A Discrepancy Between Achievement And Intelligence (such That Achievement Falls Significantly Below Expectations (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1

A discrepancy between achievement and intelligence (such that achievement falls significantly below expectations based on intelligence) is the basis of a diagnosis of specific learning disorder (SLD) or a specific learning disability.

SLD refers to difficulties in learning and using academic skills, such as reading, writing, and mathematics, that are not due to intellectual disability, sensory impairment, or lack of opportunities to learn. SLD is diagnosed when an individual's achievement in one or more of these academic areas is significantly below what is expected based on their intellectual abilities, as measured by standardized intelligence tests.

For example, a student who scores in the average or above-average range on an IQ test but struggles to read at a basic level may be diagnosed with a specific reading disorder, also known as dyslexia. Similarly, a student who performs well on math aptitude tests but struggles to perform basic math operations may be diagnosed with a specific math disorder, also known as dyscalculia.

Learn more about specific learning disorder here:



Related Questions

​Because every culture is an integrated system, a shift in the economic base affects all other cultural attributes as well.
true or false


True. Culture is not a static entity, but rather a dynamic and integrated system that is constantly changing and adapting to external factors

One of the most significant external factors is the economic base, which refers to the resources and productive activities that drive the economy of a given society. A shift in the economic base can have far-reaching effects on all other cultural attributes, including social organization, values, beliefs, and practices. For example, a shift from an agrarian to an industrial economy can lead to changes in family structures, gender roles, and work patterns. Similarly, a shift from a manufacturing to a service-based economy can lead to changes in leisure activities, consumer behavior, and cultural expression. Therefore, it is important to understand the complex interplay between the economic base and cultural attributes in order to fully comprehend the dynamics of cultural change.

For more information on cultural expression. see:



The given statement "Because every culture is an integrated system, a shift in the economic base affects all other cultural attributes as well" is true because a shift in the economic base can affect all other cultural attributes as well, as they are all interconnected and interdependent.

Because culture is an interwoven system of beliefs, values, behaviours, and material objects, a change in one part of culture can affect all others.

Economic variables like changes in technology, trade, or labour can have a big impact on other cultural aspects including social structure, politics, religion, and art.

For example, the Industrial Revolution had a tremendous impact on Western Europe's and North America's social, economic, and cultural systems, changing traditional agrarian cultures into industrialised urban ones.

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These third generation languages are designed to express the logic that can solve general problems. • Machine • Procedural. • Assembly • Content-Markup.


These third generation procedural languages are designed to express the logic that can solve general problems. The right answer is b.

A procedural language is a sort of computer programming language that describes a number of orderly processes and procedures within its programming environment to create a programme. To finish a computing task or programme, it contains a logical arrangement of statements, functions, and commands.

A procedural language, as its name suggests, relies on specified and well planned processes, functions, or sub-routines in a program's architecture by outlining every action that the computer must do in order to achieve the intended state or result.

The correct answer is option b.

Know more about procedural language here



Some parents homeschool their children for ideological or religious reasons. truefalse


The given statement "Some parents homeschool their children for ideological or religious reasons. " is true because Ideological or religious reasons are two of the main reasons why some parents choose to homeschool their children.

Homeschooling allows parents to control the curriculum, so they can ensure that it aligns with their beliefs and values. It also gives them more direct control over what their children are taught, ensuring that it reflects the family's particular religious or social views.

Parents might also prefer homeschooling because they want to provide a more tailored education which isn’t available in traditional schools. Generally, these parents have strong convictions on how their children should be educated and feel that this is best achieved through homeschooling.

To know more about Homeschooling visit:



can a relation on a set be neither reflexive nor irreflexive


Can a relation on a set be neither reflexive nor irreflexive: Yes.

To understand this, let's first define the terms:

1. Reflexive: A relation R on a set A is reflexive if for all elements 'a' in A, (a, a) is in R. In other words, every element is related to itself.

2. Irreflexive: A relation R on a set A is irreflexive if for all elements 'a' in A, (a, a) is not in R. In other words, no element is related to itself.

Now, consider a set A = {1, 2, 3} and a relation R = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (1, 2)}. This relation is not reflexive because (3, 3) is not in R. It is also not irreflexive because (1, 1) and (2, 2) are in R. Hence, the relation R on the set A is neither reflexive nor irreflexive.

In summary, it is possible for a relation on a set to be neither reflexive nor irreflexive, as demonstrated by the example of set A and relation R provided above.

To know more about relation, refer here:



Complete question:

Can a relation on a set be neither reflexive nor irreflexive?

Once information is transferred to. , people of all ages are able to recall it. a. sensory memory b. primary memory c. secondary memory d. tertiary memory.


Once information is transferred to secondary memory , people of all ages are able to recall it.(C)

Sensory memory (a) is the initial stage of memory that briefly holds sensory information from our environment, such as sights or sounds, but it doesn't last long. Primary memory (b), also known as short-term memory, temporarily holds information that we are actively thinking about or processing.

Secondary memory (c), also known as long-term memory, is where information is stored for an extended period and can be recalled later.

Tertiary memory (d) is not a recognized term in memory research. So, when information is transferred to secondary memory, people of all ages can access and recall that information, making it the correct answer.(C)

To know more about short-term memory click on below link:



anxiolytics have which effect? question 30 options: a) reduce hallucinations b) produce relaxation c) eliminate delusions d) elevate mood


The correct answer is a), Reduce anxiety levels. Anxiolytics, also known as anti-anxiety medications, are used to treat anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

They function by raising the concentrations of specific brain chemicals, particularly serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), in the brain. By soothing the nervous system and promoting relaxation, these substances assist in lowering anxiety.

Anxiolytics can also lessen the physical signs of anxiety, such racing heart, perspiration, and trembling, as well as enhance the quality of sleep.

This would not be the right response, though, as anxiety medications are not meant to make you more aware.

Complete Question:

Anxiolytics have which effect?

a) Reduce anxiety levels

b) Produce relaxation

c) Reduce physical symptoms of anxiety

d) Increase alertness

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(i.) what is the patristic exchange dictum and (ii.) how did it serve as a guide for early ecumenical councils?


The patristic exchange dictum is a theological concept that asserts that Christ took on human nature in order to unite humanity with divinity. This concept was developed by early Christian theologians such as Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria.

The patristic exchange dictum served as a guide for early ecumenical councils, particularly the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD. This council affirmed the belief that Christ was one person with two natures - fully human and fully divine. This was based on the patristic exchange dictum, which emphasized the idea of Christ taking on human nature in order to redeem humanity.

The council also rejected various heresies, such as monophysitism, which denied the dual nature of Christ. Therefore, the patristic exchange dictum played a crucial role in shaping the doctrine of Christology in the early church.

To know more about ecumenical councils visit:



Before reading the poem, write down your thoughts on the topic based on the title, read the poem, explain how what you thought about the topic compares to what the poem, Is about



Is money a blessing?


Thoughts on the topic:

Money can be a blessing and a curse. Depending on your situation there is such thing as, "too much money". However, for those going through problems with bills, health, or groceries; being gifted an amount of money may solve all of their (external) problems.

Thoughts compared to the poem:

I agree with the poem. While it is nice to have money and be able to "go" and "do" as well as be financially free, money can not buy real friendships and connections.

a widely circulated story that the pope endorsed donald trump for president in 2016 was a good example of


The widely circulated story that the Pope endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2016 is a good example of "fake news" or misinformation.

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American politician, media personality, and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.Trump graduated from the Wharton School with a bachelor's degree in 1968. He became president of his father's real estate business in 1971 and renamed it the Trump Organization. He expanded its operations to building and renovating skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses and later started side ventures, mostly by licensing his name. From 2004 to 2015, he co-produced and hosted the reality television series The Apprentice. Trump and his businesses have been involved in more than 4,000 state and federal legal actions, including six bankruptcies.

Learn more about misinformation here:



the creation of an anxiety hierarchy is a core feature of . a. contingency management b. assertiveness training c. token economies d. exposure therapy


The creation of an anxiety hierarchy is a core feature of exposure therapy. This therapeutic approach involves gradually exposing the patient to their feared stimuli or situations, in a controlled and systematic manner. Option D is correct.

The anxiety hierarchy is a list of these stimuli or situations, arranged in order of their level of anxiety-inducing potential, from least to most anxiety-provoking. This hierarchy serves as a roadmap for the therapist and patient to follow, as they work together to confront and overcome the patient's anxiety.

The process of creating an anxiety hierarchy involves the patient identifying and rating their fears, with the help of the therapist. This may involve a range of techniques, such as role-playing, imagery, or real-life exposure. Once the hierarchy is established, the patient begins working through it, starting with the least anxiety-provoking stimuli or situations and gradually moving up the list.

The goal of exposure therapy is to help the patient learn to tolerate and eventually overcome their anxiety, through repeated exposure to the feared stimuli or situations.

Over time, the patient's anxiety decreases, and they are able to face their fears with greater ease and confidence. This approach has been shown to be effective for a range of anxiety disorders, including phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Thus option D is correct.

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eight-year-old terry's performance on an intelligence test is at a level characteristic of an average five-year-old. terry's mental age is:


If Terry's performance on an intelligence test is at a level characteristic of an average five-year-old, but Terry is actually eight years old, then Terry's mental age is five years old.

Mental age is a concept used in intelligence testing to describe an individual's cognitive development relative to others of the same age. It is determined by comparing an individual's performance on an intelligence test to the performance of individuals in different age groups. In this case, Terry's mental age is determined by the level of performance that is characteristic of five-years-old, which is the age group that Terry's performance is most similar to.

Mental age is a useful concept for assessing an individual's cognitive development and potential, and for comparing performance across different age groups. However, it is important to note that mental age is just one aspect of intelligence, and that there are other factors that contribute to overall intellectual functioning.

To know more about mental age



a(n) _____ is a unit of 15,000 to 20,000 people and has internal operations.


A small city is a subunit with between 15,000 and 20,000 residents that conducts internal business.

The strategic position, internal operations local market demand, integration with regional clusters, and human resources are the four key benefits of the inner city that I have identified from my continuous studies of metropolitan locations across the United States. Each of those benefits has occasionally been recognized and taken advantage of by various businesses and initiatives.

Cities that are efficient: AI in smart cities enables extensive automation of municipal operations and activities, minimizing duplication of work and increasing effectiveness. By generating efficiencies and discovering synergies, it alters how cities run and provide public services. The "functional definition" contends that a city's importance depends on more than just its size.

Learn more about internal operations Visit: brainly.com/question/29969699


A community is a unit of 15,000 to 20,000 people and has internal operations.

A community is a group of people who share common interests, values, and goals, and who are often geographically located in a specific area. A community can range in size from just a few individuals to tens of thousands of people. Communities have internal operations, which include social, economic, political, and cultural aspects. Within a community, there are typically organizations, groups, and institutions that serve different purposes. For example, there may be schools, churches, local government agencies, businesses, and non-profit organizations that all play a role in the functioning of the community.

Communities provide opportunities for people to come together, collaborate, and support one another. This can lead to a stronger sense of identity and purpose, and can help individuals feel more connected to the world around them.

To know more about non-profit organizations, click here:



which personality trait of good salespeople shows they care about their customers, their issues, and their problems?


Empathy may be the most useful selling trait, despite the extent of all the natural traits on this list. When going out to those who are unfit to do so, those who are able to put themselves in the shoes of their options and learn the issues that they face almost always win more sales.

A person who has a sales personality usually embodies all of the characteristics that contribute to better sales performance: fostering genuine trust, establishing solid relationships, locating the appropriate solutions to the appropriate issues, consistently following up, exhibiting grace under pressure, and closing deals of a higher value more quickly are some of the goals.

There are four types of customer personalities: driver, analytical, expressive, and adaptable. Let's learn more about each of these personalities and how to appeal to them.

To learn more about Empathy here



Carrie exhibits anorexia nervosa. When she looks in a mirror, she is most likely thinking
"I'm so fat!"
"I'm so big!"
"I'm so tall!":


Carrie exhibits anorexia nervosa, which is a serious eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight, a distorted body image, and severe restriction of food intake.

When she looks in a mirror, she is most likely thinking "I'm so big!" or "I'm so tall!" because her perception of her body is distorted.

This distorted perception is a common symptom of anorexia nervosa, and it can lead to severe physical and psychological consequences.

People with anorexia nervosa often have a preoccupation with their weight and body shape, and they may engage in extreme behaviors to control their weight, such as restrictive dieting, excessive exercise, or purging.

They may also avoid social situations that involve food or feel ashamed and guilty after eating. This can lead to malnutrition, dehydration, and other physical health problems, as well as depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Treatment for anorexia nervosa typically involves a combination of medical and psychological interventions, such as nutritional counseling, medication, and therapy.

It is important to seek professional help if you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, as early intervention can lead to better outcomes.

With the right support and treatment, recovery from anorexia nervosa is possible.

To know more about anorexia nervosa here



the ____________ persuasive organizational pattern is particularly useful when the audience has a neutral stance or recognizes the existence of a problem but with no opinion about its solution.


The problem-solution persuasive organizational pattern is particularly useful when the audience has a neutral stance or recognizes the existence of a problem but with no opinion about its solution.

This pattern begins by identifying and articulating an issue that the audience may be experiencing, followed by a solution or remedies to the problem. The goal is to persuade the audience that the offered solution is effective as well as practical.

Using this pattern, the speaker or writer can create credibility by displaying a thorough comprehension of the problem and providing a real solution backed up by evidence.

Furthermore, by focusing on a common issue and offering a viable solution, the audience is more likely to be responsive and engaged with the message.

For such more question on neutral stance:



The "problem-solution" persuasive organizational pattern is particularly useful when the audience has a neutral stance or recognizes the existence of a problem but with no opinion about its solution.

A problem-solution pattern divides information into two main sections, one that describes a problem and one that describes a solution. This pattern is typically used in persuasive writing, where the writer's general purpose is to convince the reader to support a certain course of action.

Organizational pattern for persuasive speeches refers to the speaker's method of presenting the problem to the audience, proposing a solution.

To know more about organizations, click here:-



dr. wong believes that paranoid personality disorder is rooted in genetic causes; he most likely ascribes to a(n) theoretical perspective.


A theoretical perspective refers to the lens or framework through which a mental health professional examines a disorder. A professional who believes that paranoid personality disorder is rooted in genetic causes would likely ascribe to a biological theoretical perspective, which emphasizes the role of genetics, biology, and neuroscience in the development and manifestation of mental health disorders.

Theoretical perspective refers to the lens or framework through which a mental health professional examines a disorder. Each theoretical perspective provides a unique set of assumptions, concepts, and methods that can be used to explain the causes and symptoms of mental health disorders.

In the case of paranoid personality disorder, a mental health professional who believes that the disorder is rooted in genetic causes is likely to subscribe to a biological theoretical perspective. This perspective emphasizes the role of genetics, biology, and neuroscience in the development and manifestation of mental health disorders.

According to the biological perspective, mental health disorders such as paranoid personality disorder are caused by abnormalities in the brain or nervous system, which are often inherited through genetics. This perspective suggests that certain genetic factors may predispose individuals to developing the disorder, and that environmental factors may trigger its onset or exacerbate its symptoms.

In contrast to the biological perspective, other theoretical perspectives such as the psychodynamic, behavioral, and humanistic perspectives emphasize different factors in the development of mental health disorders.

Click the below link, to learn more about Theoretical perspective:



Alberta is African American, and her friend Eleanor is European American. Statistically, Eleanor is ____ likely to develop breast cancer than Alberta, and ____ likely to die of it.​
​more; less
less, more


Based on current statistics, Eleanor is actually more likely to develop breast cancer than Alberta. However, if both were to develop breast cancer, Alberta is more likely to die of it than Eleanor.

Breast cancer incidence rates are higher among European American women compared to African American women. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2022, the breast cancer incidence rate is expected to be 130.8 per 100,000 among white women and 121.1 per 100,000 among Black women. On the other hand, breast cancer mortality rates are higher among African American women compared to European American women. In 2018 (the most recent year for which data is available), the breast cancer death rate was 24.5 per 100,000 among Black women and 19.3 per 100,000 among white women.

Learn more about breast cancer here:



Statistically, Eleanor is more likely to develop breast cancer than Alberta, but less likely to die of it.

Breast cancer incidence rates in White women are higher than in Black women, and White women have a higher lifetime chance of acquiring breast cancer.

Black women, on the other hand, have a greater breast cancer mortality rate than White women. This could be related to disparities in healthcare access, delayed diagnosis, and other socioeconomic factors that influence the quality of care received.

Furthermore, Black women are more likely to be diagnosed with more aggressive kinds of breast cancer, which have a worse prognosis.

In conclusion, while Eleanor is more likely than Alberta to have breast cancer, she is less likely to die from it.

For such more question on breast cancer:



which sociological perspective emphasizes power as the major source of difficulties between married men and women


The sociological perspective that emphasizes power as the major source of difficulties between married men and women is the feminist perspective.

According to this perspective, gender is a fundamental aspect of social organization that structures power relations between men and women. Feminist theorists argue that patriarchal social structures and cultural norms create inequalities between men and women, resulting in women being systematically disadvantaged in various social spheres, including marriage.

In a marital relationship, power imbalances can arise due to gendered social roles and expectations, leading to conflict and tension. For instance, women may be expected to take on the majority of domestic work and childcare, while men are expected to be the primary breadwinners. These gendered expectations can limit women's opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as make them financially dependent on their husbands. Consequently, women may feel disempowered in their marriages, leading to feelings of frustration and resentment.

In conclusion, the feminist perspective emphasizes power imbalances as the major source of difficulties between married men and women. By recognizing the role of patriarchy in shaping gender relations, feminist theorists highlight the need for addressing inequalities in marital relationships and promoting gender equality.

To know more about sociological perspective refer here:



how long ago did the northern atlantic ocean begin to open up or start spreading


The Atlantic Ocean began to take shape near the end of the Triassic Period, 180 million years ago, as disintegration the northern atlantic ocean begin to open up or start spreading supercontinent Pangea started to break up.

The Atlantic formed as the Americas moved westward from Eurasia and Africa. This initially occurred during the Cretaceous epoch about 135 million years ago.It was a part of the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea. Thus, the supercontinent began to break apart some 200 million years ago, during the Early Jurassic.

The supercontinent began to break up around 200 million years ago, during the Early Jurassic Epoch, leading to the development of the present-day continents and the Atlantic and Indian seas.Disintegration is described as the process through which something weakens or is destroyed as a result of breaking down into smaller parts or portions. Disintegration energy is the amount of energy that is lost by a nucleus during radioactive decay. During radioactive decay, an element releases radiation and ionising particles that cause it to lose mass and energy. As a result of this radioactive decay, the atom transforms into a different element.

Complete question:

how long ago did the northern atlantic ocean begin to open up or start spreading Canada from Ireland?

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The northern Atlantic Ocean began to open up or start spreading around 56 million years ago during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. This process is part of the larger process of plate tectonics, where the Earth's crust is constantly shifting and moving.

The Earth's crust, which is the planet's outermost layer and is made of solid rock, ranges in thickness from about 3 to 44 miles (or 5 to 70 kilometers). Oceanic crust and continental crust are the two primary categories of the crust. The tectonic plates that make up the Earth's crust are also continually shifting and reacting with one another. This movement may cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the development of mountains, and the construction of other geological phenomena.

Learn more about Earth's crust here:



this exquisite, light-as-air track from magical mystery tour - featuring flutes, bass harmonicas, and a recorder played by paul mccartney


"The Fool on the Hill" from the album "Magical Mystery Tour" by The Beatles is an exquisite, light-as-air track from magical mystery tour - featuring flutes, bass harmonicas, and a recorder played by Paul Mccartney.

The song features flutes, bass harmonicas, and a recorder played by Paul McCartney, along with other instruments such as acoustic guitars, pianos, and percussion. "The Fool on the Hill" is known for its dreamy and whimsical sound, which fits well with the psychedelic and experimental nature of the "Magical Mystery Tour" album.

The lyrics of the song describe a person who is perceived as a fool by others but has a deep understanding of the world and its mysteries. The song has become a fan favorite and is often considered one of The Beatles' most underrated tracks.

To know more about Paul Mccartney, click here.



according to marcia, a young adult who decides on a life path with little thought or exploration reflects a status called identity _____.


According to Marcia, a young adult who decides on a life path with little thought or exploration reflects a status called identity foreclosure.

In this status, the individual commits to an identity without undergoing a process of self-discovery or considering various alternatives. This can happen when a young adult follows a predetermined path set by their family, culture, or societal expectations without questioning if it's the right fit for them personally. It's essential for young adults to engage in identity exploration to develop a well-rounded and genuine sense of self. In summary, identity foreclosure occurs when a young adult adopts a life path without proper exploration or consideration of other options, often due to external influences.

For more information on predetermined see:



According to James Marcia's theory of identity development, a young adult who decides on a life path with little thought or exploration reflects a status called identity foreclosure.

In this state, an individual adopts attitudes, beliefs, and ambitions based on the expectations of others (such as parents or peers) without exploring their own identity thoroughly.

According to James Marcia's theory of identity formation, a young adult who chooses a life path without much deliberation or research is experiencing identity foreclosure.

Identity foreclosure can stifle a person's personal development and lead to emotions of unhappiness or regret later in life. Identity attainment, on the other hand, is the state of having studied various choices and established a commitment to a specific identity.

For such more question on foreclosure:



why is it important that such information be disclosed when reporting a study's findings? which part of the study is especially affected by this undisclosed information? select the correct explanation.


Because doing so enables other researchers to assess the study's methods, duplicate the study if required, and build on the findings to enhance scientific understanding, it is crucial to reveal all pertinent information when presenting a study's findings.

Not disclosing crucial information might result in erroneous conclusions and impede scientific advancement. The methodology of the study is one area where unreleased material has a particularly negative impact.

Undisclosed material may potentially bring biases or confounding variables that were not adequately taken into account in the research, which might have an influence on the study's findings and recommendations. This may result in incorrect or deceptive conclusions, which may have practical repercussions if the study's results are utilized to guide practices or policies.

Learn more about study's findings Visit: brainly.com/question/28536461


how have contemporary researchers evaluated the validity of the psychodynamic perspective on personality?


The contemporary researchers have evaluated the validity of the psychodynamic perspective on personality by applying theories and understanding the impact of a person's unconscious mental state on their behavioural mechanisms.

A increasing body of research demonstrates the efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy and supports the importance of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic techniques, particularly in the treatment of complicated situations and long-term change.

The investigations aim to describe the dynamic process that occurs in the complex brain in order to uncover the precise reality of what occurs when we are unconscious. These views are entirely based on the theory of inner conflict, which assumes that a patient's hidden behaviours and feelings are known while they are in a conscious state.

Know more about psychodynamic here



a persuasive speech on a question of fact is different from an informative speech because in the persuasive speech the speaker multiple select question. is partisan.acts as an advocate


Option a is correct. A persuasive speech on a question of fact is different from an informative speech because in the persuasive speech the speaker is partisan.

First and foremost, the speaker's goal in a persuasive speech is to influence the audience's opinions and beliefs in favor of a certain point of view. They may persuade their listeners by making emotional appeals, making rational arguments, or sharing personal tales.

An educational speech, on the other hand, aims to inform the audience about a subject without endorsing or adopting a side. Second, in a persuasive speech, the speaker may ignore or minimize contradicting information while choosing just the facts.

This is due to the fact that they are advocating for their viewpoint rather than offering a fair analysis of the subject. Last but not least, a persuasive discourse is by nature partisan because it favors one point of view over another.

Learn more about Speech



A persuasive speech on a question of fact is different from an informative speech in several ways. Firstly, the speaker in a persuasive speech takes a stance on a particular issue and aims to persuade the audience to accept their point of view.

This is different from an informative speech where the speaker presents information without taking a stance.
Secondly, in a persuasive speech, the speaker typically presents multiple options or perspectives on the issue at hand, and then argues in favor of one specific option. In contrast, an informative speech typically presents all available information on a topic, without necessarily advocating for any specific position.
Lastly, a persuasive speech is often partisan in nature, meaning that the speaker is advocating for a particular position or group. This is in contrast to an informative speech, which should be impartial and unbiased. In summary, a persuasive speech on a question of fact is different from an informative speech because the speaker multiple select question, is partisan, and acts as an advocate.

Learn more about persuasive here:



a reward for behavior, for example, the pleasurable feeling that people might feel they get from doing drugs, is called


A reward for conduct, such as the joyful sensation that some people may experience after using drugs is refers to Positive reinforcement.

Certain neurotransmitters, particularly a handful known as "dopamine" and "endorphins," induce pleasure and encourage us to repeat the activities. The National Institute on Drug Abuse claims that consuming specific medicines causes the basal ganglia to produce neurotransmitters.

While having various mechanisms of action, all drugs work by boosting dopamine transmission, which enhances the activity of the reward circuit. Because of how our brains are constructed and the way that these medicines trigger the reward-related brain circuit, they have the potential to be misused.

Learn more about positive reinforcement Visit: brainly.com/question/15580835


with respect to drug policy, political liberals are more likely to emphasize group of answer choices order. decriminalization. retribution. punishment. treatment.


With respect to drug policy, political liberals are more likely to emphasize the importance of treatment over punishment. Therefore the correct option is option C.

This indicates that they are more inclined to favour laws that put an emphasis on offering drug users rehabilitation and treatment facilities rather than punishing them through incarceration or other types of retaliation.

Political liberals frequently stress decriminalisation as a means of minimising the negative effects of drug usage. This indicates that they are in favour of laws that lessen or do away with the criminal penalties for drug possession and use in favour of public health and harm reduction initiatives. Therefore the correct option is option C.

For such more question on punishment:



An asynchronous virtual group meets in person at an agreed-upon location and an agreed-upon time. (True or False)



A virtual team (also known as a geographically dispersed team, distributed team, or remote team) usually refers to a group of individuals who work together from different geographic locations and rely on communication technology such as email, instant messaging, and video or voice conferencing services

Virtual teams, once accepted into the organizational culture, enhance internal communication, promote higher level skills among employees, and create stronger foundations for effective organizational communities.

If a group meets in person at a specific location and time, it is not virtual. The term virtual implies that the group is meeting online or in a digital space, without physical presence.

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a role that functions to encourage group members and to develop and maintain positive communication and relationships among group members is a


The role that functions to encourage group members and to develop and maintain positive communication and relationships among group members is typically referred to as a facilitator or a mediator.

A facilitator helps create an open and supportive environment, ensuring that all group members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas, fostering positive communication and strong relationships within the group. This individual is responsible for ensuring that all members of the group feel heard and valued, that conflicts are addressed in a constructive manner, and that everyone is working together towards the common goals of the group. Effective communication and strong relationships among group members are crucial for achieving success, and the facilitator plays a key role in promoting these elements within the group.

Learn more about positive communication at https://brainly.com/question/1832534


individuals taking anticoagulants are often advised to avoid vitamin e supplements. what is the best explanation for this advice?


Individuals taking anticoagulants are often advised to avoid vitamin E supplements because vitamin E can increase the risk of bleeding when taken in combination with anticoagulant medications.

Vitamin E has blood-thinning properties that can interfere with the effectiveness of anticoagulants and increase the risk of bleeding, especially if high doses of vitamin E are taken. Therefore, individuals taking anticoagulants should speak with their healthcare provider before taking any vitamin E supplements.

What is an anticoagulant?

An anticoagulant is a medication that helps to prevent blood from clotting. Blood clots can form in blood vessels and cause serious health problems, such as heart attacks, strokes, and deep vein thrombosis. Anticoagulants work by inhibiting the formation of blood clots or by preventing existing clots from getting bigger. They are commonly used to treat conditions such as atrial fibrillation, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and after certain types of surgeries. Some examples of anticoagulant medications include warfarin, heparin, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban. It is important to use anticoagulants under the guidance of a healthcare provider, as they can have serious side effects and interactions with other medications.

To know more about vitamin E, visit:



true or false across cultures, women report experiencing more sadness, fear, shame, and guilt than men.


True, across cultures, women report experiencing more sadness, fear, shame, and guilt than men.

Across cultures, studies have shown that women tend to report experiencing more sadness, fear, shame, and guilt than men. This may be influenced by a variety of social and cultural factors, including gender roles and expectations, as well as biological differences in hormone levels and brain chemistry. However, it's important to note that individual experiences may vary and that gender is just one factor that can influence emotional experiences.

To know more women experiencing more sadness men https://brainly.com/question/29060920


A Discrepancy Between Achievement And Intelligence (such That Achievement Falls Significantly Below Expectations (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.