Small, Kin-based Groups That Hunt And Gather Over A Particular Territory And Constantly Break Up And (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1

A band is a small, kin-based organization that hunts and gathers over a certain area and frequently splits and reforms in reaction to conflicts.

What does kinship mean?

Both the patterns of social ties themselves and the study of the patterns of social relationships in one or more human cultures can be referred to as kinship (i.e. kinship studies).

A number of words and concepts that are relevant to the study of kinship have been established over the course of anthropology's history, including descent, descent group, lineage, affinity/affine, consanguinity/cognate, and fictive kinship. Furthermore, there are various theoretical viewpoints even within these two broad definitions of the term.

In general, kinship patterns can be thought of as include individuals who are connected through marriage and descent, or social relationships during development. Human marriage-based kinship relationships are generally referred to as "affinity" in contrast to those that develop inside one's group of origin, which may be referred to as one's descent.

Hence, A band is a small, kin-based organization that hunts and gathers over a certain area and frequently splits and reforms in reaction to conflicts.

To learn more about kinship refer to:


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which etiological theory of addictions assumes that addicts are constitutionally predisposed to develop dependence on drugs?


The biopsychosocial theory of addiction assumes that addicts are constitutionally predisposed to develop dependence on drugs.

What is biopsychosocial theory?

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This theory suggests that addiction is the result of an interaction between biological, psychological, and social factors. It is believed that people who are predisposed to addiction have a biological vulnerability to the effects of drugs and alc ohol. This vulnerability is further exacerbated by psychological and social factors, such as stress, trauma, and social environment.

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Why was Sir William Blackstone important?


Blackstone's writings were crucial in clarifying people's rights against the state and safeguarding freedom from official actions that aimed to stifle dissent and prevent the press from informing the public.

William Blackstone

Blackstone firmly supported a broad freedom of the press and an outright ban on previous restraint of publishing, even while he acknowledged the government's ability to punish "blasphemous, immoral, treasonable, schismatically, seditious, or scandalous libels."

In volume 4 of the Commentaries, he stated that "press freedom is indeed fundamental to the essence of a free state; but, this consists in laying no prior limits upon publications, and not in freedom from condemnation for criminal substance when published. To restrict this is to undermine press freedom; nevertheless, if he publishes something unsuitable, malicious, or unlawful, he must bear the consequences of his own audacity. Every freeman has an unquestionable right to lay whatever sentiments he pleases before the public.

To know more about William Blackstone visit:


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The difference between the East Egg neighborhood and the West Egg neighborhood is that the East Egg is the place where people who were born rich life, and the West Egg is the place where people who have recently become rich live.

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Why was Germany so powerful in ww1 and ww2?


Germany was powerful in ww1 and ww2 due to a strong industrial base.

Germany was powerful in WWI and WW2 due to many factors. One factor was the nation's robust industrial base, which enabled it to generate a sizable quantity of military supplies and equipment. Germany also led the way in the creation of cutting-edge technologies that provided it with a military advantage, including tanks, aircraft, and chemical weapons.

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reconnaissance and surveillance actions normally conducted in a clandestine or covert manner to collect or verify information of strategic or operational significance, employing military capabilities not normally found in conventional forces are called


Special reconnaissance Airmen are special tactics operators with specialised training to conduct multi-domain reconnaissance and surveillance across a wide range of conflict scenarios.

What does Special reconnaissance do?Small units of highly trained military personnel, usually from special forces units or military intelligence organisations, conduct special reconnaissance or Recon Team operations behind enemy lines, avoiding direct combat and detection by the enemy.The covert direction of airstrikes and indirect fires in areas deep behind enemy lines, the placement of remotely monitored sensors, and preparations for other special forces are all part of the SR role. SR units, like other special forces, may engage in direct action and unconventional warfare, including guerrilla operations.SR is a human intelligence collection discipline in intelligence terms. Its operational control is most likely located within a compartmented cell of the HUMINT, or possibly within the operations, staff functions.

To learn more about Special reconnaissance refer :


How does Stevenson create tension in Chapter 1?


He accomplishes this by skillfully utilizing vocabulary, context, surrounds, and the way his characters are presented.

Robert Louis Stevenson's, "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" A lesson on suspense can be found in .

Over the course of first chapter, Stevenson masterfully maintains reader interest and tension by creating a single unsolved mystery.

In the first two chapters of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Stevenson employs a variety of techniques to create suspense, mystery, and horror.

He accomplishes this by skillfully utilizing vocabulary, context, surrounds, and the way his characters are presented. The portrayal of the home, Enfield's tale, Henry Jekyll's will, and the encounter with Hyde emphasize some of these.

When the reader notices this, he realizes that Jekyll and Hyde are one and the same, but when Utterson examines the case, it appears that he is unaware of this.

He portrays Jekyll and Hyde as being two distinct individuals. Character-driven suspense is a powerful tool to use in mystery writing.

To know more about Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, visit:


what is a federally registered and heavily regulated fundraising group that pools interest group money to give to political candidates and parties?


a political action committee (PAC) is a 527 organization is a federal registered that pools interest group money.

a common name for a political committee set up with the intention of gathering and using funds to support or oppose candidates. The majority of political action committee's support corporate, union, or ideological interests. A candidate committee may receive $5,000 from PACs each election. political action committee's have existed since the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) established the first one in 1944 to raise funds for President Franklin D. Roosevelt's reelection. The Smith Connally Act of 1943, which prohibited unions from making contributions to federal politicians, was not broken because the political action committee's funding came from the voluntary contributions of union members rather than from union treasuries. Federal election law refers to these accounts as "separate segregated funds," despite the fact that they are popularly known as "PACs," as a result of contributions made to a PAC.

To learn more about political action committee click here


Why did orator frederick douglass state, "mr. lincoln, that was a sacred effort," soon after he heard abraham lincoln’s second inaugural address?


“Mr. Lincoln, that was a sacred effort.” On March 4, 1865, Frederick Douglass said this shortly after hearing Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address.

What was the significance of Lincoln’s second inauguration address?

The abolitionist orator/editor (and former slave) had only seen Lincoln twice previously, and had been a harsh opponent of the president’s policies for much of the war. He did, however, compliment Lincoln’s four-paragraph address for sounding “more like a sermon than like a state paper.” Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address was a surprisingly brief but significant contemplation on the significance of the Civil War, speculating on God’s motives in aiding the country’s reunification. When Lincoln delivered his speech on March 4, 1861, seven southern states had already seceded from the Union, and civil war was raging. After four years of a grave national crisis, Lincoln uses his Second Inaugural to softly but emphatically blame slavery for the war.

This lesson examines Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address to determine how he sought to reunite a divided country through a providential interpretation of the Civil War, as well as the magnanimous manner in which his speech sought not to find blame, but to provide an interpretation of the Civil War that would aid the nation’s healing.

To learn more about Mr. Lincoln refer:




Which type of development do you prefer i the ongoing development projects of nepal, internal or foreign?



Considering that Nepal is not so developed country, it's hard to choose whether we should prefer internal or foreign. I personally think I would choose foreign. So that Nepal can get used to such devices and wouldn't be the least developed country.

Hope it helps.

The publishing conglomerate hearst is able to purchase mailing lists of people who have an interest antiques, decorating and gardening, knowing that its country living magazine customers are somewhat distinct from those who subscribe to esquire, a lifestyle magazine for sophisticated men. in terms of evaluating segment attractiveness, this is a way of ensuring the segment is.


In terms of evaluating segment attractiveness, this is a way of ensuring the segment is identifiable.

Knowing that the subscribers to its country living magazine are considerably different from those who subscribe to esquire, a lifestyle publication for well-educated men, the publishing conglomerate Hearst is able to buy mailing addresses of people with interests in gardening, decorating, and antiques. The Hearst Corporation, which William Randolph Hearst founded in 1887, is involved in magazines, newspapers, business publishing, newspaper comics, features syndication, and online endeavors. Additionally, Hearst runs radio and television stations and creates television shows.

The public has always been fascinated by W.R. Hearst's iconic status as a significant and irreplaceable figure in American history, which was brilliantly dramatized in the 1941 movie Citizen Kane with Orson Welles.

To learn more about Hearst, click at:


How did the framers limit the power of the president?


The Framers made it very likely that the Supreme Court would hear cases involving the president by giving it the power to decide cases. It is highly likely that the Supreme Court will issue a ruling in the president's favor and restrict the president's powers.

How did the founders restrict the president's authority?

overriding the president's veto by passing a law. by removing the president from office using the impeachment powers.

Because they believed executive power to be the most likely source of tyranny, the people who drafted the Constitution were wary of it.

How did the founding fathers restrict the government?

The Founding Fathers hoped to prevent abuse of power by dividing it into three distinct branches. In addition, they devised a clever system of checks and balances to encourage cooperation between the three branches of government in order to ensure that the government serves all citizens. Let's talk about each section.

To learn more about Supreme Court here:


Stowe develops the theme of women and christianity in uncle tom’s cabin by _____. showing that the women used religious beliefs to support slavery having the women in the novel display astounding moral courage lifting up women are careful not to defy the laws of society describing women who are more influential than their male counterparts


Stowe develops the theme of women and christianity in uncle tom’s cabin by having the women in the novel display astounding moral courage.

Option B is correct.

Where do women fit in Uncle Tom's Cabin?

In Uncle Tom's Cabin, women frequently assume a more active moral role. They become moral beacons, often portrayed as almost angelic mothers, wives, and counselors. Mrs. Shelby, Mrs.

What was Uncle Tom's Cabin's main theme?

The issue of slavery and how humans are treated as property are major themes in Uncle Tom's Cabin, which Stowe balanced against Christianity morality. Stowe's Christianity and her immersion in abolitionist writings informed her novel's depiction of slavery.

What is the plot of Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Tom, a slave who has been sold numerous times and has to deal with physical abuse from both his masters and slave drivers, is the focus of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Tom's dedication to his Christian beliefs despite his suffering is one of Stowe's central themes.

Question is incomplete. Missing options are:

Stowe develops the theme of women and christianity in uncle tom’s cabin by _____.

A. showing that the women used religious beliefs to support slavery

B. having the women in the novel display astounding moral courage

C. lifting up women are careful not to defy the laws of society

D. describing women who are more influential than their male counterparts

Learn more about Uncle Tom's Cabin:


Childline receives a report stating that leanne occasionally has to leave for work a couple of hours before her nine year old son, tyler gets picked up for school. the report does not identify any harm to tyler. childline will likely refer the report to:


Childline will likely refer the report to County agency to assess for GPS to determine Tyler's needs and the provision of services, if appropriate.

To protect the safety and wellbeing of the children, ChildLine forwards reports of alleged child neglect and abuse to the proper investigative agencies. County children and youth agencies organise, manage, and provide child welfare services under governmental supervision.

The creation and implementation of child abuse prevention programmes, as well as the provision of appropriate family intervention services in both abuse and non-abuse instances, are responsibilities of the state and municipal levels. The County agency and youth agency is in charge of offering services and initiatives meant to stop additional child abuse and neglect as well as, whenever possible, to give suitable resources to help strengthen and connect families.

Know more about Childline here


which of the following is the correct spelling for a term that describes scar tissue that develops during the process of normal healing?



Granulation tissue


let me know if i am right please.

How can food handlers reduce bacteria to safe?


Wash your hands with soap and hot water both before and after handling food, using the restroom, changing diapers, or petting animals. Make use of hot, soapy water.

In order to lower pathogens to safe levels, food must be cooked to a minimum internal temperature and maintained at that temperature for a predetermined amount of time. A six-pound beef roast must be cooked for at least 112 minutes at a minimum internal temperature of 130°F (54°C) in order to reduce food germs to safe levels.

Only cooking food to a temperature of 165 degrees or greater will use temperature to kill bacteria. Bacteria also die in excessively acidic environments, such as pickle juice.

To know more about food handling visit :


How successful were victory gardens?


Victory gardens became very successful. As, in the United States, there were at least 20 million victory gardens which were said to be covering more than 20 million acres of American soil by 1943.

By the year 1943, close to 20 million families were said to have planted seven million acres of gardens which was across the United States, producing more than the 15 billion pounds, or roughly 40 percent, of the fresh produce which the Americans tend to consume that year.

However, planting the victory gardens helped one make sure that there was enough food for the soldiers who were fighting around the world. As the canned vegetables were rationed.

Hence, by growing victory gardens, the Americans provided for themselves.

To learn more about the Victory gardens are:


The neuroscientific tool that is probably MOST often used in contemporary psychology is _____, in which blood flow to different areas of the brain is tracked by comparing successive scans


fMRI is the neuroscientific tool that is probably most often used in contemporary psychology in which blood flow to different areas of the brain is tracked by comparing successive scans .

The small changes in blood flow that occur with brain activity are measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). It can be used to determine which parts of the brain are in charge of critical functions, to assess the effects of a stroke or other disease, or to guide brain treatment. An fMRI scan is a type of MRI that demonstrates how different parts of your brain function. They allow doctors to measure blood flow in the brain without requiring surgery. An MRI scan allows doctors to examine a patient's organs, tissue, or bones, whereas an fMRI examines brain function. MRIs create a picture of the interior structures of the body, whereas fMRIs record metabolic activity over time. MRIs are used to examine various parts of the body, including brain.

For such more questions on fMRI :


In what ways did spain represent a challenge to the mississippi territory? choose two correct answers.

it held territory that shared borders with the mississippi territory.
it maintained claims on land in the mississippi territory.
it repeatedly invaded the mississippi territory.
it refused to accept the legitimacy of the mississippi territory.
it promoted the abolition of slavery in the mississippi territory.


It owned area that bordered the Mississippi Territory, according to the provided information.

What is the worth of the land?

One of the five buying principles that govern how the government solicits and evaluates bids is value for territory (VFT). It is a major force behind the successful achievement of NTG's economic, social, and cultural goals. In other words, the government is not merely interested in getting the greatest deal on its contracts.

Why is a region defined?

In general, a country is a geographic area that falls under the sovereignty, authority, or responsibility of a state or other body for the purposes of international law. Territory encompasses nearby waterways and related airspace in addition to the land.

To know more about Territory visit:


Why would direct democracy not work in the United States quizlet?


Direct democracy would not work due to the country's large population and geographic area, which makes it impractical for citizens to participate directly in the decision-making processes of the government.

Direct democracy, a system in which citizens participate directly in the decision-making processes of the government, can be effective in small communities with a relatively hom*ogeneous population. However, it would not be practical in the United States due to the country's large population and geographic area. With over 330 million people and a land area of over 3.8 million square miles, it would be logistically impossible for all citizens to participate directly in the governance of the country. Additionally, the diversity of the US population and the complexity of modern society make it difficult for citizens to have a sufficient level of knowledge and expertise to make informed decisions on all issues. As a result, the United States has a representative democracy, in which citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

Learn more about Direct Democracy here:


Who are the people the framers are referring to?


Political leaders who took part in the American Revolution are known as the Founding Fathers of the United States. They took part in the Revolutionary War, ratified the Constitution, and signed the Declaration of Independence.

Who were the constitutional framers?

The Constitution's Framers participated in the Constitutional Convention as delegates and contributed to the document's drafting. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington were the principal Founding Fathers.

The Constitutional Convention's delegates were almost all Revolutionary War veterans. They had a lot of political background as well. The delegates made up 4/5 of the Continental Congress. The fifty-five delegates had almost all served in state and colonial governments.

The delegates engaged in a variety of high- and middle-status professions. Although just approximately a quarter of the delegates had chosen to make practicing law their primary career, more than half had received legal training. Merchants, manufacturers, shippers, land speculators, bankers or financiers, doctors, a preacher, and numerous small farmers were among the other vocations.

To know more about constitutional framers visit:


What is RPA and how IT is different from AI Support your answer with examples?


Software called robotic process automation (RPA) makes it simple to create, use, and manage software robots that mimic how people interact with computers and software.

When a process or activity is consistently carried out without human involvement, it is referred to as IT automation. While AI employs algorithms to carry out its tasks, IT automation makes use of software tools connected to manual or automatic triggers that cause activity.

The goal of AI and machine learning is to mimic human abilities such as speech recognition, information processing, understanding, performance, and adaptation. However, the foundation of information technology systems is the evaluation, archiving, collection, and analysis of data.

AI is the imitation of human intelligence by machines, whereas RPA is a software robot that imitates human behavior. The distinction between artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) is frequently questioned (AI). Some others even thought the two were identical.

To know more about robotic process automation, visit:


If three operators, individually, listened to a recording of the same call and they all identified the call in the same category, that would be an example of


Accordingly, the dependent variables' values rise as the independent variable's values do.

What does being independent mean?

independent thinking: thinking or responding for oneself; not swayed or governed by other people on questions of opinion, behaviour, etc. An independent businessman is one who is not under the control or supervision of another person. independent research: thinking or doing that is not affected by others.

What causes someone to be so independent?

Independent people are free thinkers. This characteristic ensures that their thoughts and ideals are firmly established and that they are resistant to being readily influenced by the views of others. Any decision they make is predicated on what they believe, not on what society expects or thinks of them.

To know more about independent visit:


How can you compare and contrast different scientific explanations for the same phenomenon or problem?


In scientific reasoning, a hypothesis is constructed before any applicable research has been done

Is it possible for two models to explain the same phenomenon?

Science is a process, one that involves observation, inferences about those observations, and testing to see whether those assumptions are true. Anyone who has worked in a lab or in the field can attest to this. The scientific method is intended to be a rigorous process for learning about the environment we live in.

To that purpose, science uses a specific terminology to describe how theories are put forth, tested, and either upheld or refuted. Herein lies the distinction between a hypothesis and a theory.

An assumption is referred to be a hypothesis when it is put forth for the purpose of debating whether it might be true.

To learn more about hypothesis refer to:


according to the lecture, what is the capacity of sensory memory? essentially scenic 15-20 seconds seven plus or minus two items nothing


The capacity of sensory memory varies and is not fixed.

What is sensory memory?

Sensory memory is a type of memory that stores information from the senses for a very brief period of time. It is a form of immediate and automatic memory that enables the brain to process and respond to sensory information from the environment. It is the first stage in the process of memory formation, which involves registering and encoding sensory information for storage and later retrieval. Sensory memory helps us to react quickly to sensory stimuli in our environment, as it creates a short-term bridge between the present moment and the past. It is also believed to play an important role in the development of more complex forms of memory such as working memory and long-term memory.

To learn more about sensory memory

1 after brenda scolded her brother for forgetting to pick her up from school, the physical arousal that had accompanied her anger diminished. which division of her nervous system mediated her physical relaxation


Brenda reprimanded her brother for failing to bring her up from school after that. "Parasympathetic" describes the portion of the nervous system that was responsible for her bodily relaxation.

Define the term parasympathetic?

The area of the neurological system that reduces heart rate, relaxes gastrointestinal tract muscles, widens blood vessels, shrinks pupil size, and enhances digestive juices.

When there is a threat, its sympathetic nervous system gets the body ready for the "fight or flight" reaction. The parasympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, prevents the body from overworking itself and returns it to a calm, collected state.The PSNS induces saliva production as part from its rest-and-digest function, which contains enzymes that aid in meal digestion.

For the stated question-

Brenda reprimanded her brother for failing to bring her up from school after that.

Thus, Parasympathetic explains the portion of the nervous system that was responsible for her bodily relaxation.

To know more about the parasympathetic, here


What are the 10 dimensions?


In order to discover a point beyond it Bryanton approaches every other dimension in the same way. There is nothing else to go, as Bryanton notes, after you leave the ninth dimension. No more remains to be seen.

Absolute time and space are referred to as separate concepts in classical mechanics. However, it is not the four dimensional space that was thought to be required to adequately represent electromagnetism. Actions in the four components (4D) of temporality are defined with respect to an observer's motion rather than being absolutely defined in terms of space and time. Minkowski space initially approximates the cosmos without gravity. Cosmic strings theory is described in 10 dimension (6D hyperspace + 4D), supergravity and M-theory are described in 11 dimensions (7D hyperspace + 4D), and the state-space of quantum physics is an effectively unlimited function field.

Learn more about Dimension here:


What is the importance of media in our society and in our everyday living?


The media is essential in a democracy for breaking news and debating international and domestic issues.

In democracies, the media is essential to the political process. It provides data so that we can learn more about the essential subjects.

To ensure that the information is put to the test and thoroughly analysed, it provides critique and conversation.

New media's development has increased communication on the Internet and among people all over the world.

Nowadays, websites, blogs, movies, photographs, and other user-generated content allow people to express themselves. New technological advancements lead to an increase in globalization.

Additionally, the media encourages economic growth. Investors decide to establish themselves in nations with a free media in order to have unrestricted access to reliable and credible sources of information, which in turn enables them to make informed decisions.

To know more about media, visit:


identical twins who were raised in different families were observed to have very different scores on the math sat test. what would best explain this difference?


Nurture is the best option that would have to explain why the identical twins who were raised in different families were observed to have very different scores on the math sat test. Option A

How does nurture affect parenting?

When it comes to raising a child, nurture considers both the actions you and other people take as well as factors in the environment that have an impact on how your child is raised. Your child will be shaped differently by the particular culture you choose to raise them in than a child who is reared in a different culture.

Giving your child food, shelter, and clothing is only one aspect of nurturing. It is about developing a sound and solid emotional bond (attachment) with your child. It entails being the comforting figure your child can turn to, whether he is a fussy baby or a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Read more on nurturing here:


How do monarchs inherit their power and position?


A system of succession, which is a set of laws that determines who will become the next monarch, is how a monarch (such as a king or queen) inherits their position and authority in a monarchy. Depending on the unique customs and rules of the given monarchy, a monarch may inherit their position in a number of different ways.

Primogeniture, a system where the incumbent monarch's oldest son inherits the throne upon the passing of his or her father, is one frequent manner in that monarchs acquire their positions. The oldest son is given preference in this arrangement above all other possible successors.

Male-preference primogeniture, which is identical to ordinary primogeniture but gives precedence to male heirs over female descendants, is another option for a monarch to inherit their throne.

According to this arrangement, if the reigning king does not have any sons, their daughter may succeed to the throne but only if no male ancestors are eligible to do so.

To learn more about monarch


which body of government is least susceptible to public opinion polls? group of answer choices the president u.s. supreme court u.s. senate u.s. house of representatives


The correct response is a. U.S. supreme court. The US Supreme Court is the branch of government that is least influenced by public opinion surveys.

The United States' federal judiciary's highest court is the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). All matters heard in U.S. federal courts as well as state court cases involving issues of federal or constitutional law are subject to its final appellate authority. Additionally, it has exclusive authority over a certain number of matters, including "all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers, and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party." Party." The court has the authority to judicially analyze legislation and declare them unlawful if they are unconstitutional. It has the power to void presidential orders if they violate the Constitution or a statute. However, it can only act in matters involving a body of law that falls under its scope. The court may hear cases with political overtones even when it has determined that it lacks the authority to decide non-justiciable political issues.

Learn more about U.S. supreme court here


Small, Kin-based Groups That Hunt And Gather Over A Particular Territory And Constantly Break Up And (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.