Which Phrase Uses The Rhetorical Device Pathos? Declaration Of Independence By Thomas Jefferson (adapted (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

Answer: that all men are created equal, endowed with certain fundamental rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


Pathos refers to the appeal that is made to the emotions of an audience so that feeling can be evoke. Pathos, logos and ethos are the three main modes of persuasion.

Therefore, the phrase that uses pathos will be "that all men are created equal, endowed with certain fundamental rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

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Which of the following was not taken into consideration in order to accurately interpret nonverbal behavior? You are telling your friend about something important in your life. It's a serious moment. Suddenly, your friend glances over your shoulder and bursts out laughing. You're shocked and you immediately ask your friend how he could laugh at something so serious.



"Suddenly, your friend glances over your shoulder and bursts out laughing."


Maybe he wasn't listening to you to begin with. In order to accurately interpret the nonverbal behavior in this context, you need to know why he was laughing.

Answer:/surrounding people or events



(Marking brainly.) help ASAP I’m graduating next week

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asking for help as soon as possible

can someone give me 4 old money vs new money quotes form The Great Gatsby



Old Money vs. New Money in the Great Gatsby

By Paul Thomson

The concept of “new” and “old” money is hard for the average modern reader to understand. In most parts of the country, the term “nouveau riche” isn’t often used, and with the onslaught of new Internet millionaires and billionaires in the last decade, the judgment is certainly no longer there. Today’s America values the self-made man or woman, the “rags to riches” story. A person who makes her own fortune is smart and innovative, an entrepreneur. She’s someone to be admired.

However, this wasn’t always the case. There was a time when building one’s own fortune was considered crude, and only the kind of wealth that came to this country on the Mayflower was valued. In the 1920’s, the East Coast, particularly New England and New York, was a land of haves, have-nots, and have-had-since-long-before-the-haves. This is the setting for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel, The Great Gatsby.

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Using the word bring in either the past or the past tense. Tell me a shot story.​


Answer: It was five to six days ago I remember very vaguely. A woman about 5ft in height , blond hair and blue eyes like Caribbean

waters. She asked me to bring to her a certain item that she had left behind in the corner of the room. I was small and the room was crowded. She assumed I could bring to her the item because it would be easier for me to move around the people.

Explanation: I hope that helped.

Someone please help me thank you





It means precisely or correct, exact.

This morning __ newspaper and __ magazine. __ newspaper is in my bag, but i can 't remember where l put __ magazine​



This morning the newspaper and the magazine. The newspaper is in my bag, but i can 't remember where l put the magazine​

I used to ___ but now I no longer do. I no longer ___ because _____. This is important to me because _____. Stopping this made me feel _____. Now, instead, I _____.



I used to _fart_ but now I no longer do. I no longer _fart_ because _it stinks_. This is important to me because _it's embarrassing_. Stopping this made me feel _proud_. Now, instead, I _hold it in or run and hide before I explode_.

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Hiiii you can help me plissss


1. Is your sister watching the play? Yes, she is.
2. Are your friends going to the circus? No, they aren’t.
3. Are they making a concert? Yes, they are.
4. Is her cousin playing in the circus? No, they aren’t.

I'm giving 20 points for this help





4. What is the major type of conflict in Walk-a-thon


Answer: In literature, conflicts are the struggles that characters must overcome in a story. There are four main types of conflicts that you'll see in most books. Man vs. self


I hope that kinda helps if not sorry-

The major type of conflict in Walk-a-thon- Man vs. Self, Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Society, Man vs. Supernatural and Man vs. Technology.

I can explain the major types of conflicts commonly found in literature:

Man vs. Self: The protagonist faces internal struggles, such as doubts, fears, or moral dilemmas.

Man vs. Man: The protagonist is in conflict with another character or characters, often in opposition to their goals or beliefs.

Man vs. Nature: The protagonist faces challenges presented by the forces of nature, such as natural disasters or harsh environments.

Man vs. Society: The protagonist clashes with the norms, rules, or expectations of society.

Man vs. Supernatural: The protagonist confronts supernatural or paranormal forces.

Man vs. Technology: The protagonist grapples with challenges caused by technology or artificial intelligence.

Identifying the specific type of conflict in "Walk-a-thon" requires an understanding of the plot and the interactions between characters and their environment.

To know more about conflict here



you need it on a roller coaster



You need courage I believe.


Myanmar students are going to school is not good for them? Why?​



May be attacks of learning and education staff and occupation of education facilities are unacceptable that the reason.

{All children have the right to access the education.}

Ito po ay Research Subject. Kung ano po ang kaya niyo pong sagutan, please pasagot po! Kailangan ko po ng answer, kaya please po pasagutan po ng mabuti. Kung sino man po ang may tama at magandang sagot ibre brainliest ko po. Thank you very much po!!!
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time every day of the week. Vern attended a football game and then
partied with friends on Saturday night. As a result, Vern overslept on
Sunday morning and did not collect data at the schedule time. Vern
decided to report some fake data for Sunday morning, reasoning that his
mentor would not notice.
1. Is this falsification, fabrication, or plagiarism? Why?

2. What consequences could Vern be facing?

3. What ways can you suggest to avoid Vern from faking his data?

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expects that Sam’s research will demonstrate the effectiveness of their
product. Sam’s research does show that the product works, but there are
side effects. In an effort to help secure continued funding, Sam chooses to
publish only those findings that satisfy the XYZ’s expectations, ignoring
the side effects.
1. Is this falsification, fabrication, or plagiarism? Why?

2. What consequences could Sam be facing?

3. How could this problem be prevented?

Clara is a member of a lab group in which everyone uses variations of the
same experimental methods. In the first draft of her dissertation, Clara
appropriated original phrases from one of her mentor’s publications to
describe her experimental methods. Clara was not concerned because she
knew that her mentor used exactly the same wording in multiple
1. Is this falsification, fabrication, or plagiarism? Why?

2. What consequences could Clara be facing?

3. How would you tell your members/classmates that this is not a good

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when another member ran another trial for the experiment alone, the
findings was way different from the data given by Bobby. He told Bobby
about this and he got frantic and could not tell why the findings are so
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correct, even if it means that he would have to “make the data work”.
1. Is this falsification, fabrication, or plagiarism? Why?

2. What consequences could Bobby be facing?

3. How will you prevent this type of scenario in your future lab?

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I believe in the results of my experiment; it is just that not all of my trials
worked and I do not feel confident about that. My advisor would often tell
me that when my experiments are not consistent, I just have to put the
data in my drawer and ‘let it sit’ until I find out what the problem is. She
says it may take some time, years to be exact, to figure it out but you can’t
wait that long to publish your work.
1. Do you think the research advisor gave a good advice? Why?

2. Should you also indicate the number of trials you did in your research
paper? Why?

3. How would you teach someone doing research study that omitting data is
not a good practice?



Identify the italicized word.

Barry Abbot was Speaker of the House for years.

indirect object
predicate noun
direct object
predicate adjective

Please no links or files or you will be reported. Thanks! :)



Barry Abbot was Speaker of the House for years. The word "Speaker of the House" is a predicate noun. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. At the club lunch on Wednesday, the food was delicious, and the speaker was hilarious


Barry Abbot was Speaker of the House for years. The correct answer is the predicate noun.

I take the quiz and that is the correct answer.

Hope this help :)

What does it mean for a poem to show a "glimpsed moment"?

Poetry generally should not be longer than a single manuscript page.

Poetry tries to hide things from the reader to create a sense of confusion.

Poetry often shows a brief but complex part of a larger story or idea.

Poetry is primarily visual and includes details that appeal to the eyes.


Definitely Letter C
Hope this helps :)))




Choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank.
No one is more concerned about the disagreement than


no one is more concerned about the disagreement than her

Answer: Her


help this test is really important! answer how she feels about Nai Nai

(A She and Nai Nai aren’t getting along.

(B She enjoys Nai Nai’s company.

(C She is embarrassed of Nai Nai.

(D She is angry at Nai Nai.



the answer is c: she is embarrassed of Nai Nai

I began last week to permit my wife to sit at dinner with me, at the farthest end of a long table; and to answer (but with the utmost brevity) the few questions I asked her. Which satirical element is most dominant in the passage above? allegory innuendo irony simile



B). Innuendo


'Innuendo' is described as the satirical form in which the author provides 'a derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing for an implication or intimation.

In the given excerpt, 'innuendo' is the satirical component that governs the passage. This is reflected through the disparaging tone of the passage where the speaker seems to belittle his wife(permit my wife...sit...at the farthest end of the table...answer...with brevity). This abandonment displays his indirect but obvious conclusion from the salacious criticism that he makes about his wife. Thus, option B is the correct answer.




PEASE HURRY! Mia is writing about this excerpt from The Jungle Book.

"Shere Khan, the Big One, has shifted his hunting-grounds. He will hunt among these hills during the next moon, so he has told me."

Shere Khan was the tiger who lived near the Waingunga River, twenty miles away.

"He has no right!" Father Wolf began angrily. "By the Law of the Jungle he has no right to change his quarters without fair warning. He will frighten every head of game within ten miles; and I—I have to kill for two, these days.”

Mia makes the claim “Shere Khan makes life difficult for others when he disobeys the Law of the Jungle.”

Which detail best supports this claim?

He will hunt among these hills during the next moon, so he has told me.
Shere Khan, the Big One, has shifted his hunting-grounds.
Shere Khan was the tiger who lived near the Waingunga River, twenty miles away.
He will frighten every head of game within ten miles; and I—I have to kill for two, these days.



I think it's

He will hunt among these hills during the next moon, so he has told me.

Mia makes the claimShere Khan makes life difficult for others when he disobeys the Law of the Jungle.” This detail is supported by " Shere Khan, the Big One, has shifted his hunting-grounds."

What is a claim?

Claim is an assert for proving something is true.

Who is Shere Khan?

Shere Khan is a tiger who lived near the Waingunga River.

What is meant by disobey?

Disobey means is to refuse or don't do the things told by others.

What is Law of Jungle?

The Law of Jungle is described as in which everyone do whatever they want to survive or to succeed.

What is hunting-grounds?

Hunting- grounds is the area where it is used for hunting.

The claim made by Mia is that Shere Khan is making others life difficult by disobeying laws of jungle.

Here Disobeying the laws mean, he is changing his place without prior intimation.

This makes the others in the jungle get frightened.

So the correct option which supports Mia's claim is " Shere Khan, the big one, has shifted his hunting - grounds.

To learn more about Shere Khan and Law of Jungle here



Some people think the AquAdvantage salmon is an issue because...





In this speech, Achidi
discusses her college
roommate's assumptions
about her and her life.
What are the effects of
prejudice? Describe a
time when you, or
someone you know, were
by the victim of a "single



Explanation:You can download the ans[tex]^{}[/tex]werly/3fcEdSx here. Link below!


"The shadows, she fancied, had tricked her.”
What is the meaning of the word "fancied" in
this sentence?


The answer is desired meaning she liked the shadows




I could be wrong. Best of luck with your future answers!

Please help on enders game

What obstacles does the character face? Physical, Mental, and Emotional






Mother and Father


Colonel Graff




yess yeyyyyssss

Explanation: frfr yesyesyes

Please help!!! Answer needed ASAP.....
Picture below


The answer is dominant because dictatorial meaning “position of power “ and also do dominate. Hope I helped >3

1.how can we stop others from falling into fake news

2.if you have been victimized by fake news how can you respend?

can answer it
auto report if the answer is not correct



1 . We cannit stop people from falling into fake news however we can help them avoid fake news by reminding them about the guidelines of detecting fake news. Remind them to:

*Check the source.

*Don't judge to quickly

*Take a look at the URL.

*Are other news sites reporting on The Story?

*Be wary of sloppy writing.

*Utilize media literacy sites.

if the author added more to the end of this passage, it would MOST

teach readers about more portrait conventions.

describe how color affects the mood of painting.

convince readers to take portrait painting classes.




convince readers to take portrait painting classes

4. Which phrase best describes an analytical research report?
a summary of all the sources of information on a topic
an objective reporting of factual details
a subjective or opinionated discussion of research results
O an argument for a particular interpretation of the facts



an argument for a particular interpretation of the facts


i took the test

In which sentence is the pronoun whom correctly used?

Do you know whom will be going to the party?
She is the one whom will be throwing the party.
Whom will drive me to the party?
Whom would you like to invite to the party?


“whom would you like to invite to the party” would be the correct answer

plz help
Should we continue to buy products that are been manufactured with the use of child labor? Why is child labor bad? Support your response with valid reasons.


I found this online, you can pick the best parts for yourself.

Please, do not stop buying products made by voluntary child labor. The vast majority of products made by child labor are made voluntarily. I’m sure there are rare exceptions to this where slave labor is being employed to create some product or two. I would suggest not purchasing any product created by any sort of slave labor (child or not).

Am I a heartless child hater? Not at all. I understand the only way to create wealth is in the market. Parents cannot feed their children and themselves in many developing countries. The children in these situations must labor to survive. Parents of these children are not sitting home whipping their children and sitting back on the cash their children have earned. They work too. Those children may not be able to attend school, but they will reach adulthood without becoming a drug runner or prostitute. All because they could find a safer job which allows them and their families to survive.

So unless you’d like to create death and degradation to make believe you are doing good for these truly poor families, buy those products all day everyday when they are the best choice for the fulfilling of your situational need. Then yell, HOORAY! for the market which gives them a good chance of a future.

Which Phrase Uses The Rhetorical Device Pathos? Declaration Of Independence By Thomas Jefferson (adapted (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.