Write A 4-5 Paragraph About How The Poem "super Man And Me And Citizen Illegal About How They Are Both (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

The poem "Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie and "Resident Unlawful" by José Olivarez both investigate the theme of imperceptibility and minimization in various settings.

Alexie's sonnet is about his experience as a Native American boy who figured out how to peruse and compose regardless of the low assumptions and generalizations that encompassed him. Olivarez's sonnet is about his way of life as a Mexican American who faces segregation and bias in the general public that marks him as unlawful or an outsider. The two sonnets show how the speakers overcome their intangibility and state their voices through language and schooling.

In "Superman and Me", Alexie utilizes the metaphor of Superman separating the way to depict how he separated the hindrances that kept him from getting to education and information. According to he, "I can't remember which specific Superman comic book I read, nor might I at any point remember which bad guy he battled in that issue. I can't remember the plot, nor how I acquired the comic book. What I can remember is this: I was 3 years of age, a Spokane Indian boy living with his family on the Spokane Indian Reservation in eastern Washington state. We were poor by most standards, yet one of my folks normally figured out how to secure some lowest pay permitted by law position or another, which made us working class by reservation standards. I had a sibling and three sisters. We lived on a mix of unpredictable checks, trust, dread, and government overflow food" (lines 1-9).

to know more about metaphors click here:



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royce will be including pathos in his persuasive speech. pathos is an emotional appeal. group of answer choices true false


The given statement, Royce will be including pathos in his persuasive speech. Pathos is an emotional appeal is true because Pathos is an emotional appeal that appeals to the reader's emotions.

It is an appeal to the audience's sense of sympathy, empathy, anger, or anything else that will allow them to be emotionally invested in the work. Pathos appeals to people's basic human emotions to convince them to do something. Pathos (appeal to emotions) is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by evoking their emotions.

Emotional appeals work well in a variety of situations, from advertising to political speeches, and can be particularly helpful in persuasive writing. In general, emotional appeals are more effective when they are paired with other methods of persuasion, such as logical appeals (logos) or credibility appeals (ethos).In conclusion, it is evident that Royce will be including pathos in his persuasive speech, and Pathos is an emotional appeal.

know more about persuasive speech here



While conducting research on a novel anticoagulant, clients are randomly assigned to a control group and treatment groups. The experimental drug is given to the treatment group and the standard anticoagulant drug is given to the control group. The researchers measured the outcomes in both groups and concluded that the novel anticoagulant drug has a better outcome when compared to the standard drug. Which quantitative method does this belongs to?
1.Evaluation research
2.Experimental research
3.Correlational research
4.Non-experimental research


The quantitative method that the research on a novel anticoagulant belongs to is Experimental research.

Here, correct option is 2.

Experimental research is a type of quantitative research method that involves manipulating an independent variable to measure its effect on a dependent variable. The random allocation of study participants to either the treatment or control groups is a critical aspect of experimental research.

Experimental research is a research design that can be used to investigate cause-and-effect relationships between variables. In this case, the researchers manipulated the use of two anticoagulants (the novel anticoagulant and the standard anticoagulant) to see which one had a better outcome.

The use of a control group in the experiment allows the researchers to compare the results obtained from the treatment group to those obtained from the control group, as well as to identify any possible confounding variables that may have influenced the results.

Therefore, correct option is 2.

know more about novel here



Is this a hyperbole or a paradox. I must be cruel, only to be kind: Thus bad begins and worse remains behind. —William Shakespeare, Hamlet


Answer: its a paradox


a hyperbole is an exaggerated statement

a paradox is something contradictory, but upon further inspection, you can find a deeper meaning in it

identify both the word ending and mnemonic group for the word avail. what is the correct word ending for avail? able which mnemonic group does it belong to?


The word "avail" has the correct word ending of "-able" and belongs to the mnemonic group of "-able" words.

A mnemonic group is a collection of words that have the same or similar endings and sound alike, such as words ending with "-able", "-ible", and "-ible". The "-able" word ending indicates that the word is a verb that is capable of being done or achieved, such as "approvable" and "endurable". For example, the word "avail" means "to be of use or advantage". Therefore, the word ending "-able" is the correct word ending for the word "avail".

To remember the "-able" word ending, you can use the mnemonic "Able, Ible, and Uble". This mnemonic is used to remember that words ending with "-able", "-ible", and "-uble" indicate the words are capable of being done or achieved. Additionally, words ending in "-ible" and "-uble" often end with the same letters, making them easier to remember.
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how is it implied that gatsby gains his wealth? how is his wealth different from other wealthy elites in the film?


Gatsby made his fortune as a bootlegger, selling illegal alcohol during Prohibition. His wealth is different from elites since it is not inherited.

This is how Gatsby's wealth is implied in the novel "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The distinction between Gatsby's wealth and the wealth of the other wealthy elites in this novel is that his wealth is not inherited.

Jay Gatsby is the protagonist in the novel, which is set in the Roaring Twenties. Gatsby is a self-made man who comes from a humble background and rises to become one of the wealthiest people on Long Island's Gold Coast.

The Buchanans and Tom, are all rich, but their wealth comes from family money that has been passed down through generations. As a result, Gatsby is not seen as an equal by those in the old-money society; they view him as a nobody who has acquired his money through illegal activities.

In contrast, Gatsby's wealth is a product of his ambition and hard work, allowing him to live the life he wants and pursue his dream of being reunited with Daisy.

Learn more about Gatsby: https://brainly.com/question/16187787


chapter 8 sharing a personal experience is an effective type of supporting material, especially for esl speakers. true or false


This is True. Sharing personal experiences is an excellent way to make a connection with your audience, whether you are a first-time speaker or a seasoned presenter.

Because sharing your personal experiences demonstrates that you are trustworthy and honest, this can be particularly beneficial for ESL speakers.ESL speakers have a unique viewpoint because they have had to learn a new language and adapt to a new culture, which is why sharing personal stories is particularly effective.

People are always interested in learning about different experiences, and ESL speakers have a wealth of them to share, which can make for interesting and informative speeches.Sharing personal experiences is an excellent way to make a connection with your audience, whether you are a first-time speaker or a seasoned presenter.

Learn more about personal experience here:https://brainly.com/question/27579501


the correct form of the verb coming with them. (Change into direct speech) e but he can play good cricket. (into affirmative senter to him 0 Let's drink tea, ? (a question tag mative nonton​


Here are the revised sentences:

The Revised Sentences

The direct speech of "the correct form of the verb coming with them":

"What is the correct form of the verb that comes with them?" asked the speaker.

Affirmative sentence of "but he cannot play good cricket":

"He can't play good cricket," said the speaker.

Question tag of "Let's drink tea":

"Let's drink tea, shall we?"

In the first sentence, the task was to change the given sentence from indirect speech to direct speech. Indirect speech refers to reporting what someone said without using their exact words. Direct speech, on the other hand, involves reporting the exact words that were spoken

Read more about verbs here:



-You are tasked to write a headline and an intro to your feature article.
-1-2 paragraphs.
-TOPIC: Hotspot tambayan at Grace of Shekinah School (GSS)

PS. Tambayan; (Accacia [an open area with a lots of trees], Yellow Cement [an open area field], Gymmnasium, School Cafeteria, Library etc.)

This is an example of a feature article:



Headline: Uncovering the Hottest Tambayan at Grace of Shekinah School (GSS)

Intro: Grace of Shekinah School (GSS) is known for its academic excellence, but there's more to the school than just textbooks and exams. It's also a place where students can bond and have fun with their peers in various tambayans or hangout spots. Among these tambayans, there's one that stands out as the hottest spot for students - an open area with a lot of trees, also known as the "Accacia". In this feature, we'll take a closer look at the Accacia and why it has become the go-to spot for students to chill, relax, and unwind after a long day of studying.

of a verb shows the way in which a thought or idea is expressed


A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.

What is a verb expressing an action?

An action verb is a verb that expresses mental or physical action. The action verb tells what the subject of the sentence is doing. There are two types of action verbs, transitive and intransitive. Along with action verbs there are different types of verbs such as linking and auxiliary verbs.

What are verbs used to express ?

Verbs are words that express action or state of being. There are three types of verbs: action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs. Action verbs are words that express action (give, eat, walk, etc.) or possession (have, own, etc.). Action verbs can be either transitive or intransitive.

To know more about Verbs visit :-



what is the purpose of including the story about the blacksmith? what is he trying to show us about the way of life? explain in 1-2 sentences (minimum).


The purpose of including the story about the blacksmith is to illustrate the importance of skilled trade in a traditional way of life. It shows us that blacksmithing is a vital part of the way of life in the community and that the skills passed down from generation to generation are invaluable.

What is the significance of the story about the blacksmith?

The story about the blacksmith is significant because it sheds light on the importance of skilled labor in a traditional way of life. It emphasizes that blacksmithing is an integral part of the community's way of life and that the skills passed down from generation to generation are invaluable.

Furthermore, the story of the blacksmith serves as a reminder that the artisanal trades are often overshadowed by more modern, industrialized forms of labor, which can have a detrimental effect on traditional communities.

Overall, the story of the blacksmith highlights the value of craftsmanship and skilled labor and the importance of preserving traditional ways of life.

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C. rewrite the following sentences into passive. (20 marks) 1. He hit the ball. 2. Someone knocked on the door. 3. John killed the snake. 4. Peter is preparing the exam at the moment. 5. I am going to pick up my sister from school. 6. He had delivered the letters. 7. She must clean the house. 8. The manager will issue you to the tickets. 9. They saw the storm approaching. 10. Scientists have used chimps to study infectious diseases.​


When a verb's subject performs the verb, it is said to have an active voice.These below senteces are active voice.

What is a passive voice?

The grammatical subject of the clause receives the action of the verb in a passive voice form.

the passive voice structure will be:

[subject]+[verb form]+[past participle of a transitive verb]+[optional prepositional phrase]


1.He hit the ball - Ball was hit by him.

2.Someone knocked on the door. - The door was knocked by someone.

3 John killed the snake - The snake was killed by John.

4.Peter is preparing the exam at the moment -Exam is being prepared by peter at that moment

5.I am going to pickup my sister from school - My sister is going to be picked by me from school.

6. He had delivered the letters.- Letters have been delivered by him.

7.She must clean the house- The house must be cleaned by her.

8.The manager will issue you to the tickets.- You will be issued to the tickets by the manger.

9.They saw the storm approaching.- The approaching storm was seen by them.

10. Scientists have used chimps to study infectious diseases.​ - Chimps are used to study infectious diseases by the scientists

To know more about active voice visit:



in the yellow wallpaper what is the relationship with john and the power dynamics at play. how do they treat each other? what does the ending say about john's perceptions of his wife?


Answer: What is the relationship like between John and the narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper?

In the beginning of the story, the narrator has a very loving and appreciative view of John. She says how he is always so thoughtful to her and how he loves her and wants her to get better: “He is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction” (Gilman 320) and also “Dear John!


i hope this helps

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After completing your first draft, you will check the message for clarity, conciseness, tone, and readability.
- Evaluating
- Editing


After completing your first draft, you will check the message for clarity, conciseness, tone, and readability. The process of checking the message for clarity, conciseness, tone, and readability is called editing.

Editing refers to the process of examining a document for accuracy and consistency in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and formatting. Editing involves checking for clarity, conciseness, tone, and readability. Clarity refers to the ability of the message to be understood. Conciseness refers to the message's succinctness and brevity.

Tone refers to the message's attitude, and readability refers to the ease of reading and understanding the message. Once you've completed the first draft, editing is crucial. It will assist you in improving the message's clarity, conciseness, tone, and readability, as well as ensuring that it communicates effectively to the intended audience.

You can learn more about Editing at: brainly.com/question/20535753


2. What inferences can you make about the significance of Frankenstein's dream in Chapter 5? What might it
suggest about the doctor's state of mind? How might it connect to one or more themes explored in the


We can infer Frankenstein's dream indicates an unstable and guilty state of mind, and it connects to the themes of ambition and dangers of playing God.

What is Frankenstein's dream?

In his dream in Chapter 5 of the novel by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein sees the creature he has created come to life and reach out to him with a look of horror and disgust. The dream unsettles Frankenstein, and he is filled with a sense of dread and foreboding. The dream can be seen as a manifestation of his guilt and fear about the consequences of his actions in creating the monster. He is tormented by the realization that he has created something that he cannot control and that has the potential to cause great harm.

The dream also suggests that Frankenstein is in a highly emotional and unstable state of mind. He is consumed by his obsession with his creation, and the dream is a reflection of the turmoil and anxiety that this obsession is causing him. This state of mind connects to several themes explored in the novel, including the dangers of unchecked ambition, the consequences of playing God, and the cost of scientific progress.

Additionally, the dream can be seen as a foreshadowing of the tragic events that are to come. It is a warning of the horrors that Frankenstein's creation will unleash upon the world, and it serves as a premonition of the suffering and tragedy that will result from his actions.

Learn more about "Frankenstein" here:



I say that every prince ought to desire to be considered clement and not cruel. nevertheless he ought to take care not to misuse this clemency. cesare borgia was considered cruel; notwithstanding, his cruelty reconciled the romagna, unified it, and restored it to peace and loyalty. and if this be rightly considered, he will be seen to have been much more merciful than the florentine people, who, to avoid a reputation for cruelty, permitted pistoia to be destroyed. therefore a prince, so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal, ought not to mind the reproach of cruelty; because with a few examples he will be more merciful than those who, through too much mercy, allow disorders to arise, from which follow murders or robberies; for these are wont to injure the whole people, whilst those executions which originate with a prince offend the individual only. –the prince, niccolò machiavelli machiavelli’s claim in the passage is that leaders must___. machiavelli’s evidence includes____.


Machiavelli’s claim in the passage is that leaders must find a balance between kindness and cruelty.

Machiavelli’s evidence includes Historical example.

During the Renaissance, Niccol di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, an Italian diplomat, writer, philosopher, and historian, flourished. The Prince, a political treatise he wrote around 1513 but didn't print until 1532, is the work for which he is best remembered.

Philosopher from Florence in the 16th century, Machiavelli is best known for his political theories. The Prince and the Discourses on Livy, his two most well-known philosophical works, were released after his passing.

To Know more about this Passage , Click here:



In context which of the following is the best way to revise and combine sentences 13 and 14


The best way to revise and combine sentences 13 and 14 is this: After democratic rule was established in the 1990s, more steps were taken to strengthen Gurarani.

How to revise a sentence

To revise a sentence in a way that makes sense, we can use conjunctions and symbols to bring closely related ideas together. In the question, we can see two loose sentences that had to be coined together to make a better meaning.

The best way to achieve this will be by using a preposition to show that an event transpired after an initial one occurred. So, the selected sentence is the best revision.

Learn more about sentence revision here:



In "Excerpt from Printer's Ink,” how are the main ideas organized in the article? Use two details
from the article to support your response. By Jerry Miller


When reviewing their analysis, the author can pinpoint the major ideas and arguments that were made. Students can then make a brief summary that connects the various elements of the article using these points as a guide.

How are the major points of the essay organized in "Excerpt from Printer's Ink"?

As it says: "From a child I was fond of Reading," the attribute that is highlighted is that Ben was a persistent, hard-working young guy. "I always put out in books the little money that came into my hands," the author said. The author claims in paragraph two that although Ben didn't enjoy working at his father's soap and candle store, it taught him the value of putting in a lot of effort. According to sentence four, Mr. Franklin assigned Ben to work with his older brother James, who ran a print business, for a period of time. James frequently treated his younger brother harshly, but Ben liked working in the printing industry.

To know more about " Excerpt from Printer's Ink" visit:



what is a significant line that is repeated throughout trifles and is eventually in the actual last line of the play?


In the play Trifles, the significant line that is repeated throughout and is eventually in the actual last line of the play is "Well, women are used to worrying over trifles." Trifles is a play written by Susan Glaspell. The play has a theme about gender roles in society, as well as the issue of abuse towards women.

The play revolves around the murder of John Wright, and the investigation that takes place in his home by a group of men and women. The play's title, Trifles, is significant in itself as it refers to the concept of trivial things that women are often dismissed for caring about.

The play is full of symbolism and the characters' attitudes towards gender and life in general can be seen through their interactions and dialogue throughout the play.

The repeated line "Well, women are used to worrying over trifles" is significant in the play because it highlights the importance of the small things that women notice and take into consideration, even if men do not.

This line is first mentioned by the character Mrs. Hale, who tells the County Attorney that the women who have come to the Wright's house notice "trifles" that men do not. This line is repeated throughout the play, and is eventually mentioned in the last line by Mrs. Hale again.

The final line of the play is "We call it—knot it, Mr. Henderson." "Well, women are used to worrying over trifles," says Mrs. Hale. This line reinforces the idea that women's observations are important and should be taken seriously, despite the fact that they are often dismissed by men.

To know more about Trifles refer to-


what should your next steps be? check all that apply. brainstorm for ideas. evaluate your message. conduct any necessary research. jot down reasons that explain the bad news


The next steps one should take after receiving bad news are to brainstorm ideas, evaluate your message, conduct any necessary research, and jot down reasons that explain the bad news. These steps will help you to respond appropriately and effectively to the situation.

The next steps you should take are to:

1. Brainstorm ideas: Consider different approaches to address the situation and find potential solutions.
2. Evaluate your message: Assess the clarity and effectiveness of your message, ensuring it is both professional and friendly.
3. Conduct any necessary research: Gather information to support your answer and make it factually accurate.
4. Jot down reasons that explain the bad news: Describe the circ*mstances that led to the negative outcome, offering a concise and clear explanation.

You can learn more about research at: brainly.com/question/18723483


Which sentence correctly uses punctuation to separate coordinating adjectives?



the answer is




in the book kindred by octavia bulter how do dana and kevin experience their time in the past differently? for, example, when they witness a group of slave children acting out the scene of a slave auction, how do each of them react? what does this reveal about their characters?


Dana initially appears to have a harder time adjusting to life in the past, as she is black and must deal with the additional pressure of being a slave. Kevin, on the other hand, is white, so he does not have to deal with the same level of racial discrimination that Dana does.

Dana is visibly disturbed by the scene, and her reaction is to physically attack the white man playing the auctioneer. Kevin remains calm and rational, recognizing that they are in a different time and that this is the way things were done at the time. This event reveals that Dana is a very strong-willed and impulsive person, while Kevin is more measured and reasonable.

Dana and Kevin's experiences in the past differ significantly. Dana initially appears to have a harder time adjusting to life in the past, as she is black and must deal with the additional pressure of being a slave. Kevin, on the other hand, is white, so he does not have to deal with the same level of racial discrimination that Dana does, which makes him appear to adapt more easily to life in the past.

In the book Kindred by Octavia Butler, when Dana and Kevin witness a group of slave children acting out the scene of a slave auction, Dana is visibly disturbed by the scene, and her reaction is to physically attack the white man playing the auctioneer.

In contrast, Kevin remains calm and rational, recognizing that they are in a different time and that this is the way things were done at the time. This event reveals that Dana is a very strong-willed and impulsive person, while Kevin is more measured and reasonable. Furthermore, it demonstrates how differently they have adapted to their new surroundings.

In conclusion, the novel Kindred by Octavia Butler provides an insightful look at how two people can experience the same event differently based on their backgrounds, experiences, and personalities. The scene in which Dana and Kevin witness the slave auction is just one example of how they experience the past differently.

For more such questions on racial discrimination, click on:




Chapters 1- 6 of the Time Traveller

List at least three positive character traits of the Time Traveller using textual support as evidence.

List at least three negative character traits of the Time Traveller and supply textual evidence to support each attribute.

Provide a physical description of the Time Traveller: include the first night the Time Traveller met with the group of men, and the night the Time Traveller was late for dinner.

2. The Medical Man in the novel, the Time Machine

Provide all this information for the character listed above:

* The name of the character (if it can be discerned from the text; most can), as well as his occupation

* A labelled picture of the character based on the physical description given in the text (labels should contain page numbers as evidence)

* At least two positive character traits with supporting evidence and corresponding page numbers for each

* At least two negative character traits with supporting evidence and corresponding page numbers for each

* Speculations as to why this particular person was invited to the dinner party by the Time Traveller.


Even though he doesn't deliver the narration, the Time Traveler is the main character in The Time Machine. He is a well-known but eccentric British scientist who builds a time machine to journey into the future because he is fascinated by time travel.

What qualities, despite his shortcomings, provide the Time Traveler sympathetic qualities in the story?

The Time Traveler is a sympathetic character despite his weaknesses. He is the primary character, therefore it only makes sense that the reader would feel sorry for him. As his dinner guests pay close attention, he talks about the relationship between space and time, displaying his seeming intellect.

What does the Time Machine character look like?

A scientist who is knowledgeable and perceptive. Like Wells, he is definitely a Darwinist who is well-versed in the theories of the day, and many of his thoughts about the Britain of his day can be found in his writings.

Why did The Time Traveler set out on his initial journey across time?

The Time Traveler is primarily driven by scientific curiosity and a desire to learn more about the world. As an illustration, after escaping the Morlocks, he resolves to go into the future to witness how the world would end.

Learn more about The Time Machine: https://brainly.com/question/27973693


Before Jack Johnson read "fahrenheit 451" in English
class, he thought the book was about a very hot day. find correct way to wrote sentence


The correct way to write the sentence is Before reading "Fahrenheit 451" in his English class, Jack Johnson thought the book was about a very hot day.

What is a sentence?
A sentence is a grammatically complete group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea. It typically contains a subject and a predicate, and it can be either a statement, a question, a command, or an exclamation. Sentences are the basic building blocks of written and spoken communication, and they are used to convey information, express opinions, make requests, ask questions, tell stories, and much more.

The corrected sentence is: "Before reading "Fahrenheit 451" in his English class, Jack Johnson believed that the book was about a very hot day."

This sentence corrects the placement of the prepositional phrase "in his English class" to modify "reading" rather than "Fahrenheit 451." Additionally, "believed" is used instead of "thought" to indicate a past belief that was later corrected.

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did the witches' prophecies awaken macbeth's hunger for power? or does he agree to kill duncan because he is unable to resist his ambitious wife's persistent urging?


Yes, Macbeth's hunger for power was awakened by the witches' prophecies.

Macbeth was tempted and then driven by his ambition to act according to the witches' predictions. It is not as a result of his wife's persistent urging that he decides to kill Duncan. Instead, Lady Macbeth recognizes Macbeth's flaws and calls on him to suppress them in order to achieve their mutual ambition. The three witches predict that Macbeth would become King of Scotland and that his good friend Banquo's offspring would also reign as kings.

This prophecy is tempting to Macbeth because it appeals to his ambition. After Macbeth's meeting with the witches, he is consumed by the thought of becoming king and is willing to do whatever it takes to make that prediction come true. Macbeth decides to assassinate King Duncan in order to get closer to the crown, motivated by his greed for power.

Lady Macbeth, on the other hand, identifies her husband's indecisiveness and prods him to act swiftly and violently in order to realize their shared ambition. She encourages him by questioning his manhood, and this is the driving force behind Macbeth's decision to murder King Duncan.

know more about witches here



which of the following subjects will be compared in the rest of the passage? historical transportation forms and modern transportation forms the concept of luxury items and the concept of necessity items a minimum driving age of sixteen and a minimum driving age of eighteen early automobiles and modern automobiles


The subjects that will be compared in the rest of the passage are early automobiles and modern automobiles. A comparison is a literary device that compares two or more things to demonstrate their similarities.

Literary devices include comparisons to explain, improve, and clarify the meanings of various topics. There are two types of comparisons: Similes and Metaphors, which are used in poetry and prose. A simile is a comparison that utilizes "as" or "like" to compare one thing to another.

Example: The life of a human is like a novel. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things directly by stating that one is the other.Example: The life of a human is a novel.In this particular passage, the two things that are being compared are early automobiles and modern automobiles. This can be seen in the following sentence:"Cars today have new features and improvements compared to earlier automobiles."Thus, the correct answer is: early automobiles and modern automobiles.

To know more about literary device refer to-



change the italicized sentence into the sentence element indicated in parentheses. then write the complete new sentence in the paragraph box below. the group was headed by a senior. it drew up rules for school spirit week. (past participial phrase)


"Headed by a senior," the group drew up rules for school spirit week.

New sentence: Headed by a senior, the group drew up rules for school spirit week.

In the given prompt, the sentence "The group was headed by a senior. It drew up rules for school spirit week" is given, and we are asked to change the italicized sentence into the sentence element indicated in parentheses, which is "past participial phrase."

A past participial phrase is a verb form that functions as an adjective in a sentence. It is created by using the past participle of a verb, typically ending in "-ed" or "-en", and it describes or provides more information about a noun or pronoun in the sentence.

To revise the sentence using a past participial phrase, we can start the sentence with "headed by a senior," which is the past participle form of the verb "head." Then, we can continue with the rest of the sentence to make a complete thought. The result is the new sentence: "Headed by a senior, the group drew up rules for school spirit week." This new sentence uses the past participial phrase "headed by a senior" to modify and provide additional information about the group, and it combines the two sentences into one coherent thought.

To get a similar answer on sentences :



true or false: you should not make your summary personalized. it should be strictly professional, in third-person, and in bullet-point form.


The given statement, you should not make your summary personalized. it should be strictly professional, in third-person, and in bullet-point form is true, because A professional summary is a brief paragraph or bullet-point section at the top of your resume that summarizes your abilities, achievements, and skill set.

It's also known as a career summary, job summary, or personal profile in certain contexts. A professional summary is a way to highlight your most important qualifications and make a strong first impression with potential employers. If written properly, it may help you get a job interview. A professional summary should be brief, succinct, and tailored to the job you're applying for.

A professional summary should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of three to four sentences or bullet points. The following should be included in a professional summary: Job Title and Years of Experience Skills that are transferable and relevant to the position.

know more about achievements here



Complete question is :

you should not make your summary personalized. it should be strictly professional, in third-person, and in bullet-point form. Explain the statement is True or False.

Read the following excerpt from The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain. Then, answer the question that follows.

Before him, at a little distance, reclined a very large man, with a wide, pulpy face, and a stern expression. His large head was very grey; and his whiskers, which he wore only around his face, like a frame, were grey also.

What is the best explanation of the purpose of the figurative language in this passage?

It helps to develop the plot.
It helps to develop the character.
It helps to develop the setting.
It helps to develop the theme.



i think its a sorry bro

Explanation: not sure




the passage or short story includes talking about the charateristics of this man in the short story for hence its B

what kind of poem reading does the following represent? the poem is written in two stanzas of iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of aaa bbb. figurative reading literal reading analytical reading symbolic reading


The kind of poem reading that is represented by a poem written in two stanzas of iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of aaa bbb is analytical reading. Analytical reading is a type of poem reading that focuses on analyzing and interpreting the poem's meaning by examining the author's use of language, imagery, and other literary devices.

This type of reading requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the poem's structure and form. The poem's structure, i.e., two stanzas of iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of aaa bbb, indicates a specific pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables and a consistent rhyming pattern.

Analytical reading would involve examining how the poem's structure contributes to its overall meaning and message, as well as how the poet uses language and imagery to convey that message.

To know more about Analytical reading refer to


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.