What Is A Theme For " My Papas Waltz " (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

My Papa's Waltz” deals with themes of family, relationships, confliction, fear, and love. Like other pieces written by Roethke, “My Papa's Waltz” draws from the poet's relationship with his father. “My Papa's Waltz” is considered to be one of Roethke's best works.

Answer 2


Papa’s Waltz”is a poem written byTheodore Roethke(1908-1963).[1]The poem was first published during 1942 inHearst Magazineand later in other collections, including the 1948anthologyThe Lost Son and Other Poems.[2]

The poem takes place sometime during the poet's childhood and features a boy who loves his father, but is afraid of him. The boy iswaltzingwith his father, who is drunk and described as having battered knuckles and dirty palms. “My Papa’s Waltz” deals with themes of family, relationships, confliction, fear, and love. Like other pieces written by Roethke, “My Papa’s Waltz” draws from the poet's relationship with his father. “My Papa’s Waltz” is considered to be one of Roethke's best works. It fits into the wider context of Roethke's work due to the role the father plays in the narrative.

The last line of the poem, “Still clinging to your shirt,” indicates that the waltz and events that transpired had happened before and would happen again, reinforcing that the boy loves his father, despite the way he is treated.


hope it helps you

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I think it's indirect characterization.

I think it’s indirect characterization as well!

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Answer: he started writing because he had very little money in Tuskegee. Like i said in the explanation Tuskegee is an institution with two small converted buildings, no equipment, and very little money so he wrote so he can become a rich and successful writer (sorry if you cant understand me i am still learning English)


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More specific pleaseee!!!

In my opinion, it is slice of life if it from the viewpoint of the dog, also drama, tragedy, funny (maybe?), one shot (if it's short)

Hope it helps ^-^

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“Sherry searched for clues for two hours.” E. Detective. Which reminds me of TinTin and The Great Mouse Detective.

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no one is free of tension.

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It uses backwards personification, the performer was speaking as if they were the guitar.

Help me with with all of this 27 points



2. thinks differently from others

3. like to read in crowded libraries

4. immense

5. a weekly magazine

6. a sign that suggests something

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make up your own story .. and it's for reading but there is no reading..!​


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I’ll give Brainly if you can summarize this ...... plz



The narrator recounts a childhood experience from when they were seven years old, when their grandfather arranged for the malicious destruction of their father's dasheen plants. In spite of their mother's better judgement and instructions, the child foolishly disclosed this unfortunate incident to their father immediately upon his arrival, whereupon he angrily confronted the grandfather. This incident, doubtlessly exacerbated by an existing strain within the family, culminated in a physical fight. Although the conflict is eventually resolved, the narrator muses on the gratuitousness of the violent confrontation and how it could have been averted. A powerful lesson is bestowed upon the narrator and they resolve to thenceforce heed their parents' wisdom.


Hopefully this helps :)

what's the meaning of ' Nepenthe'?​


Answer: Anti-depressant

Nepenthe is a medicine for sorrow, literally an anti-depressant – a "drug of forgetfulness" mentioned in ancient Greek literature and Greek mythology, depicted as originating in Egypt. The carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes is named after the drug nepenthe. The Nuttall Encyclopedia

Nepenthe is a medicine for sorrow, literally an anti-depressant – a "drug of forgetfulness" mentioned in ancient Greek literature and Greek mythology, depicted as originating in Egypt. The carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes is named after the drug nepenthe.

Example:“drug of forgetfulness

According to 3 sources

Nepenthe / nɪˈpɛnθiː / (Ancient Greek: νηπενθές) is a fictional medicine for sorrow– a “drug of forgetfulness” mentioned in ancient Greek literature and Greek mythology, depicted as originating in Egypt. The carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes is named after the drug nepenthe. Is shop Nepenthe safe to use?

Nepenthe / nɪˈpɛnθi / (Ancient Greek: νηπενθές, nēpenthés) is a fictional medicine for sorrow – a "drug of forgetfulness" mentioned in ancient Greek literature and Greek mythology, depicted as originating in Egypt. The carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes is named after the drug nepenthe.





nepenthe (noun)


a drug described in Homer's Odyssey as banishing grief or trouble from a person's mind.


drug · narcotic · mind-altering drug · sedative · tranquillizer · [more]

a drug or potion bringing welcome forgetfulness.

a plant of a genus that comprises the Old World pitcher plants.

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the rule of a leader
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A - the rule of a leader.


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a exhaust
b shut off
c fall asleep
d charge



the answer is b

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Have we educators been invited to the inauguration?
Have them educators been invited to the inauguration?
Have I educators been invited to the inauguration?



The Correct answer is B.

"Have we educators been invited to the inauguration"

What does this reaction tell the reader about Madam Valmonde’s character?


Answer:i need help with a math problem 60 times 64


Vallyk Pena rate him


Are you seriously using this app to rate someone? Lol, ok he is about a 7.6/10

Bro your supposed to be here to get answers and help others

Read the passage.

excerpt from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

from Chapter 5 (narration by Victor Frankenstein):

…my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs. How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form? I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body. For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.

from Chapter 11 (narration by the creature):

It is with considerable difficulty that I remember the original era of my being; all the events of that period appear confused and indistinct. A strange multiplicity of sensations seized me, and I saw, felt, heard, and smelt at the same time; and it was, indeed, a long time before I learned to distinguish between the operations of my various senses…. I was a poor, helpless, miserable wretch; I knew, and could distinguish, nothing; but feeling pain invade me on all sides, I sat down and wept.

In her novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley shifts from narration by Victor Frankenstein in the first chapters to narration by the creature he created.

What effect does this structure have?

A. It speeds up the pacing by encouraging the reader to rush from one perspective to the other.

B. It adds foreshadowing by showing that the creature is confused and in pain.

C. It brings the creature to life for the reader and contrasts his feelings with those of Victor.

D. It creates surprise by showing that the creature feels the same way as Victor.





It might also be B.




The phrase "The beauty of the dream," in the first paragraph. It means that the charater is dreaming, and it is not real.

In the second paragraph, you will see what the author says, " A strange multiplicity of sensations seized me, and I saw, felt, heard, and smelt at the same time; and it was, indeed, a long time before I learned to distinguish between the operations of my various senses." It means that the charater in the story dreams is turning into real life.

Choice (C) is the best answer.

hey! i’ll give brainliest please help


it is considered to be a work of fiction

Debate on the topic "teacher's are better than farmers in a society"​



Because they spread the knowledge of all over the world

In the sentence below, the underlined portion is a phrase. Identify the type of phrase,
The weeping of a baby, woke him up.
O Adverbial phrase
O Infinitive phrase
O Interjectional phrase
None of the choices



its an adverbial phrase

Hurryyy please help

In Romeo and Juliet, how is the nurse talkative?



She's extremely talkative, and one of her commonest verbal tics is that she constantly makes interjections and interrupts herself. She also frequently makes bawdy remarks. Often these two aspects come together, as when the Nurse tells Lady Capulet: “Now, by my maidenhead at twelve year old, / I bade [Juliet] come” (I.


Which of the following would be a synonym for style?
A. shade
B. manner
C. picture
D. brush



b) manner


It’s B! Manner, I can’t post the comment if doesn’t have 20 sentence so ya

pls help i'm horrible with essays

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Answer: Brutus was in fact a betrayer to his friend because he was trusted but he back stabbed the people that trusted him. Brutus was a patriot of a betrayer because he killed Caesar when Caesar trusted him as his trustworthy friend. Brutus was a disloyal patriot but he wasn't a betray to Rome but to his companion Julies Caesar. This essay will explain the treachery of Brutus.

Hope that helped :)

All changes saved hat inference should readers make when Johnny says about the beautiful morning: "Too bad it couldn't stay like that all the time" and then Ponyboy quotes the Robert Frost poem "Nothing Gold en Stay"?

that only deep thinkers know what is real

that everything in life changes

that beauty can only be observed by a few

that nobody really appreciates sunrises ​


im not sure, but i believe the answer that would make the most sense is That Everything In Life Changes.

try it out im rly sorry if its wrong pls tell me if its wrong

That everything in life changes saved hat inference should readers make when Johnny says about the beautiful morning: "Too bad it couldn't stay like that all the time" and then Ponyboy quotes the Robert Frost poem "Nothing Gold en Stay."

What is the meaning of inferences?

A concise form of the basis of truths and evidences.

What are the types of inferences?

The types of inferences are:


Hence, the correct answer Option B.

Learn more about inference on https://brainly.com/question/24442913


Select the correct text in the passage. Which detail in the excerpt best supports the idea that the setting is in a very busy place from Rogue heart by Axie oh



the kids barreling down the crowed streets


3. If Tony is supposed to be so faithful to his religion, why does he seem to believe so strongly in the
Golden Carp?
On chapter 14 Bless me última



Antonio tends to feel shocked that the carp is actually real and visible, he gets a sense of enlightenment and religious fulfillment that he's never felt from Christianity which is why he tends to believe strongly in the Golden Carp although he is expected to be faithful towards his religion.


I hope this helps

"Maybe people are younger when they are asleep" (p.92). What do you think about this comment?



To me, when I see this quote, I think that it refers to the lack of stress put on you when you rest. While you are awake you are faced with real world problems. But when you fall asleep you are able to dream and feel like a kid again.


answer this question: "A staple of both undergraduate and graduate coursework, The Tempest has a prominent position in American education. Pesta's goal in writing this piece is to challenge the accepted view of colonialism, and cause the reader to think, "is The Tempest about colonialism or not?"(274). Which statement BEST describes the in- text MLA citation in this essay excerpt?
A. This citation is incorrect, you don't need to cite if you use quotation marks.
B. This citation is correct, an author's name is introduced, and the page number is given after the direct quotation.
C. This citation is incorrect, the database used to find the source needs to be cited in-text. D. This citation is correct, but you don't need quotations for a direct quote if you cite the page number.​



B. This citation is correct, an author's name is introduced, and the page number is given after the direct quotation.


In the Modern Language Association style of referencing, parenthetical citation is usually required when a writer refers to a literary work that is not his. The authors last name and the page number where the idea is gotten are included in the in-text citation.

If the author's name has been introduced before and now used in a sentence, just the page number could suffice in the in-text citation. This is same as what was obtainable in the excerpt above. The author's last name was used in the same sentence because it had already been introduced. Therefore, the page number where the direct quotation was obtained could suffice in the in-text citation.

Select all of the statements that are true of parenthetical citation.

A parenthetical citation is very short and is contained within the text.
A parenthetical citation includes the author and the title of the work cited.
A parenthetical citation gives the author's last name and a page reference for the source material.
A parenthetical citation is always in parentheses.
Every source used for an assignment must be documented with a parenthetical citation.
Only direct quotations need to be documented with a parenthetical citation.
A comma is not needed between the author's last name and the page reference.
The abbreviation for page is used in a parenthetical citation.



A parenthetical citation is very short and is contained within the text.

A parenthetical citation gives the author's last name and a page reference for the source material.

A parenthetical citation is always in parentheses.

Every source used for an assignment must be documented with a parenthetical citation.

The abbreviation for page is used in a parenthetical citation.


A parenthetical citation is an in-text reference to a work done by another author. It is very important because every piece of writing that is not the original content of an author will be termed as plagiarism if not properly cited. There are different formats or styles that parenthetical citations could take but basically; they are expected to be in parentheses, be short and included within the text before the period, specify the author's last name and page reference.

All references must be included in a parenthetical citation and also noted in the Bibliography or Works cited page in order to avoid plagiarism. The title of the work is included in-text only when the author's name is absent.

Use accessible in a sentence


The museum is easily accessible by car.

This website is accessible ver easy

What Is A Theme For " My Papas Waltz " (2024)
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