What Can You Infer About M'Choakumchild, Based On His Name And His Actions In The Opening Chapter Of (2024)

English High School


Answer 1


From his name and his actions in the opening chapter of Hard Times, we can infer that Mr. M'Choakumchild is a hard and stern teacher. His name is a play on words – 'M'Choakumchild' could be interpreted as 'much-of-a-child', suggesting that he is not a very patient teacher and is perhaps too harsh towards his students. This is further evidenced by his teaching style, which is strictly based on facts and numbers, and does not allow for any creativity or imagination. He is also described as being 'imperturbably self-possessed', indicating that he is not easily moved or swayed by his students' emotions. All of this suggests that Mr. M'Choakumchild is a hard teacher who does not show any mercy or leniency towards his students.

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When C-way is denied you should contact the detailer for disposition guidance at least what minimum number of months prior to PRD?


When C-way is denied, we should contact the detailer for disposition guidance at least: 6 months prior to PRD.

What should we do if the C-way application is denied?

C-Way, which stands for The Career Waypoints, is a corporate information technology system that matches personnel inventory requirements with the best-performing sailors. If our C-Way application is denied, we should contact the detailer at least 6 months prior to PRD. This will allow enough time for the detailer to provide guidance and for you to make any necessary arrangements before your PRD. It is important to be proactive and take action as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition.

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how many times does the moon cross the ecliptic each month? a. twice b. four times c. once d. none e. three times


The moon crosses the ecliptic each month twice. Option a is the correct answer.

The moon crosses the ecliptic, which is the path of the sun in the sky, twice each month. This occurs once when the moon is moving from south to north of the ecliptic, and once when it is moving from north to south of the ecliptic. These crossings are called the ascending node and the descending node, respectively.

In summary, the moon crosses the ecliptic twice each month, once at the ascending node and once at the descending node.

Learn more about moon here: https://brainly.com/question/18517840


In the last stanza of the poem, the speaker describes how he imagines looking back on this decision (“ages and ages” later) and describing it to others. Does this stanza express the same attitude about his choice of path, or does it bring a new perspective to that decision?

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.



“I shall be telling this with a sigh, Somewhere ages and ages hence” implies that when I'm old and sharing stories about my life, I'll sigh and say that taking the road less travelled by "made all the difference" in how my life ended out.

What does the speaker mean by Somewhere ages and ages hence The Road Not Taken?

The speaker has reservations about returning because "way leads on to way." Then he sighs and says he'll tell you about it. There is a sense of betrayal. Because he couldn't take both paths, the speaker says this with a sigh. That is an expression of regret.

What is the meaning of stanza 4 in The Road Not Taken?

The speaker imagines himself recounting this story about the roads and the decision in the far future. Also, remember it wasn't exactly clear that the road our speaker took was the one that was less traveled.

To know more about Road Not Taken visit:



For a english quiz (ignore bubbled answers!) if you know lmk


The correct answer is C. His pride continues to drive his decisions to continue going further into the catacombs.The detail that best supports this answer is C. "A moment more and I had fettered him to the granite." This quote shows that Fortunato was so consumed by his pride that he did not realize he was being tricked by the narrator. Instead, he allowed his ego to cloud his judgment, leading him to walk into the trap that the narrator had set for him. His pride and arrogance ultimately lead him to his demise.

What is an english quiz?

Generally, An English quiz is a test on English grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. Quizzes are usually multiple-choice and cover a range of topics related to English, such as idioms, slang, punctuation, parts of speech, and spelling.

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Error Editing
(a) Lakshmi Bai is born at Kashi on
19th November,1835.


Rani Lakshmi Bai was born into a Marathi Karhade Brahmin family on November 19, 1835, in Varanasi.

In May 1842, Manikarnika (nickname of Rani Lakshmi Bai) wed Gangadhar Rao Newalkar, the Maharaja of Jhansi. Between the palace and the temple, Rani Lakshmi Bai was used to travelling on horseback with escorts, though occasionally she was carried in a palanquin.

Sarangi, Pavan, and Baadal were some of her horses. According to historians, when Rani Lakshmi Bai fled the fort in 1858, she was riding Baadal. Currently, the Rani Mahal, her residence, serves as a museum. It houses a collection of artifacts dating from the ninth to the twelfth centuries AD.

To learn more about Rani Lakshmi Bai, please refer:



What is the author's purpose in "Marian Anderson Sings"? Question 12 options: to explain how music in America has changed over the last several generations to entertain readers with a fictional story about a character named Marian to inform readers about Marian Anderson's life and accomplishments to argue that Marian Anderson was the best singer in the last 100 years


We can see here that the author's purpose in "Marian Anderson Sings" is: C. to inform readers about Marian Anderson's life and accomplishments.

Who is an author?

An author is a person who writes a book, article, or other written work. The term is often used to refer specifically to the person who creates a written work of fiction, such as a novel, short story, or play.

An author can also be the creator of non-fiction works, such as biographies, histories, and manuals. In either case, the author is responsible for the content and message of the written work, and is often considered the creative force behind it.

Marian Anderson sang a variety of songs, including opera and spirituals. Between 1925 and 1965, Anderson collaborated with famous orchestras in prestigious concert and recital halls in Europe and the United States.

Learn more about author on https://brainly.com/question/28739571


Which of the following elements of modernism does e.e. cumings use in "anyone lived in a pretty how town."

Select all that apply

explores the gore of war

emphasis on alienation of the individual

breaks with past literary traditions

deals with crime-ridden city life


Modernism is a movement that began in the early 20th century, reached its height during the 1920 and 1930s (fortunately, the poet's most prolific years), and remained a prominent movement well into the middle of the century.

What is the Summary of the poem?

'Anyone lived in a pretty how town' consists of nine four-line stanzas. The poem is chiefly written in Tetra meter, or lines consisting of four feet.

The poem is a reaction to the change in the conception of humanity from a common identity to an individualistic one. Hence, the elements of modernism in the poem is that emphasis on alienation of the individual.

Therefore, Modernism is a movement that began in the early 20th century, reached its height during the 1920 and 1930s (fortunately, the poet's most prolific years), and remained a prominent movement well into the middle of the century.

Learn more about poem on:



At the beginning of the film (but not in the play version), what did Reverend Parris catch his daughter and other girls doing?


Parris has shipped for Reverend John Hale of Beverly, an expert on magic, to decide whether Betty is actually charmed. Parris berates their welcome relative, Abigail Williams, cause he discovered her.

Putnam tries to incline Parris that endure revealing the presence of magic, but Parris is anxious. He experiences that a group of townspeople is going to eliminate him from Salem, and witchcraft wrongdoing including welcoming offspring would present them the capacity to expel him from the metropolis.

Reverend Parris has shipped for a doctor as the play starts because the welcome girl, Betty, is ill and achieved revived. Parris questions welcome relative Abigail about how Abigail acted accompanying Betty in the wood.

To know more about Parris refer to: https://brainly.com/question/25748009


I bet you could set off dynamite in an A & P and the people would by and large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists and muttering "Let me see, there was a third thing, began with A, asparagus, no, ah, yes, applesauce!"

What does the narrator mean in this passage?


The narrator is saying in this passage that it is obvious from the start of the story that Sammy detests both his job and the people he works with every day. He has a negative opinion of them; he thinks they are dull and pointless, leading ordinary lives, and it's clear from Sammy's portrayal of them that he doesn't want to ever be like them or be around them any longer.

What does A&P involve?

The tragicomic short story "A&P" by John Updike was released in 1961. The A&P in Updike's story symbolizes what M. Gilbert Porter called "the mass ethic of a consumer-conditioned society" and "the common denominator of middle-class suburbia." In doing so, Porter asserts that the main character "has decided to live honestly and profoundly" by rebelling against the A&P and this consumer-conditioned culture. In contrast, William Peden called the story "deftly recounted drivel" because it only discussed the checking clerk's fascination with three women wearing swimsuits.

To know more about A&P visit:



Which child was to deliver a message to Miss Foster?



sick child


only sick child that needed to deliver

Which section of a personal narrative needs to include strong examples that demonstrate qualities of the subject?

A. middle section
B. prewriting section
C. beginning section
D. ending section


Middle section is a section of a personal narrative needs to include strong examples that demonstrate qualities of the subject.

A strong personal narrative essay demonstrates what occurred and your feelings. It doesn't describe the occurrences as a report of events would. It adheres to the principle of "show, don't tell" in writing. It is filled with numerous realistic details, feelings, and other components that help you recreate your experience.

A personal narrative has a start, middle, and end. An introduction is a part of the beginning of a tale. Typically, a narrative's introduction will have the following sections: Theme: The author may explain the topic of the essay in the introduction (the central idea, theme, or message).

To learn more about personal narrative, visit:


two examples of characters


Two examples of types of characters are protagonist and antagonist, which refer to the main character in the story and the one that opposes to it.

The types of characters

As we know, character is the object, animal or person a story is about. There are several different types of characters, depending on what we are analyzing. When it comes to the character's importance in the story, we can think of protagonist and antagonist:

The protagonist is the most important character, the hero of the story. He or she is the one we usually keep up with and root for.The antagonist is also important, but he or she opposes the protagonist. This character's goal is the contrary of that of the protagonist.

With the explanation above, we have provided you with two types of character. For example, in the famous novel "The Great Gatsby," we can say Gatsby is the protagonist and Tom is the antagonist.

Learn more about characters here:



Develop a paragraph that has the
topic sentence. It is good to obey
rules and regulations wherever
you go


Answer: Obeying rules and regulations is an important aspect of daily life, no matter where you go. By following established guidelines, individuals can contribute to creating a safe and orderly society. Rules and regulations are put in place to ensure the well-being and protection of individuals, communities, and the environment. Adhering to them helps to maintain stability and avoid chaos. Moreover, following rules and regulations sets a positive example for others and shows respect for authority and the law. In conclusion, obeying rules and regulations is not only beneficial for society, but it also reflects an individual's responsible and respectful behavior.


what is the answer to $30 dinner; 8% tax


Answer: $32.4

Explanation: Hope this helps!

which person would be easiest to understand, according to kierkegaard?


Answer: According to Søren Kierkegaard, the easiest person to understand is the "aesthetic" individual. The aesthetic individual lives purely for sensory enjoyment and immediate gratification, without any concern for moral or ethical considerations. This type of person is considered easy to understand because their actions and motivations are straightforward and simple, driven solely by the desire for pleasure.

However, Kierkegaard would argue that the aesthetic life is not a fulfilling one and that true meaning and purpose can only be found in a life lived in accordance with ethical and religious values. He would consider the ethical individual, who is guided by a sense of duty and a commitment to what is right, to be a more complex and difficult person to understand, but also a more fulfilling one.


According to Kierkegaard, the person who would be easiest to understand is the one who is living an authentic life.

This means that the person is true to themselves and their beliefs, and is not simply conforming to societal norms or expectations. Kierkegaard believed that authenticity was essential for understanding oneself and others, and that it was the key to living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Therefore, the person who is most authentic would be the easiest to understand, as they are not hiding behind a facade or pretending to be someone they are not.

Learn more about Kierkegaard here: https://brainly.com/question/7600070


Please give me information about the Dwarves from Lord of the Rings. I only need info for their government. for example: type of government, previous rulers and how it works.

PLEASE use this website:




 According to the Lord of the Ring, the Dwarves of Middle-earth were ruled by a King, who was usually the eldest and most powerful of the ruling family of Dwarves. The King was usually supported by a Council of Elders and Ministers. The Council had the power to appoint a regent when the King was absent or too young to rule. The Dwarves also had two hereditary lordships: the Lords of Durin and the Lords of the Iron Hills. These two lordships had their own councils and were granted special rights by the King.

What is creature that may shelter clownfish crossword clue ?


SEA ANEMONE is creature that may shelter clownfish crossword clue.

The Actiniaria phylum of predatory marine invertebrates includes sea anemones. They are called after the Anemone, a terrestrial flowering plant, due to their colourful look. The phylum Cnidaria, class Anthozoa, and subclass Hexacorallia are where sea anemones belong. Sea anemones are connected to corals, jellyfish, and other cnidarians as The majority of sea anemones consist of a base and an oral disc that is encircled by tentacles. The animal's base is a stalk that anchors it to a rock or other object. The oral disc resembles the face of a sea anemone; it is a flat disc with a mouth in the centre and predator-catching tentacles on either side. Sea anemones can be found in almost any shape.

To know more about resembles refer :



Write a story that ends ,Unfortunately I realized when it was too late that my friend was a wolf in sheep's clothing


The phrase "wolf in sheep's clothing" refers to someone who appears to be gentle, kind, or harmless, but is actually malicious or dangerous. It suggests that someone is hiding their true nature or intentions, and using deceit to gain trust and access to others.

The story that the question demands is as follows:

This is a cautionary tale about the dangers of trusting the wrong people.

I met my friend John in college, and we hit it off right away. We shared the same interests, had similar values, and enjoyed each other's company. Over the years, we remained close, and I trusted him implicitly.

But as time passed, I began to notice some disturbing things about John. He would often speak ill of other people behind their backs, manipulate situations to his advantage, and lie to get what he wanted.

I ignored these red flags, thinking that John was just being playful or misunderstood. But he had been using me for his own gain, spreading lies and rumors about me behind my back, and ultimately betraying our friendship.

I realized when it was too late that my friend was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Learn more about a story brainly.com/question/24292088


8. Imagine
You are
= Write three journal enteries.
Writing fous
Write with dates,
for winter
from freezing sew to abandoned ship.
Write 300 words.
Captain Bob Bartlett
period of 1913-14


January 1st, 1913
Today is the start of a new year, and a new adventure for me and my crew. We set sail from the freezing shores of Newfoundland to embark on a journey that will take us to the Arctic Circle and beyond. The winter here is brutal, but we are a hardy bunch, and we are well-prepared for the journey ahead.The weather has been clear so far, but I expect that will change as we progress further north. The ocean here is unforgiving, and I know that we will face many challenges along the way. But I also know that this is what we signed up for, and we will not be deterred by the hardships that we will surely encounter.

January 15th, 1913

The journey so far has been eventful to say the least. We have encountered some rough seas, but thankfully, my crew and I are all experienced sailors, and we have managed to navigate our way through the storms with ease.We have also seen some truly stunning sights along the way, from the Northern Lights that dance in the sky at night, to the majestic ice floes that surround us on all sides. Despite the harsh conditions, I cannot help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty of this frozen wilderness.

February 1st, 1913

Today, we came across an abandoned ship that had been adrift for some time. It was a ghostly sight, with the remnants of the crew still on board. It was a sobering reminder of the dangers that exist in these waters, and the fragility of life at sea.I ordered my crew to pay their respects to the fallen sailors, and to take what supplies we could from the ship to aid in our journey. It was a somber moment, but it also reinforced our resolve to complete our mission, and to return home safely.These journal entries serve as a testament to the bravery and resilience of Captain Bob Bartlett and his crew, as they navigated the treacherous waters of the Arctic in the winter of 1913-14. Their journey was a true testament to the spirit of exploration and the human desire to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Which sentence best states the passage's theme?

"All's Well That Ends Well"


The stage play All's Well That Ends Well is a romantic comedy. It is also considered one of Shakespeare's "problem plays" because it features heroes and heroines who are severely flawed.

Bertram, one of the main characters, is a problem because he consistently mistreats Helena, the woman he loves; he considers her unworthy of him due to her lower social status.

Helena is also a problem because, despite being intelligent and appealing, she uses deception to win Bertram. Bertram finally accepts Helena at the end of the play, but his sincerity is called into question.

As a result, many critics regard All's Well as one of Shakespeare's weaker comedies because the heroes are less than heroic and the ending is abrupt and somewhat forced. These critics could be completely correct in their assessment.

However, it is reasonable to assume that Shakespeare intended the play to be a satire on social conventions of the time, highlighting the problems that arise from snobbery and hauteur, as personified by Bertram.

To learn more about All's Well That Ends Well link is here



What two kinds of imaginative comparison does Chávez use? Give an example of each from the poem.


1. Metaphor: In the poem, Chávez uses a metaphor to compare the moon to a "silver chalice" that is "filled with night." This comparison implies that the moon has a mysterious, almost sacred quality to it.

What is metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things by speaking of one in terms of the other. It is used to create an interesting and vivid description, and can also be used to highlight a particular idea or feeling. Metaphors are powerful tools that can be used to evoke strong emotions or bring attention to key ideas. For example, someone might say "the sky is a blanket of stars" to emphasize the beauty of the night sky.

2. Simile: In the poem, Chávez also uses a simile to compare the night to "a thick dark blanket." This comparison suggests that the night is comforting and provides a sense of security and protection.

To learn more about metaphor



. Which feature would you find in
an atlas?
A: biographies of world leaders
B: lyrics to popular songs
C:symbols showing mountains





Its an atlas so it won't have music and biography's will be in books dedicated to world leaders but mountains are important permanent land features that will be in maps.

C: symbols showing mountains. An atlas is typically a collection of maps and geographical information, and one of the features you would typically find in an atlas are symbols or illustrations showing geographical features such as mountains.

Biographies of world leaders and lyrics to popular songs would not typically be found in an atlas.

Rate 5 stars thanks bruv!

PERSONAL connection Do you think Romeo and Juliet have more freedom or less freedom than teenagers today?




back then, they didnt have a lot of choice, many marriages are arranged and girls and boys were forced into marrying people they didnt exaclty love. so i wouldsay they have less freedom.

In terms of freedom, Romeo and Juliet lived in a very different time and place compared to today's teenagers. They lived in 16th-century Italy, where social norms and expectations were very strict and structured.

What lessons can society today learn from Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet's main message for us is to live our lives with honesty and integrity, just like they do. Second, there are moral standards in life that we should uphold together with the requirement that we honor our commitments.

Today's teenagers generally have more freedom to make their own choices, but they also face different challenges and pressures, such as social media, peer pressure, and academic expectations. For example, their families' feud meant that they were not allowed to be together, and they had to sneak around in secret

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet here:



Which sentence supports the idea that teens are not held to the same punishments as adults?
Adults have many more privileges over teenagers, and it's unfair that a teenager should not be allowed to drive until he or she is 18.
Teenagers have it easier than adults because they don't work, they don't pay bills, and they don't have children to raise.
For example, according to AAA, of all the accidents involving 16-year-olds in 2002, only half of those were punished by the state.
For example, ask any teenager what he or she thinks, and you will hear that many teens think waiting to drive until 18 is a terrible idea.


Option A is Correct. It seems unfair that a teen shouldn't be able to drive until he or she is 18 because adults have many more privileges than minors.

What health conditions and worries do you have as a teenager?

The sentence demonstrates how minors do not receive the same punishments as adults. Teenagers frequently experience health issues related to puberty, body image, diet, substance abuse, mental health, and sexual health.

Support your teen's interests, promote open communication, and respect their space to be of assistance to them during this time. Parents have two options for reporting a youngster acting inappropriately: (1) calling the police; or (2) filing a court complaint asking the judge to label the teen as a "minor in crisis."

To know more about punishments click here: brainly.com/question/25973385


In ghetto nerd at the end of world how is Oscar characterized in chapter 1 ?



This prompts Oscar to change. When he visits his Nena Inca in Santo Domingo that summer, he brings notebooks and attempts to become a writer.


Book “Eragon”

What did Saphira do with the eagle she caught?
(a) Let it go
(b) Caged it
(c) Ate it
(d) Turned it into a stone



she let it go


hope this helps!!

Answer: I would say D.Turned it into a stone

Explanation: hope this helps^^

the difination of chlamydia​


Chlamydia is a very small parasitic bacterium which,like a virus,requires the biochemical mechanisms of another’s cell in other to reproduce.

Research the WPA. What was it? What purpose did it serve?


The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was a federal agency in the United States created during the Great Depression to provide jobs and economic relief to millions of unemployed Americans. It operated from 1935 to 1943, employing millions of workers to carry out public works projects such as building roads, bridges, and public buildings, as well as funding cultural programs in the arts, theater, and literacy. The WPA is credited with making significant contributions to American infrastructure and culture, while providing vital employment during a time of great economic hardship.

2 questions:

1.) In the 1590s what keep Shakespeare from producing plays

2.) Shakespeares plays were “successful” “popular” and ________


Through the 1590s, Shakespeare's fame grew. He joined and became a shareholder in Lord Chamberlain's Men, who frequently played in front of Queen Elizabeth. In addition to writing further plays, he also published a number of poems and distributed his sonnet sequence in the manuscript.

What three factors made William Shakespeare famous?

William Shakespeare was a well-known English playwright, poet, and actor who was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564.

Shakespeare's plays were "popular," "successful," and sentimental.

Shakespeare's plays and poems show how emotion prompts action in specific characters, changing how they interact and express themselves to one another and the larger community.

To learn more about William Shakespeare from the given link



What is coloring agents for some textile workers crossword clue ?


"DYES" might be the response to the crossword clue "Coloring agents for some textile workers." Dyes are compounds that give textile materials color, and textile workers employ them to produce a wide range of hues and patterns on garments.

A crossword puzzle is a type of word game that often features a grid of empty squares with hints along the top and left that the player can use to complete the grid with words or phrases. The player may need to use their imagination to come up with the right answer if the clues are wordplay rather than clear definitions.

To complete the grid with the appropriate words, the player must draw on their knowledge, vocabulary, and problem-solving abilities. Newspapers, periodicals, and the internet all feature crossword puzzles, a well-liked type of amusem*nt. They might be an entertaining approach to exercise your brain and strengthen your language abilities.

To learn more about crossword puzzle here:



What Can You Infer About M'Choakumchild, Based On His Name And His Actions In The Opening Chapter Of (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.