If A Researcher Finds That Texting While Driving Increases The Chances Of Having An Accident, Then Her (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

When the researcher finds someone texting while driving then that research is also called as the external validity.

The reason why people must not use mobile phone or text while driving is it six times dangerous than drink and drive. Most of the teenagers has lost there life due to this mistake of using mobile phone or texting while driving the vehicle. It is also found that women do this mistake while driving the vehicle which causes sever damages in transportation.

The important reason why it is dangerous is because the people will be in distraction where there eyesight will be on phone more than they see road so almost 15% of the people have crashed due to use of mobile while driving. The impact for the crash is from the visual difference. There are many people who have lost there life due to this blunder.

This type of research is called as external research where the researcher will identify that the texting while driving is a dangerous thing as it leads to accidents. This is because the analyzed situation is by the third party agent, by a legal advisor or consultant whose research is based on the constitutional sections and laws.

The reports done by the external validity is by studies and findings that are done about the case. It is also important to note that the reports are based on general analyses that are affected by the environment. So driving and texting is legally not correct and also punished offence that has to be taken a legal action.

There are many ways for any external research method that can be said as:

Forming questionsTaking interviewsTesting the victimConducting surveyConnecting through mail or telephone

Hence external validity is very important to build the persons profile and also conduct research over the case. So the external validity is out of the communication with third party.

To read more about the external validity or the research about texting while driving follow the link below:




Answer 2

If a researcher finds that texting while driving increases the chances of having an accident, then her research is said to have predictive validity.

According to Texas Transportation Institute researchers, texting or reading while driving causes a driver's reaction time to slow down by two times. The study shows that texting while driving impairs reaction time to road hazards to a higher extent than many experts had previously thought. keeping your speed consistent while texting, and tending to slow down to lessen the demand of the simultaneous duties. A driver can fix driving mistakes (like the propensity to swerve when texting) by slowing down. Additionally, texting drivers saw larger speed variations than non-texting drivers.

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Two sentences that develop the theme of doing the right thing are:

1. When her mother left the room, Naima continued playing her game but for some reasons was no longer enjoying it anymore. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her backpack, and she pictured the homework stuffed right down the bottom of the bag.

2. As she reached for her backpack, she felt an enormous sense of relief.

What is a theme?

In literature, a theme refers to the main idea or underlying meaning of a literary work. It is the central topic or concept that the author is exploring, and it often reflects on the human condition, society, or the world at large.

In the two sentences above, we can see that when Naima disobbeyed her mother, she lacked inner joy but when she obeyed, she felt inner joy. This lends to the theme that doing the right thing brings joy.

Learn more about theme here:




1. When her mother left the room, Naima continued playing her game but for some reasons was no longer enjoying it anymore. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her backpack, and she pictured the homework stuffed right down the bottom of the bag.

2. As she reached for her backpack, she felt an enormous sense of relief.

After Dill wonders aloud what Boo Radley looks like, Jem gives a description from his imagination. How does he describe Boo? What image does his description evoke?


In Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem describes Boo Radley as being about six-and-a-half feet tall, with a long, jagged scar across his face and a row of jagged teeth.

What image does Harper Lee description evoke?

He also says that he drools most of the time and that his eyes pop out, giving him a frightening appearance. Jem's description creates an image of a monstrous and grotesque figure, evoking fear and fascination. It reflects the rumors and legends that have grown up around Boo, who is seen as a mysterious and dangerous figure by many of the children in the neighborhood.

To know more about Harper Lee visit:



Glenn would like to provide a more detailed thesis statement for his paper.
Which of the following could replace sentence 6 and accomplish this goal?
A) No change is needed for sentence 6.
B) In addition to having powers and battle skills, the
superhero teams must be funny to provide the
ultimate in entertainment.
The superhero teams have a variety of members
that sometimes appear in the stories of other
teams, such as Batman v Superman.
Wildly popular, these superheroes provide
entertainment and a sense of relief that in the
worlds that superheroes inhabit, good ultimately
conquers evil.


Recognize various sentence constructions. Readers find uninteresting text that uses only one kind of sentence. You should use send to add interest to your texts.

Which word should be used in lieu of have to make the sentence more powerful?

Since the term "manage" emphasises that teenagers are accountable for their hectic schedules, replacing the word "have" with it produces an effective sentence.

What is an effective sentence?

A subject, a verb, and a complete thought are necessary components of well-written, complete sentences. An entire statement must make sense by itself. Complete sentences are occasionally referred to as independent clauses. A clause is a collection of words that can be used to form a sentence.

To know more about sentence visit:-



3. Did Dr. Tedros mention sources of information in some of his statements? Cite two of these sources and the information they give.

4. Do you think the information extracted from the speech present facts? Cite two evidences.

5. What part of Dr. Tedros' speech has a great impact to you? Do you think the information from this speech is valid? Why?​


According to Dr. Tedros, since the origin of the virus is still unknown, we must go with an exhaustive search everywhere. To care for people and save lives is the message from Dr. Tedros' speech that most resonates with me. This speech contains accurate information.

The WHO is led by Dr. Tedros?

Awarded in 2022. In May 2017, during the 70th World Health Assembly, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was chosen by WHO Member States to lead the organisation for a five-year term. He was then chosen for a second term at the Seventy-Fifth World Health Assembly in May 2022. Dr.

What does the World Health Organization's history begin with?

An expert UN agency tasked with overseeing global public health is the World Health Organization (WHO).It has six regional offices in furthermore 150 field offices circa the world and bases itself in Geneva, Switzerland. The Geneva head office was Jean Tschumi created the design, which was opened in 1966.

To know more about speech visit:



With the attack on Pearl Harbor, a serious
arose between the U.S. government and the
Japanese Americans living in California.
Government officials felt they had to weigh the
country's wartime security against the civil and
constitutional rights of Japanese Americans in
California. Louise's letter to Miss Breed shows
her response to this conflict. What does Louise's
response say about the kind of person she is?
Use specific details from the text to support your


Louise responded in a way that shows her compassion and kindness by acting to uphold justice and human rights. and denounces the government's unfair treatment on behalf of her fellow Japanese Americans.

Why did Japan hit Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese planned the strike as a preventative measure to prevent the US Pacific Fleet from interfering with their planned military operations in Southeast Asia against US, UK, and Dutch overseas territories.

Who won Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese annihilated more than 180 planes and more than a dozen ships in a little more than an hour. More than 2,400 Americans, including military personnel and civilians, died. This infographic has further information. Discover where else Japan attacked after December 7, 1941.

To know more about Pearl Harbor visit:



How does the use of figurative language, and Ava‘s line impact the mood of the dialogue?


cuz figurative language evokes emotion, it creates more compelling narratives and arguments.

a liability is first recorded at its cash equivalent amount, which ______ interest.


When a liability is first recorded at its cash equivalent amount, which excludes interest.

The cash equivalent amount represents the amount that would be required to settle the liability at the time of recording, without taking into account any interest that may accrue over time. As the liability remains outstanding, interest expense will accrue and will need to be recognized separately from the initial recording of the liability.

This is typically done using the effective interest rate method, which calculates the interest expense based on the carrying amount of the liability and the effective interest rate. By recognizing interest expense separately, the financial statements accurately reflect the impact of interest on the liability, providing stakeholders with a more complete picture of the company's financial position.

Learn more about cash equivalent



What is a special thanks?

I received a special thanks and have no idea what they do or how you give them.



“Special thanks” is something that we give to people who aren’t directly involved in a project we were working on. Instead, we want to thank them for something unrelated that they’ve done to make our lives better and get us where we are today.xplanation:

the quality of a play that describes the way the playwright creates a world in which every detail fortifies our insight into the play is called richness. true false


Yes, the above statement is true. The richness of a play refers to the quality where the playwright skillfully creates a comprehensive world, and every detail provided fortifies our understanding and insight into the play.

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A Node. js library called Playwright enables you to script and automate browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari that use the same API. This cross-browser automation is flexible, strong, and quick! Although it has a limited scope, the playwright has an advantage in complicated web applications. Selenium, on the other hand, provides thorough coverage, scalability, flexibility, and a robust community. The decision between these two testing frameworks, therefore, depends on the project's needs and priorities.

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Many articles have been published in your local newspaper condemning the programs shown on the television to the extent that television is even considered to be total nuisance nowadays. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing your views either in favor or against the topic "The importance of television in modern society"​


Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the recent articles published in our local newspaper about the negative impact of television on our society. While I agree that there are certainly some programs on television that are not appropriate for all viewers, I strongly believe that television plays an important role in modern society.

Firstly, television provides a wealth of information and entertainment to people of all ages. News programs keep us informed about current events both locally and internationally, while documentaries and educational programs provide us with an opportunity to learn about a wide range of subjects. In addition, television offers a variety of entertainment options such as movies, dramas, and comedies that help us relax and unwind after a long day.

Secondly, television is an important tool for communication and socialization. It brings people from different parts of the world together through news, sports, and cultural programs. It also provides a platform for debates and discussions on important issues that affect our society.

Furthermore, television is an invaluable resource for people who are unable to attend live events. For example, people who are elderly or disabled can still enjoy concerts, sports games, and other events from the comfort of their own homes.

In conclusion, I believe that television is an important part of modern society. While there are certainly some programs that may be inappropriate, we should not discount the many benefits that television provides. As responsible citizens, we should take an active role in monitoring the programs that we and our families watch, and encourage the television industry to produce more high-quality and educational programming.

[Your Name]

Which sentence or sentences have correct parallel structure?
Depending on the temperature tomorrow, we could get rain or snow.
Depending on the temperature tomorrow, we could get rain, or we could get snow.


The second sentence has correct parallel structure.

which sentence would support a main idea saying that an exhibition of the terra cotta warriors is touring the united states?


"The Terra Cotta Warriors exhibition is currently touring the United States, with upcoming stops in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco."

Currently travelling the country is the Terra Cotta Warriors exhibition, a collection of historic Chinese sculptures that show the soldiers of the first Emperor of China. Major cities including New York, Chicago, and San Francisco are hosting stops for the show, which has more than 100 artefacts. The life-size sculptures are available for visitors to view up close and learn about their historical and cultural importance.

The exhibition's spectacular presentation and educational value have attracted sizable audiences and favourable reviews. A lot of people are thrilled about the opportunity to see this unusual and intriguing display in their city.

Learn more about the exhibition:



The sentence that supports the main idea that an exhibition of the terra cotta warriors is touring the United States would be:

"A traveling exhibition showcasing the remarkable terra cotta warriors has been making its way across various cities in the United States, allowing people to experience this historical wonder up close."

The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, is represented by a number of terracotta statues collectively known as the "Terracotta Army." It is a type of funerary art that was interred with the Emperor in 210–209 BCE in order to safeguard him in the afterlife. It took an estimated 40 years to complete the army. The clay soldiers were discovered in 1974 by Chinese farmers after being hidden for more than 2000 years. It has more than 8,000 military personnel, 130 chariots, and 670 horses, according to experts.

To learn more about Terra cotta warriors, click here:



Why do writers use soliloquys


Answer:Writers use soliloquy to expose irony and create dramatic tension by letting the audience in on information that some characters do not know.


your perspective, and it is a chance to create something that can shape an issue that you care deeply about human rights to law enforcement? answer please 2-3 sentences?


Answer: "As a concerned citizen, I believe that protecting human rights in the context of law enforcement is of utmost importance. We have seen too many examples of abuses of power and systemic injustices, and it is time for us to come together and create meaningful change. By leveraging technology and working collaboratively across sectors, we can develop innovative solutions that promote justice and accountability for all."


The ,begin italics,Gagliarda,end italics, began with a bold and lively air, and as he played the opening bars, he heard behind him a creaking of the wicker chair. The sound was a perfectly familiar one--as of some person placing a hand on either arm of the chair preparatory to lowering himself into it, followed by another as of the same person being leisurely seated. But for the tones of the violin, all was silent, and the creaking of the chair was strangely distinct. The illusion was so complete that my brother stopped playing suddenly, and turned round expecting that some late friend of his had slipped in unawares, being attracted by the sound of the violin, or that Mr. Gaskell himself had returned. With the cessation of the music an absolute stillness fell upon all; the light of the single candle scarcely reached the darker corners of the room, but fell directly on the wicker chair and showed it to be perfectly empty. Half amused, half vexed with himself at having without reason interrupted his music, my brother returned to the ,begin italics,Gagliarda,end italics,; but some impulse induced him to light the candles in the sconces, which gave an illumination more adequate to the occasion. The ,begin italics,Gagliarda,end italics, and the last movement, a ,begin italics,Minuetto,end italics,, were finished, and John closed the book, intending, as it was now late, to seek his bed. As he shut the pages a creaking of the wicker chair again attracted his attention, and he heard distinctly sounds such as would be made by a person raising himself from a sitting posture. This time, being less surprised, he could more aptly consider the probable causes of such a circ*mstance, and easily arrived at the conclusion that there must be in the wicker chair osiers responsive to certain notes of the violin, as panes of glass in church windows are observed to vibrate in sympathy with certain tones of the organ. But while this argument approved itself to his reason, his imagination was but half convinced, and he could not but be impressed with the fact that the second creaking of the chair had been coincident with his shutting the music book; and, unconsciously, pictured to himself some strange visitor waiting until the termination of the music, and then taking his departure.

(from ,begin underline ,The Lost Stradivarius, end underline, by John Meade Falkner)

Which is ,begin emphasis, most, end emphasis, likely an example of foreshadowing in the passage?


The second creaking of the chair, which coincides with the protagonist's shutting of the music book, is the most likely example of foreshadowing in the passage.

Identify the novel and write a short note on it.

"The Lost Stradivarius" is a gothic novel by John Meade Falkner, first published in 1895. The novel tells the story of John Maltravers, a student at Oxford University who becomes obsessed with a Stradivarius violin and the mysterious past of its former owner. As he delves deeper into the violin's history, he begins to experience supernatural occurrences and visions that lead him to question his own sanity.

The novel is notable for its intricate plot, evocative descriptions of the English countryside, and its use of Gothic tropes such as hauntings, doppelgangers, and secret societies. Falkner also incorporates themes of obsession, identity, and the power of music throughout the novel.

"The Lost Stradivarius" has been praised for its atmospheric writing and its ability to blend elements of gothic horror with a more psychological exploration of the human psyche. It has been compared to other gothic classics such as "Dracula" and "Frankenstein" and has influenced later works of horror and suspense. Overall, "The Lost Stradivarius" is a haunting and engaging novel that continues to captivate readers over a century after its initial publication.

To learn more about protagonist, visit:



the psychometric approach is focused on ___ while the cognitive approach is focussed on ___ and ___.


The psychometric approach to psychology is primarily focused on measuring and quantifying human traits, abilities, and personality characteristics through the use of standardized tests and other assessment tools.

This approach is often used to assess intelligence, aptitude, and personality, and is based on the idea that these traits can be accurately measured and compared across individuals.

In contrast, the cognitive approach to psychology is focused on understanding the underlying mental processes involved in perception, attention, memory, and other cognitive functions. This approach emphasizes the importance of mental processes such as attention, perception, and memory in shaping human behavior, and seeks to understand how these processes are involved in higher-level functions such as decision-making and problem-solving.

Learn more about psychometric approach



The psychometric approach is focused on measuring psychological traits and abilities, while the cognitive approach is focused on understanding mental processes and information processing.

The psychometric approach is focused on measuring individual differences in various aspects such as intelligence, personality, and abilities, while the cognitive approach is focused on understanding mental processes involved in perception, attention, memory, and problem-solving. The cognitive approach also emphasizes the importance of information processing and the role of cognitive structures and schemas in shaping human behavior.

To know more about attention refer :



Why is Fabre afraid to breathe near montag.



he thinks its a trap


can someone please help me write an explanation for this already modernized poem of the original OZYMANDIAS poem.the image attached is the explanation of how to do it along with an example.

this is the modernized poem:

I met a traveler from a land far away,

Who spoke of ruins from a different day,

He said, "A pair of legs, without a throne,

Stand in a desert, once a kingdom's home.

Beside them lies a face, shattered and old,

Whose sneer of power, once so bold,

Shows that the sculptor who made this art,

Knew well the arrogance of a ruler's heart.

Upon the base, these words still stand,

'My name is Ozymandias, King of all the land.'

But now, with nothing left to show,

The works of mighty kings have long ago.

The sands of time have claimed their space,

Leaving behind a barren place,

Where all that's left is a memory,

Of the powerful ruler, who once believed in supremacy."


The modernized poem based on Shelley's "Ozymandias" describes the ruins of a powerful ruler's once-great kingdom in the desert, emphasizing the transience of human power and time's inevitable erosion.

How to Write an Explanation for the Modernized Poem?

The modernized poem, based on Shelley's "Ozymandias," describes a traveler who discovers ruins in a desert. The ruins consist of a pair of legs without a throne, and a shattered face that once showed the arrogance of a ruler's heart.

The base has an inscription that reads "My name is Ozymandias, King of all the land," but now nothing is left of the works of mighty kings. The poem emphasizes the transience of human power and the inevitability of time's erosion.

Learn more about modernized poem on:



The Other Wes Moore: What did Wes find as he searched for change in his moms room


In "The Other Wes Moore," Wes Moore found a letter from his father while searching for change in his mom's room. The letter was addressed to him and it was written from prison. It was the first time Wes had seen his father's handwriting. The letter expressed regret for not being there for Wes and promised to make up for lost time when he was released from prison. Wes was deeply moved by the letter and it sparked a desire in him to reach out to his father and establish a relationship with him. This moment was a turning point for Wes, as it made him realize the importance of having positive male role models in his life and motivated him to work hard to achieve his goals.

While looking for a change in his mother's room in "The Other Wes Moore," Wes Moore discovered a letter from his father. The letter was written from prison and addressed to him. Wes had never seen his father's handwriting before. The letter apologized for not being there for Wes and pledged to make amends when he was freed from prison. The letter really impacted Wes, and it generated a desire in him to contact his father and establish a relationship with him. This was a watershed event for Wes because it helped him realize the value of having great male role models in his life and encouraged him to work hard to achieve his goals.

"What private school do you children attend?" the woman asked.
Miss Johnson walked over to the woman and said proudly, "These are students from Louise Spence
"But they're so well behaved, the woman said with surprise. "Isn't that school in the ghetto?"
A. suggesting that children cannot behave themselves at a concert
B. proving that old people don't know what they are talking about
C. showing that certain people think that kids from the inner city are trouble
D. showing why that Louise Spencer Elementary is the best school in the city
BEST: FL-ELA K12. EE11, FL-ELA K12, EE 21


The passage and the woman's used of ghetto is showing that certain people think that kids from the inner city are trouble. Option C

What does the woman mean by ghetto?

The woman's surprise at the students being well-behaved implies that she has a preconceived notion that children from a school in the "ghetto" or inner city would be poorly behaved or cause trouble.

This passage highlights the stereotypes and prejudices that some people may hold about children from disadvantaged areas.

The term "ghetto" originally referred to a section of a city, often a slum area, where a particular group of people, especially a minority group, is forced to live due to social, legal, or economic pressure.

Historically, ghettos were often created as a result of discriminatory policies or actions by those in power.

Find more exercises with the word ghetto;



What can be inferred in the work of teachers?


Answer: It can be inferred that teachers are always working to better teach their students.

Short Communicative Message (Writing) Paper 2 - Part 1 You received an email from your pen pal, Roger from England. Hi In your previous email, you told me you live with your extended family at home. Who are the members of your extended family? How long have you lived together? Do you like this living arrangement? Reply soon. Bye! Write an email to your friend in about 80 words in the space provided. Write your answer below.​


Answer:Yes! I have been there. My trip there last year was great! We spent a lot of time at the beach. You should try out the cable cars, they were fun and it was a nice view. Hope the weather is great for you, let me know how your trip is, can't wait to see pictures.


Read this excerpt from an editorial in a student newspaper.

A teacher who needs ideas for a lesson can research the topic and use other teachers’ ideas in the lesson plan. It makes sense, then, for students who are doing a project or writing a report to use other students’ ideas in their work.


Which logical fallacy does the author include?

hasty generalization
false analogy
circular reasoning
ad populum


For the purpose of assisting students in developing appropriate cognitive maps, connecting concepts, and addressing misunderstandings, teachers must possess a solid understanding of the subject matter and the ability to adapt. Teachers must understand how concepts relate to many disciplines and to daily life.

Teacher's idea:

For their pupils to be able to explore ideas, gather and synthesize information, and frame and solve issues, teachers must be knowledgeable about curriculum resources and technology. instructors also need to understand teamwork, including how to organize student interactions, cooperate with other instructors, and collaborate with parents to create helpful experiences at home and at school.

Student's idea:

A growing body of research indicates that this type of professional development benefits both teachers' perceptions of their own practices and student learning, particularly in the more difficult learning types that the new standards demand. The project should require students to use some technical, interpersonal, communication, and creative thinking abilities. They should be prepared to compromise in order to reach a group agreement and be willing to put the team's decisions ahead of their own personal preferences.

To know more about Teacher and Student visit:



The consonants m, b, and p are often last to emerge in language development and are considered late consonants. false true


In language development, children typically acquire speech sounds in a predictable sequence. True

Consonants such as "m", "b", and "p" require the use of the lips and mouth muscles, and are considered late-developing consonants. Children usually begin to acquire these consonants around the age of 3-4 years old. This is because they require a more precise control and coordination of the mouth muscles, which takes time to develop.

Early-developing consonants such as "m", "p", and "h", on the other hand, rely on more basic mouth movements and are typically acquired earlier. Understanding the typical sequence of speech sound acquisition can help parents and speech-language pathologists identify potential speech sound delays or disorders.

Learn more about language development



4. (a) Summarize What two key ideas are presented in lines 1-26? (b) Analyze What contrast is drawn between elves and holy folk? (c) Make Inferences What irony is presented in lines 25-26? What does that statement suggest about the teller of the tale?​


The narrator's desire to tell a story and the importance of storytelling in preserving tradition. Elves are portrayed as playful and holy folk as devout. The irony in lines 25-26 is that the narrator claims to not know any stories, despite having just told one. This could suggest either false humility or greater storytelling skills.

The two key ideas presented in lines 1-26 are the introduction of the Green Knight, and his challenge to King Arthur's court to participate in a beheading game, where the Green Knight will allow the challenger to strike him with his axe on the condition that the Green Knight will return the blow in one year's time.

The contrast drawn between elves and holy folk is that while elves are known for their trickery and deceit, the Green Knight is portrayed as a holy figure, with his green complexion possibly symbolizing his connection to nature and fertility.

The irony presented in lines 25-26 is that the Green Knight has just challenged the entire court to participate in the beheading game, yet the only person to step forward as a challenger is the young and inexperienced Sir Gawain. This statement suggests that the teller of the tale may be setting up Gawain for a test of his bravery and honor, as he is the only one who has taken up the Green Knight's challenge.

To know more about Inferences, here



What is the speaker’s tone in part of your world song?


The song "Part of Your World" has a sad and melancholy tone from the speaker.

What kind of feeling is melancholy?

The displaceable or unfavourable components of melancholy are emotions of emptiness, loneliness, grief from loss, and the anxiety or dread that occasionally comes with longing. When something causes you to feel extremely down, you refer to it as melancholy.

Is melancholy positive or negative ?

In contrast to simple feelings like sadness, melancholy seems to be a rich and complicated form of condition. It involves both unpleasant and enjoyable emotions. As a result, it has components of positivity that simple melancholy does not.

To know more about Melancholy visit:



What does Gregor's room tell about Gregor?​




Gregor's room can provide insights into his character and his state of mind.

What does it mean to “trace a theme’s development” in a text?


I believe to "trace a theme's development" means to determine a theme or main idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

Hope this helped.

How do the prisoners quoted in this reading describe the process of killing at Auschwitz? Who was involved in the killing? Why do you think the Nazis forced other prisoners (the Sonderkommandos) to assist in the murders? Why were Sonderkommandos killed and replaced every few months?


The Sonderkommandos were groups of Jewish prisoners forced to perform a variety of duties in the gas chambers and crematoria of the Nazi camp system. They worked primarily in the Nazi killing centers, such as Auschwitz, but they were also used at other killing sites to dispose of the corpses of victims.

Key facts:


Sonderkommando is the German word for “special command unit,” and it was used in many different contexts. Jewish Sonderkommando units in the camps should not be confused with the Sonderkommandos which comprised smaller units of Einsatzgruppen killing squads who murdered Jews in mass shootings in the German-occupied Soviet Union and elsewhere


Jews kept alive for forced labor were ordered to do a wide range of activities for the functioning of the camp and for the war effort and war economy. Those chosen for the Sonderkommandos were forced to participate in many tasks involving prisoners and their bodies before and after their deaths.


Members of the Sonderkommandos were usually killed after a few months and replaced by new arrivals. There were very few survivors from this group.

The following passage from Heart of Darkness (paragraph 2) is written in the_ tense, from a
. point of view.


Conrad wrote Heart of Darkness in the first person. Marlow, the primary character, tells his own story from his own perspective.

What is Heart of Darkness's synopsis?

The journey of Marlow, an introspective sailor, to see Kurtz—a man who is reportedly a brilliant idealist—up the Congo River is the focus of Heart of Darkness. Marlow is a riverboat captain for the Company, a Belgian company established to conduct commerce in the Congo.

What serves as Heart of Darkness' central theme?

Heart of Darkness delves deeply into the problems of imperialism. Marlow sees instances of torture, brutality, and other atrocities as he makes his way from the Outer Station to the Central Station and then up the river to the Inner Station.

To know more about Heart of Darkness visit:-



If A Researcher Finds That Texting While Driving Increases The Chances Of Having An Accident, Then Her (2024)
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