What Does It Mean For A Poem To Show A "glimpsed Moment"?A.Poetry Generally Should Not Be Longer Than (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

Definitely Letter C
Hope this helps :)))

Answer 2




Related Questions

Which attributes of anecdotes make them a good source of support in a reflective essay? (Select all correct answers.)


1: meaningful

2: insightful

3: general

4: persuasive

You can select more than one answer! Thanks so much!



1, and 2.


It is a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. So it should be meaningful and insightful.


All of the above


I need a counter-argument for why zoos are bad here is what I am looking for. The counterargument paragraph presents an opposing argument and defends the essay's thesis.


Hey, girlie. Here's some things you can include in your essay:

Animals Are Taken From Their Homes. Zoos are still abducting animals from their natural environments in order to display them.

All the Cages in the World Won't Stop Animals From Going Extinct. .

Healthy Animals Are Killed.

Animals Are Trained to Perform Tricks.

Kids Are Taught the Wrong Lessons.

It's nearly impossible to release captive-bred animals into the wild safely. ... Animals who are reared in zoos live in unnatural environments and can't learn survival skills—and often, they have little or no natural habitat left to return to because of human encroachment.

Numerous animals are killed by zoos when they don't sufficiently contribute to profits or fit into the facilities' master plans. Animals may be killed because their genes are “overrepresented” in captive wildlife populations or to make room for younger animals who attract larger crowds.

In zoos, animals’ every decision – including what to eat, when to sleep, and whom they choose as a mate – is controlled by humans. They can’t roam vast distances or do many of the other things that are natural and important to them. Often, they aren’t even allowed stay with their families, as young animals are commonly transferred to other zoos.

Which word is a SYNONYM for the word grave?
Mrs. Roberts had grave doubts about letting Leticia and Megan work together on their





which statement best explains how the underlined allusion describes the explosion?


Answer: it's 3


Unless Tom trains hard, he won’t win the surfing competition. The total points scored by the North Shore surfers will be 57.73 points.

What will be the score represented by North Shore?

Let the total points that the North Shore surfers scored be represented by x. The score of the winning team = 62.1

Therefore, since we know the score of the winning team, we can form an equation to solve the question. In this case, we'll have to subtract. This will be:

x = 62.1 - 4.37

x = 57.73

Henry, the protagonist of Trysdale got a cactus from a girl he liked in answer to one of his questions. Whenever Trisdale would ask this girl a question, she would always answer him the next day. She begins the story by announcing that her father was a fox breeder. Trysdale's experience of remembering and reflecting on the events leading up the the wedding all take place in which setting is that they take place in Trysdale's apartment.

Therefore, the total points scored by the North Shore surfers will be 57.73.

Learn more about competition on:



Why Booker T. Washington started writing?


Answer: he started writing because he had very little money in Tuskegee. Like i said in the explanation Tuskegee is an institution with two small converted buildings, no equipment, and very little money so he wrote so he can become a rich and successful writer (sorry if you cant understand me i am still learning English)


In 1881 Washington was selected to head a newly established normal school for African Americans at Tuskegee, an institution with two small converted buildings, no equipment, and very little money. Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute became a monument to his life's work

the dog who wanted to die story outline



More specific pleaseee!!!

In my opinion, it is slice of life if it from the viewpoint of the dog, also drama, tragedy, funny (maybe?), one shot (if it's short)

Hope it helps ^-^

Use the word tension in a sentence



no one is free of tension.

stay safe healthy and happy.

There was so much tension in the air.

Is the lyric “Strumming my pain with his fingers” a metaphor, poetic device, simile, personification, or onomatopoeia?


It uses backwards personification, the performer was speaking as if they were the guitar.

imagine you were taking a trip to outer space. Describe what it's like and tell what kinds of things you do when you get there.
make up your own story .. and it's for reading but there is no reading..!​


Outer space is incredibly cool and when I visited it was super different. It had no gravity at all and it was fun to be out there. Obviously earth is round haha. If you ever wonder when you want to go to space, just go it will be fun.

what's the meaning of ' Nepenthe'?​


Answer: Anti-depressant

Nepenthe is a medicine for sorrow, literally an anti-depressant – a "drug of forgetfulness" mentioned in ancient Greek literature and Greek mythology, depicted as originating in Egypt. The carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes is named after the drug nepenthe. The Nuttall Encyclopedia

Nepenthe is a medicine for sorrow, literally an anti-depressant – a "drug of forgetfulness" mentioned in ancient Greek literature and Greek mythology, depicted as originating in Egypt. The carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes is named after the drug nepenthe.

Example:“drug of forgetfulness

According to 3 sources

Nepenthe / nɪˈpɛnθiː / (Ancient Greek: νηπενθές) is a fictional medicine for sorrow– a “drug of forgetfulness” mentioned in ancient Greek literature and Greek mythology, depicted as originating in Egypt. The carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes is named after the drug nepenthe. Is shop Nepenthe safe to use?

Nepenthe / nɪˈpɛnθi / (Ancient Greek: νηπενθές, nēpenthés) is a fictional medicine for sorrow – a "drug of forgetfulness" mentioned in ancient Greek literature and Greek mythology, depicted as originating in Egypt. The carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes is named after the drug nepenthe.





nepenthe (noun)


a drug described in Homer's Odyssey as banishing grief or trouble from a person's mind.


drug · narcotic · mind-altering drug · sedative · tranquillizer · [more]

a drug or potion bringing welcome forgetfulness.

a plant of a genus that comprises the Old World pitcher plants.

Vallyk Pena rate him


Are you seriously using this app to rate someone? Lol, ok he is about a 7.6/10

Bro your supposed to be here to get answers and help others

In the sentence below, the underlined portion is a phrase. Identify the type of phrase,
The weeping of a baby, woke him up.
O Adverbial phrase
O Infinitive phrase
O Interjectional phrase
None of the choices



its an adverbial phrase

"Maybe people are younger when they are asleep" (p.92). What do you think about this comment?



To me, when I see this quote, I think that it refers to the lack of stress put on you when you rest. While you are awake you are faced with real world problems. But when you fall asleep you are able to dream and feel like a kid again.


Select all of the statements that are true of parenthetical citation.

A parenthetical citation is very short and is contained within the text.
A parenthetical citation includes the author and the title of the work cited.
A parenthetical citation gives the author's last name and a page reference for the source material.
A parenthetical citation is always in parentheses.
Every source used for an assignment must be documented with a parenthetical citation.
Only direct quotations need to be documented with a parenthetical citation.
A comma is not needed between the author's last name and the page reference.
The abbreviation for page is used in a parenthetical citation.



A parenthetical citation is very short and is contained within the text.

A parenthetical citation gives the author's last name and a page reference for the source material.

A parenthetical citation is always in parentheses.

Every source used for an assignment must be documented with a parenthetical citation.

The abbreviation for page is used in a parenthetical citation.


A parenthetical citation is an in-text reference to a work done by another author. It is very important because every piece of writing that is not the original content of an author will be termed as plagiarism if not properly cited. There are different formats or styles that parenthetical citations could take but basically; they are expected to be in parentheses, be short and included within the text before the period, specify the author's last name and page reference.

All references must be included in a parenthetical citation and also noted in the Bibliography or Works cited page in order to avoid plagiarism. The title of the work is included in-text only when the author's name is absent.

Based on the context clue in the passage, what does abhor mean?
I abhor folding laundry. When my dad asks me to fold towels, I want to run and hide. I would rather do any other
chore than folding laundry. I really dislike it. Do you want me to mow the lawn? I'll do it, happily. Do you want me to
wash the dishes? Absolutely, I'll do it. But please don't ask me to fold laundry.
o to not do something very well
o to wish to do something better
O to feel strongly against something
O to regard with powerful affection


to feel strongly against something

What is Jacoby referring to when she identifies society's, "general desire to shift responsibility from individuals to institutions?"



He is referring to people who reject a responsibility that is theirs.


Through the context of your question, we can see that you are referring to the article "Hers" written by Jacoby, where he reflects on censorship, feminism, obscenity and p0r.n0g*4p** within a society. For Jacoby, the censorship of works with content considered obscene and p0r.n0g*4p*c is an insult to the first constitutional amendment, since for him these works represent the freedom of expression that is allowed within the country. Within this context, he states that it is not the State's duty to carry out this type of censorship, but that each citizen must decide whether or not he wants to consume this type of content, when he is of the right age to make that decision.

Although in the article, he agrees that children should not have access to such works, he says that it is the duty of parents to prevent children from having access to works with obscene content and not the duty of the government. In this case, children cannot be used as an argument to defend p0r.n0g*4p** censorship, except by people who reject their responsibility because of the general desire to transfer that responsibility to institutions.

which statement best evaluates the effect of changing the pace in the second version of the passage?



Answer: The author's use of pacing is not effective, because the long, complex sentences distract from the sense of stress and anxiety the passage should convey.


A ________ and his wife clean, feed, and take care of Misha. Write one word in lowercase.

HELP plzzzzzz

milkweed book





It says his wife so naturally, a husband.

I’m giving 10 points for this, The picture says red, the sun, a ring, a dog,winter



it means sundog in the winter.

A sun dog (or sundog) or mock sun, also called a parhelion (plural parhelia) in meteorology, ... Sun dogs are red-colored at the side nearest the Sun; farther out the colors grade ... seen together with sun dogs is the 22° halo, which forms a ring at roughly the same ... The Oxford English Dictionary says it is "of obscure origin"


sun dog in the winter


why are literary devices important



Literary devices highlight important concepts in a text, strengthen the narrative, and help readers connect to the characters and themes.

bullying at school 120-150 words



It is evident that there is a correspondence between school bullying and cyber-bullying. Currently, most schools have a non-tolerance policy concerning acts of bullying taking place during school hours or on school grounds, but have yet to incorporate the aspect of cyber-bullying. With the use of technology in schools, the act of cyber-bullying is taking place more often in school than just outside of school.

After interviewing 20,000 students, it was found that approximately 26% of students are victims of bullying that took place during school hours (Schneider, O’Donnell, Stueve, and Coulter 173). This same research documented that in addition to school bullying, approximately 16% of students are victims of cyber-bullying. When researchers compared students being bullied at school to those being cyber-bullied, it was found that 59% of those victims being cyber-bullied were also victims of school bullying and 39% of students being bullied at school were also cyber-bullied (Schneider, O’Donnell, Stueve, Coulter 173).

With cyber-bullying being increasingly wide-spread, it is essential that schools incorporate cyber-bullying prevention into their anti-bullying policies. Works Cited Campbell, Matthew. “School Policy Responses to the Issue of Cyber-Bullying.” Journal of Catholic School Studies 83.2 (2011): 62-69. Print.

Educators and administrators need to educate students and parents on identifying acts of bullying, as well as the effects of bullying. Parents and students must also be encouraged to report acts of bullying. To ensure that the prevention of cyber-bullying and school yard bullying, the school needs to enforce cyber-bullying rules and set consequences for those who break those rules.

Bullying has become an epidemic that the educational system has been campaigning to cease through the establishment of school wide anti-bullying policies. In recent years the federal government has implemented the National Safe Schools Framework and the Civil Liability Act of 2002, to assist educators with diminishing schoolyard bullying (Campbell 64). Since the development and rise of technological resources, cyber-bullying has expanded the opportunity for the act of bullying to take place; bullying is no longer isolated face to face.

Please help e arrange the books. Change into interrogative



Could you please help me arrange the books?


The original sentence in in the imperative mood. This mood is used to give commands, orders, suggestions, or to make requests. Another example of a sentence in the imperative mood is: Don't open the door.

According to the instructions, we must change the sentence into the interrogative mood. This is the mood used to ask questions. To do that without changing the general meaning of the sentence, we can simply add "could you" at the beginning. It makes the sentence interrogative but maintains the request:

Could you please help me arrange the books?

"Kara and Mirai both got parts in the school play. Kara was cast as the villain, while Miral would play the heroine."
Which punctuation should be used between the two sentences to show that text has been omitted?
1. an asterisk (*)
02. a comma (1)
03. a dash (-)
04. an ellipsis (...)​




"Kara and Mirai both got parts in the school play "-" Kara was cast as the villain, while Miral would play the heroine." So, option (03): "a dash" is the correct answer.

What is the use of dash punctuation?

The dash (—) is a punctuation mark that is used to separate a word or phrase from a parenthetical statement or an independent clause (words, phrases, or clauses that interrupt a sentence).

The dash (—) is not to be confused with the hyphen (-); the dash is longer.

Check out the link below to learn more about punctuation;



Read the sentences and find the correct answer.

History is an important part of any well-rounded study program. We must understand the intricacies of our past.

Select the best transition to join the sentences above.

In order to plan for our future,
Since most people are undereducated,
Although everyone knows it is dull,
Once you know the dates of an event,



in order to plan for are future.


knowing the past helps us to plan for the future.

I will give brainliest to the correct answer







3rd option being the one with quotes.


Because in the quotes it shows the person questioning if it was her fault or his fault for the death.

He went____car(in,on)​



He went in car....

stay safe healthy and happy.

in car. On car will change the meaning into like he went on the car (above the car) so it’ll be HE WENT IN THE CAR

4. What is the president's role as agenda setter?



As chief agenda setter, the president also helps Congress prepare the annual federal budget. You will read more about the budget process in Chapter 7. As chief of state, also known as the head of state, the president takes on the role of the symbolic figurehead of the United States.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

What is photosynthesis?...​


The process of formation of glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and green pigment called chlorophyll in plants is called photosynthesis.

Hope This Helps You


the process plants use to transform energy into glucose


plants need water, sun, and carbon dioxide, and change it in the form of sugar

What are the two most important criteria when evaluating sources to use in a research report or presentation?
a. length and difficulty of vocabulary
b. reliability and relevance
c. accessibility and level of engagement
d. instructions and steps





U need to follow the instructions clearly




took the test

Name a form of ownership that is represented by the South African Broadcasting Corporation



Government of South Africa has tye owner of South African Broadcasting Corporation.


Found this on another brainly question and this is correct

What Does It Mean For A Poem To Show A "glimpsed Moment"?A.Poetry Generally Should Not Be Longer Than (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.