What Are Your Controllable And Or Non Controllable Risk Factors? (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1

Every day of our lives, we are at danger of disease or harm; they are known as controllable risk factors. Uncontrollable danger refers to events in life over which we have no control.

What are risk factors?

Risk variables are empirically proven features that raise the likelihood of an individual engaging in crime/delinquency.

Risk elements. A risk factor is any property, characteristic, or exposure of an individual that raises the likelihood of getting a disease or injury. Underweight, unsafe sex, high blood pressure, cigarette and alcohol use, and hazardous water, sanitation, and hygiene are some of the more serious risk factors. Individual variables, peer factors, family factors, school factors, and community factors are divided into five domains.

To know more about disease visit:



Related Questions

How important is stretching before and after doing exercise?


In order to ensure that your tissues receive enough oxygen, pre-workout mobility also raises core body temperature and generates enhanced blood flow throughout the body. In the meantime, stretching after a workout aids in proper cooling down and lessens tissue tension and soreness.

Here are some advantages of stretching both before and after a workout:

1. It aids in getting your body ready for activity: Dynamic stretching can help your muscles, ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, and other tissues relax up and get ready for movement before your workout. Additionally raising core body temperature and stimulating enhanced blood flow throughout the body, pre-workout mobility ensures that your tissues receive enough oxygen.

Stretching, meanwhile, aids in proper cooling down and lessens tissue discomfort and tightness after an exercise.

3. Overall better health: Regular stretching has been demonstrated to increase mobility overall, lower blood pressure and heart rate, especially as you age. Do yourself a favor and start stretching if you want to live a very long time.

5. Exercising can help you relax: Do you seem to be under greater stress than usual? Regular stretching is an excellent technique to reduce mental stress and even the signs and symptoms of melancholy and anxiety, especially when combined with deep breathing and mindfulness exercises. The advantage of stretching for stress relief is that you can do it whenever, even if you aren't exercising! See what a difference stretching makes when you first wake up and before you begin your day.

To know more about mental stress



A research group conducted a poll to gauge the political leaning of a particular state. for this study, the researchers recruited only college students as participants. the results obtained from this study could not be generalized to the whole population because college students


The results of the poll cannot be generalized to the whole population because the sample group of college students is not representative of the entire population of the state.

A research group conducted a poll to gauge the political leaning of a particular state by recruiting college students as participants. However, the results of this study cannot be generalized to the whole population of the state because the sample group of college students is not representative of the entire population. In order to generalize the results of a study to a wider population, the sample group must be representative of that population in terms of key characteristics such as age, gender, race, and socio-economic status. By recruiting only college students as participants, the researchers have not accounted for the views and opinions of other segments of the population, and as a result, the results of the poll cannot be assumed to apply to the entire population of the state.

Learn more about Research Group here:



What are the 3 greatest contributions of Greeks to the world?


Greeks have made greatest contribution to the world. Their three contribution that can termed as most important are- philosophy, astronomy and mathematics.

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all belonged to Greek. Apart from the above mentioned contribution Greek have very significant contribution in the field of medicine too by scientifically studying the diseases. Greeks are known to have contributed in literature and theatre too. Most of the famous literature belongs to them only. They are also known for their architecture and sculptures. World's first democracy was also developed there.

Hence, it would be safe to say that our society today owes a lot to Greece.

To know more about Greeks refer to-



What is the storytellers purpose in writing the story?


Storytelling is the process of weaving language into a concrete narrative with the goal of creating rich, believable experiences for writers.

In other words, storytellers don't just relay facts; they use words in such a way that the reader or listener can immerse themselves in the story as if they were there in person.

This is true regardless of genre—sci-fi, fantasy, and horror writers create stories that are just as believable experiences as literary fiction writers. Nonfiction authors and poets demonstrate mastery of the art of storytelling as well, though they may employ different techniques.

The power of stories is where the magic of storytelling is found. Many writers, however, conflate "story" and "situation," having never been taught the distinction.

To learn more about Storytelling:



which etiological theory of addictions assumes that addicts are constitutionally predisposed to develop dependence on drugs?


The biopsychosocial theory of addiction assumes that addicts are constitutionally predisposed to develop dependence on drugs.

What is biopsychosocial theory?

Biopsychosocial theory is an approach to understanding health and illness that emphasizes the interaction between biological, psychological and social factors. Developed by psychiatrist George Engel in the 1970s, this theory posits that physical and mental health is influenced by biological factors such as genetics, lifestyle, diet, and physical activity; psychological factors such as thoughts, emotions, and behavior; and social factors such as culture, family, work environment, and socioeconomic status. This holistic approach to health recognizes that the individual is an integrated whole, and that each factor can independently, or interactively, alter health outcomes. Biopsychosocial theory is increasingly being used by health professionals to understand and manage patients’ health issues.

This theory suggests that addiction is the result of an interaction between biological, psychological, and social factors. It is believed that people who are predisposed to addiction have a biological vulnerability to the effects of drugs and alc ohol. This vulnerability is further exacerbated by psychological and social factors, such as stress, trauma, and social environment.

To learn more about biopsychosocial theory

What is the difference between the East Egg neighborhood and the West Egg neighborhood?


The difference between the East Egg neighborhood and the West Egg neighborhood is that the East Egg is the place where people who were born rich life, and the West Egg is the place where people who have recently become rich live.

This is mentioned in the novel- The Great Gatsby. While both East and West Egg are known to be wealthy communities, families with inherited wealth or traditional money live in the more fashionable East Egg. In West Egg, by contrast, residents whose wealth is new, like Gatsby, conspicuously mimic European aristocracy to appear established. This is a great difference between the East Egg neighborhood and the West Egg neighborhood.

To know more about the East Egg neighborhood:



reconnaissance and surveillance actions normally conducted in a clandestine or covert manner to collect or verify information of strategic or operational significance, employing military capabilities not normally found in conventional forces are called


Special reconnaissance Airmen are special tactics operators with specialised training to conduct multi-domain reconnaissance and surveillance across a wide range of conflict scenarios.

What does Special reconnaissance do?Small units of highly trained military personnel, usually from special forces units or military intelligence organisations, conduct special reconnaissance or Recon Team operations behind enemy lines, avoiding direct combat and detection by the enemy.The covert direction of airstrikes and indirect fires in areas deep behind enemy lines, the placement of remotely monitored sensors, and preparations for other special forces are all part of the SR role. SR units, like other special forces, may engage in direct action and unconventional warfare, including guerrilla operations.SR is a human intelligence collection discipline in intelligence terms. Its operational control is most likely located within a compartmented cell of the HUMINT, or possibly within the operations, staff functions.

To learn more about Special reconnaissance refer :




The Framers made it very likely that the Supreme Court would hear cases involving the president by giving it the power to decide cases. It is highly likely that the Supreme Court will issue a ruling in the president's favor and restrict the president's powers.

How did the founders restrict the president's authority?

overriding the president's veto by passing a law. by removing the president from office using the impeachment powers.

Because they believed executive power to be the most likely source of tyranny, the people who drafted the Constitution were wary of it.

How did the founding fathers restrict the government?

The Founding Fathers hoped to prevent abuse of power by dividing it into three distinct branches. In addition, they devised a clever system of checks and balances to encourage cooperation between the three branches of government in order to ensure that the government serves all citizens. Let's talk about each section.

To learn more about Supreme Court here:



Childline receives a report stating that leanne occasionally has to leave for work a couple of hours before her nine year old son, tyler gets picked up for school. the report does not identify any harm to tyler. childline will likely refer the report to:


Childline will likely refer the report to County agency to assess for GPS to determine Tyler's needs and the provision of services, if appropriate.

To protect the safety and wellbeing of the children, ChildLine forwards reports of alleged child neglect and abuse to the proper investigative agencies. County children and youth agencies organise, manage, and provide child welfare services under governmental supervision.

The creation and implementation of child abuse prevention programmes, as well as the provision of appropriate family intervention services in both abuse and non-abuse instances, are responsibilities of the state and municipal levels. The County agency and youth agency is in charge of offering services and initiatives meant to stop additional child abuse and neglect as well as, whenever possible, to give suitable resources to help strengthen and connect families.

Know more about Childline here



How successful were victory gardens?


Victory gardens became very successful. As, in the United States, there were at least 20 million victory gardens which were said to be covering more than 20 million acres of American soil by 1943.

By the year 1943, close to 20 million families were said to have planted seven million acres of gardens which was across the United States, producing more than the 15 billion pounds, or roughly 40 percent, of the fresh produce which the Americans tend to consume that year.

However, planting the victory gardens helped one make sure that there was enough food for the soldiers who were fighting around the world. As the canned vegetables were rationed.

Hence, by growing victory gardens, the Americans provided for themselves.

To learn more about the Victory gardens are:



In what ways did spain represent a challenge to the mississippi territory? choose two correct answers.

it held territory that shared borders with the mississippi territory.
it maintained claims on land in the mississippi territory.
it repeatedly invaded the mississippi territory.
it refused to accept the legitimacy of the mississippi territory.
it promoted the abolition of slavery in the mississippi territory.


It owned area that bordered the Mississippi Territory, according to the provided information.

What is the worth of the land?

One of the five buying principles that govern how the government solicits and evaluates bids is value for territory (VFT). It is a major force behind the successful achievement of NTG's economic, social, and cultural goals. In other words, the government is not merely interested in getting the greatest deal on its contracts.

Why is a region defined?

In general, a country is a geographic area that falls under the sovereignty, authority, or responsibility of a state or other body for the purposes of international law. Territory encompasses nearby waterways and related airspace in addition to the land.

To know more about Territory visit:



What is RPA and how IT is different from AI Support your answer with examples?


Software called robotic process automation (RPA) makes it simple to create, use, and manage software robots that mimic how people interact with computers and software.

When a process or activity is consistently carried out without human involvement, it is referred to as IT automation. While AI employs algorithms to carry out its tasks, IT automation makes use of software tools connected to manual or automatic triggers that cause activity.

The goal of AI and machine learning is to mimic human abilities such as speech recognition, information processing, understanding, performance, and adaptation. However, the foundation of information technology systems is the evaluation, archiving, collection, and analysis of data.

AI is the imitation of human intelligence by machines, whereas RPA is a software robot that imitates human behavior. The distinction between artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) is frequently questioned (AI). Some others even thought the two were identical.

To know more about robotic process automation, visit:



1 after brenda scolded her brother for forgetting to pick her up from school, the physical arousal that had accompanied her anger diminished. which division of her nervous system mediated her physical relaxation


Brenda reprimanded her brother for failing to bring her up from school after that. "Parasympathetic" describes the portion of the nervous system that was responsible for her bodily relaxation.

Define the term parasympathetic?

The area of the neurological system that reduces heart rate, relaxes gastrointestinal tract muscles, widens blood vessels, shrinks pupil size, and enhances digestive juices.

When there is a threat, its sympathetic nervous system gets the body ready for the "fight or flight" reaction. The parasympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, prevents the body from overworking itself and returns it to a calm, collected state.The PSNS induces saliva production as part from its rest-and-digest function, which contains enzymes that aid in meal digestion.

For the stated question-

Brenda reprimanded her brother for failing to bring her up from school after that.

Thus, Parasympathetic explains the portion of the nervous system that was responsible for her bodily relaxation.

To know more about the parasympathetic, here



which body of government is least susceptible to public opinion polls? group of answer choices the president u.s. supreme court u.s. senate u.s. house of representatives


The correct response is a. U.S. supreme court. The US Supreme Court is the branch of government that is least influenced by public opinion surveys.

The United States' federal judiciary's highest court is the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). All matters heard in U.S. federal courts as well as state court cases involving issues of federal or constitutional law are subject to its final appellate authority. Additionally, it has exclusive authority over a certain number of matters, including "all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers, and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party." Party." The court has the authority to judicially analyze legislation and declare them unlawful if they are unconstitutional. It has the power to void presidential orders if they violate the Constitution or a statute. However, it can only act in matters involving a body of law that falls under its scope. The court may hear cases with political overtones even when it has determined that it lacks the authority to decide non-justiciable political issues.

Learn more about U.S. supreme court here



which political aspect of modern western civilization was most influenced by ancient roman society?


The political of modern western civilization that was most influenced by ancient roman society are government, law, language, etc.

Roman society had a reputation for being very rigid. The need for qualified men to lead Rome's huge empire, however, was gradually dissolving the old social barriers by the first century. Ancient Rome's social system was founded on inheritance, property, money, citizenship, and freedom. It was also centered on men; for example, women's social standing was determined by that of their spouses or fathers. Few women actually had any genuine independence because they were expected to take care of the household. Members of various classes even dressed differently since the lines separating them were clearly defined by law. Senators were permitted to wear white togas with the latus clavus, a wide purple stripe around the edge, whereas only the emperor was permitted to wear a purple toga.

Learn more about Ancient Roman Society here:



Why was it important for slaves to learn to read and write?



A literate slave could forge passes or free papers and these could aid a slave to escape. In fact, enslaved people forged free papers so frequently that free blacks with bona fide legal documents were often suspected of forging them. after Emancipation.


What is the point of view in edgar allan poe’s "the black cat"? third person first person alternating person second person


It is available in a variety of formats, such Poems & Poe Allen Poe: Complete Tales (2003). A guy witnesses a dramatic attitude change in "The Black Cat," a terrible tale of animal torture and death.

What did Edgar Allan Poe do best?

The poems "To Helen" (1831), "The Raven" (1845), and "Annabel Lee" (1849); the wicked and criminal short tales "The Tell-Tale Heart" (1843) and "The Cask of Amontillado" (1846); and the psychological thriller tale "The Fall of the Castle of Usher" (1848) are among Edgar Allen poe Poe's best-known works (1839).

What work by Edgar Allan Poe is the most well-known?

When his poem "The Raven" was widely acclaimed for publication in 1845, Poe undoubtedly had his greatest success. The poem briefly elevated him to fame and is sometimes cited for being the most notable works in American literature. Despite his accomplishment, Poe remained poor and practically penniless.

To know more about Edgar allan poe visit:




Third Person


This is the correct answer

One study of two- and three-year-old children revealed that an increase in the number of child-care arrangements the children experienced was linked to a(n)


Increase in behavioral problems

Behavioral problems include arguing, aggressiveness, and acting angry around adults, it implies that the child is showing unwanted behavior toward others.

Running away, being aggressive that causes harm, bullying, fighting, stealing, harming animals, and lying, are the behaviors that can be identified in children with the disorder. This disorder diagnosed below 8 years old.

Temper tantrum, and defiant or conduct disorder are the common problems in children. Starting treatment in the beginning is more important. It is effective if it fits the requirements of the child and family.

Complete analysis by a health specialist would help the child to cure. Parents will be given behavior therapy. And will be trained to communicate effectively with their children.

To know more about child-care arrangements



N a(n) _____, one or more variables are identified and controlled or manipulated so that data can be obtained about how they influence the variable of interest identified first. a. variable study b. experimental study c. observational study d. categorical study g


In an experimental study , in order to get information on how they affect the variable of interest specified initially, one or more variables are chosen, controlled, or altered.

The correct option is b.

In an experimental study, a variable of interest is a variable that is tracked. In order to learn more about how the variables impact the response variable, also known as the response, one or more of these components, also known as the study's variables, are controlled.

An intervention is introduced in an experimental research, and the outcomes are then tracked. In experimental research, participants are frequently assigned to groups at random or by chance.

To learn more about variable of interest , refer



Which tip will NOT help enhance your ability to use communication to understand and respect differences between people?a. Make the message accessibleb. Focus on Differencesc. Focus on Similaritiesd. Avoid "1st" Language


Out of the given options the one tip which will not enhance your ability to use communication to understand and respect differences between people is option b: Focus on differences

We frequently concentrate on what we ought to say when speaking with people. However, listening is more important for good communication than talking. Understanding the words or the information being delivered is only one aspect of listening well; another is comprehending the feelings the speaker is attempting to express.

Engaged listening differs significantly from hearing only. You can detect how someone is feeling and the emotions they're attempting to convey by the tiny intonations they use in their voice when you really listen—when you're focused on what they're saying. Being an attentive listener can help you better understand the other person while also making them feel heard and understood, which can strengthen your relationship.

Engaged listening will frequently come effortlessly if your aim is to completely comprehend and connect with the other person. Try the following advice if it doesn't work. Your interactions with others will improve and become more fulfilling as you put them into practice.

We can learn more about effective communication here:



the behavioral approach to psychological disorders currently encompasses a wide range of theories based on principles that underlie different forms of learning. initially, classical conditioning served as the basis of the behavioral perspective. john watson was one of the first researchers to examine this connection. one of the primary behavioral methods of treating phobias is systematic desensitization, which relies heavily on the principle of extinction. what happens in this type of treatment?


The behavioural approach to psychiatric illnesses today includes a wide range of hypotheses built on the underlying concepts of various learning modalities.

Initially, the behavioural perspective was founded on classical conditioning. One of the first scientists to investigate this relationship was John Watson.

What link exists between psychological diseases and classical conditioning?

The development of phobias is frequently linked to classical conditioning (through paired association), which also prepares people for future, cued panic attacks. Phobias are extreme anxiety reactions to particular things or circ*mstances. Consider a young child having fun with her neighbor's dog.

What are the basic tenets of the behaviourist perspective?

Principal Behaviourist Approach Description (AO1) Assumptions Experience is the primary teacher of behaviour. Science can only measure observable behaviour, and only these behaviours should be investigated. Since animals and humans both learn according to the same principles, animal research is reliable.

To know more about psychiatric, visit :



What are 3 important qualities to be a lawyer?


The three most important qualities of a lawyer are good communication skills, judgement and good people skills.

Lawyers need to be able to communicate clearly both vocally and in writing, as well as to listen well. Good public speaking abilities are necessary to present a compelling case to jurors and judges in court. Judgement

A smart lawyer must be able to infer reasonable, logical conclusions or assumptions from sparse data.

Additionally, you must be able to think critically about these conclusions in order to foresee any weak points in your case that will need to be strengthened. this is the skill of good judgement.

Law is not an impersonal profession. Regardless of academic performance, lawyers work with and on behalf of people, and the decisions they make have an impact on people's lives.

To know more about qualities of lawyer, click here:



How does this repetition affect the epic?


In an epic, repetition can emphasize key themes or ideas, create a sense of unity, create a sense of rhythm and structure, create a sense of familiarity, and convey the grandeur and epic nature of the story.

Repetition is a common feature of epic poetry and can have a significant impact on the overall effect of the poem. Here are a few ways that repetition can be used to convey meaning in an epic:

Repetition can emphasize key themes or ideas: By repeating certain words or phrases, an epic poet can draw attention to important themes or ideas and reinforce their significance.Repetition can create a sense of unity: Repetition of keywords or phrases can help to create a sense of unity and cohesiveness in an epic poem.Repetition can create a sense of rhythm and structure: Repetition of elements such as words, phrases, or ideas can help to create a sense of rhythm and structure in an epic, making it more enjoyable to read.Repetition can create a sense of familiarity: Repetition can help to create a sense of familiarity for the reader, which can be comforting and reassuring. This can be especially important in epics that deal with complex or abstract ideas.Repetition can convey the grandeur and epic nature of the story: The use of repetition can help to convey the grand and epic nature of the story being told and can make it feel more epic and monumental.

Learn more about the repetition at



A(n) _____ perspective focuses on universal qualities common to all cultures and aspects of counseling that are generalizable across cultures, while the _____ perspective involves viewing each client as an individual and evaluating the client using their cultural norms.


An etic perspective focuses on universal qualities common to all cultures and aspects of counseling that are generalizable across cultures, while the emic perspective involves viewing each client as an individual and evaluating the client using their cultural norms.

Emic views are crucial for anthropologists' efforts to fully comprehend a culture and to steer clear of perceiving other people through the lens of their own cultural ideas. Etic views are explanations for behaviour offered by an outsider in a manner that is significant to the observer. The study of cultural norms that are unique to one set of people or inside one culture is referred to as taking a "emic approach," on the other hand.

The development, testing, and analysis of constructs across groups must be done consistently for studies employing an etic approach. Emic and etic are words that were taken from linguistics research. Research that examines cross-cultural distinctions is known as "etic," while research that focuses exclusively (or mostly) on one culture is known as "emic."

To learn more about ETIC/EMIC perspective: https://brainly.com/question/14224872


emmanuel teaches fourth graders. at which stage of psychosexual development can emmanuel expect the majority of his students to be?


Fourth graders are taught by Emmanuel. The bulk of Emmanuel's students can be expected to be latency in what stage of psychosexual development.

A key component of the psychoanalytic view of sexual drive is psychosexual development. According to Freud, a child's pleasure-seeking impulses became focused on specific erogenous places as they progressed through various childhood stages. A region of the body that responds very well to stimulation is known as an erogenous zone. Fixation may come from being dissatisfied at any particular point. On the other side, a happy disposition might come from being content. According to Sigmund Freud, children who experience dissatisfaction during any stage of their psychosexual development will have anxiety that will last into adulthood and manifest as a neurosis, a functional mental condition.

Learn more about psychosexual here



Is hydroelectric better than wind power?


Better is a challenging comparison. More location have access to wind than hydro. Typically, hydro is available 24/7. (but not always). Flood caused by hydrodams disturbs the habitats of fish ,birds or animals.

A flood occurs when there is an excessive amount of water and it covers normally dry area. The word can also refer to the tide's influx when used in the meaning of "flowing water." Floods are a topic of research in the hydrology field and are very important to the industries of agriculture, aerospace engineering, and public health. With regard to land use changes like forest loss and the abolishment of waterways, changes in waterway courses or flood controls like levees, as well as larger environmental problems like rising sea levels and climate change rise.

Learn more about Flood here:



The migration of economically secure caucasian whites from city centers to suburbs following events like school desegregation is referred to as ________________________________.


The migration of economically secure Caucasian whites from city centres to suburbs following events like school desegregation is referred to as white flight.

What is white flight?

The sudden or gradual huge migration of white people away from areas that are growing more ethnically or ethnoculturally diverse is known as "white flight" or "white exodus." The words gained popularity in the US starting in the 1950s and 1960s. They spoke of the widespread movement of individuals with different European ancestries from racially diverse metropolitan areas to more ethnically hom*ogeneous suburban or exurban areas. The phrase has more recently been used to describe white people moving from older inner suburbs to rural areas as well as from the Northeast and Midwest of the United States to the warmer Southeast and Southwest. Large-scale post-colonial migration of whites from Africa or portions of that continent has sometimes been referred to as "white flight."

To know more about white flight visit:



What qualities and skills are assessed by traditional intelligence tests?


Traditional intelligence tests assess skills and qualities such as Analytical Intelligence, academic problem solving and performing calculations.

A intelligence test is an assessment used to measure an individual's cognitive abilities and potential for future academic or workplace success. Intelligence tests have been used for centuries to identify individuals with high potential for success in certain fields.

Today, intelligence tests are still widely used in educational and employment settings to identify individuals with the ability to think abstractly, solve problems, and learn new information.

To know more about intelligence, click here.



What is federal and confederal system of government?


A national government and state governments share power in a federal system. Whereas in a confederal system, the states have a disproportionate amount of that authority.

A national government and the states share power in a federal system. In a unitary system, the national government has total authority, whereas, in a confederation, the states have a disproportionate amount of that authority.

A kind of national government known as the federal government can transfer authority to other duly elected state representatives. A nation's federal government may function on two different levels, either by using common institutions or by using the authority granted by a state's constitution.

An organization of independent states governs under the confederal system. The independent states grant the central government its power. Each state is in charge, and its representatives meet to discuss the group's needs.

Learn more about the federal and confederal systems here:



according to sternberg's triangular theory of love, the most complete, ideal type of love is consummate love. intimacy. sexual compatibilty. passion.


The correct answer to the given question about Sternberg's triangular theory of love is option a) consummate love.

According to Sternberg's "triangular theory of love," there are three elements to love: Intimacy is the degree to which each partner feels close to the other and the tenacity of their connection. High closeness couples value and comprehend their mates. Passion: characterized by romantic emotions, a desire for physical connection, and sexual attraction to the relationship. Decision and commitment are cognitive elements that include admitting to being in love and making a commitment to keeping the relationship alive. Sternberg claims that these elements are essential to what love is and interact in various ways to produce different types of love. If one component—such as romantic or companionate love—is neglected or if one component is invested in excessively more than the others, relationships may become unbalanced. The belief holds that when all three requirements are met, true love is attained.

To learn more about Sternberg click here



What Are Your Controllable And Or Non Controllable Risk Factors? (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.