The Perspective That Focuses On Prevention, Early Intervention, And Treatment Of Drug Problems. A Common (2024)

Social Studies College


Answer 1

The perspective that focuses on prevention, early intervention, and treatment of drug problems is best described as the option D: psychosocial perspective.

Effective primary prevention emphasizes lowering risk factors and bolstering protective variables that are most closely related to the issue being addressed, while also acknowledging the existence and effects of co-occurring diseases. In order to treat issues associated to substance abuse, psychosocial interventions are systematic psychological or social interventions. They can help with social reintegration and problem identification at various phases of drug treatment. Thus, option D is the right choice.

Alcohol and cigarette use can be decreased by taxes, limits on consumption in public places, restrictions on advertising, and minimum legal drinking ages, but illicit drug usage is unaffected by these policies. There is a dearth of research on therapies for young people who use substances in problematic ways, which highlights the need to evaluate youth-specific versions of adult-effective interventions.

To know more about substance abuse, refer to the following link:


Correct question is:

The perspective that focuses on prevention, early intervention, and treatment of drug problems is best described as the:

A. Medical-psychological perspective

B. Bio-social perspective

C. Medical-health perspective

D. Psychosocial perspective

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nasaa has the power to set record retention rules for a state-registered adviser that cover which of the following records? i communications to 2 or more persons ii e-mails to clients iii trial balances iv general ledger


All the options are correct.

For a state-registered adviser, NASAA has the authority to establish record retention guidelines that address communications with two or more individuals, emails sent to customers, trial balances, and general ledger.

What is record retention policy?

Your company's procedure for handling documents from creation through retention or disposal is outlined in a record retention policy. Businesses that have sound policies can easily obtain papers for reference. Additionally, they teach staff members how to properly dispose of documents in order to safeguard information.

Specified in a record retention policy are:

Goal of the Regulation.

Documentation your company should have on hand.

Period of time that papers must be kept on file.

Method for storing and protecting documents.

Who is authorised to read particular records?

Guidelines for disposing of records.

Policies should be precise and understandable. Align retention rules with your company's financial, legal, and organizational goals by coordinating policies with the appropriate departments.

To learn more about record retention policy visit;


which of the following is NOT a reason he feels ashamed when he listens to speakers, such as Booker T. Washington?


I’m sorry I don’t get your question.

Which of the following is a similarity between major depression with perinatal onset and postpartum anxiety?


The similarity between major depression with perinatal onset and postpartum anxiety is option A. Women suffering from major depression with perinatal onset as well as women suffering from postpartum anxiety may show obsessive concern for the well-being of their babies

What is postpartum anxiety?

Postpartum anxiety is a type of anxiety disorder that can occur in women after giving birth. Symptoms may include excessive worry, fear, and feelings of impending doom. It can also cause physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, and difficulty sleeping.

Postpartum anxiety is different from postpartum depression, although the two conditions can occur together. It is important for women who are experiencing symptoms of postpartum anxiety to seek help from a healthcare provider.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about postpartum depression:


The complete question goes thus:

Which of the following is a similarity between major depression with perinatal onset and postpartum anxiety?

A. Women suffering from major depression with perinatal onset as well as women suffering from postpartum anxiety may show obsessive concern for the well-being of their babies

B. They are mainly related to the experience of pain

C. None of the above

D. All of the above

jacqueline, a social drinker, has never caused problems for herself or others after drinking. in this scenario, jacqueline is not an alcoholic because blank .multiple choice question.she cannot control the amount she drinksher substance use helps her become activeshe does not have a history of alcohol consumptionher substance use is not abuse


Option D is correct, Jacqueline, a social drinker, has never caused problems for herself or others after drinking. in this scenario, Jacqueline is not an alcoholic because her substance use is not abuse.

Youth use of psychoactive substances (PS), such as alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, khat chewing, cannabis use, and illegal drug use, is a global public health concern. For the young population, particularly university students, its negative effects, such as academic failure, risky behaviors, such as risky sexual conduct, substance use disorders, and disability, become serious dangers.

A social drinker is someone who only consumes alcohol in moderation and does so mostly during social situations. Although social drinking is regarded as a fundamental aspect of American culture, it has existed throughout human history. It's considered socially acceptable to drink a beer or two or a glass of wine with dinner even if you don't intend to become wasted.

To learn more about social drinkers, click at:


True or False The phase of human resources management in which an employee's skills are improved and his or her capabilities are expanded is known as maintaining.


The phase of human resources management in which an employee's skills are improved and his or her capabilities are expanded is known as maintaining.

Hence, this sentence is True.

What are the phases of human resource planning?

Recognizing the current supply of persons, determining the workforce's potential, harmonizing labour supply and demand, and developing strategies that support the organization's mission are the four major phases in the HRP process.

Which activity of HRM focuses on improving the performance of individuals and groups within the organisation?

Skills and expertise are carried out to help people and groups perform better. Because of the rapid evolution of technology, the importance of training and development has expanded. In certain organisations, this work is performed on a continuous basis.

What is the 3 Human Resource Development main functions?

Attracting and retaining employees. Workforce and talent management. Position assignment and advancement in one's career.

What is the final phase in human resource planning?

Once you've analysed your current human resource capabilities, predicted future HR demands, and identified gaps, the next process is to integrate your human resource plan with your organisational strategy.

To know more about Human Resource Management visit:


a child with myelomeningocele and a history of hydrocephalus begins to exhibit irritability, lethargy, and vomiting. which of the following is the most likely cause of these symptoms?


Myelomeningocele is a complication of spina bifida. When a baby's spine (backbone) does not develop normally while the mother is pregnant, this condition is known as spina bifida.

The newborn's spine has a gap in the bones. Spinal fluid, a part of the spinal cord, and its meningeal covering are all included in a myelomeningocele.
Through the skin and spinal space, it pushes through. On the infant's back, it may be seen. Spina bifida of all forms develops during the first month of pregnancy. The spinal cord of a foetus is initially flat. The neural tube is formed when it shuts.
Spina bifida is present at birth in the infant if this tube does not completely seal. A sac containing meninges, spinal fluid, and a portion of the spinal cord pushes through the skin and spinal canal in myelomeningocele.
Why some infants develop a myelomeningocele is unknown. It may occur if a woman does not consume enough folic acid in the first trimester of her pregnancy.

Learn more about pregnancy here:


All of the following apply to humans and natural hazards EXCEPT…

A. Humans generally avoid settling in areas where natural hazards are prevalent

B. Human behavior can make natural hazards worse by impacting the environment

C. Experts and human geographers work to minimize the impact of disasters through urban planning

D. Geospatial technology can be utilized to predict trends for natural hazards


All of the following apply to humans and natural hazards EXCEPT Humans generally avoid settling in areas where natural hazards are prevalent.

Hence, Option A is correct

A hazard is a perilous event, thing, thing people do, or thing humans are. It could result in environmental harm, social unrest, economic disruption, loss of life, injury or other health effects, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, or loss of life. For instance, something that could explode would be categorized as both a physical and a fire hazard. By classifying hazards correctly, you can make sure that everyone in the area is aware of the risk and understands how to respond to it safely. The following are some typical safety risks: hazards for tripping and slipping, such as liquid spills, cords running across the floor, and blocked aisles. working from a roof, a scaffold, a ladder, or any other elevated work surface.

To know more about hazards here


which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of hom*ogamy? group of answer choices marla marries her childhood sweetheart xavier. selene marries her sister's best friend adrian. kim marries han who is from the same social class as kim. jane marries mark who is five years older than her.


The following scenarios best illustrates the concept of hom*ogamy is-

Kim marries Han who is from the same social class as Kim.

In this case, Option D is correct

In biology, the term "hom*ogamy" has four distinct meanings:hom*ogamy is another name for inbreeding.hom*ogamy, which is the opposite of dichogamy, is defined as the simultaneous or synchronous hermaphrodism of the maturation of the male and female reproductive organs (of plants). Although many flowers seem to be hom*ogamous, some of these may not be strictly functionally hom*ogamous because male and female reproduction do not always coincide. The florets that make up the flower heads in the daisy family are numerous and either hom*ogamous or heterogamous. Ray florets near the edge and disk florets in the center make up the two types of florets found in heterogamous heads. hom*ogamous heads are constructed from

To know more about hom*ogamy here


A doctor was banned from practicing medicine because he consistently prescribed unnecessary procedures. This doctor violated ________.
A) professional ethics
B) the justice model of ethics
C) individual ethics
D) the utilitarian model of ethics


A doctor was banned from practicing medicine because he consistently prescribed unnecessary procedures. This doctor violated professional ethics.

What does "professional ethics" mean?

Professional ethics offer guidelines for how one should behave toward other individuals and institutions in such a setting, much like values do. The personal and organisational standards of conduct that are expected of professionals are included in professional ethics. Professionalism was originally used to describe religious order vows. These typically include decency, reliability, openness, responsibility, discretion, objectivity, respect, compliance with the law, and loyalty. Professional ethics are values that guide how an individual or group behaves in a professional setting.

To know more about professional ethics visit:


TRUE/FALSE. The social definitions of race and ethnicity affect a person's place and status in a stratification system.


The social definitions of race and ethnicity affect a person's place and status in a stratification system. The statement is True.

Characterizing individuals into bunches as per various arrangements of actual characteristics and the method involved with giving those gatherings social importance are both covered by the expression "race." Language, lineage, religion, and customs are all essential for the ethnic culture of a specific geographic region.

Interactional examples among races and identities, for example, scapegoating, migration, expansionism, osmosis, mix, and pluralism.

We allude to race as a social develop since it is a grouping plan that individuals made. Despite the fact that it was created to distinguish actual contrasts between individuals, it is presently more habitually utilized as a weapon of mistreatment and viciousness.

Know more about Race and Ethincity -


the average life expectancy after age 65 is soaring, putting pressure on the social security administration's resources. according to the social security trustees, the average life expectancy after age 65 is given by


According to question, the social security trustees, the average life expectancy after age 65 is given by L(t) = 0.056t + 18.1 ( 7 ≥ t ≥ 0 ) .

The average death age worldwide is a few years lower, at 69.8 years for men and 74.9 years for women. In the European Union, they are 77.8 and 83.3 years old, respectively. The number of births and deaths per 1,000 persons are used to indicate the birth and death rates for a year. The table contains the verified information for the year 2020.

In 2022, the life expectancy for men born in Lesotho will be the lowest in the entire world. The life expectancy for women born here is also very low. Only 56 years are lived on average by women. In 2022, girls born in Nigeria had the lowest life expectancy in the world, at just 54 years.

To know more about average life expectancy visit :


Which of the following arguments would conflict theorist make about the work wives have historically done at home without pay ?


It has allowed employers to pay men less. It conflict theorist make about the work wives or housewives have historically done at home without pay.

It is very important to know that work wives or housewives have always done household as well as earning outside the walls of the house whereas it is considered that a man is considered only to earn and feed the family. In recent research, it has been noticed that men do the household work like cooking, cleaning etc. but only when they are paid highly which makes it quite discriminated on the housewives' side.

To know more about Housewives and household work, visit:


As emphasized in the required materials in week1, two central themes that help archaeologists explain the past are __________ and ________.Choose matching definitionO ecology, evolutionO history, evolutionO pedology, geographyO art, history


Ecology and evolution are the two main concepts that aid in the explanation of the past by archaeologists.

Ecology is the study of the interactions between living things and their surroundings, whereas evolution is the process of change in a population's hereditary traits over time.

Ecology and evolution, the study of interactions between living things and their environments and the process of change in the hereditary traits of a population over consecutive generations, respectively, are the two major concepts that aid archaeologists in explaining the past.

Ecology is the study of how living things including people relate to their natural surroundings. In ecology, organisms are taken into account at the level of the individual, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere.

For such more question on Ecology


As emphasized in the required materials in week 1, two central themes that help archaeologists explain the past are Ecology and Evolution.

Evolution is an exchange of the heritable characteristics of organic populations over successive generations. those traits are the expressions of genes, that are handed on from parent to offspring all through duplicate. the variant has a tendency to exist within any given populace as a result of genetic mutation and recombination.

Evolution occurs when evolutionary processes including herbal choice (inclusive of sexual selection) and genetic float act on this alteration, resulting in positive characteristics becoming more commonplace or extra rare within a populace. The evolutionary pressures that decide whether or not a function is not unusual or uncommon within a population continuously exchange, ensuing in a trade-in of heritable characteristics springing up over successive generations. it's far this system of evolution that has given an upward push to biodiversity at every level of the biological corporation, which includes the degrees of species, individual organisms, and molecules.

To learn more about Evolution visit here:


who among the following individuals achieved intergenerational mobility? group of answer choices diana, whose father was a sanitation worker and earned very little but provided enough resources for diana to complete her medical degree and become a cardiologist, which allowed her to move from the working class to the upper-middle class george, who started work in an automobile manufacturing company as an assembly-line worker who earned very little but got several promotions to become the chief executive officer of the company, which allowed him to move from the working class to the upper class brady, who began work as a sales clerk in a small grocery store but gradually bought several stores and became the owner of a large retail store chain, which allowed him to move from the middle class to the upper class fiona, whose father was a wealthy businessman and named fiona as his successor, which allowed her to maintain her lifestyle and her upper-class status


Diana's father was a sanitation worker who made very little money, yet he gave her enough money to finish school and train to be a cardiologist.

What do you mean by intergenerational social mobility?

Intergenerational social mobility is the process by which the socioeconomic level of one generation of parents affects the status that their offspring will achieve as adults. Or, to put it another way, mobility refers to how far people advance (or decline) along the social spectrum from their parents.

How is intergenerational mobility determined?

A. The scope of opportunities available in society

B. The rate of economic expansion and the corresponding shift in the occupational structure.

To know more about Intergenerational Mobility visit:


Tell me about a choice that you made yesterday.
What was the opportunity cost of that choice?
Give me one additional trade offs.



i made really good choice


whites intimidated african americans in the united states through __, which refers to a killing carried out by a group of vigilantes seeking revenge for an actual or imagined crime by the victim.


Through lynching, which is defined as a murder committed by a mob of vigilantes seeking retribution for an actual or imagined offense committed by the victim, whites frightened African Americans in the United States.

Lynches are what?

Lynching is the term used to describe the public execution of a person without due process. Police officers did participate in these executions, which were frequently carried out by unruly mobs under the guise of enforcing the law.

Lynchings were brutal public crimes carried out by white people in the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly in the South, with the intention of terrorizing and enslaving Black people. Lynchings were commonly associated with the hanging of Black people from trees, but they also frequently involved additional severe atrocities, such as torture, mutilation, decapitation, and degradation. Burn injuries were sustained by some victims.

In a typical lynching, the victim was seized, brutalized, and finally killed after being accused of a crime, being arrested, and being surrounded by a mob. Lynchings were usually seen by the general public as occasions where the white community celebrated its power. Postcards featuring pictures of lynchings were commonly for sale.

Learn more about lynching:


threat assessment refers to a____multidisciplinary approach designed to identify and intervene with individuals who pose a risk of engaging in targeted violence, regardless of motive, target or weapon used.


Threat assessment refers to defensive multidisciplinary approach designed to identify and intervene with individuals who pose a risk of engaging in targeted violence, regardless of motive, target or weapon used.

A threat assessment has what objective?

Identifying, inquiring into, evaluating, and managing potentially dangerous or violent situations is the goal of the fact-based, methodical threat assessment approach. Finding the difference between a danger that is MADE and one that is POSED is a crucial objective.

Why is a threat risk assessment important?

Risk analysis must include the threat assessment process. Threat assessment assists you in avoiding devoting resources for threats that are less likely to materialize and have less of an impact by letting you know what is most likely to happen.

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bob, an art dealer, is writing a post for his own professional blog. his latest blog post is about a new mixed-media artist who will soon have a show at bob's gallery. which of the following should bob be sure to include in his post to enhance his credibility? (choose every correct answer.)


The points which he should include are Bob should provide the information about artist and the show at beginning and Bob should provide hyperlinks to provide the additional information on artist.

What is information?

Anything with the capacity to inform is considered information, which is a vague term. The perception of what can be sensed at the most fundamental level is related to information. Any naturally occurring phenomenon that is not completely random and any clearly observable pattern in any medium can both be regarded as communicating some level of information. Not knowledge itself, but the meaning that may be extrapolated from a representation through interpretation, is information. Iterative processing of information is the process of converting data into information that may be studied and processed later. Symbols, letters, numbers, or other types of information that are available at the next level up can be converted from bits in a digital signal.

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TRUE OR FALSE accounts of how other organizations have handled change can be a rich source of ideas that can be adapted creatively to address similar problems in other settings.


Accounts of how other organizations have handled change can be a rich source of ideas that can be adapted creatively to address similar problems in other settings.

The following statement is true.

Almost every company will go through a transition or shift at some time in order to remain viable and expand. Whether it's onboarding new staff, expanding a department, or combining with another firm, these changes may have a huge influence on your organization's trajectory.

Unfortunately, organisational change is not always simple to adjust to, and it may be frightening for all team members who are affected by it.

As a manager in charge of managing organisational change or helping your staff through it, it's critical to understand the process and what to expect. Change, while difficult, may be a significant opportunity for growth and professional progress if approached correctly.

For more questions on Organisational Management


The statement is True. Other organizations that have handled change can be a rich source of ideas that can be adapted creatively to address similar problems in other settings.

Creativity is a phenomenon wherein something new and treasured is shaped. The created item can be intangible (including an idea, a systematic principle, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical item (including an invention, a published literary painting, or a painting).

The ability to make or otherwise convey into existence something new, whether or not a brand new method to trouble, a new technique or tool, or a brand new artistic object or form. An innovative idea is an overarching “massive concept” that captures the target market's interest, influences their emotional response, and inspires them to take action. it is a unifying topic that can be used throughout all marketing campaign messages, calls to motion, communique channels, and audiences.

To learn more about Creative visit here:


fill in the blank. research indicates that employees who do volunteer work for a nonprofit or charitable organization with the encouragement of their employer have a deeper sense of ___commitment.


According to a study, employees who volunteer for a charity or philanthropic organization with the backing of their employer report feeling more affective commitmentto their work.

What is the affective commitment?

An employee's perceived emotional relationship with their company is referred to as their "affective commitment."

When an employee feels that the company's mission aligns with their personal values and goals and when they feel at home in the workplace, this is when effective commitment is found.

An individual's emotional connection to the organization is known as affective commitment.

The sense of moral duty a person has to stick with the organization is reflected in their normative commitment.

Contrarily, a continuity commitment is predicated on the person understanding the costs of leaving the organization.

According to research, employees who volunteer for a charity or philanthropic organization with the support of their employer feel more emotionally committed to their work.

Therefore, according to a study, employees who volunteer for a charity or philanthropic organization with the backing of their employer report feeling more affective commitmentto their work.

Know more about the commitment here:


How are Canada’s settlement patterns similar to those of the United States?


Answer: Most Canadians live in urban areas as do most Americans.


in response to multiple complaints we received under the us digital millennium copyright act, we have removed 2 results from this page. if you wish, you may read the dmca complaints that caused the removals at


Service providers (ISPs) and internet platforms are required to promptly delete content that violates a copyright under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). However, not every DMCA takedown is legal.

How should I respond to a DMCA notice?

Review and verify the claimed copyright infringement indicated on the takedown notice after receiving a DMCA notification, either directly or via your ISP. You should remove the detected item if you can verify that there is a copyright violation.

Why was the DMCA removed?

When content is taken down at the demand of the content owner under the DMCA, it is done so from a website or other online platform. An established and widely used internet standard is the DMCA Takedown.

To know more about DMCA, visit:


priscilla was complaining to her friends at work about how much time she was spending trying to keep her house looking good in the springtime. basically, her issues were about


The issues of Priscilla were mainly related to non financial costs which she had to spend in maintaining the cleanliness of her house during springtime.

In spring time, there is high rate of leaves falling down and they being spread all over in the balconies and also coming inside the room is quite normal. In such cases, there is need to take care that windows remain closed whenever there is high wind flow and also one must keep the cleaning routine in every alternate days. This will help her keep the house clean without giving extra efforts. Non financial costs includes all the efforts, physical hard work, and time invested in doing some activity or work. This does not involve any monetary exchange and are generally personally related to the owner/ bearer.

Learn more about non financial costs at:


the central motif in the decoration of the interior of the dome of the taj mahal is . the sun (light) the moon death sexuality


The central motif in the decoration of the interior of the dome of the Taj Mahal is the sun (light).

Sunlight is a type of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun, specifically infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. When the Sun is above the horizon, sunlight is scattered and filtered through the Earth's atmosphere and appears as daylight.

Sunlight, a combination of bright light and radiant heat, is experienced when direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds. Sunlight is diffused when it is blocked by clouds or reflected off other objects. According to sources, a global average of 164 watts to 340 watts per square meter over a 24-hour day;NASA estimates this figure to be about a quarter of Earth's average total solar irradiance.

Learn more about taj mahal


Full Question :The central motif in the decoration of the interior of the dome of the Taj Mahal is _____.

the sun (light),

the moon,



which of the following are at stake in the statements and actions of business professionals on social media?


The following are at stake in the statements and actions of business professionals on social media -

employee personal standingemployer reputation.

Social media are intelligent advances that work with the creation and sharing of data, thoughts, interests, and different types of articulation through virtual networks and organizations. While difficulties to the meaning of web-based entertainment emerge because of the range of independent and implicit online entertainment benefits as of now accessible, there are a few normal elements:

Virtual entertainment are intelligent Web 2.0 Web based applications.

Users produced content —, for example, text posts or remarks, advanced photographs or recordings, and information created through every single web-based association — is the backbone of virtual entertainment.

Users make administration explicit profiles for the site or application that are planned and kept up with by the virtual entertainment association.

Virtual entertainment helps the improvement of online informal communities by interfacing a client's profile with those of others or gatherings

Know more about Social Media -


Complete Question -
which of the following are at stake in the statements and actions of business professionals on social media?

employee personal standingemployer reputation.employee hiring

since the renaissance, the western world has promoted the idea of the lone individual expressing creative genius. despite this, the following artists do/did not work alone:


The artists who do not work alone are, A majority of artists whoworked before the Renaissance,Jeff Koons, Katsushika Hokusai, and many other renaissance artist.

All of the arts have new topics and methods because to Renaissance humanism. Consequently, themes and motifs from classical literature and mythology were eventually referenced in painting, sculptures, the poetry, cultural studies, social tracts, and philosophical studies. The ideas of aesthetic beauty and geometric proportions historically offered by classical thinkers like Vitruvius were advanced by Renaissance humanism, which also added a foundation of ideal form and intellect established by philosophers like Plato and Socrates. In order to create illusionary space and new genres, such as frontal portraiture, self-portraiture, and landscape, the Renaissance Humanist artists invented innovative artistic techniques, such as one point linear perspective, trompe l'oeil, and chiaroscuro.

Learn more about Renaissance here


Witnesses who have been granted ______ cannot refuse to answer questions on the basis of self-incrimination.
A) money B) clearance C) witness protection D) immunity


D) Witnesses who have been granted immunity cannot refuse to answer questions on the basis of self-incrimination.

How does the right not to be incriminated by oneself relate to immunity?

In this essay, we emphasize the immunity from prosecution and the law of self-incrimination. A person is shielded from being forced to testify against himself under the fifth amendment's self-incrimination exemption clause.

We have a defense against self-incrimination for what reason?

The fundamental goals of the privilege against self-incrimination are not to protect the innocent from being found guilty but rather to maintain the integrity of a legal system where even the guilty are not to be found guilty until the prosecution bears the entire burden.

To learn more about self-incrimination here:


which of the following is thought to have the most significant impact on population health outcomes?


Socioeconomic status is thought to have the most significant impact on population health outcomes.

The non-medical elements that affect health outcomes are referred to as social determinants of health (SDH). In addition to the larger group of factors and systems influencing the conditions of daily life, these are the circ*mstances in which people are born, develop, work, live, and age. These factors and systems include political systems, societal norms, social policies, economic policies and systems, and development objectives.

According to research, social determinants of health may have a greater impact on an individual's health than medical treatment or lifestyle decisions. For instance, a number of research indicate that SDH may be responsible for between 30 and 55% of health outcomes. Estimates also indicate that the contribution of non-health sectors to population health outcomes is greater than the contribution of the health sector.

To learn more about social determinants of health, click at:


According to GAAP, interest cost incurred to finance construction of an asset must be capitalized in which of the following situations? a. when the asset is inventory that is routinely manufactured in large quantities on a repetitive basis b. when an asset is used in other than the earning activities of the firm c. when an asset is ready for its intended use d. when an asset is being constructed for a firm's own use


According to GAAP, interest cost incurred to finance construction of an asset must be capitalized when an asset is being constructed for a firm's own use.

GAAP: What Is It?

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission adopted the accounting standard known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, which is the standard that businesses with U.S. headquarters employ by default.

The set of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP, sometimes known as US GAAP) is a body of standards and accounting procedures used in financial reporting. In order to prepare their financial statements and other accounting disclosures, businesses must follow a set of procedures and rules known as GAAP. Because it contributes to preserving market confidence, GAAP is crucial. If GAAP didn't exist, investors would be less inclined to believe the accuracy of the information corporations offered to them.

To know more about GAAP visit:


the narrator suggests that agreeing with touchwood on a given subject is a way to:
(a): achieve a kind of victory over him
(b): change his grouchiness to good humor
(c): earn his grudging intellectual respect
(d): throw him into confusion and embarrassment
(e): cause him to alter his original approach


The narrator suggests that agreeing with touchwood on a given subject is a way to cause him to alter his original approach .

Option e is correct .

In "Only Temper" by George Eliot, Touchwood is characterized as a man who enjoys conflict. Nobody else seems to be able to anticipate his mood. Touchwood will treat them as though they are the most obnoxious individuals on Earth whenever they believe they are on good terms with him.

Most individuals would be content if someone shared their viewpoints. Not Touchwood, though. He quickly abandons his first strategy in an effort to disprove the similarity of his and that person's thinking. After reading the George Eliot text, we may infer that the narrator implies that supporting the viewpoint of the character Touchwood on a particular issue .

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.