Which Of The Following Is No Longer Used As A Therapeutic Technique When Treating Mental Disorders? Question (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1

The answer is C, Electroconvulsive therapy.

Electroconvulsive therapy is a type of therapeutic techniques used in treating mental disorder which is no longer in use.

Electroconvulsive therapy is a type of treatment given to patients with severe major depression or bipolar disorder that has not responded to other treatments. The treatment is given under anaesthesia, that is, the patients are not conscious,, small electric currents are passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure and cause certain reaction that will reverse some mental conditions

Electroconvulsive was introduced in 1930 but starting 1960, the use of the therapy has reduced significantly.

Learn more about Electroconvulsive therapy here



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What is the measurement of each angle and their intercepted arcs?


The intercepted arc's measure and the center angle are same. The intercepted arc is the same angle as the central angle, which is 30 degrees in this case.

Which intercepted arcs are congruent?

Chord Arcs Theorem, Congruent intercepted arcs are those between two chords in a circle that are identical. Directly opposite a Chord Theorem The chord's bisector is defined as the line perpendicular to a circle's center.

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The central angle that intercepts it, which is how we define the arc angle, is a measure. A conjecture involving inscribed angles The relation between an inscribed angle's measurements and the intercepted arc angle is provided in this paragraph. The intercepted arc's size is stated to be as follows.

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All of the following substances pass through the placenta except for: __________


All of the following substances pass through the placenta except for maternal blood. The organ that plays a crucial part in supplying nutrients to the developing embryo is the placenta.

What do you mean by the placenta?

An organ that grows in the uterus during pregnancy is the placenta. A developing newborn receives oxygen and nutrients from this structure.

It also cleans the baby's blood of waste materials. The baby's umbilical cord grows from the placenta, which is attached to the uterus' wall throughout pregnancy.

Following a fertilized egg implants in your uterus seven to ten days after conception, the placenta starts to develop. To support your growing baby, it keeps expanding throughout your pregnancy. A few cells develop into a placenta that is many inches long.

Therefore, all of the following substances pass through the placenta except for maternal blood. The organ that plays a crucial part in supplying nutrients to the developing embryo is the placenta.

To know more about the placenta, visit:



What does the idea of multifactorial causation in drug effects suggest?Taking several different drugs at the same time produces unpredictable effects.Each person will have the same physiological response to a drug, but there can be different psychological responses.Taking several different drugs at once increases their effectiveness. The effects of a drug depend on the dosage and the user’s personal makeup and experience.


The idea of multifactorial causation in drug effects suggests that: the effects of a drug depend on the dosage and the user's personal makeup and experience.

According to the theory of multifactorial causation in drug effects, a drug's effects are influenced by the dosage as well as the individual characteristics and prior experience of the user. When you require one or more medicines to function, you develop drug dependence. In the past, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) distinguished between abuse and dependence. Abuse was seen as the moderate or initial stage of unrestrained drug use that resulted in dependence. People believed that reliance to be a more serious issue than abuse.

Learn more on multifactorial causation



What are the 5 claims of globalization?


Core truth of the globalization ideology include the following: (1) Liberalization and global integration (2) Globalization is inevitable and irreversible; (3) Nobody is in control of Globalization; (4) Globalization benefits Everyone; (5) Globalization Advance.

In simple terms, what is globalization?

The process by which commodities and people can travel freely across borders is known as globalization. The integration of markets, commerce, and investments with few obstacles to the movement of goods and services between states is the concept's economic underpinning.

In order to gain access to more products, services, and consumers as well as to a more competitive market position with reduced operational costs, enterprises must go global.

To know more about globalization visit:



For billions of years, our sun, a yellow, main-sequence star, has radiated solar energy into space. The energy that reaches earth has been most responsible for which of the following?
A: Creating electricity from solar panels.
B: Changing ocean levels known as tides.
C: Convection within the earth’s atmosphere leading to weather patterns.
D: The limited plant life found at the poles.


For billions of years, our sun, a yellow, main-sequence star, has radiated solar energy into space. Convection within the earth's atmosphere leads to weather patterns. Option C

What is earth's atmosphere?

Generally, Solar energy that reaches Earth is responsible for driving the Earth's weather patterns, including the circulation of air in the atmosphere, through a process called convection.

This energy is also responsible for driving the water cycle, which is the process by which water evaporates from the Earth's surface, rises into the atmosphere, and then falls back down as precipitation.

Solar energy can also be used to generate electricity through the use of solar panels, and it can cause changes in ocean levels through the process of tides.

However, it is not typically a significant factor in determining the distribution of plant life on Earth.

Read more about earth's atmosphere



What is an example of scarcity of resources?


Natural scarce resources include gold, oil, silver, and other fossil fuels.

What Are the Principal Reasons for Scarcity?Economic scarcity is primarily caused by structural, supply- and demand-induced factors.There are several types and kinds of scarcity. There are four broad categories that you can separate: Overwhelming demand, exclusivity, need, and rarity.Natural scarce resources include gold, oil, silver, and other fossil fuels. These resources might become scarce and costlier as demand outpaces supply. Due to their scarcity and monopoly on the market, some goods, like diamonds, fetch exorbitant prices.It's time to come to an end, but before we do, keep in mind that the four forces of production—land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship—are finite resources that serve as the foundation of the economy.

To learn more about scarcity refer to:



Why did they call themselves the Redeemers?


Redeemers expressed their desire to redeem their states from northern control and to restore the antebellum social order .So , they called themselves as redeemers .The Democrat Party's Southern section was known as Redeemers.

They aspired to regain political control and uphold white supremacy. A alliance of freed slaves, "carpetbaggers," and "scalawags," the Radical Republicans were to be driven from power by their Redemption policy. Redeemers were those who were dedicated to reversing the tide of Radical Reconstruction in the South. This term expressed their intention to free their states from northern rule and bring back the antebellum social structure, in which blacks were kept safely beneath the boot heel of whites.

The name "Redeemer Democrats" was coined by southern Democrats in the nineteenth century who were passionate about "redeeming" their states from what they saw as Republican carpetbaggers, scalawags, and their black friends who had taken over when Congressional Reconstruction got underway.

For such more questions on Redeemers :



How can I increase my chances of getting disability?


Your possibilities encountering a three-month or longer inability before you arrive at age 65 are 50 percent, as per the Public Relationship of Protection Magistrates.

A mental or physical condition that limits a person's activities, senses, or movements is called a disability. These people's issues have been recognized by modern societies, and laws have been enacted to make their interactions easier. As a result, some people believe that living with a disability has become quite manageable.

An incapacity is a physical or mental issue that makes it troublesome or unthinkable for an individual to walk, see, hear, talk, learn, or do other significant things. Some disabilities last a lifetime or are irreversible. Some are fleeting or only last a short time.This is the term used to describe a person's circ*mstances that might prevent them from participating in particular activities.It is known that the disability gets worse with age. A 65-year-old is said to have about 50%.

Read more on disability here:



Why did Harlan dissent in Plessy v. Ferguson?


Harlan thought the "separate but equal" theory maintained by the majority ruling was inherently discriminatory and in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Justice Harlan dissented in the Plessy v. Ferguson case.

In his dissenting opinion, he said that the rule in question which obliged railroad firms to offer "separate but equal" facilities for white and black passengers was intended to maintain the inferiority of black people.

Simply because it applied equally to white and black residents, it could not be justified. He considered the legislation to be a type of racial segregation designed to oppress black Americans and that it had no place in a society based on the values of justice and equality.

To learn more about Justice Harlan's



Why did Zinn say Wilson made a flimsy argument?


The reason why Zinn claims that Wilson made a flimsy argument is that, Wilson lied about the Lusitania and that he would stay neutral but then entered 3 years later.

Who was the true Lusitania's sinker?

The thirty-year-old Kapitänleutnant Walter Schwieger had been in charge of the submarines U-20 that sank the RMS Lusitania. His account of the assault and the swift sinking of the large liner as he saw it via his periscope is recorded in his war journal.

Was the Lusitania ever discovered?

The wreck, which is 12 miles from the coast of Ireland under 300 feet of muddy, choppy water, bears physical proof of precisely such a load. On May 7, 1915, the Lusitania was sunk in County Cork. 128 Americans were among the 1,198 victims of the attack, which also contributed to the United States' entry into World War I.

To learn more about Lusitania visit:



Wilson presented a flimsy argument, according to Zinn, because he lying about Lusitania and stated that he would remain neutral until entering 3 years later.

What does the word "argument" mean?

Argumentation, rationalization, or discussion: An organized set of justifications, claims, or facts used to establish or support a position. A heated dispute or disagreement: the closing statement of a defense counsel.

Why does a strong argument matter?

When a non-deductive arguments is capable of providing plausible but insufficient factual support for its conclusion, it is said to be strong. When a non-deductive argument does not provide solid evidence to back up its conclusion, it is deemed weak.

To know more about argument visit :



Margaret, who is almost twelve, has never had a conversation with her parents about menstruation. according to your authors, margaret’s parents?


To ensure Margaret has a chance to discuss menstruation before she experiences it, you could wish to bring up the subject with her.

To encourage girls to use sanitary pads rather than cloth pads, sanitary pads should be provided in rural areas. Girls should receive instruction on how to practice the best possible hygiene throughout their periods.

You may learn a lot about your health from your menstrual cycle.

Between adolescence and menopause, regular cycles indicate that your body is functioning appropriately. Period issues, such as irregular or painful periods, could indicate a major health issue.

Discuss your bleeding with your doctor, including how frequently you need to switch out your sanitary protection (towels, tampons or menstrual cup). Your doctor can look into the cause of your severe bleeding. A physical examination, blood tests, or scans may be a part of these studies.

Learn more about " menstrual cycle" to visit here;



How does the speaker feel about walls between neighbors?


He does not believe in walls for the sake of walls. The neighbor resorts to an old adage: “Good fences make good neighbors.”

What does the speaker believe about walls and neighbors?He does not believe in walls for the sake of walls. The neighbor resorts to an old adage: "Good fences make good neighbors." The speaker remains unconvinced and mischievously presses the neighbor to look beyond the old-fashioned folly of such reasoning. His neighbor will not be swayed.Every year, two neighbors repair the stone wall that divides their property. The narrator is skeptical of this tradition, unable to understand the need for a wall when there is no livestock to be contained only apples and pine trees. He does not believe that a wall should exist simply for the sake of existing.The speaker views the wall as a way to "mend" the friendship between he and his neighbor, but the neighbor sees it as something that should be used to keep them apart.According to the poet's neighbor, physical barriers set limits and affirm the rights of every individual. Walls also stand for building goodwill and trust. The 'wall' is also an example of a metaphor in the poem, Mending Wall.

To learn more about neighbors refer to:



bringing together our issues of critical thinking and social psychology, can you discuss how a resistance to change ones views (and thus fail to think critically) can increase the likelihood that people will be aggressive against those who have done nothing wrong (milgram study)? conform to a group, even when the group is wrong (asch)? or engage in prejudice or cruelty when they have every reason to know their behavior is wrong?


The trials showed how much one's own opinions are impacted by those of a group.

What can we infer about conformity in groups from the Asch experiments? The trials demonstrated the extent to which an individual's personal opinions are impacted by those of a group.Asch discovered that people would provide a false answer and neglect truth to fit in with the group.(1963), who discovered that subjects in the Asch scenario experienced significantly elevated levels of autonomic arousal.Additionally, this result shows that they were in a conflicting situation, unable to decide whether to disclose what they had seen or to comply to others' expectations.People give succumb to peer pressure because they depend on the group to gratify two crucial needs: the need for a realistic understanding of reality and the need for social acceptance.Because true worldviews frequently result in positive outcomes, people aspire to possess them.

To learn more about Asch experiments refer



Behavioral differences in motor development are not apparent until elementary school years.

a. True
b. False


Behavioral differences in motor development are not apparent until elementary school years.

The statement is False.

The majority of kids in school age have coordinated, powerful motor abilities. However, there are differences in their physical prowess, stamina (particularly eye-hand), balance, and coordination. Fine motor abilities might also differ greatly.Development of motor skills. Most children learn the fundamental motor abilities of running, jumping, and skipping throughout their early years, as well as the skills necessary to manage objects, such throwing, catching, and kicking (Clark, 1994). As they run and jump, kids continue to develop their gross motor skills.

To know more about Behavioral differences here



What are the speaker and his neighbor doing in Mending Wall?


They are parallel to one another, with the wall squarely in their middle.

What is the message of the Mending Wall?As man "sets limits and he breaches borders," the poem examines the inconsistencies in life and mankind, including the conflicts inside each individual. As fixing the wall serves to simultaneously divide and connect the two neighbors, another paradox, it also investigates the function of borders in human society.The major argument in "Mending Wall" is around the speaker's and their neighbor's divergent worldviews. The speaker worries that the wall makes it difficult for neighbours to communicate with one another. It is a wall that the neighbours have put up for themselves, and it prevents them from getting to know one another better.The poem "Mending Wall" is fundamentally about boundaries, the effort it takes to keep them up, and how they influence how people interact with one another.

Learn more about Mending Wall refer to ;



Who was Adam Smith and what was his philosophy?


Since Adam Smith held that wealth is created via labor and that people use their resources to make money out of self-interest, his writings still have an impact on economics today. Smith's beliefs, according to which a free market, capitalism, and competition promote economic growth, are still relevant in the twenty-first century.

What is economics?

The term Economics is the study of scarcity and its inferences for the use of resources, manufacture of goods and services, growth of production and welfare over time, and a great diverseness of other complex issues of vital concern to society.

Adam Smith was one of the first thinkers of his era to assert that money is produced via labor that is productive and that individuals are driven by self-interest to make the most use of their resources. He believed that capital investments generated profits, and that capital is allocated where the greatest profits may be realized.

Therefore, Competition, which fosters economic growth, is still important today.

Learn more about economics here:



In classical conditioning, the loss of responding that results from the repeated presentation of a conditioned stimulus without an unconditioned stimulus is referred to as:a. spontaneous recoveryb. conditioned inhibitionc. extinctiond. second-order conditioning



extinction is the correct answer.m


1. A real estate sales agent may be employed by:


A real estate sales professional may be employed by their broker. A real estate professional must act for a hiring broker; they are not permitted to act alone.

Who is Broker?

A broker is a person or business that stands between a potential investor and a finance sector. Individual investors and trader require the services of trade members since securities exchanges typically accept orders from people or companies who are membership of that exchange. Brokers provide that service and can receive money in a number of ways, including as profits, fees, or cash directly from the exchange.To assist investors in deciding which broker is appropriate for them, Investopedia routinely examines all of the major brokers and keeps a list of the top trading platforms and trading platforms.

Learn more about Broker here:



What are the 3 components of a policy?


Policies include parts or components that deal with particular problems. Standard components of policy are those deemed necessary by custom and practice to communicate the authority and purpose of the policy.

The 3 components of a policy:

Context A policy or procedure's context provides background knowledge about the company and its overarching goals and objectives. ...Purpose The justification behind a policy or procedure's creation is its purpose.Benefits A policy or procedure's benefits list the advantages of adhering to it.

To learn more about components of policy please click onbelowlink



Why did the Gulliver shout so loudly?


Gulliver can see another creature in the field. There are seven other giants laboring in the fields with him as farmers. They appear to Gulliver as monsters, which leads him to get scared and yell.

Who was Gulliver?

Jonathan Swift's novel Gulliver's Travels, published in 1726, features a fictional Lemuel Gulliver as both the main character and the narrator.

The Gulliver family, however, is believed to have originated in Oxfordshire.

In Swift's book, Gulliver is reported to have been born around 1661 in Nottinghamshire, where his father owned a modest estate.

Another monster is visible to Gulliver in the field.

He is a farmer, and there are seven other giants like him who are also working in the fields. Gulliver perceives them as monsters, which causes him to get alarmed and shout.

Therefore, Gulliver can see another creature in the field. There are seven other giants laboring in the fields with him as farmers. They appear to Gulliver as monsters, which leads him to get scared and yell.

Know more about Gulliver here:



sometimes patricia takes comfort in her mother when she is upset; other times, her mother is unable to comfort her no matter what she tries to do. this pattern is indicative of a(n)


Patricia takes comfort in her mother, a person with an ambivalent attachment style who is always on the hunt for affectionate cues.

What is attachment?

They don't trust others very much and work to change that by behaving in extreme ways that could make the other person uncomfortable.

A child who has conflicting sentiments about relationships since they don't understand what love is and are continuously terrified of being left alone as adults.

Therefore, there is no stability in the connection in the ambivalent approach since the parent has the freedom to end their love and dedication at any time.

Learn more about attachments, here:



consumer decision are described by which of the following?

A. levels

B. stages

C. effort exerted

D. all of the above

E. none of the above


Consumer decisions are described by all of the above i.e. levels, stages, and effort exerted. So option d. is correct.

The consumer decision-making process involves the consumers to identify their needs, gather information, evaluate alternatives and then make their buying decision. The consumer behavior may be determined by economic and psychological factors and is influenced by environmental factors like social and cultural values. Consumer decision-making behavior is a complex procedure and involves everything starting from problem recognition to post-purchase activities.

The decision can be complex, comparing, evaluating, selecting as well as purchasing from a variety of products depending upon the opinion of a consumer over a particular product.

Learn more about the consumer decision here:



What is a central democracy?


Democratic centralism is a political philosophy that holds all party members accountable for choices made through voting procedures.

What is Democratic centralism?

Democratic centralism is a political philosophy that holds all party members accountable for choices made through voting procedures. It is primarily linked to Leninism, where the political vanguard of the party—professional revolutionaries—practiced democratic centralism, which entails electing officers and leaders, deciding on policy by open discussion, and firmly implementing it through coordinated action. Democratic socialist and social democratic parties have also engaged in democratic centralism. Academics have questioned whether democratic centralism was actually practiced in the Soviet Union and China, citing violent power struggles, cunning political ploys, old animosities, and the politics of personal prestige under such regimes.

To know more about Democracy visit: brainly.com/question/17627950


an instructor is teaching a class about vasodilators and their action for alleviating heart failure. the instructor determines that the class has understood the material when they identify what as being involved?


The instructor determines that the class understood the material when they identify reducing afterload was being involved.

How do vasodilators help heart failure patients?

Vasodilators are frequently used in conjunction with diuretics to treat acute heart failure (HF), particularly when high blood pressure is also present (BP). Vasodilator therapy's primary goal is to lower systemic vascular resistance in an effort to remove an obstruction to forward cardiac flow.

Hydralazine primarily reduces afterload in the left ventricle due to its role as a systemic vasodilator, with only a minor impact on preload or ventricular diastolic filling pressure.

Therefore, Hydralazine boosts cardiac output while lowering systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance.

Learn more about vasodilators from the given link.



maturation refers to group of answer choices a) the acquisition of socially acceptable behaviors. b) biological growth processes that are relatively uninfluenced by experience. c) any learned behavior patterns that accompany personal growth and development. d) the physical and sexual development of childhood


Maturation is defined as the physical and sexual development of childhood, as well as the biological growth processes that occur as a child matures.

Exploring the Process of Maturation: Physical, Sexual, and Psychological Development

It is distinct from learning, which involves the acquisition of socially acceptable behaviors and any learned behavior patterns that accompany personal growth and development.

Maturation may also refer to the psychological and emotional development of a person, which is often marked by an increased capacity for abstract thought, problem solving, and social interaction.

Learn more about personal growth at: https://brainly.com/question/1358666


What are the 5 values of Latino culture?



Traditional Latino values include familism, respect, religion, and traditional gender roles, whereas mainstream values include independence/self-reliance, competition/personal accomplishment, and so on.


What are the two types of public property?


Any property within the boundaries of that is used for rights of way or any other purpose and is owned by or irrevocably offered for dedication to the federal government.

the state, the city, the county, or any other public agency is considered public property; however, any property leased by a public agency to a private entity and subject to taxation under Section of the Act is taxed and classified in accordance with its use. Public Property includes all public property that is within the institution's reasonably contiguous geographic area, such as a sidewalk, a street, other thoroughfare, or parking facility, and is adjacent to a facility owned or controlled by the institution if the facility is used in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution's educational purposes.

To learn more about types of public property here:



In most non-Western developing cultures, ____ is the most important determinant of adult status.
A. completing college
B. marriage
C. getting a job
D.having a child


In most non-Western developing cultures, marriage is the most important determinant of adult status.

Hence, the correct option is B. i.e., marriage

Families are vital to a person's growth. Human children need a lot of time to learn not just how to become useful adults but also how to navigate the complexities of the society they are raised in. It is not unexpected that all communities have some type of family, at the very least consisting of a parent (or guardian) and at least one kid, given the significance of culture to human life.

Since marriage is a common practise in almost all civilizations, a marriage partner is often a member of the core family. Marriage is sometimes described as a socially sanctioned sexual and financial union that carries with it privileges and duties for the married couple and any children they may have.

Learn more about the western culture:




Which describes the corrupt bargain of 1824?

(Select only one answer)

A. Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams were candidates in a runoff election to determine the next president.

B. Andrew Jackson allowed John Quincy Adams to be the next president in exchange for being named secretary of state.

C. Although John Quincy Adams did not win the most votes, the House of Representatives voted him president.

D. After a vote recount uncovered errors, the House of Representatives chose Andrew Jackson as president.



The correct answer is C. Although John Quincy Adams did not win the most votes, the House of Representatives voted him president.

The corrupt bargain of 1824 refers to the outcome of the presidential election of 1824, in which four candidates were vying for the office. Andrew Jackson received the most votes, but did not win a majority of the electoral vote, which meant that the decision was left to the House of Representatives. In the end, the House voted to make John Quincy Adams the next president, despite the fact that he had received fewer votes than Jackson. It was later discovered that Adams had struck a deal with Henry Clay, the Speaker of the House, in which Clay agreed to support Adams in exchange for being named secretary of state. This sparked accusations that Adams had "stolen" the presidency through a corrupt bargain, and contributed to the bitter political rivalry between Jackson and Adams.

An essential function for a bank is to:


An essential function for a bank is to create money by lending money to various customers and organisations.

A bank is a type of financial institution that offers loans, develops demand deposits from public deposits, and takes deposits from the general public. The bank can carry out lending operations directly or indirectly via capital markets. Most jurisdictions regulate banks heavily because they are crucial to both the financial stability and the economy of a nation. A system known as fractional reserve banking, in which banks keep liquid assets equivalent to only a portion of their current liabilities, has been institutionalized in the majority of nations. Banks are typically required to maintain a certain level of capital based on the Basel Accords, an international set of capital rules, in addition to additional regulations aimed at ensuring liquidity.

Learn more about bank here:



Which Of The Following Is No Longer Used As A Therapeutic Technique When Treating Mental Disorders? Question (2024)
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