How Can Relationships Negatively Impact On The Achievement Of Goals? (2024)

English College


Answer 1

Please brainliest to support:

Relationships can negatively impact the achievement of goals in several ways. Here are a few possible examples:

Distractions: If a person's relationships are demanding or time-consuming, they can distract them from focusing on their goals. For example, if someone spends too much time socializing or trying to maintain a difficult relationship, they may have less time and energy to devote to their work or other activities that are necessary to achieve their goals.
Conflicts: Conflicts with a partner, friend, or family member can cause stress and anxiety, which can interfere with a person's ability to focus on their goals. Moreover, conflicts can lead to negative emotions, such as anger or sadness, that can also make it difficult to concentrate on achieving goals.
Lack of support: When a person's relationships lack support or encouragement, it can make it more difficult to achieve their goals. For example, if a person's partner is unsupportive or critical of their goals, it can undermine their motivation and confidence.
Negative influences: Relationships with individuals who engage in unhealthy or self-destructive behavior can negatively impact a person's ability to achieve their goals. For example, if someone's friends engage in drug use, it can make it difficult for them to resist temptation and focus on their personal or professional goals.
In summary, relationships can be a source of support and motivation, but they can also be a hindrance to achieving goals if they are distracting, conflictual, unsupportive, or negative. It is important to maintain a balance and ensure that relationships support rather than hinder the pursuit of one's goals.

Answer 2


Distraction: One of the most significant ways in which relationships can impact negatively on the achievement of goals is through distraction. When we are in a relationship, we may be more focused on the needs and wants of our partner than on our own goals and aspirations. This can result in us becoming sidetracked from our objectives and losing sight of what we want to achieve.

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When advertising a job, employers usually set specific requirements in each of the following areas EXCEPT: A. age B. skills C. education D. experience Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



D or A


For D it needs someone that nows how to do there job or they will be useless. They also need to be old so that they aren't messing around or get hurt for there age

In the movie a raisin in the Sun when Mama says is this the harvest of our days what does she mean


Mama is referring to the difficulties and struggles her family has faced throughout her life. She is questioning if the hard work and sacrifice she and her family have made has amounted to anything.

What is questioning ?

Questioning is a process of asking and responding to questions in order to gain information and understand a particular subject. It is an important part of the learning process, as it allows for active exploration of a subject, encourages critical thinking, and helps to build knowledge and understanding. Questioning can be used in both academic and non-academic contexts, and can involve asking questions of both oneself and others. Questions can be open-ended, allowing for more creative responses, or closed-ended, allowing for more precise answers.

She is questioning if the "harvest" or reward for their efforts has been worth it. Mama is expressing her disappointment at the lack of progress or reward her family has received despite the hard work and dedication they have put in. She is questioning if the life she has lived has been for nothing.

To learn more about questioning


I will mark you brainiest!

President Reagan made an analogy between the crew of the Challenger and:

A) Sir Francis Drake.

B) Robert Kennedy.

C) Martin Luther King, Jr.


Answer: A) Sir Francis Drake.

Explanation: President Reagan made an analogy between the crew of the Challenger and the English explorer Sir Francis Drake during his speech following the Challenger disaster on January 28, 1986. In his speech, he said, "We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and 'slipped the surly bonds of earth' to 'touch the face of God.'" The phrase "slipped the surly bonds of earth" is a line from a poem by John Gillespie Magee, Jr. that refers to Drake's circumnavigation of the globe.

A Sir francis drake………………………………..

How has the representation of gender and sexuality evolved over the course of 20th-century American literature, and what does this evolution tell us about the changing social and political landscape of the United States?



Here's the answer.


The representation of gender and sexuality in 20th-century American literature has undergone significant changes, reflecting the changing social and political landscape of the United States. Here are a few observations on this evolution:

Early 20th century: At the turn of the 20th century, representations of gender and sexuality in literature were often limited by societal norms and taboos. Many works of literature at this time reinforced traditional gender roles and portrayed sexuality in a negative light, often depicting it as immoral or even dangerous.

Mid 20th century: In the middle of the 20th century, representations of gender and sexuality in literature began to challenge traditional norms more openly. Works by authors such as James Baldwin and Toni Morrison tackled issues related to race, gender, and sexuality head-on, often presenting characters who were marginalized or oppressed.

Late 20th century: By the end of the 20th century, representations of gender and sexuality in literature had become more diverse and complex. Writers like Alice Walker and Sandra Cisneros explored issues related to intersectionality, portraying characters who faced multiple forms of oppression based on their race, gender, and sexuality.

Present day: Today, representation of gender and sexuality in literature continues to evolve, with many writers embracing a broader range of gender identities and sexual orientations. Works by authors such as Roxane Gay and Ocean Vuong explore issues related to queer identity and the intersections of gender, race, and class.

Overall, the evolution of gender and sexuality in American literature reflects the changing social and political landscape of the United States. As social and political attitudes towards gender and sexuality have evolved, literature has served as a powerful tool for reflecting and shaping these changes, helping to challenge norms and promote greater understanding and acceptance of diverse identities and experiences.

Became the key to the languages of Assyria and Babylonia Choices:- Moabite Stone - Rosetta Stone - Behistun Inscription - Armarna Letters


Became the key to the Assyrian and Babylonian languages Choices: - Letters from Armarna.

What do the letters from Amarna tell us?

The Amarna Letters offer priceless insights on the nature of diplomatic ties between powerful countries and minor powers in the 14th century bce, as well as a partial and intriguing glimpse into the strategic maneuvering that preoccupied them.

How numerous were the Amarna Letters?

Almost 300 diplomatic letters are included in the tablets; the remaining reading and study materials make up the rest. The relationships between Egypt and Babylonia, Assyria, Syria, Canaan, Alashiya (Cyprus), the Mitanni, and the Hittites are all well-illustrated in these tablets.

To know more about Rosetta Stone visit:


which two event would mostly likely occur in the rising action of a story


In the rising action of a story, the plot begins to develop and the conflict begins to unfold. The rising action is the series of events that build tension and lead up to the climax of the story.

Two events that would most likely occur in the rising action of a story are:

1)The introduction of obstacles or challenges that the protagonist must overcome to achieve their goals. These obstacles may be external, such as an antagonist or a difficult situation, or internal, such as the protagonist's own flaws or doubts.

2)The escalation of the conflict, as the stakes become higher and the tension builds. This may involve a series of setbacks or challenges that the protagonist must overcome, as well as an increasing sense of urgency or danger. The rising action may also introduce new characters, plot twists, or revelations that complicate the situation and add to the tension.

Overall, the rising action is a crucial part of the story structure, as it builds momentum and sets the stage for the climax and resolution of the story.

Write a complete sentence to answer each question below. In your answer,
use the vocabulary word in bold.
1. How can cold weather affect plants in a garden? My



Cold freezes the cells in a plant, causing damage and interrupts the pathways for nutrients and water to flow. In small branches and twigs, the living xylem is much more affected by cold than the cambium and phloem.Low temperatures can affect plants in several ways. First, temperatures near the minimum for plant growth will reduce the plant's rate of metabolism and growth. If the temperature, and therefore the metabolism, remain low for an extended period, plant quality will suffer, and death may occur.

please fill in answers for the effects.



An example and effect of the following words are as follows:

Hyperbole or exaggeration: "I've told you a million times!" - This exaggeration is used to emphasize that the person has repeated themselves many times.

Emotive language: "The heart-wrenching video of the starving child brought tears to my eyes." - The emotive language "heart-wrenching" and "tears" evoke strong emotions in the reader.

Register contrast: "Yo, what's up dude? How's it going?" - The use of "Yo" and "dude" is informal and contrasts with the more formal "How's it going?".

Repetition: "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." - The repetition of "let it snow" emphasizes the desire for snowfall.

Alliteration and assonance: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." - The repetition of the "p" sound is alliteration, while the repetition of the "e" sound is assonance.

Structure: "I came, I saw, I conquered." - This is an example of parallel structure, where each phrase has the same grammatical structure.

Humor: "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything." - This joke uses wordplay and exaggeration to create humor.

Figurative language (e.g., similes): "The toddler slept like a log." - This simile compares the toddler's deep sleep to that of a log.

Antithesis: "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." - This antithesis contrasts two opposing ideas in the same sentence.

Contrast: "I hate the rain, but I love the smell of it." - This sentence contrasts two conflicting emotions towards rain.

Tripling: "I came, I saw, I conquered." - The use of three phrases with the same structure creates a sense of completeness.

Onomatopoeia: "The bee buzzed by my ear." - The word "buzzed" imitates the sound of the bee's wings.

Rhetorical questions (and other rhetorical devices): "Are you kidding me?" - This rhetorical question is used to express disbelief or to make a point without requiring an answer.

Short sentences or paragraphs: "The cat sat. It meowed. It ran away." - Short sentences or paragraphs can create a sense of urgency or impact.

Lists: "I need to buy eggs, milk, bread, and cheese." - A list is used to itemize and organize information.

What are propaganda devices


Answer: Techniques based on social physiology




-name calling


-half truth

comment on this political cartoon.



This political cartoon is sending a powerful message about the United States and its role in the world. The bald eagle a symbol of America is shown wearing a military uniform, suggesting that the country often takes on a militaristic stance in its foreign policies. The flag being held and saluted in the eagle's talons further emphasizes this, as it indicates patriotism and loyalty to the nation. This image could be interpreted as a warning against the dangers of a heavily militarized foreign policy, or as a celebration of America's strength and power.


How to answer this? I am stuck on the right words to say



21) B

22) G

23) C
24) F

What do you think happened to H ooker after his defeat at Chancellorsville? Make your inferences below, explaining why you believe this to likely be the case..


H- ooker who was famously flanked and finally forced to retreat during the Battle of Chancellorsville (1863), then evolved a target of infighting, and he gave up his command to George G. before few days after the Battle of Gettysburg (1863).

What is inferences?

It is the conclusion that is reached by way of evidence and reasoning if someone makes an unattractive face after eating something, you may infer that they do not like it.

Before the Battle of Gettysburg (1863), he gave up his command to George G.

Therefore, he was famously flanked and finally forced to retreat during the Battle of Chancellorsville.

Learn more about Chancellorsville, here:


You lost your school bag on your way home from school. Explain how it happened, how felt and how your parents reacted when you told them.​



Yet another day from school. As I trod down the alley and almost slip away into my neighborhood, I felt a sudden realization hit me. My backpack-it's not on my back. No wonder the walk home felt so strangely light and free. I flashback to the ton of assignments and homework that is going to be missing on Monday. There's no going back now either. The 20-minute walk home and 20 minutes back is enough to close the school and leave my biology locked up behind the metal bars. I must've been so into the new girl that I started daydreaming and forgetting all the books that I needed to take him with me. How could I be so foolish... I open the front door and peek in. "Hey mom, so I forgot my books at school.." I begin and end as quickly as my mom suggests she drops me off at school right away. I was surprised at her pleasant helpfulness in my worry. So she does. Finally, I retrieve my books and start walking back to mom waiting for me at the school entrance.

Write down the factors responsible for pushing Pakistan towards economic collapse?


Investing is the process of allocating funds or resources with the goal of earning a profit for a financial product, project, or initiative. It is frequently done with the goal of making money or building wealth.

What is the reason for economic collapse in Pakistan?

1. Ineffective economic management: Pakistan's economic management has been characterized by a lack of budgetary restraint, insufficient resource distribution, and a failure to carry out structural changes.

2. Deficient infrastructure: Pakistan's infrastructure is deficient and unable to sustain economic expansion. The nation lacks sufficient networks for transportation and communication, as well as contemporary technology.

3. Low savings rate: Pakistan has one of the lowest savings rates in the region when compared to other nations. As a result, there hasn't been enough capital formation and investment.

4. Poor tax basis: Due to pervasive corruption, lax enforcement, and a culture of tax fraud, Pakistan's tax base is incredibly low. Because of this, government revenues are insufficient to pay for programs for social welfare and development.

Therefore, Typically, investments are made with the intention of generating a desired rate of return, such as a profit or capital growth.

Learn more about economic here:


Read the poem below and answer the question that follows.
XLVIIHEART, we will forget him! You and I, to-night!You may forget the warmth he gave, I will forget the light. When you have done, pray tell me, That I my thoughts may dim;Haste! lest while you’re lagging, I may remember him!
"Heart, we will forget him"
by Emily Dickinson
Heart, we will forget him!
You and I, to-night!
You may forget the warmth he gave,
I will forget the light.
When you have done, pray tell me,
That I my thoughts may dim;
Haste! lest while you're lagging,
I may remember him!
Source: Dickinson, Emily. "Heart, we will forget him.", n.d. Web. 15 July 2011.
Which of the following best describes the conflict expressed in this poem?
internal conflict: character vs. nature
internal conflict: character vs. self
external conflict: character vs. self
external conflict: character vs. character



B. internal conflict: character vs. self


Character versus self conflict (also called man vs. self conflict) is a type of conflict that takes place inside a character's mind. Man vs. self literary conflict usually involves the main character's inner struggle with self-doubts, a moral dilemma, or their own nature.

the record of legal problems, including loss of license, jail, probation, and civil suits .are written off after 3 yearswon't affect your job or school careercan follow an individual throughout a lifetimenever last more than 30 dayssubmit answer


The record of legal problems including loss of license, jail, probation, and civil suits can follow an individual throughout a lifetime.

It is crucial to keep in mind that a log of legal issues does not vanish over time. Administrative issues must be addressed and settled. Thinking that "time will fix everything" is not the answer. Law problems like prison, probation, license revocation and civil lawsuits do not go away after a certain amount of time and cannot be written off; instead, they can follow a person for the remainder of their lives. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise extreme caution and accountability.

Know more about Law here:


Select the correct answer.
Mr. Lambert owns a finance advisory company. He has several employees at various levels in his organization. Which attribute shows that he is an
ideal entrepreneur?

A. /He reprimands employees before clients that report late to work.
B. /He motivates all his employees to work long hours and stay up late at work.
C. /He personally attends to critical customer complaints and keeps track of other complaints.
D. /He usually holds meetings with his managers on the floor.


Answer: my opinion would be c

Explanation: This is because if i were to be working somewhere i would want a boss that deals with important issues and keeps track of other issues.

Hopes this helps

Larry Walters wants to be a pilot. He wants to A . an airplane. But Larry is not a B.
man. He doesn't have an airplane. He
has only a lawn chair.
Larry ties 45 big balloons to C
lawn chair and then sits down on the chair. The lawn chair goes up. For a few minutes
everything is fine. The view from the lawn chair is beautiful. Larry can see houses and trees below him.
He is happy. He is flying! The lawn chair goes up very high. Larry is afraid. "I don't want to go very high," Larry thinks. "I want to go down a little." With a small gun Larry shoots 10 balloons. Unfortunately, Larry drops the gun, and it D.
to the ground. The
chair goes up and up. "I'm flying in a lawn chair and I want to come down!"
Larry flies in the lawn chair for 45 minutes. Then the balloons E back on the ground. Larry says, "For 45 minutes I was a pilot
to lose air. Slowly the lawn chair comes down, and Larry is
the pilot of a lawn chair."


We can see that filling the blank spaces we have:

A. 3) fly

B. 1) rich

C. 1) his

D. 2) falls

E. 2) begin

What is a sentence?

A sentence is actually known as a linguistic expression, for instance, "The swift brown fox jumps over the slow hound" in the English language. It is often described in conventional grammar as a group of words that communicates a full notion or as a unit made up of a subject and predicate.

We see here that filling the blank spaces, we actually see that answers above are correct.

Learn more about sentence on



Counting by 7s: Analyzing Figurative Language and the Significance of Text

Tell me what type of figurative language the quote is and why it is significant.

1. “As the chocolate cools, it holds the vanilla goodness prisoner.” (Sloan, pg. 1)

2. “They look, lit by the low, end-of-day sun, like an evil, three headed monster.” (Sloan, pg. 7)

3. “...their nerves were shot.” (Sloan, pg. 11)

4. “forced prison camp” (Sloan, pg. 13)

5. “horizontal break” (Sloan, pg. 16)

6. “fellow inmates” (Sloan, pg. 17)

7. “The human corpse flower has blossomed.” (Sloan, pg. 36)

Read the text and tell me why it is significant.

8. “I’m speaking Vietnamese…” (Sloan, pg. 2)

9. “If they can’t answer the phone, they always quickly return my call. Always.” (Sloan, pg. 4)

10. “So I visit the local shopping center, which fortunately has its share of disease.” (Sloan, pg. 13)

11. “...she found me crying behind the dumpster in the play yard.” (Sloan, pg. 18)

12. “Plants can’t talk back.” (Sloan, pg. 19)

13. “I researched teenagers.” (Sloan, pg. 25)

Counting by 7s: Vocabulary

Find and write the definition of the word. Then answer: how does the word connect with the story?

14. Sanctuary (pg. 15):

15. Biorhythms (pg. 21):

16. Circadian Rhythms (pg. 21):

17. Jaundiced (pg. 24):

18. Myopia (pg. 26):

Counting by 7s: Using Text Evidence

The following are some wise words from Willow. Explain why they are wise. Use text evidence to support your ideas.

19. “I think waiting for a long time for something makes it more gratifying.” (Sloan, pg. 9)

20. “All labels are curses.” (Sloan, pg. 18)

21. “ It has been my experience that rewarding and heart-breaking often go hand in hand.” (Sloan, pg. 22)

(the book is counting by 7's)


Willow's words are wise because she has learned from her experiences that taking time to appreciate something makes it more meaningful.

What is appreciate?

Appreciate means to recognize the value of something or someone and to show gratitude for it. Appreciation is a powerful emotion that can help us to build better relationships, both personally and professionally. It allows us to recognize and acknowledge the efforts and contributions of others, as well as our own accomplishments.

Willow's words are wise because she has learned from her experiences that taking time to appreciate something makes it more meaningful. This is evidenced in the text when she says "I think waiting for a long time for something makes it more gratifying" (Sloan, pg. 9).

Willow's words are wise because she understands that labels and stereotypes can be damaging and limit a person's potential. This is supported by the text when she says "All labels are curses" (Sloan, pg. 18).

Willow's words are wise because she understands that rewards often come with a price. This is shown in the text when she says "It has been my experience that rewarding and heart-breaking often go hand in hand" (Sloan, pg. 22).

To learn more a about appreciate


What is NOT a way that an author can clue readers in to what historical period they are writing about?
A. Clothing
B. Font
C. Setting
D. Transportation


Font is not a way that an author can clue readers in to what historical period they are writing about.

B: Font is the correct answer

Which version of sentence 5 would best help the author provide sufficient evidence to support the central idea?
Artists leave imperfections—such as a dent in the bowl or a blemish in the paint—tosymbolize that a person,like a teabowl, can haveflaws.
Artists leave imperfections to symbolize that a tea drinker—likean artist—needs to be kind and compassionate toward others.
Artists create many imperfections in their pottery to distinguish their work from other Raku artists.
Artists create many imperfections in their pottery to bring awareness to the sacredness of the Japanese tea ceremony.



1) Artists leave imperfections—such as a dent in the bowl or a blemish in the paint—to symbolize that a person, like a teabowl, can have flaws.


This is concise and structured well


A. Artists leave imperfections—such as a dent in the bowl or a blemish in the paint—to symbolize that a person, like a teabowl, can have flaws.



How might you best approach a speech about area 51 in roswell, new mexico (rumored site of suspected alien activity)?.


When approaching a speech about Area 51 and the rumored alien activity in Roswell, New Mexico, there are several things you can do to make your speech effective:

Research: Do thorough research on the topic to ensure you have accurate and relevant information. It's important to distinguish between fact and fiction.
Introduction: Start with a strong introduction that captures the audience's attention and creates curiosity. Use a hook or an interesting fact to draw them in.
Background: Provide some background information on Area 51 and the Roswell incident, explaining the context of the events.
Evidence: Use credible evidence to support your arguments and make your case. Cite reliable sources and use data to back up your claims.
Visual aids: Incorporate visual aids such as images, videos, or diagrams to make your presentation more engaging and memorable.
Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your speech and leave the audience with a strong message or call to action.
Q&A: Be prepared to answer questions from the audience, as this can help clarify any misunderstandings and further engage them in the topic.

STEP 2: When you are done watching this video, answer these questions. Submit your
answers to earn these points.
1. What is your reaction to this story? What stood out to you? (You might want to talk about why the
targeting occurred and how it impacted Millie Bobby Brown.)
2. The news anchors made a point to emphasize that Millie is only 14. Why do you think they
did that? Would this be not as big a deal if she were older? (You might want to think about this
question: because she is just 14, is she more likely to be affected by attacks on her character and looks?)
3. Do you
think the people who posted these mean messages would say them to her in
person? Do people act differently when they're online? (You might want to share some specific
examples of people posting and sharing things online differently than they would in real life.)


Pity is the feeling I experienced as I glanced at the picture.

Emotional Appeal: What Is It?

This is a reference to the rhetorical technique of appealing to a person's emotions in order to persuade or convince them of a point of view.

The picture's most striking feature is the girl's dejected expression as she holds a bag. The young girl in the picture is possibly a refugee from a war-torn nation.

The 14-year-old girl named Milly is highlighted in order to highlight the destruction caused by war, how it impacts even youngsters, and how one might feel sympathy for Milly and many others just like her.

Read more about emotional appeal here:

Concepts of media marketing


Here are 5 of them: production, product, selling, marketing, and societal.

Read the poem. Instruments poised, chins high Not a blink, nor a sigh As every eye awaits her hand To cue the members of the band. What is the poem’s rhyme scheme? aabb abab abcb abcd


The poem is formatted in rhyming couplets, which means that each pair of lines rhymes. AABB is the rhyming pattern, as demonstrated by the lines: instruments in position, chins up, Not even a flicker or sigh

What kind of rhyme scheme is employed in the poem?

The line-to-line rhyming patterns of a poem are organised using a rhyme scheme. Between the first and fourth lines, which likewise rhyme, there is a fresh pair of rhymes. Sometimes referred to as an internal rhyme scheme.

What is the structure of the poem?

A rhyme scheme is the arrangement of rhymes at the end of each line in a poem or song. It is frequently identified with letters to indicate which lines rhyme; lines

To know more about poem visit:-


In chapters 10-12 of Treasure Island, why does Captain Smollett say that they can't turn back?
A. The wind will not let them.
B. It would tell the pirates that they are on to them.
C. They are almost out of food.
D. They have not found the treasure yet.



A. The wind will not let them.


I think. It's been a while

You have a friend who is a seamstress specializing in ensembles. She receives cash well in advance of the required date, often in the fiscal period prior to the date of delivery of the ensemble, not only to enable her to purchase material but to cover her labor. She always debits Cash and credits Ensemble Income. For your initial post, first, explain to her why this entry violates the matching principle. Second, identify the classification of Unearned Revenue. Third, explain when the Unearned Revenue account is used. Find information on the Internet or from your book to support your position. Now reply to (2) of your classmate's posts. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Is there anything about their post that could use clarification?


Explain the violation of matching principal:

If the revenue is received in one period but the job or service which pertains to two fiscal years then the same should also be apportioned, since recording the same in one accounting period will overstate that period’s net income and the subsequent year’s income will be understated.

How to classify?

Classification of unearned revenue:

Any unearned revenue is treated as a liability, it is used to reflect the amount of revenue that has been collected but not yet earned.

Read more about income here:


they are building a new road around the city into passive​



A new road is being built by them


Based on the information in the passage, summarize the events of the Battle of Chancellorsville in your own words.


The Chancellorsville campaign's pivotal combat and a significant American Civil War battle took place from April 30 to May 6, 1863.

What is Battle of Chancellorsville?

Battle of Chancellorsville was a brutal Union army attack in Virginia during the American Civil War that fell short of encircling and destroying the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.

The Battle of Chancellorsville was the deadliest conflict in American history when it was over on May 6, 1863. The overall death toll of 30,764 was more than those of well-known conflicts like Shiloh, Second Manassas, Antietam, and Stones River.

Therefore, the Battle of Chancellorsville in the American Civil War, a assault by the Union army in Virginia.

Learn more about Battle of Chancellorsville, here;


Examine ways in which Hurston’s story is about domestic abuse/domination.


One of the most obvious ways in which Hurston’s story is about domestic abuse and domination is through Sykes’ physical and verbal abuse of Delia. Sykes is constantly belittling and berating Delia, and he often resorts to physical violence to get his way. He is also very controlling, demanding that Delia do as he says and not question him. This is a classic example of domestic abuse and domination, and Hurston does an excellent job of conveying the power imbalance between Delia and Sykes.

Another way in which Hurston’s story is about domestic abuse and domination is through the way Sykes uses money to control Delia. Sykes is constantly taking Delia’s hard-earned money and spending it on himself, leaving her with nothing. This is a form of financial abuse, and it is a way for Sykes to maintain control over Delia. He knows that if he takes away her money, she will be unable to leave him or stand up to him.

How Can Relationships Negatively Impact On The Achievement Of Goals? (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.