What Is "black Plague" In Dante's Native Tongue? (2024)

History High School


Answer 1

The "black plague" in Dante's native tongue, which is Italian, is called "la peste nera." This term refers to the devastating epidemic of the bubonic plague that ravaged Europe during the 14th century.

It is estimated that this epidemic, which was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, killed between 75 and 200 million people in Eurasia, resulting in the deaths of up to 60% of the population in some areas.

In Dante's epic poem, "The Divine Comedy," the black plague is referenced in the Inferno, which is the first part of the poem and describes Dante's journey through the nine circles of Hell. In Canto VI, Dante encounters the souls of those who died from the plague, and they are described as being covered in black boils and sores. This depiction of the plague victims reflects the gruesome reality of the disease and the suffering it inflicted upon its victims.

Overall, the black plague was a tragic and devastating event in history that had a profound impact on European society and culture. Dante's inclusion of it in his poem serves as a reminder of the horrors of the epidemic and its lasting effects on humanity.

To know more about black plague, refer to the link below:



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how had the american slave population changed by about 1830?


By about 1830, the American slave population had increased significantly since the end of the American Revolution. In 1790, the slave population was just under 700,000, but by 1830, it had grown to over 2 million. This growth was largely due to the expansion of cotton cultivation in the southern United States, which created a high demand for slave labor.

The domestic slave trade also played a significant role in the increase of the slave population during this time. The trading of slaves between states became more common, with slave traders purchasing slaves from the Upper South and transporting them to the Deep South to work on cotton plantations.

The domestic slave trade continued to grow in the decades leading up to the Civil War, and it is estimated that around 1 million slaves were forcibly relocated during this time.

The increase in the slave population also led to the implementation of stricter slave codes in many southern states. Slave owners and lawmakers were increasingly concerned about the possibility of slave revolts, and so they implemented laws that restricted the movement and behavior of slaves, making it more difficult for them to organize and rebel.

Despite the growth of the slave population, however, there were still some signs of resistance among slaves during this time. Slave revolts such as the Nat Turner rebellion in 1831 demonstrated that some slaves were willing to fight for their freedom, and there were also efforts to establish schools and churches for slaves, despite the legal and social obstacles that made such institutions difficult to create.

In summary, by about 1830, the American slave population had grown significantly due to the expansion of cotton cultivation and the domestic slave trade. This growth led to the implementation of stricter slave codes, but also sparked resistance among some slaves and efforts to create educational and religious institutions.

To know more about American Revolution. refer here



the 19th century economist, karl marx, author of the communist manifesto was in favor of complete equality. o a. true. the core of communism is equality o b. true. marx wanted a revolution to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor. o c. false. marx understood some people work harder than others. o d. false. communism never achieved equality.


The 19th century economist, Karl Marx, author of the communist manifesto was in favor of complete equality : B.) True. Marx wanted a revolution to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.

Firstly, it is true that the core principle of communism is equality, and Marx was a strong advocate of this principle. He believed that the capitalist system created inequalities and exploitation of the working class, and that the solution to this was to eliminate private ownership of the means of production and establish a classless society.

Secondly, it is also true that Marx wanted a revolution to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor. He believed that the bourgeoisie, or the capitalist class, had accumulated wealth and power at the expense of the proletariat, or the working class, and that this was inherently unjust. Marx saw the revolution as a necessary step towards achieving equality and a socialist society.

However, it is not accurate to say that Marx believed that all people should be treated exactly the same or that he did not understand that some people work harder than others. Marx believed in the principle of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs," which meant that people should contribute to society according to their abilities, but receive what they need to live and thrive. This principle recognizes that people have different abilities and needs, and therefore does not advocate for complete sameness.

Lastly, it is true that communism has not achieved complete equality in practice, as there have been examples of authoritarian regimes that have violated human rights and suppressed individual freedoms. However, it is important to note that Marx's vision of communism was not meant to be an oppressive system, but rather a system that would eliminate oppression and exploitation.

In summary, Karl Marx believed in the core principle of communism, which is equality, and advocated for a revolution to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor. However, he also recognized that people have different abilities and needs, and believed in the principle of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs." While communism has not achieved complete equality in practice, it is important to distinguish Marx's vision from the oppressive regimes that have attempted to implement it.

To know more about Karl Marx, refer



what happened to patsey in 12 years a slave



In the film "12 Years a Slave," Patsey is a significant character who endures severe hardships as an enslaved person. She is portrayed as a young enslaved woman who works alongside Solomon Northup, the main protagonist. Patsey's story serves to shed light on the brutalities of slavery.

Throughout the film, Patsey experiences extreme abuse and cruelty from her enslaver, Edwin Epps, and his wife. In addition, Epps is infatuated with Patsey, which exacerbates her mistreatment. Despite her resilience and strong will, Patsey is subjected to physical and sexual abuse.

Ultimately, Solomon Northup manages to gain his freedom and escape slavery. However, the film does not provide explicit information about Patsey's fate after Solomon's release. It remains unclear what precisely happened to her character following the events depicted in the movie.

In ""12 Years a Slave,"" Patsey's character represents the countless enslaved individuals who suffered under the institution of slavery. Her experiences showcase the inhumane treatment endured by enslaved women and the psychological and physical toll it took on their lives. While the film does not provide a detailed account of Patsey's life beyond Solomon's rescue, it remains a poignant portrayal of the struggles and resilience of those caught in the grips of slavery.

Patsey, a young enslaved woman, is a pivotal character in ""12 Years a Slave."" She works alongside Solomon Northup, the protagonist of the story. Patsey's life is marked by extreme cruelty and suffering, highlighting the injustices of slavery. Here is a detailed explanation of what happens to Patsey throughout the film:

Plantation life: Patsey resides on a Louisiana plantation owned by Edwin Epps (portrayed by Michael Fassbender). Epps is a brutal and sad*stic slave owner who frequently abuses his enslaved workers, including Patsey. She endures physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, making her existence on the plantation unbearable.

Hard labor and abuse: Patsey excels in her work, especially in picking cotton, which earns her the favor of Epps. However, her exceptional productivity also leads to increased demands and jealousy from Epps' wife, Mistress Epps (played by Sarah Paulson). Consequently, Patsey faces further mistreatment and harsh punishments, including severe beatings.

Relationship with Solomon Northup: Patsey forms a complex relationship with Solomon Northup (played by Chiwetel Ejiofor), a free man who was illegally sold into slavery. Solomon empathizes with Patsey's plight and tries to protect her whenever possible, but he is limited by his own powerless position as a slave.

Escape attempts: Patsey's desperate situation drives her to contemplate escaping the plantation. She seeks assistance from Solomon, hoping he can help her find freedom. However, their plans are thwarted due to the extreme risks and the watchful eyes of Epps and his overseers.

Harrowing punishment: As a punishment for attempting to run away, Patsey endures an agonizing whipping scene, depicted in excruciating detail. The brutal act is witnessed by Solomon, who is unable to intervene, further intensifying the emotional impact of Patsey's suffering.

Solomon's rescue: Eventually, Solomon gains his freedom after being reunited with sympathetic individuals who assist him in exposing his true identity. However, the film does not delve into Patsey's fate after Solomon's rescue.

Click the below link, to learn more about slavery:



john snow is called the father of modern epidemiology because:


John Snow is called the father of modern epidemiology because he made significant contributions to the field of public health by using epidemiological methods to investigate the cholera outbreak in London in 1854. By mapping the locations of cholera cases and analyzing patterns of disease transmission, he was able to identify contaminated water as the source of the outbreak.

His work demonstrated the importance of understanding the spread of diseases in populations and laid the foundation for modern epidemiology. English physician John Snow played a key role in the advancement of anaesthetic and medical sanitation. John Snow, a physician from London, made a remarkable discovery in the middle of the 19th century that fundamentally altered how we think about diseases as well as how they spread.

He made a map showing the locations of cholera cases in London's West End and discovered that they were concentrated near a water source on Broad Street.

To learn more about John Snow, click here:



What was one result of the conflict associated with the slogan Remember the Maine?


One result of the conflict associated with the slogan "Remember the Maine" was the outbreak of the Spanish-American War and subsequent acquisition of territories by the United States.

One result of the conflict associated with the slogan "Remember the Maine" was the Spanish-American War of 1898. The sinking of the USS Maine battleship in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, played a significant role in fueling public sentiment and political pressure for the United States to intervene in the Cuban War of Independence against Spain.

The explosion of the USS Maine, which resulted in the loss of 260 American lives, was initially attributed to Spanish interference, although the exact cause remains disputed. The incident sparked widespread outrage and served as a rallying cry for those advocating for U.S. intervention.

In response, the U.S. government declared war against Spain on April 25, 1898. The conflict primarily focused on Spanish possessions in the Caribbean and the Pacific, including Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. The war was short-lived and resulted in a decisive victory for the United States.

One of the outcomes of the Spanish-American War was the acquisition of several territories by the United States. Under the Treaty of Paris signed in December 1898, Spain ceded control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States. This marked a significant expansion of U.S. influence and marked the country's emergence as a global power.

Additionally, the conflict solidified the United States' position as a major player in international affairs and demonstrated its willingness to assert its interests beyond its borders. The war had far-reaching implications for American foreign policy, setting the stage for increased involvement in global affairs and shaping the country's role as an imperial power in the early 20th century.

To learn more about Spanish-American War refer here:



What spurred the rise of conservatism in the late 1970s and early 1980s?


The rise of conservatism in the late 1970s and early 1980s was driven by disillusionment with liberal policies, economic concerns, social changes, and a desire for smaller government and traditional values.

What is the Cause of the rise of conservatism in the late 1970s and early 1980s?

The conservative movement became popular in the late 1970s and early 1980s for a few reasons. People were unhappy with the liberal ideas from the 1960s and 1970s, worried about changes in society and culture, not happy with the economy, and didn't want the government to have too much power.

The conservative leaders at the time, like Ronald Reagan in the US and Margaret Thatcher in the UK, talked about keeping things the way they used to be and letting the free market do its thing.

Learn more about the rise of conservatism on:



What was the most significant outcome of the Boston Massacre
a. It was the first act of organized resistance against the British troops in the colonies
b. It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops had no effective way to restore order in the colonies
c. It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops would resort to violence to restore order in the colonies
d. It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops were largely symbolic and the British would back down in the face of organized resistance
e. It showed that the colonists had a better organized army than the British and would be difficult to defeat


The most significant outcome of the Boston Massacre was It demonstrated to the colonists that British troops would resort to violence to restore order in the colonies. The correct option is C.

The Boston Massacre, which occurred on March 5, 1770, was a pivotal event in the lead-up to the American Revolution. British soldiers fired upon a group of colonists, resulting in the deaths of five individuals. This act of violence sent shockwaves throughout the colonies and had several profound effects.

Firstly, the Boston Massacre heightened colonial resentment towards the British Crown and its military presence. It solidified the growing perception among colonists that British troops were not merely present to maintain order, but were willing to use force against the civilian population. This realization fueled a sense of outrage and further galvanized colonists' opposition to British rule.

Secondly, the Boston Massacre played a crucial role in the formation of the Committees of Correspondence. These committees were established to coordinate communication and resistance efforts among the colonies. The event provided a rallying point for colonial leaders to share information and grievances, strengthening the sense of unity and shared purpose among the colonies.

Additionally, the Boston Massacre became a powerful propaganda tool for the colonists. Through newspapers, pamphlets, and speeches, the incident was portrayed as a brutal attack on innocent civilians by the British oppressors. This propaganda campaign effectively swayed public opinion in favor of the colonial cause, further eroding support for British authority.

In summary, the Boston Massacre's most significant outcome was that it demonstrated to the colonists that British troops would resort to violence to restore order in the colonies. This realization fueled colonial anger and resistance, contributed to the formation of communication networks, and played a crucial role in shaping public opinion in favor of independence. Thus, the correct option is c.

To know more about Boston Massacre, refer to the link below:



president reagan encouraged and promoted deregulation because he believed that


President Reagan encouraged and promoted deregulation because he believed that excessive government regulation stifled economic growth, hindered individual liberty, and limited free market competition.

Reagan subscribed to a philosophy known as neoliberalism, which emphasized limited government intervention in the economy and favored market-driven solutions.

He believed that reducing regulations would unleash the entrepreneurial spirit, encourage innovation, and allow businesses to thrive. Reagan aimed to dismantle what he saw as burdensome and unnecessary regulations that impeded the functioning of markets and restricted businesses.

By promoting deregulation, Reagan sought to create a more business-friendly environment, increase efficiency, and ultimately spur economic prosperity.

To know more about Reagan: https://brainly.com/question/28856340


how did frontier farmers react to the excise tax on whiskey


Frontier farmers were very unhappy with the excise tax on whiskey, which was passed by the federal government in 1791 as a way to generate revenue.

Many of these farmers relied on the sale of whiskey to make a living, and the tax made it much harder for them to do so. In addition, the tax was seen as a symbol of government overreach and a threat to individual liberty. As a result, many frontier farmers refused to pay the tax and even took up arms in protest, leading to the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.

This rebellion was eventually put down by the federal government, but it helped to solidify the idea that Americans were fiercely protective of their freedoms and suspicious of government power.

To learn more about Frontier farmers, click here:



Frontier farmers were very unhappy with the excise tax on whiskey, which was passed by the federal government in 1791 as a way to generate revenue.

Many of these farmers relied on the sale of whiskey to make a living, and the tax made it much harder for them to do so. In addition, the tax was seen as a symbol of government overreach and a threat to individual liberty. As a result, many frontier farmers refused to pay the tax and even took up arms in protest, leading to the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.

This rebellion was eventually put down by the federal government, but it helped to solidify the idea that Americans were fiercely protective of their freedoms and suspicious of government power.

To learn more about Frontier farmers, click here:



The emperor who oversaw the building of the Grand Canal was ______.
A. Empress Wu
B. Grand Canal
C. Silk Road
D. Wendi
E. Yangdi


The emperor who oversaw the building of the Grand Canal was Yangdi. The correct answer is E.

The Grand Canal is a vast waterway system in eastern China that runs from Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south, connecting the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. Construction of the canal began during the Sui Dynasty in the 6th century AD, under the supervision of Emperor Yangdi. The Grand Canal was a major engineering feat and required a massive amount of labor and resources to construct.

Yangdi was the second emperor of the Sui Dynasty, which lasted from 581 to 618 AD. He is known for his ambitious building projects, including the Grand Canal and the completion of the Great Wall of China. Despite his impressive achievements, Yangdi was eventually overthrown and killed in a rebellion led by his own officials. Nonetheless, his contributions to Chinese history, including the construction of the Grand Canal, remain significant to this day.

Learn more about Grand Canal :- https://brainly.com/question/15171254


at the beginning of the 20th century, how did america respond to the successes and failures of the industrial revolution?


America responded to the successes and failures of the Industrial Revolution in a variety of ways, including progressivism, labor unions, and laissez-faire capitalism. These responses reflected the different values and beliefs of Americans at the time and shaped the direction of the nation's economy and society for decades to come.

At the beginning of the 20th century, America had already experienced the effects of the Industrial Revolution for several decades. The nation had become a global economic power thanks to its advancements in manufacturing, transportation, and communication technologies. However, the Industrial Revolution also brought about significant social and economic challenges that needed to be addressed.

One response to the successes and failures of the Industrial Revolution was the rise of progressivism. Progressives believed that government intervention was necessary to regulate the excesses of capitalism and promote social justice. They advocated for reforms such as labor protections, consumer protections, and antitrust laws to prevent monopolies from dominating the market.

On the other hand, some Americans believed in laissez-faire capitalism, which opposed government regulation of the economy. They argued that the free market was the best way to allocate resources and promote economic growth. This perspective was especially prominent among business leaders who sought to maximize profits and resist government interference.

Despite these conflicting views, the government did take some action to address the challenges of the Industrial Revolution. For example, the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was passed to prevent monopolies from dominating the market. The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was also passed to regulate the safety of food and drugs.

In conclusion, America responded to the successes and failures of the Industrial Revolution in a variety of ways, including progressivism, labor unions, and laissez-faire capitalism. These responses reflected the different values and beliefs of Americans at the time and shaped the direction of the nation's economy and society for decades to come.

To know more about Industrial Revolution, refer



how does billpay feel about electrol college


Bill pay has an opinion about the Electoral College. The Electoral College is a method established by the Constitution to select the President and Vice President of the United States.

The existing system provides for the chance that the popular vote victor will not be able to gain enough votes in the Electoral College to win the president.

Some argue that the Electoral College is a crucial legacy of the founders' intentions, while others see it as undemocratic and unfair.

As a result, the significance of the bill pay feel about electron college are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on Electoral College, here:



.Western democracies mobilizing for war
- Great Britain under Winston Churchill
- United States under Franklin Roosevelt


During the period of World War II, both Great Britain under Winston Churchill and the United States under Franklin Roosevelt mobilized their respective countries for war efforts.

It also demonstrating the commitment of Western democracies to confront and defeat the Axis powers.

Winston Churchill, as the Prime Minister of Great Britain, played a crucial role in rallying the British people and leading them through the war. He delivered inspirational speeches, such as his famous "We shall fight on the beaches" speech, which boosted morale and determination. Churchill also worked closely with Allied leaders to coordinate military strategies and ensure the defense of Britain and its territories.

Franklin Roosevelt, as the President of the United States, led the nation during its entry into World War II following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt implemented policies to mobilize the American economy, such as the Lend-Lease Act, which provided military aid to Allied countries. He initiated a massive industrial production effort, which fueled the production of war matériel, including ships, planes, and weapons. Roosevelt also worked alongside Allied leaders to formulate military strategies and coordinated the joint efforts to defeat the Axis powers.

Both Churchill and Roosevelt demonstrated strong leadership, determination, and a commitment to defending democratic values and principles. Their mobilization efforts and collaboration with other Western democracies played a vital role in the ultimate victory over the Axis powers and the preservation of democracy.

To learn more about World War II, click here:



what great architectural construction used to host roman sporting events


The great architectural construction used to host Roman sporting events is the Colosseum. Located in Rome, Italy, the Colosseum is an iconic symbol of ancient Roman civilization.

It was primarily used as an amphitheater for various forms of entertainment, including gladiatorial contests, animal hunts, and mock naval battles. Construction of the Colosseum began in 72 AD and was completed in 80 AD under the rule of Emperor Vespasian.

The Colosseum could accommodate tens of thousands of spectators, with an estimated capacity of 50,000 to 80,000 people. It was a grand architectural feat, showcasing the engineering skills of the Romans.

The Colosseum was an elliptical structure with four levels, consisting of arches, columns, and corridors. The outer facade was adorned with statues and decorative elements, reflecting the grandeur and opulence of the Roman Empire.

To learn more about Roman Empire, refer below:



Who in Congress worked tirelessly to end the gag rule?Answers:Selected Answer:a.John Quincy Adams.b.Abraham Lincoln.


John Quincy Adams worked tirelessly in Congress to end the gag rule.

The sixth president of the United States, John Quincy Adams, served in office from 1825 to 1829. He was an American politician, diplomat, lawyer, and diarist. He died on February 23, 1848. From 1817 until 1825, he was the seventh Secretary of State for the United States. Adams held both the positions of ambassador and congressman for Massachusetts over the course of his extensive diplomatic and political career. He was the oldest child of First Lady Abigail Adams and Second President John Adams, who presided over the country from 1797 to 1801.

To know more about John Quincy Adams



which of the following is a method or technique of resistance utilized by african slaves? group of answer choices flight/escape. armed revolts. destroying or damaging equipment. all of these options.


All of these options - flight/escape, armed revolts, and destroying or damaging equipment - are methods or techniques of resistance utilized by African slaves.

Destroying refers to the act of causing severe damage, demolishing, or rendering something completely unusable or non-existent. It involves the process of breaking down, tearing apart, or annihilating objects, structures, or systems.
Destroying can occur in various forms and contexts. It can involve physical destruction, such as demolishing buildings, dismantling machinery, or shattering objects. It can also refer to damaging or eradicating natural environments, ecosystems, or habitats through pollution, deforestation, or other harmful activities.
Additionally, destroying can have non-physical aspects, such as the destruction of relationships, trust, or reputation. It can involve undermining or damaging the integrity or functionality of social, cultural, or organizational systems.

To learn more about destroying

Use the map below to answer the question that follows.

Which of the following civilizations was located in the area labeled A?



Aztec, of the following civilizations was located in the area labeled A. Thus, option (b) is correct.

Based on the facts in the map, we may conclude that a distance between the Incas were a people who and the Aztecs made contact nearly impossible.

It is known that communication between the Olmec, Mayas, and Aztecs existed; in fact, the Olmec culture had a significant influence throughout Mesoamerica.

As a result, the significance of the civilizations were located in the area labeled A are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on civilizations, here:



what were some of the accomplishments of jefferson's first administration


Accomplishments during Jefferson's first administration, which showcased his commitment to territorial expansion, national sovereignty, and fiscal responsibility are as follows:

1. Louisiana Purchase: The most significant accomplishment of Jefferson's first administration was the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. This doubled the size of the United States and gave the country control of the Mississippi River and New Orleans.

2. Lewis and Clark Expedition: Jefferson's administration sponsored the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which explored and mapped the newly acquired western territory, providing valuable information about the region's resources and inhabitants.

3. Embargo Act of 1807: In response to British and French aggression against American shipping, Jefferson's administration implemented the Embargo Act, which sought to protect American interests by prohibiting trade with foreign nations. Although the act was later repealed, it demonstrated Jefferson's commitment to defending American sovereignty.

4. West Point Military Academy: Jefferson's administration also established the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1802, which provided professional military education and training for future American military leaders.

5. Reduction of National Debt: During his first administration, Jefferson worked to reduce the national debt, cutting government spending and streamlining the budget.

For further information on Jefferson visit :



What were two ideas held by

artists of the Romantic period?


Artists of the Romantic period celebrated individualism and delved into the realm of intense emotions, breaking free from societal constraints and evoking powerful feelings through their art.

Artists of the Romantic period, which spanned roughly from the late 18th century to the mid-19th century, held a multitude of ideas that defined their artistic pursuits. Two prominent ideas during this era were the celebration of individualism and the exploration of intense emotions.

Firstly, Romantic artists placed a great emphasis on individualism. They rejected the rigid constraints of the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, seeking to break free from societal norms and express their unique perspectives. They championed the idea of the artist as a visionary and rebelled against the established order. This emphasis on individuality allowed artists to explore a wide range of themes, from the sublime beauty of nature to personal introspection and emotional turmoil.

Secondly, Romantic artists were deeply fascinated by the exploration of intense emotions. They sought to evoke powerful feelings in their audiences, often emphasizing the dramatic, the mysterious, and the sublime. The exploration of human passion, awe, and the darker aspects of the human psyche became common themes in Romantic art. Artists sought to capture the untamed forces of nature, the supernatural, and the sublime in their works, often using vivid and dramatic imagery to elicit emotional responses.

To learn more about Romantic artists



the southeast asian country that was ruled by the united states from 1898 to 1946 is


The Southeast Asian country that was ruled by the United States from 1898 to 1946 is the Philippines. After the Spanish-American War in 1898, the Philippines was ceded to the US, which led to a period of American colonial rule. In 1946, the Philippines gained independence and became a sovereign nation.

The southeast asian country that was ruled by the United States from 1898 to 1946 was the Philippines. In 1898, the United States acquired the Philippines from Spain through the Treaty of Paris. The United States then established colonial rule over the Philippines and invested in infrastructure, education, and public health. However, the Philippines also experienced violence and resistance during this period, such as the Philippine-American War. The Philippines eventually gained independence from the United States in 1946 after years of struggle for self-determination. This summary highlights the key points of the Philippines' colonial history under the United States.
To know more about Philippines visit:



.Immigrant composers were important in the history of vaudeville. TRUE OR FALSE?



True. Immigrant composers played an important role in the history of vaudeville. Vaudeville was a form of variety entertainment that was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States. Many of the songs and musical numbers performed in vaudeville shows were composed by immigrants, who brought their own musical traditions and styles to the American stage. For example, Yiddish theater songs, Irish folk songs, and Italian operatic arias were all popular in vaudeville shows, and many of the composers of these songs were immigrants or first-generation Americans with strong ties to their cultural heritage.

Learn more about Immigrant Composers here:



The statement " Immigrant composers played a significant role in the history of vaudeville. " is true because these composers incorporated elements from their cultural backgrounds into their work, which in turn enriched and expanded the musical landscape of vaudeville.

Vaudeville was a popular form of entertainment that originated in France and was brought to the United States in the late 19th century. Immigrant composers, including Irving Berlin, George M. Cohan, and Jerome Kern, were among the most successful and influential composers of vaudeville music.

They wrote catchy and memorable tunes that were performed by vaudeville acts across the country. Their contributions helped to shape the sound and style of vaudeville music, which was a significant part of American popular culture for several decades.

The work of immigrant composers also reflected the cultural diversity of America, as they drew inspiration from their own experiences and backgrounds to create music that resonated with audiences of all backgrounds. Overall, the contributions of immigrant composers were vital to the success and longevity of vaudeville as an art form.

To know more about vaudeville refer here:



the bill of rights was not formally ratified until 1833. true or false


False. The Bill of Rights was formally ratified on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the United States Constitution. The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which were added to protect individual rights and limit the power of the federal government.

These amendments were proposed by James Madison in 1789 and were ratified by three-fourths of the states by 1791. While there was some initial opposition to the Bill of Rights, it ultimately became an important cornerstone of American democracy and remains a symbol of individual liberty and freedom.

It is important to note that while the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, some of its provisions, such as the right to vote for women and minorities, were not fully realized until many years later through additional amendments and legislation.

To know more about amendments refer here



.What gave World War I its lasting character?
a. the long stalemate that led to so few deaths
b. ethnic and racial hatred
c. the use of airplanes
d. fascism in Germany and Italy
e. trench warfare


The lasting character of World War I was primarily shaped by the long and brutal e. trench warfare that characterized the conflict.

This style of fighting was brutal and led to countless deaths and injuries on both sides, and it created a sense of despair and hopelessness among the soldiers that lasted long after the war had ended.

Additionally, the war was marked by intense ethnic and racial hatred, as different groups sought to assert their dominance over one another. While the use of airplanes was an important factor in the war, it did not play as significant a role in shaping its lasting character as these other factors did.

Finally, the rise of fascism in Germany and Italy was a consequence of World War I, rather than a cause of it, and therefore did not play a direct role in shaping the conflict's enduring legacy.

To learn more about fascism, refer below:



the earliest surviving chant manuscripts date from about the


The earliest surviving chant manuscripts date from about the 9th century AD.

These manuscripts were written on parchment or vellum and contain liturgical chants that were used in Christian worship during the Middle Ages. The most famous of these chants is the Gregorian chant, named after Pope Gregory I, who is believed to have compiled and organized the chants in the 6th century.

These manuscripts were often decorated with intricate illustrations and were considered to be valuable works of art. The chants themselves were sung in Latin and were meant to evoke a sense of spirituality and reverence among the worshippers.

They were an important part of Christian worship and remained popular throughout the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance. Today, many of these manuscripts are housed in museums and libraries around the world, providing a glimpse into the rich history of Christian worship and musical tradition.

To know more about chant manuscripts refer here:



german submarine warfare pushed the united states toward war because


German submarine warfare pushed the United States toward war because it directly threatened American lives and interests.

German submarine warfare played a significant role in pushing the United States toward war during World War I. Here's how it influenced the U.S. entry into the war:

Sinking of American Ships: German submarines, also known as U-boats, conducted unrestricted submarine warfare, targeting both military and civilian vessels. In 1915, the sinking of the British passenger liner RMS Lusitania, which resulted in the deaths of 128 Americans among the nearly 1,200 passengers, created outrage in the United States. The sinking of American ships, including the Lusitania, increased anti-German sentiment and fueled calls for U.S. involvement in the war.Zimmerman Telegram: In 1917, the interception and publication of the Zimmerman Telegram further inflamed tensions between the United States and Germany. The telegram, sent by the German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann to the German ambassador in Mexico, proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States. The revelation of this message outraged the American public and contributed to a shift in public opinion in favor of entering the war against Germany.Economic Impact: German submarine warfare threatened American economic interests. The U-boats targeted merchant ships, disrupting international trade and threatening American exports. The United States, as a neutral country at the time, saw its economic interests undermined by German actions. The economic impact of submarine warfare on American businesses and industries played a role in pushing the United States closer to war.Wilson's Response and Public Opinion: President Woodrow Wilson initially sought to keep the United States out of the war and pursued a policy of neutrality. However, the escalation of German submarine attacks and the loss of American lives on the high seas gradually swayed public opinion. Wilson responded by delivering speeches condemning German aggression and asserting that the United States must make the world "safe for democracy." The sinking of American ships and German actions created a strong sense of indignation among the American people, and public sentiment increasingly favored intervention in the war.

To learn more about German Warfare, visit:



what areas of the united states made up the cotton belt


The areas of the United States that made up the Cotton Belt include the southern states that were known for their significant cotton production and cultivation. These states primarily include parts of the Deep South and Southeast regions.

The Cotton Belt encompassed states such as Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and parts of Texas and Florida. These areas were particularly well-suited for cotton cultivation due to their warm climate, fertile soil, and access to waterways for irrigation and transportation.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, the Cotton Belt played a crucial role in the economy of the United States, as cotton became a major cash crop. The labor-intensive cultivation of cotton relied heavily on enslaved African Americans and later on sharecroppers. The region's prominence in cotton production contributed to the growth of the plantation system, the development of textile industries, and the economic prosperity of the southern states during that era.

To learn more about Cotton Belt, click here:



Explain the term dark ages and evaluate whether this is an appropriate label for this part of history


The Dark Ages is a term for the Early Medieval times, or once in a while the whole Medieval times, in Western Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Realm that describes it as set apart by financial, scholarly and social decay.

The Dark Ages, a five-hundred-year period from roughly 500 CE to 1000 CE, were ushered in by the fall of the Roman Empire, which marked a time of great change throughout Europe. Most scholastics don't allude to this time as hazier, as it is hard for students of history to make sense of the range of time between the ascent and fall of domains that administered Europe completely.

Before the start of the Dim Ages, Romans governed European grounds. Science, philosophy, government, and architecture were the most notable areas in which they contributed to European development. The process of keeping historical records was hampered by the fall of Rome and the subsequent movement of people across Western Europe, making it challenging for historians to maintain accurate assessments of the time period.

Learn more about Dark Ages:



Who migrated to Kansas during the Kansas Exodus? a) Indians. b) Working-class families. c) Chinese. d) Blacks. e) White sharecroppers.


The Kansas Exodus occurred during the late 19th century, in which thousands of African Americans migrated from the Southern United States to Kansas (option d).

The majority of those who migrated were black farmers and sharecroppers who were seeking better opportunities and freedom from the racial discrimination and violence they faced in the South. They were drawn to Kansas by the promise of abundant land and the possibility of establishing their own farms and businesses.

The migration was also fueled by the efforts of African American leaders and organizations who encouraged blacks to leave the South and seek better lives in the West. Overall, the Kansas Exodus was a significant event in African American history, and it contributed to the growth and development of black communities in Kansas and other Western states. The correct option is D.

For more about Exodus:



President Nixon's strategy to get out of Vietnam was peace talks in Paris, and at the same time, Vletnanization, or to turn the war over to


Through a programme to "expand, equip, and train South Vietnamese forces and assign to them an ever-increasing combat role, at the same time steadily reducing the number of U.S. combat troops," the Richard Nixon administration sought to end American involvement in the Vietnam War.

By handing over all military duties to South Vietnam, the Vietnamization policy sought to lessen American involvement in the Vietnam War. Deep cracks have appeared in American society as a result of the increasingly unpopular war.

Speech by President Nixon on "Vietnamization," delivered at Vassar College on November 3, 1969, concerning the Vietnam Wars.

Learn more about Vietnamization here:



give 2 examples of a select committee from 1987


Two examples of select committees from 1987 are Select Committee on Indian Affairs and Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control.

Select Committee on Indian Affairs : This committee was established to address issues related to Native American communities, including economic development, education, health care, and cultural preservation. The committee was responsible for conducting oversight of federal programs and policies that affect Native American communities and recommending legislative changes to improve their well-being.

Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control: This committee was established to address the growing problem of drug abuse and addiction in the United States. The committee was responsible for conducting hearings and investigations into the causes and consequences of drug abuse, as well as recommending policies and programs to prevent drug use and provide treatment for addicts.

Both of these select committees were important in shaping policy and addressing critical issues facing the United States in 1987. They provided a forum for experts and stakeholders to share their perspectives and make recommendations for policy changes that would improve the lives of Native Americans and combat the problem of drug abuse.

To know more about select committee click here



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