete performаnce; but, the level of performаnce is sufficient to аvoid а clаim of breаch of contrаct. More specificаlly, it meаns thаt а pаrty hаs performed аll mаteriаl elements of the contrаct, but there аre non-mаteriаl аspects left uncompleted.

For more information about complete and substantial performances refer to the link:


why did trading improve under Mongolian rule part one

Give examples of good and bad things that were traded and how they were traded.part 2



Explanation:The Mongols always favored trade. Their nomadic way of life caused them to recognize the importance of trade from the very earliest times and, unlike the Chinese, they had a positive attitude toward merchants and commerce.

Which of the following statements about Buddhism in Japan is true?

People cannot practice Buddhism and Shinto at the same time.

It has traditionally attracted only the upper classes of society.

It can be practiced at the same time as the Shinto religion.

It is practiced exactly the same in India and Korea.


Answer: ima guess its A im not sure let me know of its right


Which approach to personality emphasizes a desire to achieve higher levels of functioning?.


The answer to the given question is Humanistic Personality. It is an approach to personality which emphasizes a desire to reach higher levels of functioning.

What is Humanistic Personality?

Humanistic Personality Theory accentuates individuals' motivation to constantly progress to the higher levels of interactive functioning and their current capacities for growth and switch future uncertainties and irrespective of past limitations. The Humanistic Personality Theory declares that people are fundamentally good, with an inborn drive to make themselves better. The Humanistic theory is developed on the assumption of a person's self-concept, containing of their real self and their ideal self.

One pioneer for humanistic theorist was Carl Rogers. He was a powerful humanistic psychologist who elaborated a personality theory that accentuates the importance of the self-actualizing tendency in acclimating human personalities.

Learn more about Humanistic Personality at:


13. If I am at 40°N, 95°E, what continent am I on?​


The answer is Asia.

Asia is the largest continent in the globe, making up around 30% of the planet's surface. With around 60% of the world's population, it is also the continent with the highest population.

The eastern part of the Eurasian supercontinent is made up of Asia, and the western part is made up of Europe. There is disagreement on where the two continents converge. The Caucasus Mountains, the Ural Mountains, and the Caspian and Black Seas all serve as an indirect line that most geographers use to delineate Asia's western border. The Arctic, Pacific, and Indian oceans encircle Asia.

The five major physical regions of Asia are mountain systems, plateaus, plains, steppes, and deserts, as well as freshwater and saltwater ecosystems.

Hence, the continent is Asia and above are few details about the physical geography of Asia.

To know more about Asia, refer:


Which sentence is the best example of writing that uses formal English?(1 point)

It's an honor to give Mrs. Philips the School Leadership Award cuz she is just the best at her job.
It's an honor to give Mrs. Philips the School Leadership Award cuz she is just the best at her job.

It's awesome for me to give the School Leadership Award to someone as cool as Mrs. P.
It's awesome for me to give the School Leadership Award to someone as cool as Mrs. P.

It is really great to give Mrs. Philips the School Leadership Award because nobody does more for the school than she does!
It is really great to give Mrs. Philips the School Leadership Award because nobody does more for the school than she does!

It is with great honor that I present the School Leadership Award to Mrs. Jade Philips for outstanding service to the school.
It is with great honor that I present the School Leadership Award to Mrs. Jade Philips for outstanding service to the school.


The sentence that is the best example of writing that uses formal English is option A:

“It is an honor to present Mrs. Philips with the school Leadership Award because she is simply the greatest at her work,” is the best example of formal English writing.

What does "formal writing style" mean?

A formal writing style is one that conveys a sense of formality by the application of intricate grammar rules, accurate spelling, and well-constructed sentences. When addressing a reader or a specific person they are unfamiliar with or do not know, writers utilize the formal style.

Therefore, The way to formalize English is by:

Avoid contractions, emotional language, and utilizing absolute positives and negatives like "proof" or "wrong" in place of more circ*mspect appraisals like "strong evidence" or "less persuasive." Formal language also chooses formal vocabulary over colloquial words.

Learn more about formal English writing from

In the board and dice game of backgammon, how many pieces does each player start with?.


In the board and bones game of backgammon, each player start with 15 pieces.

What's backgammon?

Backgammon is one of the best and the oldest which is called as boardgames. The object of the game is to move your pieces with the board's triangles and off the board before your fellow competitor does. It's a two- player board game squiggled with counters and bones on tables boards. It's the most general Western member of the large family of tables games, whose father date back nearly,000 times to the quarter of Mesopotamia and Persia.

There are some more ways that this game can be played. Your pieces do counterclockwise from the upper right, while your opponent's do clockwise from the nethermost right. You can change the direction if you like going from nethermost right to top right. Also, the game is occasionally played in rounds with a scoring system deciding the final winner.

Learn further about backgammon then:


you have access to an fmri facility and plan to study brain regions associated with drug addiction. you advise your team that it would be wise to focus on the group of answer choices a. cerebellum. b. hippocampus. c. ventral tegmental area d. substantia nigra.


I would advise my team that it would be wise to focus on the ventral tegmental area of the brain which is associated with drug addiction. So, the correct option is c.

The addiction pathway is the brain system that governs motivated behavior. When the pathway was first discovered, people called it the pleasure center. Scientists now call it the brain reward region and have confirmed its role as the addiction pathway.

The pathway is hidden deep within the brain. It begins at the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain, which sits on top of the brainstem. In evolutionary terms, this region is very old; it began with vertebrates, which appeared 500 million years or so ago. This pathway extends to the nucleus accumbens, toward the front of the brain. This area is a traffic hub for signals to and from the addiction pathway and other parts of the brain.

Learn more about brain regions associated with drug addiction here:


Ruth Has Been Helping A Professor With Research Where They Have People Perform A Boring Task And Give (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.