What Are 2 Themes In The Short Story "Freeing The Pike" By Richard Wagamese? (2024)

English High School


Answer 1


‘Beauty and Brutality of Nature’, ‘Reminiscence of Childhood’, and ‘Inborn instincts’ are the major themes present in the poem Pike.


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Jonathan lives together with his family in a small cottage in the
countryside. Every day after school he (1)
(run) home as quickly as possible to play with his dog Flip who he
(get) for his last birthday. They
immediately (3)
(like) each other and (4)
(be) inseparable ever since. And here he
comes - Jonathan, carrying his schoolbag and grinning broadly. He



1. runs

2. got

3. liked

4. became

The correct response is - 1. runs, 2. got, 3. liked, and 4. became.

What is a Cottage?

During the feudal era in England, a cottager had a modest dwelling with a garden large enough to sustain a family, and in exchange for the cottage, the cottager was required to do some type of work for the manorial lord. However, over time, the term "cottage" simply evolved to refer to a modest residence in general.

The main distinction between a bungalow and a cottage is that the latter always has one story. Cottages, on the other hand, are two stories tall and have other architectural characteristics that distinguish them from other types of structures.

The contemporary cottage style respects the vintage vibe while incorporating contemporary accents like gloomy paint hues, repurposed wood furniture, and chunky fabrics. When it comes to everything, the aim is always comfort.

To read more about Cottage, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/20212329


Which sentence best introduces a precise claim for this topic?


According to the information in the text, it can be inferred that the sentence that best introduces the text is that jazz music has a rich and lively history that helps shape what it is today (option B).

What is the text talking about?

The text is a brief summary of the history of Jazz and how it has evolved over time, standing out as a genre in which improvisation allowed the development of new sounds over time.

Based on the above, it can be inferred that the sentence that best introduces the text is that jazz music has a rich and lively history that helps shape the way it is today (option b) because it includes a general idea of jazz music.

Note: This question is incomplete because there are some information missing. Here is the missing information.

Estefani is writing a paper about the history of jazz music.

Which sentence best introduces a precise claim for this topic?

The music we know today as jazz started over 100 years ago in New Orleans, Louisiana. While jazz has changed a lot since then, the main idea is the same. The musician inust know how to improvise. It takes a lot of practice to be able to do this. When jazz first started it was a blend of blues, ragtime, and marching band music. Musicians, many of whom did not read music very well, played familiar songs for people to enjoy. People listened to music as a daily part of their lives. Songs were played at town events, family picnics and even at funerals. As these songs were played the musicians would improvise by adding extra notes or changing the rhythm. These impromptu changes allowed the music to evolve as more musicians performed it.

a) jazz music have always adapted different songs in order to appeal to their audience

b) jazz music has a rich and baited history that helps shape the way it is today

c) jazz grew out of other musical traditions but hasn't influenc genres along the way

d) jazz music is important to many different people for different reasons​

Learn more about jazz in: https://brainly.com/question/27505438

Which statement best describes Wiesel's use of a rhetorical device?
OA. Wiesel uses alliteration in order to help his audience better
remember the information he has presented.
OB. Wiesel uses rhetorical questions to end his speech in order to
encourage the audience to think further about his ideas.
OC. Wiesel uses a logical appeal in order to ask his audience to
consider the validity of the facts and statistics he has presented.
OD. Wiesel uses repetition in order to underscore the importance of his
words and get the audience excited about his ideas.


The statement that best describes Wiesel's use of a rhetorical device is as follows:

Wiesel uses rhetorical questions to end his speech in order to encourage the audience to think further about his ideas.

Thus, the correct option is B.

What is a Rhetorical device?

A rhetorical device may be defined as a kind of allegorical language employed by article authors to stimulate an emotional response in order to influence the audience.

According to the context of this question, Wiesel employs rhetorical devices to produce people to believe in what humanity has accomplished and what can be done in tomorrow by not being apathetic because lethargy supports the oppressors.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Rhetorical devices, refer to the link;



Read the passage.

Javier loved playing tricks on his older sister, Dina. One afternoon, he heard Dina come into the house after her soccer game. He quickly hid in the hallway closet, planning to jump out and scare her as she walked by. But instead of taking the hallway to her room, Dina stopped in the kitchen to talk with their mom. The two began an animated discussion about a big party they were planning for Javier. All his friends would be there, and all his favorite foods would be served. The women had no idea Javier was listening. And Javier’s desire to play a joke on his sister turned into a ruined surprise.

Which technique does the author use in telling this story?

A. verbal irony

B. anecdote

C. allusion

D. dramatic

E. irony


The author presents an anecdote as shown in option B.

What is an anecdote?It's a short story.It's a short story with a funny ending.It's a story with comical traits.

The anecdote is a short story that promotes humor. The text presented above presents a small story of how Javier wanted to scare his sister, but had his plans frustrated while listening to the preparations for a surprise party.

The events in the story have a comic basis, with the aim of entertaining the reader. These are characteristics of the anecdote.

Learn more about anecdotes:



The discrepancy between what a character thinks and what the audience knows is called dramatic irony. Which of the following events in Antigone is an example of dramatic irony?
Creon blames the guard for burying Polyneices, whereas Antigone is actually the one who buries him according to the proper rites.
Ismene pleads with Antigone to accept Creon’s orders when Antigone tries to convince Ismene to aid her in burying Polyneices.
The chorus celebrates victory at the beginning of the play when one of the citizens of Thebes, Polyneices, has become a casualty of war.
Creon denies a hero’s burial to Polyneices, while he simultaneously grants Eteocles, Polyneices’s brother, a hero’s burial.


The events that is in Antigone is an example of dramatic irony is option D which is Creon denies a hero’s burial to Polyneices, while he simultaneously grants Eteocles, Polyneices’s brother, a hero’s burial.

What is dramatic irony?

Dramatic irony refer to a writer or speaker convey message to his audience which is opposite to his own original intentions.

Therefore, The events that is in Antigone is an example of dramatic irony is option D which is Creon denies a hero’s burial to Polyneices, while he simultaneously grants Eteocles, Polyneices’s brother, a hero’s burial.

Learn more dramatic irony below.



Consider the questions that came to mind when you first read excerpts from Eleanor Roosevelt’s speech “The Struggle for Human Rights.” List at least three to five questions about the speech that could help you interpret it during the next section of this lesson.


Some questions that came to mind based on Eleanor Roosevelt’s speech “The Struggle for Human Rights.” are:

Why was she trying to convince them to vote?How would this Declaration have an effect?Would she be successful?

What was Eleanor's speech about?

This refers to the speech made by Eleanor Roosevelt to the United Nations committee in order to convince them to vote for the Declaration of Human Rights.

Hence, we can see that the main country that she had in mind was the Soviet bloc as she was criticized for placing emphasis on individual rights over collective rights.

Read more about Eleanor Roosevelt here:



Look at your rough draft. Copy a paragraph that has mostly short simple sentences. Change your paragraph by combining two simple sentences into one. Underline your change. Explain if you will keep the change for your final essay and why or why not.


A good sample of how to combine simple sentences into one is:

I am working- Simple sentenceI will sleep- Simple sentenceI am working, and when I am done, I will sleep. One sentence.

What is a Revision?

This refers to the edition of a text in order to make it better, through the removal of obsolete details or through the addition of new information.

Hence, we can see that when making revisions for a written essay or work, it is important to keep the important details and eliminate the ones that contains errors to make it good and easy to read and understand.

Read more about revisions here:



what is another factor that had changed american identify





In addition to immigration, what is another factor that has changed American identify? The concept of an American identity has changed over time. Major events in US history have also had significant effects on American literature. When the colonists came to the New World from Europe, they began writing letters, essays, and articles that documented their daily experiences and hardships. For example, when slavery and the subsequent civil rights movement were pressing issues in society, many people wrote passionate letters, essays, poems, and biographies that expanded upon all sides of the topic.

Based on this excerpt, what can you infer about Jonathan Swift’s life? Swift’s birthdays were often depressing and lonely. Swift had a large family and tremendous wealth. Swift traveled widely, which is reflected in Gulliver’s Travels. Swift’s writings were connected to his desire to enter politics. Mark this and return


Based on the excerpt we can infer that Swift’s writings were connected to his desire to enter politics, as stated in option D and explained below.

What is an inference?

We call inference a conclusion made based on pieces of information. After reading the excerpt about Jonathan Swift's life, we can an inference about him.

The excerpt does not mention anything that can lead to inferences about Swift's birthdays, family, or travels. However, it does give us enough information to infer on his reasons for writing.

We can infer that Swift used his writings as a way to express his opinions and criticisms concerning politics. He wanted to be a politician himself but, unable to achieve that goal, used his talent as a writer to convey his political views.

With the information above in mind, we can choose option D as the correct answer.

The missing excerpt is the following:

Jonathan Swift was born on November 30, 1667, in Dublin, Ireland. Throughout his life, he tried to achieve political distinction in Ireland and the nearby country of England, but he was generally unsuccessful in his attempts. Swift did find success, however, in his writing. He wrote many books, essays, and pamphlets during his lifetime. Often, he used his writing to censure the individuals, society, and politics of his time.

One of Swift’s most famous literary works is the book Gulliver’s Travels, which he wrote as a travel narrative, a popular genre at the time it was published. By using the travel narrative genre, Swift was able to achieve his purposes while keeping them hidden. Why did Swift want to hide his purposes? It may be that he did not want people to know they were being educated and often mocked. If his audience had known, they may not have read his masterpiece, and Gulliver’s Travels would have been lost forever.

Learn more about inferences here:



She went to buy a gold ring (neg.)​



She didn't buy a gold ring.

What is one reason Heart of Darkness has been criticized as racist?
OA. The African characters all adopt English customs.
OB. The white characters all go insane.
OC. The white characters are all evil.
O D. The African characters are all flat.


The reason Heart of Darkness has been criticized as racist is that A. The African characters all adopt English customs.

The reason for the criticism.

In the story, the whiteness of Europeans was said to stand for civilization, and the darkness of Africa was said to be shown as savagery. This reason made a lot of critics criticize the fact that Africans were not considered human.

Hence, we can see that the story visualized African culture as barbaric which was the greatest reason for critics considering the piece racist as the African characters all adopted the English customs.

Read more about racist here:



How does the poet's use of puns, or words with multiple interpretations, contribute to the poem's meaning?


The poet used puns or words with various kinds of meaning to give the poem a humorous tone.

What is a Pun?

A pun is a joke that uses one word that has at least two meanings. It may also stem from the use of words that sound alike but have different interpretations.

To make the poem seem hilarious, the author employed puns or phrases with many meanings.The love lives of two goldfish in a bowl is the main subject. At first, their love was strong, but it soon started to wane.This is due to the male fish's assurance to the female fish that bringing them to the sea would be difficult.

Full question

How does the poet’s use of puns, or words with multiple interpretations, contribute to the poem’s meaning? (Love Song, with Two Gold Fish)

Learn more about puns at;


Select the correct answer.
When choosing a time and place for working out problems, you should pick:
O B.
Somewhere busy where you can only stay for a short amount of time
Somewhere free of distractions at a time where you won't feel rushed
Somewhere close at a time when you have plenty of things to do
O D. Somewhere entertaining when lots of other people will be there



See Below:


Somewhere free of distractions at a time where you won't feel rushed.

Stay cool.<3

Which noun complement follows a linking ver and remames the subject?

A: predicate nominative
B: direct object
C: indirect object
D: object of preposition


The noun that complement follows a linking verb and renames the subject is: predicate nominative. (Option A)

What is a linking verb?

A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject to the phrase or word that describes it.

Examples are:

Are - My favorite subjects are English and Business administrationLook - You look great.

Learn more bout linking verbs at;

I need help ASAP
This is for a grade​



the answer is C


personification is when you give human qualities to inanimate objects and on a normal day poems don't have manners so the answer is C

How does these text feature enhance the information


Wheels of Change is a book on liberation, empowerment, and freedom by Sue Macy. The text feature enhances the idea by emphasizing that women were bicycle designers. Thus, option D is correct.

What is the idea of Wheels of Change?

The complete question is attached to the image below.

Wheels of Change is a book that shows woman history and how they were controlled by the men of the society where they had no freedom to decide what to wear, where to go, what to ride, etc.

The text emphasizes on the innovator side of the women as they invented and designed an improved lock mechanism to prevent the theft of bicycles.

Therefore, the text emphasizes the innovative side of the woman.

Learn more about Wheels of Change here:



Begin a story with we set off early in the morning




we set off early in the morning bags packed and ready to go. I feel like I forget something but I move past it. We all get in the car and I put in my headphones, start listening to some music, and see my parents talking about something boring. My siblings watching movies, listening to music, reading,etc. Then it jumps into my head I forgot the snacks. I hope nobody will notice until about 10 minutes later I hear an "im hungry" from my younger sister. I pretend not to hear her. My dad turns to me and asks to hand my sister the snack bag but I lie and say it wasnt my job to grab it. And problem solved. Then found out about 5 minutes of arguing later I really wasnt supposed to bring the snack bag. It was my dads job.

We set off early in the morning, the pale blue sky complemented the sandy shores.. the brisk breeze of the air filled my lungs with hope. Hope for a better life a better future for us.. "Welp the car's all packed up, you ready to leave yet?" said Zian "Oh I- I didn't realize we'd be leaving so soon" "I thought maybe I could just say bye to the kids and my mom" I said while holding back the tears "Yea yea, Of course, take your time"

As I went to their graves I remembered all the good memories I had with them, the laughter of Sam and Dylan in morning playing tag whilst getting ready for school, the wise advice I would hear every time Liam would hit us, the family beach vacations we all enjoyed... It had been 3 months since the car accident happened.. Liam and I got into a huge fight and the kids were trying to defend me from Liam.. he lost control and I lost all three of them that day.....

not too soon after mom got diagnosed with lung cancer... only the doctors said the cancer was too strong and had already been spreading, so there was nothing they could really do aside from just telling her to say goodbye to her loved ones...she soon died only a couple days after

Zian, Becca, and I were devasted only I knew, that was only the beginning of my suffering.....



Lily- Antagonist

Zian- Eldest Brother of Lily

Becca- Little sister of Lily

Sam- Daughter of Lily

Dylan- Son of Lily

Liam- Abusive/drug addict/unstable husband of Lily

Percilla- Mother of Lily

Where does this paragraph belong in an essay


The first paragraph of an essay belongs in the introduction of the essay.

What is an essay?

It should be noted that an essay is a short piece of writing that outlines the perspective of a writer.

In this case, the introduction belongs in the first paragraph of an essay. The other parts of the essay include the body and the conclusion.

The complete question is:

The first paragraph of an essay gets the readers attention and develop the basic ideas in the essay.

Where does this paragraph belong in an essay?

Learn more about essay on:



Which one is the odd one out + explain


d. Everything is a noun except “announced”
f. Everything can only be referred to by humans expect for “couples”
g. Everything but “stalls” are forms of entertainment

Hope this helped :)

The purpose of the use of second person in this passage is to...

Select one:
a. create a clear connection between the author and the reader.
b. describe the event so that the reader can imagine it clearly.
c. connect the reader to an activity about which he or she might not have personal experience.
d. to emphasize the danger that Krakauer experienced on that trip.


The purpose of the use of the second person in this passage is to:

C. Connect the reader to an activity about which he or she might not have personal experience.

What was the second person used?

In this text, the use of the second person, "you," was aimed at getting the reader involved in the activities.

Even though they may not have personally experienced those events, the reference to the word, "you," will make them feel involved in it.

Learn more about the second person here:



The difference between a paraphrase and a quotation is that
• A) A paraphrase is much shorter than the original work but a quotation is the same length.
• B)
You don't have to give credit when you paraphrase but you do with a quotation.
You have to put quotation marks around a paraphrase but not a quotation.
D) You use your own words to restate the ideas of the original in a paraphrase, but in a quotation you use the exact words.


The difference between a paraphrase and a quotation is that you use your own words to restate the ideas of the original in a paraphrase, but in a quotation you use the exact words.

What is quotation?

Quotation means extracting words from the source and using four to five words from the source exactly the same.

For example, taking a sentence from the source same as written in the source and quoted it in your writing.

Thus, the correct option is D)

Learn more about quotation



what are two questions a reader should ask when analyzing how an author develops the central idea in an informational text?



thin and thick questions

Read the paragraph. volunteering at the animal shelter in my neighborhood has been a very rewarding experience. i started volunteering with a good friend of mine during summer vacation last year. volunteering at the shelter is a lot of hard work, and it isn’t always fun. volunteers spend a lot of time cleaning out cages. what does the gerund phrase "volunteering at the animal shelter" contribute to the text? the phrase conveys significant interest and variety. the phrase adds a specific detail about time and place. the phrase acts as a noun that is the subject of the sentence. the phrase adds more details by providing a direct object.


The gerund phrase "volunteering at the animal shelter" contribute to the text that the phrase acts as a noun that is the subject of the sentence.

"Volunteering at the animal shelter in my neighborhood" is a gerund phrase as It begins with a gerund, and includes others modifiers and objects, and gerund phrases always work as nouns. Therefore, the phrase in the excerpt works as a noun and at the same time also it works as the subject of the sentence.

Hence, the correct answer is option C: The phrase acts as a noun that is the subject of the sentence.

Learn more about volunteering at the animal shelter on https://brainly.com/question/27106466



The phrase acts as a noun that is the subject of the sentence.


The answer above is correct.

Read this excerpt from Rudolfo Anaya’s essay “Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry.”

Tortillas and poetry. They go hand in hand. Books nourish the spirit, bread nourishes our bodies. Our distinct cultures nourish each one of us, and as we know more and more about the art and literature of the different cultures, we become freer and freer. . . .

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like to sample different ethnic foods, the breads of many many groups; just as many of us enjoy sampling books from different areas of the world. I travel to foreign countries, and I know more about myself as I learn more about my fellow human beings. Censorship imposes itself in my path of knowledge, and that activity can be justified by no one.

Which of these changes would make this excerpt more argumentative?:

a. using words that affect the audience’s sense of trust
b. using less repetition of certain words and phrases
c. including words that address logic and reason
d. including words that are charged with emotion


The change that would make the excerpt more argumentative is "including words that address logic and reason," as stated in option C and explained below.

What does argumentative mean?

A say a text is argumentative when it aims to defend and support the author's opinion or view about a certain topic. The excerpt from “Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry” that we are analyzing here does defend an opinion, but in quite a lighthearted way.

The author already employs words that evoke emotions and affect trust. He does not use much repetition, which means that, to make the excerpt more argumentative, the best change would be to use words that address logic and reason.

By appealing to logic, the author would be able to support his opinion and persuade readers to join him. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about argumentative texts here:



how lexical and gramatical items are used in jamaican fragment​



give a brief character sketch mrs Fitzgerald

The raven by edgar allan poe what is the first question the speaker ask the sven


The first question the speaker in "The Raven" asks the raven is its name, as seen in the line "Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”

The speaker and the raven

In the poem "The Raven," by Edgar Allan Poe, the speaker has lost the woman he loved. At a dark night, he is visited by a raven, who flies into his room.

The speaker then begins to talk to the raven, asking it questions. The very first question the speaker asks is the raven's name, as seen in the line below:

"Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”

With the information above in mind, we can choose the last answer choice as the correct answer.

The complete question with the missing answer choices is the following:

In “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, the speaker grows curious and asks the raven an initial question. What is the first question the speaker asks the raven?

He asks if he will see Lenore in heaven.He asks from where the raven came.He asks if the raven has seen Lenore.He asks the raven its name.

Learn more about "The Raven" here:



What do you need to do after you introduce a supporting detail in your writing?



You should include why you have that idea as part of your writing with facts or statistics to support your main point. :)


Here is an example :)

Main point: Dogs are better pets than cats

Supporting detail: Dogs will want to make you feel happy where cats don't really care how you feel.

Supporting fact: A study conducted by Department of Psychology at St. Bonaventure University reported that dog owners laughed more than cat owners.

Have an amazing day!!

Please rate and mark brainliest!!

Which sentence uses dashes correctly
A. The Students went on the field trip the next day and-had a great time.
B. After discovering the errors in her writing-all nine of them-she corrected her work.
C. When the man found out the truth-he was upset-and walked away.
D. The dog chased the squirrel all the way-down the block


The answer is D. Be abuse if the combined word (way-down)

Answer: THE ANSWER IS B he is wrong


3.13 human kindness 6 trust

How does Fitzgerald use setting in the exposition in this passage?


Fitzgerald uses setting in the exposition in this passage by creating atmosphere and establishing geographic context.

What is the context?

The environment in which writing is situated is known as context. The message of context is to give meaning and clarity.

A literary work's context hints to build a rapport between author and reader and help the reader comprehend the purpose of the writing and direction the reader in a better manner.

Fitzgerald uses setting in creating the atmosphere and establishes the geographical context to suggest the conflicts in the excerpt.

Learn more about exposition, here:



Explain in 25 to 50 words how talking with another person helped you develop a better understanding of the author’s claims.


Talking with another person helped you develop a better understanding of the author’s claims as both parties can share their opinions.

What is a claim?

It should be noted that a claim simply means the stance or perspective of an author regarding a literary work.

The author's claim is the honorable presentation of an author that he makes in his writing.

In this case, talking with another person helped you develop a better understanding of the author’s claims as both parties can share their opinions.

Learn more about author’s claims on:



What Are 2 Themes In The Short Story "Freeing The Pike" By Richard Wagamese? (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.