How Is V.A.R.A. In Conflict With The New York Anti-Graffiti Legislation? (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

V.A.R.A. in conflict with the New York Anti-Graffiti Legislation because the law do not agree with each other as property owner have a right and say over any inscription or drawings on their property.

What is anti-graffiti law?

The anti-graffiti law is set to prevent paintings and defacement property that is owned privately. It does not allow spraying with aerosol or broad-tipped indelible marker.

VARA is a law guiding the artist it was enacted in 1990 to protect their moral rights.

VARA law does not override anti-graffiti law as artist are still not allowed to paints on peoples property except for approval by the the owner of property.

Therefore, V.A.R.A. in conflict with the New York Anti-Graffiti Legislation because the law do not agree with each other as property owner have a right and say over any inscription or drawings on their property.

Learn more on conflict below


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The Compare is between Uber vs. taking a cab is that both are a means of transportation and they both help in making movement to be easy.

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Hence, The Compare is between Uber vs. taking a cab is that both are a means of transportation and they both help in making movement to be easy. The contrast is that Uber do not charge using moving or stop-and-go traffic, but taxis do. Also, uber does charge using surge rates during rush hours.

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Elizabeth has the most internal growth. In Act 2, she suspects John has affections for Abigail, but in the closing act she admits she thought she was too plain and poor to deserve a man's love, adding "suspicion kissed you when I did." She says, when John's executed, "He has his goodness now. God forbid I should take it from him. " Mary's anxiety about telling what she knows, Parris's lie to save his job, and the girls' fear of punishment compel them to tell a lie that would harm innocent people. Persecution begins when the court executes those who can't recite all the commandments and the mentally sick and homeless. Hathorne and Danforth show power and control by sending many individuals to jail on their signatures.


This is my opinion only so please feel free to alter as you see fit.

Which treatment step in minimal opposition contrast approach addresses traditional cues to elicit the distictive feature proprty?


Word pairs are used so the child learns semantic as well as motoric differences between the phonemes for minimal opposition contrast approach.

A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound that distinguishes one phrase from some other word in a language. A Grapheme is a symbol used to perceive a phoneme; it is a letter or group of letters representing the sound.

A phoneme is a speech sound. it's the smallest unit of sound that distinguishes one word from some other. due to the fact that sounds cannot be written, we use letters to represent or stand for the sounds.

Learn more about phonemes here:-


Comprehension: "gettysburg address" read the following question. then choose the letter of the best answer. read lines 17-23 on page 28. lincoln believes that victory in the war will result in select one: a. a full measure of devotion. b. a new birth of freedom. c. an altogether fitting and proper memorial. d. all men being created equal.


Lincoln believes that victory in the war will result in b. a new birth of freedom.

What is a Speech?

This refers to the formal talk that is given to a group of people about a particular topic.

Hence, we can see that Lincoln believes that victory in the war will result in b. a new birth of freedom and this was one of the main reasons why he gave the famous address.

Read more about Gettysburg Address here:


Which choice best explains the meaning of the figurative phrase veiled his problems (paragraph 3)?


The meaning of this figurative phrase is that someone is analyzing their problems, and trying to understand them.

Why does this sentence represent this?Because the word "veil" is synonymous with watching, observing intensely.Because the word someone who watches over problems is trying to analyze them, and understand them.

When we say that a person "veiled his problems" we are saying that this person was observing the problems he had, analyzing and monitoring them, paying attention to their details so that he could understand them.

This happens because this person wants to solve the problems he has, to find solutions that allow him to get rid of them. This is only possible with understanding, which is only possible with observation.

Learn more about synonyms:


Question 6 of 20: Select the best answer for the question. 6. If someone wanted to manage his or her weight in a healthy way, he or she should O A. stop drinking water to promote weight loss. O B. discuss what his or her appropriate weight should be with a doctor or nurse. O C. try to lose as much weight as quickly as possible. O D. eat foods that contain mostly protein.



If someone wanted to manage his or her weight in a healthy way, he or she should

B. discuss what his or her appropriate weight should be with a doctor or nurse.


If someone wanted to manage his or her weight in a healthy way, he or she should discuss what his or her appropriate weight should be with a doctor or nurse.

Read this excerpt from "The Kick and the Click."

The next morning, Anthony awoke to laughing and applauding, so he threw on some jeans and a T-shirt and hurried down the hallway, giving his father a quizzical look when he reached the kitchen doorway.

What is the denotation of the word "quizzical"?


The denotation of the word "quizzical" as it is used in the sentence is "puzzled," "confused," or "perplexed," as further explained below.

What is denotation?

The word denotation is used to refer to the literal or dictionary meaning of a word, as opposed to connotation, which is the figurative or emotional meaning.

The word "quizzical" has the following denotations, among others:


To figure out which ones are correct, we must take the context into consideration. According to the passage, Anthony woke up hearing other people laugh and applaud. Since he does not know what is going on, he feels confused by the whole thing.

With that in mind, we can choose any denotations that show Anthony's confusion. Therefore, the denotations for "quizzical" can be "puzzled," "perplexed" or "confused."

Learn more about denotation here:


Why does susan, the narrator in "hamadi," value her family friend? for his advice for his fame for his gifts for his money


The narrator values her family friend Mr. Hamadi because that is like her only true friend.

Someone who offers an account or tells the tale of events, reports, and many others. a person who provides spoken commentary to a movie, tv software, slide show, etc.

Narrator, one who tells a story. In a work of fiction the narrator determines the story's factor of view. If the narrator is a full player inside the tale's action, the narrative is said to be in the first man or woman. A tale informed through a narrator who isn't always a man or woman in the story is a 3rd-individual narrative.

The narrator is the fictitious assemble the author has created to inform the tale via. it's the point of view the story is coming from.

There's a distinction among writer, narrator, and character. the author creates the story. The narrator tells the story. The character lives the story.

Right here's the difference among a narrator and a speaker: A narrator is one that tells a story or narrative. A speaker, alternatively, is the active “voice” or person at the back of a poem or tale.

The narrator used to work at a shipyard, wearing end result and different goods to the docks in his pony cart.

Learn more about Narrator here:-


In the context of this letter which is more important freedom of speech or the protection of young people from what some may see harmful ideas? Cite evidence from this text your own experience and other literature art or history in your answers


Throughout their lives, people will be exposed to a range of harmful beliefs. No matter how much you shield someone from the outside world, they will eventually learn about risky things, which is an unavoidable truth.

What is freedom of speech?

It is preferable to expose things to someone in modest doses that are appropriate to them, rather than "sheltering" them from dangerous ideas and then having them all arrive at once.

Because these ideas will eventually spread to everyone, safeguarding freedom of expression is more important than shielding someone from dangerous ideas.

Thus, Throughout their lives, people will be exposed to a range of harmful beliefs.

For more details about freedom of speech, click here:


summary on the book I am the Messenger


"I am the Messenger" by Markus Zusak tells the story of a young man challenged by an unknown benefactor to become a better person by helping those around him. Through a series of assignments given to him on the aces from a deck of playing cards, Ed Kennedy learns to face his fears. He is able to rise above his feelings of incompetence as he helps others in areas where they need the help the most. Some of the messages that Ed receives are as simple as buying an ice cream cone for a struggling single mother while others put Ed in positions of real danger. At the conclusion of the novel, Ed learns that he is not only the messenger, but also the message as the man who sent Ed on his journey of self-improvement tells Ed he has learned that even an ordinary man can live beyond normal expectations.

Ed's journey begins when he becomes involved in a bungled bank robbery and helps police capture the robber by grabbing the robber's dropped gun and shooting at him. When Ed testifies at the trial for the bank robber, the robber threatens Ed, telling him that he is a dead man. A short time prior to this, Ed had received in the mail an Ace of Diamonds with three addresses and times listed on it. Ed becomes aware that he is supposed to help the people who are listed on these addresses. Through the course of the story, Ed works his way through all of the aces as well as the joker card. Those he helps include an elderly lady needing reassurance that she treated her husband right and a family who needs a new string of Christmas light to make their holiday bright. Ed is even called to give messages to his closest friends and family members.

Ed's last message, delivered on the joker card, is for Ed himself. During the delivery of this message, Ed learns that he is not only the messenger, but also the message as he shows the man who put Ed's entire journey into motion that people, even ordinary ones, can rise about their perceived abilities to make a difference in the world. Through his journey, Ed becomes more confident in his abilities and improves as a human being. Even Audrey, who is the love of Ed's life but has never allowed herself to love Ed, recognizes Ed's goodness as she finally gives in to his love. There is also a twist at the conclusion of the novel as Ed learns the identity of the man who has sent him all of the messages.

help me pls
40 points and brainliest

Look again at this section of the text:

I remember that she always had a book in her bag - usually fiction. She was an avid reader. If she got bored in lessons, she'd sneak the book onto her lap and snatch a few chapters. Of course, she would disguise what she was doing. She had that amazing ability to half-listen to what a teacher was saying, at the same time as devouring more pages of her book. It was tricky to tell her off. She wasn't missing out on anything, just making double use of her time.

In your own words, explain the main impression of Cara created in this paragraph. Support your ideas with evidence from the text.​




Cara is a person with no time to waste. She multitasks by listening to the teacher but also reading, this keeps her caught up with the class and also further along in her book. If she didn't multitask like this, she would have to take more time to read and it would take more time in her day. Overall, she saves time by multitasking instead of doing one thing at a time. This makes her a time-oriented person who makes the most of her days.

she would have to take more time to read and it would take more time in her day she saves time by multitasking instead of doing one thing at a time.

Which of the following best describes why there is increasing demand for project management roles in today's job market?
O Project management is a relatively new job title.
Project management roles are designed to adapt to changes and handle new processes as they come up.
O Project management isn't adequately compensated when compared to similar roles.
O There's significant turnover in the project management field.



Project management roles are designed to adapt to changes and handle new processes as they come up.

There is increasing demand for project management roles in today's job market is best described as Project management roles designed to adapt to changes and handle new processes as they come up. Thus the correct option is B.

What is a Project manager?

A Project manager refers to a person who is responsible head of any project and helps in arranging the resources, checking the progress, and timely completion of it.

Project management roles are increasingly emerging as a growth and financial career path for non-technical workers. It calls for effective communication, planning, utilization of logic, and innovation.

According to the direction and guidance it provides for projects, project management is crucial. Developing the project's commencement, preparation, implementation, supervision, and closure processes successfully is one of project management's goals.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Project managers, here:


Can someone please help me with this project?

Practice taking a backward look to help determine your personal skills.

One method to help you see the direction your life is going in is to see where you've been. List your most enjoyed or successful experiences, achievements, honors, jobs, hobbies, projects, roles, etc. in the order of their significance to you. Analyze the things you have done and the significant moments in your life. See if you can find a pattern or direction.


You can make a list of everything you consider successful in your life, such as your good grades, which will help you figure out your personal skills.

Determining personal skills

According to the question, looking at your past can help you find your path for the future. Therefore, looking at your past successes can be helpful when it comes to understanding what you are good at, that is, your personal skills.

For example, you can make a list such as the following:

I have always found math easy and gotten good grades on math tests since I was child.I have won two math-related competitions.I really enjoy helping my friends with their math homework.I loved that time when we went to a planetarium.

A list like the one above can help you visualize how mathematics seem to be a great part of your life. You could, for example, consider a career that involves math, such as astronomy. You personal skills can, thus, be determined by taking notes on what you enjoy and are good at.

Learn more about personal skills here:


Please help me please help me please help me





the smell tells you something is wrong

the explanation is more clear and helps the meaning of the passage

Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet.

And hear the sentence of your moved prince.
Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word,


By thee, old Capulet, and Montague,
Have thrice disturb’d the quiet of our streets,
And made Verona’s ancient citizens
Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments,
To wield old partisans, in hands as old,


Canker’d with peace, to part your canker’d hate.
If ever you disturb our streets again
Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.
What will happen if the Capulets and Montagues disturb the peace again?

They will be banished from Verona.
They will have to pay a fine.
They will be punished by death.
They will have to have a duel


They will have to have a duel
I did it right on my test


they will be banished


the answer above me is incorrect

t the best answer for the
11. Jung's anima and animus archetype separated energy traits into masculine or feminine, and?


Jung's anima and animus archetype separated energy traits into masculine or feminine, and complexes from the personal unconscious.

What are the animus and anima?These are concepts developed in Carl Jung's school of analytical psychology.They are described as part of the collective unconscious.They may be part of the personal unconscious.They are archetypes that separate the feminine and masculine energy traits.

In addition to separating male and female energy traits, the archetypes, the birth of these archetypes considers the human psyche as something individual that manifests itself amid personality construction. In this case, it can be understood that the manifestation of masculine and feminine energies is born from an individual point of the unconscious, which is stimulated and worked through the influence of collective and external factors in the organism.

Learn more about animus and anima:


A symbol expressed in language that represents a phenomenon or an abstract idea generalized from particular instances is known as a?


A symbol expressed in language that represents a phenomenon or an abstract idea is a concept.

How can we understand a concept?From their particular characteristics.From the interpretation of your statements.From the search for its meaning.

A concept is a notion, an abstract idea about the generalized meaning of something. It can be defined as a unit of knowledge that aims to describe very subjunctive ideas that are difficult to materialize. For this reason, we can consider that the concept is a symbol expressed in words, as it will need the interpretation of individuals to be meaningful and convey the necessary message.

Learn more about concepts:


write a letter to your friend telling him or her your first experience in senior secondary School​


Some useful tips to write a letter to your friend telling him or her about your first experience in senior secondary School are:

Write in an informal mannerAttach his addressMention the name of your schoolState the things that makes you like the schoolMention if you have made new friendsAsk them some questions about themselvesConclude.

What is Letter Writing?

This refers to the use of words in order to convey a message to a person in a different location with the use of letters.

Hence, we can see that based on your given question about writing a letter to your friend telling him or her about your first experience in senior secondary School, the aforementioned tips should help you.

Read more about letter writing here:


The five-foot gorilla lives at the zoo but it is originally from Africa.


after zoo and before but

The five-foot gorilla lives at the zoo, but it is originally from Africa. Comma (punctuation) is missing in this sentence. Thus, option (a) is correct.

Punctuation is the division of written words into sentences and clauses using symbols like full stops, periods, commas, and question marks. Without punctuation are no sentence was the complete. The sentence was the join and the end was the connected with the help of the punctuation.

According to the accurate sentence is "The five-foot gorilla lives at the zoo, but it is originally from Africa." Before the conjunction and between each independent cause, comma the sentence.

As a result, the significance of the sentence as the missing in the punctuation are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on punctuation, here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

The five-foot gorilla lives at the zoo, but it is originally from Africa. Which punctuation is missing in this sentence?

A. Comma

B. Full stop

C. Semi-colon

D. Hyphen

Sid is preparing an appraisal report, using a standard pre-printed appraisal form. what is the best way for him to ensure that he meets his uspap reporting requirements?


The correct answer is option 3) Follow the minimum report content requirements of STANDARD 2.

Sid is preparing an appraisal report, using a standard pre-printed appraisal form the way for him to ensure that he meets his USPAP reporting requirements is he should follow the minimum report content requirements of STANDARD 2.

What is appraisal report?

The appraisal report is one of two forms of appraisal reports recognized by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The appraisal report is a report that may be meant just for the customer, but it may also be used by other people.

Parts of the appraisal's study and development of the property must be presented in an appraisal report, as must any reasoning that supports the assessment's analysis and conclusion.

This sort of analysis contains more information about market supply and demand, property types, and occupancy rates in the area.

Learn more about appraisal report


malleable means:
O easily influenced
Oshockingly repellent
supplying motive force
O out of fashion


Malleable means: Easily influenced.


C. supplying motive force


In thermodynamics, the term "motive power" refers to the energy or force that is harnessed and used to power a mechanical device or system. Simply put, it's any source of power that gives motion.

What central idea does Hurston emphasize with the phase "became colored" in paragraph 2?
A. Race is not the foundation of her identity.
B. Her skin color changed when she turned thirteen.
C. Social context influences how she feels about her racial identity.
D. She did not always feel discriminated against because of her color.



C. Social context influences how she feels about her racial identity.


I am colored but I offer nothing in the way of extenuating circ*mstances except that I am the only colored person in the United States whose grandfather on the mother's side was not an Indian chief. I remember the very day that I became colored. Up to my thirteenth year I lived in the little colored people town of Eatonville, Florida.

Why is it that people sometimes make the same mistakes that they so easily see others making? Adiche


The main reason why people sometimes make the same mistakes that they so easily see others making is that they do not learn from the mistakes of others.

This is a recurrent theme in today's society as the same mistakes keeps repeating themselves in a vicious cycle because people are adamant and dogmatic.

What is a Mistake?

This refers to the situation or process where a person makes an error or a bad call of judgment about something.

Hence, we can see that The main reason why people sometimes make the same mistakes that they so easily see others making is that they do not learn from the mistakes of others.

This is a recurrent theme in today's society as the same mistakes keeps repeating themselves in a vicious cycle because people are adamant and dogmatic.

Read more about mistakes here:


Name your favorite brand and why you chose that brand
Also include at least 1 product that your like from that brand


My favorite brand is Apple and I choose it for its performance. the product which I like about it is the iPhone.

As a brand, I truly like Apple. Because I enjoy innovation and beauty, as well as having great dreams and motivating others. I believe that the Apple brand personifies these ideals, which is one of the main reasons I am a great lover of their merchandise. Having said that, unless I wanted to mop the floor in their offices, I cannot realistically work for Apple because I am not a computer engineer or a geek. However, I believe that this company encourages comparable ideals in the workplace, particularly creativity and ambition, and thus I find it to be a good fit for my personality and preferences.

Apple Watch is the product I like best. I can stay as connected (or not) as I need to be for calls, texts, the weather, my health, the news, and other little details without constantly having to take my phone out of my pocket. I also enjoy that I can talk while still having my hands free to complete other activities.

Learn more about a brand here :


Read this excerpt from Act III, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.

Friar Laurence: Too familiar 10
Is my dear son with such sour company:
I bring thee tidings of the prince’s doom.

Romeo: What less than doomsday is the prince’s doom?
Friar Laurence: A gentler judgment vanish’d from his lips,
Not body’s death, but body’s banishment.
How does this complication contribute to the central conflict of the play?

When Romeo is forced to leave the city, he is unable to defeat his enemy.
When Romeo is forced to leave the city, his marriage to Juliet is strained.
When Romeo is punished, he vows to seek revenge against the prince.
When Romeo is punished, he questions the depth of his love for Juliet.


This complication contributes to the central conflict of the play because:

When Romeo is forced to leave the city, his marriage to Juliet is strained.

What is the effect of the complication?

The effect of this complication on the entire story is that Romeo is now unable to marry Juliet since he will no longer be able to see her.

This precipitated the move to run away with Juliet which eventually led to serious consequences. So, the marriage could not be sealed any longer.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet here:


Answer:When Romeo is forced to leave the city, his marriage to Juliet is strained.

Explanation: edge

A. The German poet Johan Wolfgang von Goethe said, "There is nothing insignificant in
the world. It all depends on the point of view." Write an essay that explains why it is
important to see a situation from another person's point of view. Use examples and
anecdotes (short, interesting story about a real incident or person) from your own
experience to support your viewpoint.


To write an essay on this topic, you need to do the following:

Identify the main idea that expresses the importance of listening to the perspective of others.Recall a time in your life when you listened to the perspective of others and this benefitted you.End with a conclusion and call to action.

What is essay writing?

Essay writing is a term that refers to the development of a perspective to help readers understand different facets of the matter. Perspective is a very vital issue.

So, the aim of your essay is to explain how listening to the perspective of others has been beneficial. Conclude your essay with an encouragement to listen to the perspective of other people.

Learn more about essay writing here:


Which statements from the text best support the answer in Part A?

Select the two correct answers.

"Allison Adelle Hedge co*ke . . . grew up in several foster homes, fought cancer and struggled with drug abuse...'I really didn’t believe I would make it through childhood, but the act of writing brought me through,' she says."
"Allison Adelle Hedge co*ke . . . grew up in several foster homes, fought cancer and struggled with drug abuse...'I really didn’t believe I would make it through childhood, but the act of writing brought me through,' she says."

"If you have an experience and you sit down and write about it, you can pour that emotion out.”
"If you have an experience and you sit down and write about it, you can pour that emotion out.”

"In [Angela’s Ashes] the author writes about growing up poor in 1930s and ’40s Ireland. 'Reading books like that makes us feel a little less alone, a little less troubled,' [co*ke] says."
"In [, Angela’s Ashes, ] the author writes about growing up poor in 1930s and ’40s Ireland. 'Reading books like that makes us feel a little less alone, a little less troubled,' [co*ke] says."

"Humans have told stories to feel better through the ages. For example, think of fairy tales that teach moral lessons. Or religious texts that wrestle with valleys of despair and mountains of hope...."
"Humans have told stories to feel better through the ages. For example, think of fairy tales that teach moral lessons. Or religious texts that wrestle with valleys of despair and mountains of hope...."
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The theme of this excerpt is based on drafting some words which are pleasant for mental health, as well as, the excess emotional stress that can be negative for health.

The two correct answers that best support the excerpt are as follows:

If you have an experience and you sit down and write about it, you can pour that emotion out.Allison Adelle Hedge co*ke . . . grew up in several foster homes, fought cancer, and struggled with drug abuse...'I really didn’t believe I would make it through childhood, but the act of writing brought me through,' she says.

What is a news article?

The news articles may be defined as a written configuration in prose, which is usually nonfiction and based on a specific topic that constructs an independent part of a book or other publication, such as a newspaper or magazine.

According to the question, the central idea of the passage significantly demonstrates the health benefits of reading and writing that are virtuous for mental health, and the huge amount of emotional stress can be substandard for health.

In this article, there are numerous texts that assist it according to Allison Adelle Hedge co*ke, who remarkably exhausted her youth in a number of foster homes and fought cancer and drug utilization.

Therefore, she legitimately didn't trust she would survive childhood, but the act of writing helped her get through it.

To learn more about News articles, refer to the link:


When contemplating word usage, which of the following should not be considered?
words that are appropriate to your time
words that are dated or ambiguous
words that are applicable to your context
words that are relevant to your purpose


When contemplating word usage, words that are dated or ambiguous should not be considered. Therefore, Option B is correct.

What is the meaning of proper word usage?

When a word is used correctly and in a situation where its intended meaning, tone, and connotations match those connected with it, it is said to be "right."

In other words, the writer should be familiar with the word's connotations as well as its denotations. The way a word, phrase, or idea is employed in a language or linguistic variant is known as its word usage.

Therefore, When contemplating word usage, words that are dated or ambiguous should not be considered. Option B is correct.

Learn more about word usage:


How Is V.A.R.A. In Conflict With The New York Anti-Graffiti Legislation? (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.