Select The Correct Answer. What Is The Purpose Of Analyzing A Play? . To Fully Summarize The Play's Plot (2024)

English High School


Answer 1




hope this helps, have a great day!

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He went____car(in,on)​



He went in car....

stay safe healthy and happy.

in car. On car will change the meaning into like he went on the car (above the car) so it’ll be HE WENT IN THE CAR

In the second paragraph, Morrie's dancing alone is a sign of his:

A. loneliness.

B. individuality.

C. introversion.

D. abnormality.

Paragraph: He had always been a dancer, my old professor. The music didn’t matter. Rock and roll, big band, the blues. He loved them all. He would close his eyes and with a blissful smile begin to move to his own sense of rhythm. It wasn’t always pretty. But then, he didn’t worry about a partner. Morrie danced by himself.


the answer would be C. (introversion)

In the second paragraph, Morrie's dancing alone is a sign of his introversion. The correct option is C. Morrie's appreciation of dance is closely related to how he views freedom. As Mitch says of him at the Wednesday dance nights in Harvard Square, dance is a way for him to break free from a culture he doesn't find useful.

What is the message of dancing?

Basic goals: physical release and self-expression. The expression and transmission of emotion are one of dance's most fundamental purposes. Dance is a common way for people—and some animals—to express strong emotions like sudden bursts of ecstasy, joy, impatience, or rage.

Morrie enjoyed dancing a lot. He frequented a church hall near Harvard Square for many years where everyone was welcome to dance however they wanted and with whomever, they wanted once a week while music was blasted. By himself, Morrie danced.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about Dancing here:


"Given this, a parent might be tempted to give up trying to make good decisions and simply let the chips fall where they may."

What words in this sentence signal a relationship?

Might be
Given this
They may
And simply



Given this


Text structure can be defined as words used to describe how a writer or an author organizes his or her words in a literary work.

In English language, there are five (5) nonfiction text structures and these includes;

a. Sequence: this type of text structure make use of words such as after, before, finally, next, then, etc., to describe an event in a timely manner or order of time.

b. Compare and Contrast: it used for the comparison of two or more things to show similarities and differences i.e how they are alike and different.

c. Cause and Effect: it gives the relationship between two things or events in which an occurrence of one (cause) leads to the occurrence of another (effect). Signal words such as consequently, because, as a result, therefore, due to, since, etc.

d. Problem and Solution: it describes a problem and proffers a solution using signal words such as dilemma, solve, problem, etc.

e. Description (list): this type of text structure list lot of facts or details about a subject, making use of phrases such as more importantly, for instance, for example, etc.

In this scenario, "Given this" are words or a phrase that signals a relationship in the above sentence because it establishes that there's a preceding information or paragraph stated previously.

“The Man Who was Almost a Man”Where do you think Dave ends up? Why?



"The Man Who Was Almost a Man" ends with some good old-fashioned train hopping. All aboard! After the whole Jenny ordeal, Dave is feeling pretty unhappy. He got his gun, just like he wanted, but everyone still treats him like he belongs at the kiddie table.


Children must give a long rope to their parents . Substantiate this statement citing examples from the little girl


Hi. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

The expression "give a long rope" refers to the possibility of giving freedom to someone, so that that person can accomplish something. Accordingly, the phrase "Children must give a long rope to their parents" may represent the children's need to allow their parents to have a certain freedom within their lives, such as freedom to feel insecure, to be able to advise, among others situations. In this case, to answer your question, you should look in your text for a time when someone's parents needed to do something about their children, but they didn't feel comfortable doing that, because they didn't feel they had the freedom to do so.

Ponyboy knows that he is missing some meaning in Robert Frost’s poem. What do you think the main characters should take away from this poem? What is the poem about?

i need help asap ty.



I think it is B. outside, the sky loomed overhead and intimidating since it describes the features of the situation.

4. What is the president's role as agenda setter?



As chief agenda setter, the president also helps Congress prepare the annual federal budget. You will read more about the budget process in Chapter 7. As chief of state, also known as the head of state, the president takes on the role of the symbolic figurehead of the United States.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest



Answer: Hello! This one is a little tricky, but I think your answer here would be B.

Explanation: In this poem, The Masque of Red Death, the characters are forcefully quarentining themselves to stay away from others and evade the viral sickness going around (the plague). I think that Poe was writing about his feelings of lonliness in that part, as the abbey could have been a metaphor for having to keep people out of your life for the greater good.

Hope that this helps out somehow! Have a great day!

I need help please How does the use of the phrase “I love you” in between stanzas affect the meaning of the poem?

It slows the pace of the poem, which reveals the speaker's doubt in the degree of his love.
It builds intensity and passion between the speaker and the one he loves.
It creates space and a distance between the speaker and the one he loves.
It quickens the pace of the poem, which delivers the speaker’s message more quickly.



B it bilds intensity and passion between the speaker and the one he loves.

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes, The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes, Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening, Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains, Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys, Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap, And seeing that it was a soft October night, Curled once about the house, and fell asleep. The excerpt is an example of what type of narration


This question is missing the answer choices. I was able to find them online. They are the following:

A. allusion

B. stream of consciousness

C. dramatic monologue

D. dramatic dialogue


The type of narration the excerpt is an example of is:

B. stream of consciousness.


Stream of consciousness is a technique used in literature that tries to imitate, so to speak, the way our thoughts flow. Thus, sentences follow sentences almost uninterruptedly, sometimes connected in their ideas, sometimes shifting abruptly. This technique is the one being used in the excerpt we are analyzing here.

The passage is from the poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T. S. Eliot. Notice how the speaker makes sure to use only commas to separate the sentences. His intention is to show that one thought led to the other, that led to the next one, and so on. It is as if we are in the speaker's mind, thinking what he thinks, seeing what he sees.


B. stream of consciousness.


Edge 2020

How does homework help you learn?
(In high school format or in your own words please)


Homework is a key factor in education because it can help us to better understand the work we are doing. Doing homework everyday, or even just a few days a week, is good practice on any information we are learning in school. The more we do it and practice it, the better we will be at it.

This is my own words btw


Homework helps to reinforce learning and develop good study habits and life skills. Everyone knows that practice makes perfect. Students typically retain only 50% of the information teachers provide in class, and they need to apply that information in order to truly learn it.


What will happen if we do not control climate change?


Heat waves will become more frequent and severe around the world affecting a lot of people

short, answer we will all die,

Heat waves will become more frequent and severe around the world, affecting hundreds of millions or even billions of people if we don't act.

narrative about a character who is in pursuit of a goal.


I don’t know the answer sorry :(

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a position
different from that which they have hitherto occupied, but one to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions
of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to such a course.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights:
that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the govemed. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of those who suffer from it to refuse allegiance
to it, and to insist upon the institution of a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall
seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience
hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are
accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
despotism, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the
women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entided.
The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an
absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted a candid world.
Select the correct answer.
The tone of this passage can be described as
A . lamenting





You have just started your own company
that uses virtual reality! Explain what
your company does. (ill mark brainiest)



you say that your business shows a fake reality or a virtual escape

Which of the following conditions is often found in individuals that suffered trauma in infancy and early childhood as the brain's way to cope with fear?


body dysmorphic disorder

psychogenic non-epileptic seizures

factitious disorder



Option A


Hypochondria is a condition in real with symptoms such as social or anxiety disorders and trauma or abuse. There are no physical symptoms only there the person suffering from it may become seriously ill because of excessive stress to cope up with fear.

Hence, option A is correct

What is photosynthesis?...​


The process of formation of glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and green pigment called chlorophyll in plants is called photosynthesis.

Hope This Helps You


the process plants use to transform energy into glucose


plants need water, sun, and carbon dioxide, and change it in the form of sugar

What is Guy montags personality in the book



intelligent, sensitive, and conflicted. While Montag starts out as a discontent but generally complacent fireman, he becomes increasingly dissatisfied with his society as he discovers the price of a book-free world.


summary of untrodden world of lhops​



TheLhoporDoya peopleare a little-known tribe of southwestBhutan. The Bhutanese believe them to be theaboriginalinhabitants of the country. The Lhop are found in the low valleys ofDorokha Gewogand nearPhuntsholingin theDuars. The dress of the Lhop resembles theLepcha, but they bear little similarity with theBhutiain the North and theTotoin the west. The Doya trace their descentmatrilineally, marry theircross cousins, and embalm the deceased who are then placed in a foetal position in a circular sarcophagus above the ground. They follow a blend ofTibetan Buddhismmixed withanimism.

In the sentence below, the underlined portion is a phrase. Identify the type of phrase.
Cameron prefers watching TV.
O Gerund phrase
0 Infinitive phrase
O Noun phrase
O None of the choices



the answer is a gerund phrase

Choose the correct answer.
In a hotel, Jerome wants a cozy bed, a Jacuzzi, and
O chandelier which is large
O a big chandelier
O a chandelier that is very huge
O a chandelier that is beautiful



a chandelier that is beautiful.


It relates to the rest of the sentence.

Read the following passage from Bulfinch’s Mythology: The agile youth sprang into the chariot, stood erect and grasped the reins with delight, pouring out thanks to his reluctant parent. Which synonym could best replace the word agile in this passage? slow clumsy energetic stiff


Answer: energetic


Agile means for someone to have the ability to move easily and be energetic. It means having an adaptable and resourceful character. The antonyms of agile are slow clumsy and stiff.

Therefore, the sentence "The agile youth sprang into the chariot, stood erect and grasped the reins with delight, pouring out thanks to his reluctant parent" can be written as "The energetic youth sprang into the chariot, stood erect and grasped the reins with delight, pouring out thanks to his reluctant parent".

Therefore, the correct option is C.


energetic (:

Who or what causes Oedipus the most harm? Creon? Teiresias? or Fate?



I would say both the Oracle and Creon cause Oedipus to do the most harm


I say this because if the Oracle hadn't told the king that he would be murdered by his son or that his son will marry his mother or if he had told the king how to prevent this the king wouldn't have tried to kill Oedipus as a baby Oedipus been raised by the king and queen he wouldn't have been traveling down that road and killed the King and he wouldn't have landed back in his hometown and married his mother reason being he would have already known that was his mother and that was his father and he'd have no reason to want to do that but as he grew up outside of that family he did not know dot-dot worth his biological parents causing him not to care and after he had found out the damage had already been done you can also write this as it's just the father's fault

What happened to Private Joseph Mayek, and why does Captain John Prior feel


Mayek's face was nearly destroyed when a Bradley combat vehicle fired accidentally. Because he was the one who first gave the go-ahead for the battery swap and then towed the vehicles, Captain John Prior felt responsible.

Who was Captain John?

Adventurer, soldier, explorer, and novelist Captain John Smith all fit into one. By hearing about his early years, we are able to follow the growth of a man who would go on to play a major role in Jamestown's.

Eventual prosperity and the construction of its reputation as the first English settlement in North America. An adversary of the anime series One Piece after his death is Captain John.

Prior to becoming a Pirate Captain, he was a member of the notorious Rocks Pirates. His corpse was transformed into a zombie minion by Gekko Moria after being killed by his own team.

Learn more about Captain John from here:


An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives author’s own ______.





What are the two most important criteria when evaluating sources to use in a research report or presentation?
a. length and difficulty of vocabulary
b. reliability and relevance
c. accessibility and level of engagement
d. instructions and steps





U need to follow the instructions clearly




took the test

What is the act of arranging the meal on the individual plate immediately before it‘s serving time?





A food can be defined as any substance that is often cooked or processed and can be consumed by living organisms so as to gain energy, calories, nutrients and essentially sustain life.

Plating is the act of arranging the meal on the individual plate immediately before it‘s serving time.

Basically, the manner in which a food is presented or plated on a table affect people's perception of how nicely it would taste. Thus, plating is a very important and essential step to take while presenting a meal.

Some of the factors to consider when plating or presenting dishes containing poultry products are: garnishing, saucing, plating and accompaniments.

Also, the appearance of a meal can be enhanced before it's served by adding some level of decorative touches through a culinary process known as garnishing.

Discuss the types of motion you can add into your presentations.



Action Button. A built-in button shape that you can add to your presentation and then assign an action to occur upon the click of the mouse or with a mouse over.

After Previous.

Animated GIF.


Animation Pane.


Basic Custom Slide Show.





A built-in button shape that you can add to your presentation and then assign an action to occur upon the click of the mouse or with a mouse over.

An animation command that begins the animation sequence for the selected PowerPoint slide element immediately after the completion of the previous animation or slide transition.

A file format made up of a series of frames within a single file that creates the illusion of animation by displaying the frames one after the other in quick succession.

The area that contains a list of the animation effects added to your presentation. From this pane, you can add or modify effects.

Any type of motion or movement that occurs as the presentation moves from slide to slide. 2. A special visual effect or sound effect added to text or an object.

The past perfect tense is known as? A) the past of the past b) the past of the present





the past of the present

Select The Correct Answer. What Is The Purpose Of Analyzing A Play? . To Fully Summarize The Play's Plot (2024)
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