What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (2024)

Last updated on Nov 16, 2023

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Media production is a dynamic and creative field that requires constant learning and adaptation. Whether you are a freelancer, a hobbyist, or a professional, you need to keep up with the latest skills and technologies to produce high-quality and engaging content. But how can you learn new media production skills and technologies effectively and efficiently? Here are some tips and strategies that can help you.

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  • omotunde akiode Screenwriter Supa Team 4, Kiya and the Kimoja Heroes, Development Exec, Story Editor, Repped by Hudson Agency, New…

    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (3) 5

  • Viktoriia Zhuhan Ukrainian journalist with bylines on BBC News, BBC World News, The Guardian, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Gazeta…

    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (5) What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (6) 5

  • Stefan LaToure, M.F.A. U.S. Air Force Veteran | Post Production Supervisor | Video Editor

    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (8) 5

What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (9) What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (10) What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (11)

1 Find your niche

The first step to learn new media production skills and technologies is to find your niche. What kind of media do you want to produce? What are your goals, interests, and passions? What are the current trends and demands in your market? Finding your niche will help you narrow down your focus, identify your target audience, and choose the most relevant and useful skills and technologies to learn. For example, if you want to produce podcasts, you might want to learn audio editing, recording, and distribution software and platforms.

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  • omotunde akiode Screenwriter Supa Team 4, Kiya and the Kimoja Heroes, Development Exec, Story Editor, Repped by Hudson Agency, New York. Netflix/Realness Institute DET
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    I'll suggest what has worked for me and most people I know: start from something you love and are passionate about. If you can find a way to incorporate new media and production skills and technologies with something you love, that will keep you going and engaged even when things get challenging and will reduce the chances of quitting along the way. That said, there is also the place discipline and not flinching at hurdles but instead, viewing them as challenges. Youtube is a great resource for learning and seeing how others on the same path have achieved things you may be struggling with.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (20) 5

  • Bill Rogers
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    There are numerous publications that offer on-going articles with tips and tricks for any level of proficiency. A majority of pubs are free…available with a quick search. There are multiple videos on YouTube covering startups to high end pros. So, even if you don’t know someone with the knowledge, it’s out there…in spades.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (29) What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (30) 7

  • Zach Houston Senior Production Coordinator at Bardel Entertainment
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    Listening to someone who knows the software/documents and sharing past experiences with you. Especially if the person has years in the workforce and shares with you how they deal with the material. Otherwise, learn on the job as you go. You pick up on the Production's habits and find a way to get it to run smoothly. As well, keep being open to learning something new. Every production you work on is different and some things on your current or past show may not work on the next.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (39) 5


2 Follow online courses

The second step to learn new media production skills and technologies is to follow online courses. Online courses are a convenient and affordable way to acquire new knowledge and skills from experts and instructors. You can find online courses on various topics and levels of difficulty, from basic to advanced, on platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare, Coursera, and Lynda. Online courses usually offer video lectures, assignments, quizzes, and feedback to help you learn and practice new media production skills and technologies. For example, if you want to learn video editing, you might want to follow an online course on Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro.

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  • Viktoriia Zhuhan Ukrainian journalist with bylines on BBC News, BBC World News, The Guardian, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Gazeta Wyborcza, and more. Worked in Ukraine, Poland, and Sweden and looking for new opportunities to grow!
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    Structured online courses are not just a great way to learn what you didn’t know, but also a great way to learn what you did know. Here’s what I mean and why it is important. In media production, we never come into learning new skill and technology completely from scratch. Publishing your Instagram story about a birthday cake you made is, actually, you demonstrating skills in media production you’ve learned at some point. So in online courses, you will be surprised to learn how much you already know and can do. That is both empowering and motivating, as well as makes learning something new less scary. You’re not diving into the abyss, you’re in a cosy and familiar place.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (48) What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (49) 5

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    Online courses can be a great source of information. Find one that covers the skill you want to learn and that is presented in a format that suits you. The advantage of online courses is that you can fit them in however and whenever you like, no matter how busy you are with other things!


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (58) 3


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3 Join online communities

The third step to learn new media production skills and technologies is to join online communities. Online communities are a great way to network, share, and learn from other media producers. You can find online communities on social media platforms, forums, blogs, podcasts, and newsletters that are related to your niche and interests. Online communities can help you discover new resources, tools, tips, and trends, as well as get feedback, support, and inspiration from other media producers. For example, if you want to learn graphic design, you might want to join an online community on Behance, Dribbble, or Reddit.

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  • Stefan LaToure, M.F.A. U.S. Air Force Veteran | Post Production Supervisor | Video Editor
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    Online communities not only allow you learn new media production skills, but also allow you to see when there are bugs in software, know what techniques actually work in the real world, and allow you to connect with people who are actually working in media production. It's a great networking tool!


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (67) 5

  • Viktoriia Zhuhan Ukrainian journalist with bylines on BBC News, BBC World News, The Guardian, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Gazeta Wyborcza, and more. Worked in Ukraine, Poland, and Sweden and looking for new opportunities to grow!
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    Use online communities to seek for a mentor. Developing a mentor-mentee relationship with another professional will help you effectively focus on a very specific personal learning journey and ensure you have someone to ask for feedback. I know that asking someone for help can feel threatening, but people love to be asked for advise! I’m saying this having mentored 5 colleagues in their journeys to mobile video editing and video presenting (including live broadcasts). In the process, they gained the skill and confidence in completely new work assignments, and I felt inspired and empowered and would go above and beyond to help them.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (76) 1


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4 Experiment with different tools

The fourth step to learn new media production skills and technologies is to experiment with different tools. Tools are the software, hardware, and equipment that you use to create and distribute your media content. Tools can help you enhance your creativity, productivity, and quality of your media production. However, tools can also be overwhelming and confusing, especially when there are so many options and features available. Therefore, it is important to experiment with different tools and find the ones that suit your needs, preferences, and budget. For example, if you want to learn animation, you might want to experiment with different tools such as Blender, After Effects, or Toon Boom.

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  • There is so much out there in terms of software and equipment! You might want to start off with what you've already got and experiment with that. Quite often you can find software ie for editing that is free or has a free trial period. I would suggest trying out a few to see which you find most intuitive for the way you work.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (85) 2

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    Media production’s dynamic nature means there’s always something new on the horizon. A key to mastery? Experimentation with Tools. Don’t tether yourself to just one software or device; diversify. Begin with Tool Exploration: Every month, set aside time to explore a new tool. Platforms like Adobe offer a suite of products – from video editing to sound design. Dive into trials or free versions to get a taste. Join Workshops & Webinars: Many companies offer free sessions showcasing their tools’ capabilities. Lastly, consider Tool Swap Sessions with peers. Exchange insights on your favorite tools, broadening your toolkit. In media production, versatility can often be your strongest asset.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (94) 1


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5 Work on personal projects

The fifth step to learn new media production skills and technologies is to work on personal projects. Personal projects are the media content that you create for yourself, not for clients or employers. Personal projects can help you apply and practice your new media production skills and technologies in a fun and meaningful way. Personal projects can also help you showcase your portfolio, express your voice, and pursue your passion. For example, if you want to learn photography, you might want to work on a personal project such as a photo essay, a portrait series, or a travel blog.

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    In my current job now I do a lot of video editing and filming. I would never have had this opportunity if I didn’t start developing my skills and interest as a hobby and now that I’m doing it as a job I want to continue to learn more and more about how I can get better and better.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (103) What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (104) 5

  • Tamie K. Head :Media Operations| Linkedin Community Top Voice| Certified AWS Broadcasting Technologist| Production Technology Specialist | SMPTE Member
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    We all have 9-5's but after this we need to start doing our own Passion Projects not only do these give a sense of self but in media and production it is one thing to learn about Sound Design and another to actually shoot and record your own audio. I recommend doing personal projects because you have liberty and also this assist greatly in learning various technique's and valuable knowledge. Much of the tech that learnt as a camera, director, lighting, grips one man crew member has really carried me to where l am today. A personal project can be a friend party or a family trip. It is also a good indictor to yourself if you will enjoy the media production space. In addition your work can be used as a reference showing ur creativity and work.


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6 Seek feedback and improvement

The sixth and final step to learn new media production skills and technologies is to seek feedback and improvement. Feedback is the input and advice that you get from others, such as peers, mentors, clients, or audiences, on your media content. Feedback can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, learn from your mistakes, and improve your media production skills and technologies. Improvement is the process and action that you take to enhance your media content based on the feedback that you receive. Improvement can help you grow as a media producer, achieve your goals, and satisfy your customers. For example, if you want to learn podcasting, you might want to seek feedback and improvement from your listeners, guests, or sponsors on your podcast episodes.

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  • Juliana M. Student
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    At first, it's best to have BOTH a mentor & peers when learning production if possible. You would be able to touch base with someone experienced, along with those newer to the project or job entirely. Other beginners can relate closer to confusion/curiosity when starting out, & share varied perspectives or methodologies of creating. Hands-on endeavors, such as solo work (within your means, of course- but don't be shy to ask school or pals to borrow/rent equipment!), for practice is one of the most valuable & accessible ways to attain introspective skills. This arises during moments such as editing one's own creation & noting any positive vs. negative qualities. Later, try asking an aforementioned mentor or peer to review it- compare notes!

  • Jay Myers Voice Over Artist - Audiobook Narrator - Actor
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    In addition to reaching out to people you trust for input, I always like to return to my own work with a fresh and objective perspective after taking a day or two to let it rest. I approach it as if I were an unbiased viewer/listener/audience and evaluate it with critical eyes/ears. After all, we're generally pretty good at calling out things that don't work for us when consuming TV shows, movies, podcasts, etc. I just put that hat on and give my content a whirl. If something doesn't work, I'll note it and try to improve when I can!


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Stefan LaToure, M.F.A. U.S. Air Force Veteran | Post Production Supervisor | Video Editor
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    Find someone who is already doing what you want to do who is open to mentorship. They might not train you directly, but they can point you in the right direction to get the best training for you, so you aren't spinning your wheels on outdated training, or training that won't give you the tools you need to learn.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (138) 4

  • Maria Elena Hernandez Instructional Designer @ Celigo | Multimedia Learning Design | Background in video production, journalism, and digital marketing
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    This is the opposite of finding your niche: Look everywhere for ideas you like and want to try. My niece was watching a YouTube video on television. She was surprised when I asked a question and she realized I was watching it. I wasn’t interested in the topic, but I was interested in the video itself, what audio gear they were using, how many cameras they had set up, when they switched screens, their intro and end tags, etc.


    What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (147) 2


Media Production What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (148)

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What are the most effective ways to learn new media production skills and technologies? (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.